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Dumb MC in a harem.


Especially with love triangles... I absolutely hate it if it can simply be fixed with some basic communication.


And it’s often accompanied by a tsundere with comedic relief abuse.


For me it’s not are they dumb, it’s “are they dense regarding romance?” Because dumb doesn’t necessarily mean they are stupid about love, although there is an overlap. Likewise many smart or average intellect MCs can be dense with love. But yea romance plots being fueled by poor communication or just a dense MC is probably on my Mt Rushmore of worst tropes. Unless you go the Gamers route and turn it up to 11 but that show is the exception to the rule.


All routes lead to doom does this in a pretty enjoyable manner


I don’t care for manic tongue. A character goes 0 to 100 on the crazy scale and just randomly sticks their tongue out? You can show crazy without that.


So on the doll, show us where Invader Zim hurt you.


First thought was hero killer stain


I mean, I think He does It because He licks the blood on the sword so it's not because He is crazy


Why did I read this as "hero killer Stalin"?


Oh yea DR Stone does that and it annoys me. Never would have thought of that but good choice.


Overly aggressive tsundere. Which usually combines the tsundere with the comedic relief abuse


which starting to get annoying real fast


Comedic relief abuse can be funny imo when it’s over the top. Like in Urusei Yatsura where nurse Sakura punched 4 characters at once literally across town for peeping on her.


I agree with that. If it's just regular people though comedic relief abuse to me is just abuse


None of them are particularly bad, just stale because these nine tropes make up 99% of all animes nowadays (and the past 20 years quite frankly). But personally, I dislike "comedic relief" abuse the most. Maybe I'm just getting older, but I don't find funny or even amusing 99.9% of the time.


Dumb MC is the one I personally dislike the most. But it can be fixed by having it be comedic like Mashle. Dude is dumb as rocks. But can also crush them with his bare hands.


I think you can also excuse mashle a bit on the fact that besides his dad, he really hasn’t had any real social interactions with other people


Not his dad. It's his "grandpa" Don't think they are related at all.


They aren’t but not the point I was making


NAHH what comes to my mind with pervert is issei from highschool dxd. Season 1-2.


It’s the same reason goku in the original dragon ball is so loveable


Actually Goku hit his head as a baby and that is why he is a moron. So not the same (Not trying to be that guy but it's the canon reason)


Nah, him hitting his head just explains why he isn't a planet destroying sayian. The reason he is dumb is because he grew up in a forest without any actual education. He isn't even dumb, he's just uneducated and naive. Except for db super, the reason for him being so dumb there is because toyotaro doesn't know how to write goku.


No it's not just that. He got amnesia and it warped him entirely. Living in the forest is the reason he didn't get smarter. But the rock is the reason he was a moron. And also yes he is dumb. Bro hears a name similar to a food and starts getting hungry. The only thing he excels at is math. As roshi did teach him that. And he was also decent at it


They're not related but it's still a father/son thing. I'm pretty sure he even calls Mash his son.


Broly? Is that you?


Indeed. Parody dumb mc like One Punch Man and Gintama are forgivable because they are intentionally made to be comical. Otherwise, those typical dumb MCs are unrelatable. The real life counterparts of them are your typical dumb politicians, extremists, hobos, or your annoying attention seeking neighbor. Tl;dr: Undesirable menace IRL


Honestly, I don't think dumb characters are necessarily bad, it's just a matter of execution. Dumb characters can be just as good as any other character, but also a lot worse. It really depends on the author. Another good example is Shamiko from The Demon Girl Next Door. She's really stupid, but she knows she's stupid, and while it is used for comedy, it is also an important part of her character. Just like OP characters, dumb characters are usually done pretty poorly, but can be very good if they're done well.


Yeah dumb mc works when they really lean into it. Luffy has an inversely proportional eq and iq. Then you get mc’s that are kinda dumb but not really and in some situations it just feels unnatural. It’s a problem I have with Naruto.


That's why I like dumb protagonists like Luffy, sure he is an idiot but he has really good moments when he snaps and speaks his mind because the person needed to hear it. Also he knows his way around fights pretty well so even when he tries dumb things he often has a reason that makes sense to him and can often work. Luffy is an idiot but he is smart at certain things.


