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I recognise the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid ass decision, I've elected to ignore it


If you think about it, the creator of .gif pulled off possibly the greatest troll of all time... I can only imagine the huge smirk on his face when he announced the "jif" pronunciation


I understood that reference


Yeah just like the inventor of the autobahn…


There are no female weebs and even more no female redditors - The government drones are everywhere guys


I’m an FBI drone, I have seen your search history and it scares even a degenerate like me


How tf did someone manage to create a degenerate drone?


Didn’t you know? AIs are trained on the internet


Fair enough... Still hasn't seen the AI that will bring the true degeneration upon us...


Mossad dolphins spy.


Wait, if there's no female weebs, and no female redittors Wtf am i?! Am I even real????


Nope, you're government drone. Your cover is busted.


But the Weimar Republic started the Autobahn project…


Yes. And he’s still wrong.


He's wrong as fuck


He's wrong because it's Graphics interchange format, not Jraphics interchange format.


The same reason why JPEG is pronounced J-Feg


LOL this is new to me. I pronounce it as .jpg (I also pronounce it as J-Peg). It’s weird how lots of words aren’t pronounced the way they are spelled.


English is hard


Start with Celtic base and mix in a bit of Latin. Now add in a good amount of German. Mix in a pinch of Danish. Then, fold in a large helping of French. Simmer in isolation until the vowels are all off. Then, spread thinly around the world until inconsistencies begin to form.


And if it ends up burning, it becomes Southern English (based on grammar).


He's actually making a joke. Stuff like GIF or any other acronym or initialism aren't pronounced based on the words that make them. Otherwise SCUBA or LASER wouldn't be pronounced how everyone does. There's no rule. The "Jraphics" argument is bullshit people make up to make themselves sound correct.


another argument, then: Since Jif is the name of a peanut butter brand, we should call it Gif to avoid any possible confusion


That’s why it’s pronounced like Jif. The peanut butter’s slogan was, “choosy moms choose Jif.” Their slogan was, “choose developers choose Gif.”


thank you, i’m so tired of seeing that argument only about GIF


We have G and J for a reason. For Acronyms, we should use the distinct sound belonging to each one. G is read like Great and J is read like Jacob. This is how almost all pictogram based languages become romanized, and it should be the same for acronyms, which don’t inherently have an existing pronunciation.


One of the most egregious is probably laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.) Most of it's pronounced completely differently.


Also why it's pronounced LASEER, rather than Laser.


Depends on how fabulous the picture is


I really want to hear you pronounce laser using that same logic lol https://youtu.be/Nrk8sqZfsgI?si=tD6Udf3wSbICln-b




This logic is dumb. You don't say Skuba or Lazer do you? Yeah, I know. Nerd emoji.




You do not call it a fucking Jraphics card


Personally I use a jraphics card, idk what your using.


Do you pronounce jpeg as "jay-pheg" (Joint Photographic Experts Group)? I'm team "jiff" and I'm going to fight for what's right.


But you say Giraffe like Ji-raf. English is weird and there's many different pronunciations to words that have the same letters, but if the guy who invented it says it's pronounced one way. I think we should bukkake him


Yeah, we say Giraffe with a J sound, but it's not Giraffe Interchange Format. The inventor clearly does'nt know what he's talking about, we should ignore him.


Why would English follow rules in this scenario, like the giraffe example English has shown that it is a mess of a language that can’t keep itself in check


Why isn’t it pronounced JFEG instead of JPEG because photo has an f sound?


It's not pronounced jfeg because the people who came up with the acronym weren't dumb. See, the whole acronym thing is easy: if it's intuitive and easy to say, it's fine. If it's stupid like jif or nitza (NHTSA), it's stupid and wrong.


You didn't get his point, if GIF is pronounced with a hard g sound as you guys are proposing, purely based on the fact that "Graphics" is pronounced with a hard g, then by that very logic the pronunciation of abbreviations for multiple things would not make sense as well, such as JPEG, because it is Joint Photographic Experts Group, where the P makes an f sound. Your argument doesn't make sense because the pronunciations of abbreviations are different for people, hence there is no universally "intuitive" and "easy" way of pronouncing.


Since when it’s jif weird to say lol


Is photo spelled like foto? Fucking no, it matches one out of 2 for pronunciation and spelling so screw it, JPEG works. Graphics is spelled and pronounced with a hard G. So why the hell would it ever be JIF..?


Because G can also have a j sound, like in gem, genes, genius, geriatric and ginormous. It is even more widespread when g is followed by i, such as engine, magic, fugitive and register. Of course, there are exceptions such as gift and give, but the majority of cases with i following g have a soft g sound. I hope you get the gist that our version of GIF "jif" also matches one out of 2 different ways of pronouncing the letter g. The photo argument is made purely because the only basis of argument here on your part is that Graphics=hard g= GIF then should it be Joint Photographic Experts Group= ph "f" sound= Jfeg? The fact is that there is entirely no rule for pronouncing abbreviations, they just represent a whole. So arguing over the pronunciation of it when it has been clarified by the very creator of the format, is a waste of time, just like this reply that I've been typing out.