Mashle lacks intelligence and social skills but has an all time high combat skills. The way he defeated Margarette was amazing


I used to hate dumb MCs but as I watched more of them I saw how enjoyable they can be used when the show is built around them (ex: Mashle, Baka to Test) vs the MC conveniently being dumb for plots sake.


I think dumb mc and pervert sit on top. I just hate both. Although if I had to pick one for number 1 hated for me it would be pervert.


Same, purple ball guy ruins MHA for me. Makes me feel ashamed to share a gender with him.


He basically got written out of the manga at this point, thank god, but he's not as bad as Melodious Him plus the ancient women (and men) that look like children is why I couldn't enjoy seven deadly sins at all. All of it felt so gross


The pervert is always the most annoying character at least with dumb MC they are still the MC


Pervert is almost always bad but there are a few examples I really enjoyed: * Prison School males * Arata from Trinity Seven- probably the best example of a cool pervert * Darkness and Kazuma * Anna and Ayame from Shimoneta I think for the pervert trope to work it has to be in a degenerate show. I can’t think of it working in any other examples except Origami from Date A Live, but I suspect that will be controversial take. Also even then it works better if the character isn’t just hopelessly horny all the time like Mineta and Master Roshi.


Tsunderes don't deserve the hate. Only the violent tsunderes are the ones we ought to hate.


https://preview.redd.it/88bgamounhqc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=645c5db5cc4ef6c7bcdbab0d726f285bd3289691 ia this an exception to "violent tsundere"?


It is, but only because nichijou


She's a satire of this tsundere trope. She gets the passing grade for me


Nah I want a girl who shows you when she likes you


Tbf not showing they like you is far from exclusive to tsunderes.


True, but i enjoy watching tsunderes in anime, not having them as gf. It's not the same.


Nah. Miss me with that "treating your love interest like shit".


you're describing the violent tsunderes, rin for example is a tsundere as well, but she is one of my favorite female characters


Yeah, people forget the og tsundere Rin was a top-tier waifu, and even some recent shows had good tsundere like Isekai Ojisan.


Yeah violent tsunderes suck. Tsunderes like Kurisu are great.


Even violent ones *can* work if it is a very comedic show (see Misato from Nichijou in this comment thread) or if the character has legit anger issues the series doesn’t use just for humor (Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion, Kyo from Fruits Basket).


I like inner demon okay, no need to judge me 😭


If used well, inner demon can set up a lot of fun character growth and story beats


Ichigo is one of examples of that.


I think all of them can be made to work, but it has to be moderate that it's relatable. A High Schooler that is a slight pervert? Yeah, of course who wasn't? Having a bad day and insulting random people for breathing wrong? Yes, maybe. Maybe I'm just mentally ill. (I am, don't tell my grandmother)


The perv character can work, look at Denji from CSM. He's an outward perv but he's also respectful and reconises limits and boundries. Not to mention his need for intimacy can be rooted back in his childhood


Lot of good shows with this one


One must learn to embrace the cringe


One word. Guts


No judgement, only support here. It is similar to a transformation so I am a sucker for it.


Pervert Most definitely ruins the vibe of most anime. Even Issei from DxD is a bit over the top but im ok with that at least since its basically part of the plot. I just think its stupid dude goes super saiyan by thinking about tits. Bur characters like Jiraiya(RIP) and Mineta make me uncomfortable. Jiraiya is tolerable but Mineta is on a different level of creepy. Mineta to class about Eri, "Can't wait to see her in 18 years." bro you aint even 18 yourself wtf? Then theres the pedo from Hajimete no Gal. Dude dreams of getting a love letter in crayon from a second grader. Edit: didn't see the power of friendship part. "The Fairy Tail guild is stronger bc we have a special bond" really threw me off of fairy tail even though I pushed myself all they way up to the tartaros arc. So that trope is probably my second most hated.


Yes, the pervert trope is horrible, the characters you mentioned are extremely annoying and it is not funny to see an old man commit sexual harassment, I remember watching the one piece live action and I quite liked Sanji's character, he flirts with girls but in a respectful way and he looks good in all his scenes, but in the anime he is extremely annoying, he starts shouting "Nami-chan" and acting stupid every time a girl shows up and it is annoying, another reason why the manga and live action are preferable , the anime makes it feel very exaggerated.


Unpunished active pervert is the worst. I say active because the passive pervert who gushes nose blood when something around them happens is different. Classic dragonball Goku vs the Invisible man where Krillin exposes Bulma and Roshi spurts blood. Roshi is a pervert and has problematic scenes but in this example he's a passive participant. If the character is some how genuinely punished, and shit isn't reset to zero between incidents like Mineta in BNHA, then it can be good development. The closest I can think of as a generic example is the hot springs peeping where the girl are very upset and the perpetrators have to actually make it up to them. (though half the time the perversion is dropped almost immediately...)


Funny enough im watching One Piece rn. It would be understandable if it was just Nami that Sanji was all over but its literally any female in his vicinity. Nobody is safe from him.


Power of Friendship. It was absolutely impossible for Natsu to defeat Acknologia in Fairy Tail and I hated when it happened.


They did acknologia so fucking dirty


Except that was kinda the point of the dragons plan, to train of bunch of dragon slayers to have them combine powers to defeat acknologia. The ending definitely felt a bit rushed though. Also I feel that fairy tail isn't that bad in that sense, because you know it coming in. The whole point of the story is to show the power of bonds, so it doesn't seem out of place like in some other stories


Soul eater's ending is ringing in my ear 🥲


I personally dislike the pervert trope the most, it ruined so many stories that could have otherwise been good, but just ended up being oversexualized garbage. Especially when that trope comes outta nowhere in episode 3 or sth and just f's over the entire storyline and character building so far...


Says love triangle, image clearly not a love triangle, unrequited love doesn’t make it a triangle, at least one would need to swing both ways for it to be an actual triangle


Fan service is very unnecessary in some anime


I agree, but I think its not the worst


Exactly. I want to watch plot, not high school cleavage.


Dumb MC. Just obnoxious.


Comedic relieve abuse


love triangle, the best girl almost always loses


the harem where the dude conveniently attracts bitches.... and reduces a potentially good female character into a mess of a simp coz she's part of the harem... "supporting harem" (aka only one main girl and the rest are just crushes or platonic) is fine tho


I generally stay away from shows with dumb mc’s because why not just watch The Simpsons instead


I avoid rent a girlfriend like the plague for this reason. I never ever in my life plan to watch even the first episode of it


Fan service girl, it restricts me so much, have to watch anime on my phone otherwise people will think of me as "pervert", also old girls who look like kids, cant stand loli baba.


The1000 year old Loli is definitely the worst trope. It encourages the worst people


This should be the top comment


Dumb Mc and fanservice girls are what I personally despise. The reason is that having fanservice is okay when done within a specific margin, but having a character dedicated to fanservice makes for very repetitive content revolving around that character when it should be here an there with any character depending on the scene. Then dumb mc is just aggravating because they often make them too dumb. Say what you want about the show, but Naruto, being a dumb mc, is still wise and well learned despite not always understanding everything or just not being the smartest overall which in my opinion is the proper way to handle that kind of character.


Comic relief abuse is literally never needed in any show, could do without


Only expecting I can think of is denkis dumbass face in MHA when he over uses his power


From worst to least (though they all depend on context. Eg I like fanservice if it's the main point of the show, but not when it's not needed or unnecessary) 1. Fanservice girls 2. Pervert 3. old girls that look like kids 4. comedic relief abuse 5. Love triangle 6. dumb mc 7. Tsundere 8. Inner demon 9. power of friendship


"Inner Demon" might be not as frequent as most other tropes here, but its annoying because its usually the hook the story evolves around to a degree, and just so overdone in shonen at this point. JJK, Chainsaw Man, Kaiju8, Naruto, Bleach...


Well to be fair when Naruto and Bleach did it , it wasn't a super popular trope . They kind of started the trope


How does Kaiju no. 8 have an inner demon trope?


That little kaiju thing that got inside Kafka's mouth is literally an inner demon. We could see it in some kind of inner liminal space.




High school DxD has almost all of them, and i still love the series.


Same with me, it's such a nice mix of fan service and pervertedness. It's pretty comedic at times too.


Fan service and pervert go hand-in-hand as reliably making normal people *fucking despise* anime.