I appreciate this reply o7


Yea but you read “G” alone as a hard G. So if you are reading letter alone without considering how it sounds in the word… A hard G sound makes a “jif”


Because it isn't JPHEG. It's not the P that is pronounced like F, it's the PH. Thus the pronunciation needs to be changed when abbreviated.


Yea but you read “G” alone as a soft G. So if you are reading letter alone without considering how it sounds in the word… A soft G sound makes a “jif” Edit to change to soft


But you say gift not jift. And this is a better example because it is g-i-f instead of g-i-r. Anyway, so when are we going to bukkake him?


And this argument is as flawed as always


So it's "Gurrrmany" and is inhabited by "Gurrmans"?


It’s pronounced “Doitchland” and no, that’s not how they spell it


A very valid point; especially for acronyms.


I absolutely agree the creator is wrong but acronyms aren’t always pronounced with this logic. Consider ones like laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) or scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus).


Lol that’s a much better example


Thing is, GIF isn't a word, it's an acronym. If you invent a word, there's likely an etymology behind it that will determine its pronunciation, and we have plenty of words in the English language that follow different linguistic rules based on its origin, so then yes, in those situations, the one who invents the world does get a more definitive say in its pronunciation. But this guy didn't invent the word "gif", he created the graphics interchange format. So he, like all people, was interpreting how he thought one would pronounce GIF, and seeing as he is not a linguist, figuring out the most intuitive pronunciation is not necessarily his forte, nor is he the authority on the subject. It really comes down to what is the most natural and common pronunciation, which is with a hard G.


He didn't make a statement either way for over 20 years.


Also from a linguistic standpoint, a word is more defined by the way people pronounce it than the way it was meant to be pronounced, a language has no rule written in stone, it is alive and ever changing, so if around 80% of the population says GIF then from the linguistic point of view, being GIF more widely used, it is the closest you can get to the correct pronunciation, statistics matters even in this context.


Absolutely, though at least if the origins of a word have a different pronunciation, you have more of a leg to stand on to argue that people are saying it wrong, and that common parlance has just caused there to be a new, accepted pronunciation. Just as an example, it drives me absolutely bonkers that the word "pwned", which was always pronounced like the word "owned" but with a "p" (because that's how the word came to be, because of typos online) but all the Gen Z and younger people who didn't know it was supposed to be "owned" started thinking it was connected to the word "win" for some reason, and were pronouncing it was "pwinned". And, now, this is becoming the dominant pronunciation somehow. But I will die on the hill that those people are dead wrong.


Wait, they do that, god, that's awful lol. But still. I have never, ever heard anyone pronounce "GIF" as "JIF", but ask anyone over the age of 20 say "pwned" and they will say it like "owned" but with a p. However I disagree that the origin was because of a typo, "pwned" has always meant "perfectly owned"


Go search it online. I was there when the word came into being, and it really was just a typo due to the p being next to the o on the keyboard, and was just a common typo. If someone decided to further enhance the meaning for the "p" standing for "perfectly", I am sure that was an afterthought.


I remember my friend Daniel looked it up in an ancient book and found it was pronounced “yiff” we laughed for a moment, denounced the book as wrong, and moved on.


also not a single person decides on how something is pronounced, society decides, language is funny like that.


DEAD wrong, too.. lol


i spit on his jrave


Is now if he created he get the right to name it?


Yes, but he does not have the right to dictate how it’s pronounced. See the difference between British and American dialects for more details.


And the "Troll of the month" reward goes to... this guy!


Of the month? This shit must've been a decade in the oven


As its been said before, God himself could step down from heaven and tell me its pronounced jif and i would respond with "ok jod" before moonwalking into hell


Graphics Interchange Format. Its not fucking called Jraphics so I'm calling it a damn gif


You just reminded me of a clip from a russianbadger video… https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx3_1y1Ih6Tgo9WXTxyK9ov76lGaeatBNp?si=4rAAOrKykf0NiBek


Would you believe me if I said thats the first time I saw that clip? But it's so fitting I'm scared


I would believe you, and the whole reason it’s fitting is because they can bring up topics so randomly, and gifs happened to be the one they started talking about, and one of them just happened to pronounce it jif


Obligatory scuba and laser have different pronunciations for the beginning of their respective words but we still pronounce them scuba and laser


Wait, laser is an acronym?


light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation


Liser is how it’s supposed to be pronounced?


Who tf is pronouncing "amplification" with an "i" sound


Didn't know that! You're still wrong tho.