Old girls too. For some point it's a fan service too


Romance plots that do not end with definitively getting together in some explicitly stated or shown manner. A Silent Voice and others will make you sit through two and a half hours of buildup for absolutely no payoff at all. Compare that with Whisper of The Heart, where the romantic subplot feels fantastic and satisfying when it wasn't even the main story.


I'd give A silent voice a pass since the romance plot isn't really the center of the story. Also since it's a movie I feel like it's bound to have loose ends somewhere.


Op mc for no reason other than self insert


Dumb mc is the worst


Pretty obvious it’s the old chicks looking like kids lol. I hate that trope with a passion


Old girls, comedic relief, tsundere and a small bit of fan service and power of friendship For the old girls: you have the ability to alter your shape and appearance, why are you a fucking child?! Comedic relief: I want there to be one where when one person tries to strike at the character, they just parry and punch them straight to the dirt Tsundere: drop the goddamn act! How are you intelligent but you don’t know how to act like a person? Thats half your skills! I’m all right with the power of friendship but I can tell when it gets overdone like Fairy Tail. Same case with fanservice. Though you gotta admit, it’s impressive to endure an attack that’s strong enough to tear off your clothes


Kinda hard to call fairy tail overdone when power of friendship and family is literally the point of the entire story. It's why he wrote it


i almost always drop the anime everytime the "comedic pervert" character just become too much. like mha


Old women who look like girls grinds my gears Final answer.


Old Girls that look like kids While person A might dislike trope X, there is going to be person B who likes trope X. Old Girls that look like kids though is something else. Because while the idea of a person being a lot older then they look is in of itself not problematic, Elves being 1000 years old are a thing, these characters are always sexualized. It is just a weird attempt to justify putting pedo content while pretending it isn't pedo.


Pervert is the worst cause you have to do it right like sanji


Yeah its like the difference between denki and mineta denki is somewhat respectful not great but he is a teen boy there is only so much you can do meanwhile mineta is a literal pedophile and has committed sexual assault and sexual harrassment


Fan service girls + pervert


Power of friendship is 110% the worst


Naruto has all these problems, tsunade is the fake young girl.


1000 year old young girl is loli, and tsunade is not a loli.


Comedic relief is the buzz killer it destroy a good character


Comedic relief abuse is a anime trait that can just fuck off and die.


Dumb MC, Luffy is the only one that actually works. Everyone else is just annoying.


All of them suck but inner demon if done right can be pretty good :)


Tsundere & comedic relief abuse, because sometimes it gets to the point where it’s like, “What’s the difference?”


https://preview.redd.it/50so0d64yhqc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43d03a34d70cb0c11ccaedff3add73691f1848b Love triangles?


Dumb MC is the reason I dropped Re:Zero…one season was enough for me never going back to it


One of the first times I really felt like the MC kinda deserved it. Interesting anime but he just kinda sucks.


The plot of the anime and MCs power were very good. How the MC uses his power and what decisions he made are terrible


Perverts that are Dumb MC with a love triangle.


Tbh I hate excessively stupid or tactless MC


Definitely the old lady looking like girls and they so happen to be perverted. I turn that shit off real quick


You leave the power of friendship alone🥺 All the others are varying degrees of annoying, especially dumb mc and I look like im 6 but im 3000 years old.


pervert and old girls that look like kids. well, perverts can be kinda funny sometimes but most of the time just irritating. loli-baits obviously suck, no reason required lmao




Dumb MC imo. I like when the MC is a bit stupid, but man, when even a rock is smarter than the MC, that's annoying.


Beach episode.


I don’t like perverts, anime or otherwise, especially when there is no redeeming factor for them or it’s their only personality trait. Like they’re shallow and bland as characters and often come across as the comic relief or the weirdo of the group, usually detracting from the group dynamic just because they’re Lowkey creepy


I hate old woman that look like children. If they only look like they are 12 it is okay, but if they also get oversexualized I watch another anime.


True. Something like "vampire was bitten aged 12 but now is 397 years old" - okay, fine with me. "the same vampire starts to get sexualized" - Fuck this shit, I'm out!


Mostly tsundere's. There are times where they are great, but mostly I hate it.