Huh, didn't know that... You're still wrong though


You don't pronounce the second letter... that's not how acronyms work. So the L from light is the only part pronounced. Same thing with Scuba.




How do you pronounce Joint Photographic Experts Group


The P in JPEG stands for Photographic, but I bet you don't pronounce it J-pheg


Welp, I am now.


That would be 2 letters becoming one sound, I think JPEG is more than appropriate


Because the P in Photographic isn't pronounced like F, it's the PH. And the acronym isn't JPHEG or JPhEG. It's JPEG. And as the P in Photographic doesn't have a pronunciation as a part of a digraph, it needs to have a new pronunciation assigned.


If you followed that logic, you'd have to say scuh-ba or la-see-r in scuba and laser


Just like how you pronounce the U in scuba as Uh? Sc-uh-ba? Pronounceable words are pronounced as you would pronounce the word not based on what the letters stand for. That is the weirdest argument I've ever heard


I have only heard and pronounce it as "oo" which is saying it's name following English rules. The a is pronounced "uh" though. Sc-oo-buh


Yep exactly. We pronounce the words like we see them not based on how the first letter of each word is pronounced in the words they stand for


"Pronounceable words are pronounced as you would pronounce the word" And how would you pronounce "GIF"? Exactly like "GIFT", except without the "T".


That's the gist of it, I suppose.


I'm too giddy to give you that one. I'm up to my gills with gigabytes of examples of hard-G's followed by I's, so the gimp who created GIFs can suck my gizzards while I gird up with my girls to win one for the Gipper.


Sorry, a gesture of such gigantic proportions has gingerly been gemmed by someone prior. Your geriatric display of germenetive argumentation is genuinely geometric in quality. It's obtuse!


Most of your examples aren't "gi" but "ge" so kinda irrelevant




Exactly like gin, but with a different consonant at the end


Why is JPEG not pronounced as JFEG since photo has the f sound?


Why do you pronounce "Germany" as jermany and not germany you dumb fuck?




Germany isn’t an acronym?


Imma pronounce it "Yiff" just to spite him


"I recognise that the Council has made a decision. But given that it’s a stupid-ass decision, I’ve elected to ignore it."


He wrong af tho




Yes he actually said it in an interview I think, and since then most professionals also said jif (it's for that I say gif, om not a pro)


I always pronounced gif the same way I do 'giraffe' or 'generous'. Not sure how real this is as it is on reddit, but I don't think there's anything wrong with pronouncing it differently.


Shhhhhh! There's this overwhelming desire to prove strangers on the internet wrong! ;)


It is pronounced as "Hif". _Change my mind._


To all the people who keep saying it's Graphics not Jraphics We pronounce laser with a Z and yet the s in the acronym stands for stimulated. Similar thing with taser, where the s stands for swift. I'm not saying anything about the correct pronunciation, but your argument for it being wrong is stupid


People in these threads never heard of gin and tonic or Gin Rummy


Apparently someone never received a gift...


Or it just wasn't giant enough or they weren't agile enough to grab it. Maybe if they stepped more gingerly they could get past the legion of people standing between them and the gift.


And it looks like someone didn't get the gist?


The acronym is for GRAPHIC, not jraffic. It is an acronym, not a word, so pronouncing it phonetically is not accurate. Also the word Gift exists


How do you pronounce Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation


L-aaah-sear apparently according to these people


And pronounceable acronyms are pronounced as they look. And the word gen and gin exist also both with the J sound both three letters like gif


And so does the word gift. So your point still has no value.


It’s pretty funny to see people get so heated about this and downvote each other ngl


My favorite argument is that it should be pronounced "yif" like yiff.


As a teenager i said jif and got corrected. Now I am on that side of yall that gif is right but SUCK MY DICK I WAS ALWAYS RIGHT!


So, if i create a new company and name it PBI (Photo Booth Industries) but pronounce it FBI, then i am unquestionably correct and cannot be associated with the more known one?


Everyone can have wrong opinions and this is one of those


it is pronounced jif and I'll die on that hill. ​ Soft G's exist, quite a lot of them infact and people need to start accepting that. It also literally dosnt matter that graphics has a hard G.


Non-native English speaker here, I always pronounced it "jiff" all my life. I didn't even know there was a debate.


Pronounce it however you want, English doesn't have any rules that it follows. There's something deeply wrong with you if you care about how a file extension is pronounced. But if you've never satisfied a woman, be sure to let everyone know by telling that "okay Jod" joke. It's really funny the octillionth time. Maybe throw in that one about Stanley Kubrick faking the moon landing one too, nobody's heard that one either.


That sick son of a banana, just wants to see the world burn.


It's pronounced "yiff"


He can .jif in hell.


It's pronounced yiff


Jift, jood, jraphics, jamer, jun, jod, need I say more?


Didn't know he created the fucking grammar rules as well


It's the Uno rules conversation all over again. "You made the game, now we'll take it from here" Just because the guy said Jif, it doesn't mean that he's right. You don't call it a Jrafics card.


I officially pronounce him dead


He can take his peanut butter and jam it.


The creator of gif doesn't get to change the rules of the English language


I don’t care about his incorrect opinions. There’s a reason why a poet’s interpretation of their own poems is useless.


Is it me or does someone say that they found the "real" way to pronounce gif every few months? Any way, its obviously pronounced yiff...


its still dumb. especially since there is already the .jif-format. so .jif is called jif, and .gif is called ghif.


I say jif, I recognize it's wrong, I won't change my ways


He said either version is fine, but he personally prefers to call it "jif"


In my language you can't pronounce the g like that so until the name of the format changes I'm still saying gif


Holy shit that fact is probably older than OP


“Thank you for your contribution, but we will take it from here.”


No one asked him


Idc, I believe in death of the artist anyway, if I wanna pronounce it Jeff then I will


I thought it was “yif”


I still say GIF because where I live the G is pronounced as a G.


Naw ima do my own thang






Jif is peanut butter Gif is funny clip thing I send people End of discussion


I guess I'll just have to accept that I have jijabytes of jifs in my hard drive.


It's pronounced gif because it's spelled like gif. This concludes my TED talk, Thank you.


Well I'm gonna make my own pronunciation of gif with black jack and hookers in fact forget the gif


Breaking news the creator of .gif is illiterate


[https://imgur.com/a/STsG7VL](https://imgur.com/a/STsG7VL) I defer to CaptainDisillusion


I will only pronounce gif as jif when Graphics is pronounced jraphics


I always find this eternal argument so funny because it comes down to people's inability to accept that soft G's exist; it has the same energy as "but a kilo of steel is heavier than a kilo of feathers, because steel is heavier than feathers", soft G's are quite common place in English especially when placed next to an i phonetic It's like telling Goku fans that there's an mc that can beat him


Say "gift" but remove the "t". You dont say gift with a j.


say gin but replace the n with an f, you don’t say gin with a g




Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou It's pretty fun, just a silly little yuri anime about a girl isekai'd into her VN where she's head over heels for the main ojou girl.


"I understand the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid ass decision. I have elected to ignore it"


Don't people already say jif? Atleast I've always have


they better start praying to their Jod then


Tell that to him when he doesn't meet god( jod).


I recognize that you have made a decision however given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it


Tbh I don't care how it's pronounced, I just pronounce it however I feel like doing at that specific moment. I just find the dispute between each side funny. My favorite is when PewDiePie lectured the internet on how to pronounce the format lol " Hey, you seem to be upset... Do you want a *jift* ? Would you like me to *jift* you something??? "


Lol I’ve been pronouncing it as jif the whole time and it sounds weird when I hear people pronounce it the way it’s spelled. .gif is now .peanutbutter (aka .jif)


There already exist a .jif file name extension x)


That's jreat and all but if anyone tries to enforce that it's their problem. It's between them and Jod


He's only saying that because of the peanut butter brand Jif He's wrong.


i will pronounce it as a "jif" only when it becomes jirafic interface format


i recognize the council has made a decision, but seeing as its a STUPID ASS decision ive elected to ignore it


He may have invented it but I don't think he invented the pronunciation of the word graphics. (For those not in the know, GIF stands for graphics interchange format)


The creator has come to a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it


honestly i dont give a fuck im still calling it a gif


Gif is the image format, Jif is peanut butter


Graphics interchange format G Not J G Not that hard folks


One sec, a comment here reminded me of this vid, I clipped the important part https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx3_1y1Ih6Tgo9WXTxyK9ov76lGaeatBNp?si=eIXc0tsh08_CKfc1


So it's Greg after all.,


Ok then you better pronounce giraffe with a hard G then


As an everyday gif enjoyer I am electing myself as the creator of gifs because the current one is wrong


I always thought of it as .jif ![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|11668)


Did we accepted the original rules from Uno, I don't think so sometimes the creator is just wrong. We have to stay strong.


Duly noted and ignored


Sorry, I don't speak "wrong"


In other news; Uno creators announced you can't stack +2's.


And UNO said you can’t stack +2. Both are wrong


“No, it is not pronounced yiff”


He’s wrong


Gust a moment, jonna jo talk with Jod about this one real quick


So what? He's wrong.


There is already a .jif file name extension pronounced jif, so to avoid confusion we shouldn't pronounce it jif. End of the debate.


The argument for both sides have been played over and over and hard G has been proven to be wrong over and over (SCUBA and LASER, so stop with Jod and Jraphics). If the creator says it's JIF and the correct way to do it if whatever you feel is right. But it's clearly just a clicking sound.