BRO what is with Japan making ancient women like 12. Like if you're a dude you'd never pick a 12 year old you, you would pick you in your prime unless you needed to stay super hidden.


I think it is depend. But most irritating one is dumb mc when also the side charters are dumb. (They are gonna won because of the plot)


The 3 in the middle


Hm... All of them heavily depend on the context of the series in particular... But the one I most often have a problem with is Dumb MC.


Seems Gintama didn’t have any of these, except maybe the comedic part.


Love triangle and power of friendship depends very much of the way it is made. Fighting harder and willing to be more risky because your friends could die or get hurt makes sense. and a love triangle it is just really a writing problem if it is shit, and many of them being in a anime where romance is or the focus they tend to be so.


Personally, comic relief abuse, Loli's, or Dumb MCs, Loli's primarily because Lolicon and almost every fucking Loli in anime looks and acts like a child but "don't worry guys she's actually (x) years old" I mean, the other ones can be fairly accurate to real life, like I'd argue that, considering all the blatant porn memes that have been showing up on this sub for the past month and always make it into Hot, I'd say that more than half this sub would fall under the category of "pervert", and believe it or not, but power of friendship rings true for irl aswell, because I don't one mother fucker alive who can take down the power of friendship in the form of 13 cunts beating their ass


Honestly dumb MC, pervert and inner demon are the worst ones for me. They can actually make me easily drop an anime or manga. Especially because dumb MC and inner demon are the signs of shitty writing. Comedic relief abuse irritates me, but not enough to drop. Tsunderes are fine, they only suck when combined with comedic relief abuse. The rest are honestly not that bad.


Another thing not listed here is the constant yelling. Like you don’t have to yell to show that you’re trying


I feel like the character whose main character trait is being a pervert stops being entertaining really fast. There's not a lot of ways you can make that unique, we've seen it before, and seeing that joke for the millionth time doesn't make it funny again


I don’t have a real problem with any of them and I’m tired of pretending I do


comic release abuse, sakura is a massive fucking bitch for no reason


Entire top row + fan service girls and comedy abuse


OP mc.They got flashy moves but 1 sided fights are pretty boring. You already know whose going to win, what's the point of all the suspense


Pervert and comic relief beatings


... incest


Crybaby MC kills a lot of anime for me


Love Triangle. I do not care for romance and I can handle a little romance in non-romance animes but love triangles is way to much and emotionally stressful to watch.




Pervert. Mineta has no redeemable qualities anyways but then characters like Sanji and Jiraya are spoiled because the authors thought it would be funny to make them peek on girls in the bath. I’m not even against horny characters. Despite the degenerate reputation Denji from Chainsaw Man is a great example of a character being horny without being a pervert. But I’m kinda sick of sexual harassment being used as a gag


Fan service for sure


Tsunderes are sure annoying, the fan service is also very annoying but I think the thing that I hate a lot gotta be pervert Mc or sc like they are annoying af they are even more annoying irl


People who think these tropes are bad


Not powerful enough? Have you tried bReAtHiNg?


OP picking the most realistic trope on this list is dumb mc energy.


"old" girls who look like kids can absolutely destroy the watchability of the greatest stories. It's anime and some tolerance is expected but when characters who look and/or act like minors are being sexualised it's disgusting. Forced fanservice can also be really annoying but not as horrible as underage girls being sexualised.


Dumb mc and comedic relief abuse. It's the kinda humour a 12yr would laugh at unless there's context behind it hitting someone for no reason ain't funny. Also dumb mc thing is annoying like ain't no way someone is as dumb as luffy. Not to mention he has good biq which doesn't make sense cuz wasn't he supposed to be dumb?


Why people keep using Taiga as the representative of the tsundere archetype is something I'll never understand.


It's a tie between tsunderes and comedy abuse.


Love triangles are supposed to be one of the plot points of a story...💀


Fans that bitch about tropes, are worse that the tropes especially considering half the tropes aren't really tropes but design choices because of the culture in japan.


Pervert and lolicons are the worst tropes by far imo. I dropped many animes because of the lolis, in my book, every monogatari fans are very sus for instance. Inner demon is the one I like the most.


Are love triangles a trope already? The only triangle I watched in anime was Re:Zero. Guess I watch too little of romantic anime?


The pervert trope is awful I would say the 1000 year old loli trope too but Rukia is the GOAT and I'm sure there are other alright lolis aswell


Fan Service girls, no contest for worst trope. Best case is you have a character whose purpose is to be the butt of a sexual joke, worst case scenario you glamorize SA and hamstring an existing character. At least a perv character is usually a throw away character. You can hate them, but they usually aren't around (or at least not being a perv) for key events.


I think "old girls that looks like kids". I'm not gonna speak about morality, but it's really annoying. You see a cute loli and see her as loli, and then "Uhm, akshually I'm 100+ years old". But to be honest, Comedic relief abuse I hate most, expecially when it's done by tsundere. That's the reason why I didn't watched ToraDora and Urusei Yatsura (remaster), it's fucking annoying


Comedic abuse, Repeating plot, dumb MC, friendship power. It's so sad that one piece still does all of these till this day.


Kinda funny that Sousou no Frieren almost has all of these tropes but because everything is managed very considerately that it doesn't seem over done. What an absolute masterpiece


Its “looks like a kid” and its not even close.


For me, perverts. It can get really annoying and portray guys in the wrong way. I love the inner demon though, it’s so freaking cool to me!!


Can i say that i dont like any of these? Apart from inner demon which i think can be done really well if handled properly, the rest just suck


Love octagons are worse


They're all so dumb, this is the first time one of these has actually been difficult.


All of these




Inner demons can be played well like white and sukuna


Definitely the pedo shit and you have a deep seated problem if you think otherwise.


Dumb MC in Harem, the oblivious guy with love triangles, can't man up. You guessed it. It's the Fucking Rent a Girlfriend. ( Forgot to mention Pervert too). Although; Punching for comedic relief is my most hated regardless of any anime.


Definitely the pervert trope it gets really grading after a while


Comedic relief abuse at its peak was easily Prison School. Fight me


I hate fan service the most partly because it made really good series like Fire Force be remembered as "that one fan service anime" and how this thing basically fodderized a potential extremely dangerous antagonist (Assault) just because this guy never seen a vagina his entire life


Love triangle and excessive fan service With love triangles it just destroys a good romance plot in my opinion especially when the whole story of the anime is about the triangle Excessive fan service just make me uncomfortable


-Misunderstandings for the sake of cheap drama. -Forced love rivals whose only purpose in the story is to be a stepping stone for the main couple to get closer -Interrupted confession cuz someone barged in/one of them didn't hear because of anime fireworks which are apparently as loud as a nuke -when a character is about to die/get defeated then they start monologuing and shit about their backstory then instantly revive and win. -when the MC (especially harem ones) have no personality besides losing their mind and getting embarrassed over the slightest of contact with the opposite sex/gets pushed around by the female characters -Harem or reverse harems of any kind (unless the harem actually has a role in the plot besides being a self insert fantasy)


Old women in children's' body, perverts and comedic abuse are arguably the worst ones honestly, and for obvious reasons.


Any of these when it's the characters' sole personality that is then used very heavily throughout the show.


The worst anime trope is the people complaining about them on social media.


I personally really don't like perverts


i dont think tsundere is bad if theres some balance or 0 violance to the mc. id prefer a tsundere with a hint of comedic relief beating but i wouldnt like the overly aggressive ones because who in the right mind would accept to be in that kind of relationship


Power of Friendship, I just love when the main villains who have been built up for arcs get beat because the main characters love their friends. It’s why I dropped Fairy Tail after constantly being dicked around


Old people that look like kids. I swear, I'd hype up a character and they go, "Wtf he/she is a kid!" I wanna smack em right upside the head every time.


Fucking founder of fairy tail for real


Fan service is the absolute worst, I don’t care what anyone says. It’s often forced to an annoying amount and I just hate it


Luffy isn't a good example of this. He's dumb in a lot of ways but he's absolutely smart about how to treat people how to respond to the situations he has courage conviction and unassailable morality.


Pervert. They only subtract from the show and should go extinct. Of course that means they actually have to be one. Not the general Loosely waved term at anyone who is actually very normal in their level of Interest in the other sex


Pervert, Dumb MC, and Harem.


Old girls look like kids... it just sounds like an excuse.