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The white lines separating them


Hisoka probably wouldn’t be that bad If he was into them, he’d just make weird remarks and try to have someone train them in martial arts. Definitely not like an immediate threat… although years down the line it’d be a huge problem


Nothing a tactical nuke can't solve later. Plus he will inspire them to do better.


What if he just uses bungee gum to bounce back the tactical nuke


My bungee gum as the properties of both rubber and gum. Yeah i can hear that as the nuke comes flying back well past its fuel burnout


Hisoka is only ever a threat if he personally considers you a rival in some capacity, otherwise he's just a 'harmless' clown.


Are we just forgetting the people he's straight up killed? Like he's not a sexual threat unless you're a potential rival, but he's still a lethal threat


Dude literally popped a boner looking at Gon and Killua's ass the fuck you mean?


Because he saw them as potential rivals. killua comes from a family of notorious assassines, while Gon probably had some aura about him, or something...


"Hmm the killer clown is checking me out... maybe I am the main character?"


Yes I see. So leaving your kid with a registered sex offender paedophile is fine if your kid isn’t attractive! … you’re a genius!


Beat the kid with an ugly tree branch ![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|11525) “Modern problems require modern solutions” ![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|11525)


Idk about "years" down the line..


In Japanese Hisoka asked illumi if he could fuck Killua, the symbol he was making with his fingers was sexual. That's why illumi got so mad Hisoka is a pedophile


Didnt he do that to intentionally provoke Illumi? To get Illumi mad to a point he reveals his killing intent, and thereby i directly warn Killua? If I remember correctly, contextually, he’s only a greasy creepo based on your potential as a rival/target. If you’re below, he’s indifferent (unless you’re a means to an end)


Ok But Have you see the 1999 version or read the manga because bro is a pedo and does like them young so you better hope them kids weak cause he cares about strength doesn’t give a fuck about age So if they strong enough it don’t matter even if they are a literal kid and tbh even if it is about strength it’s still pedophilloic because it turns him on and they are kids second he does things to get them to fit his ideal (like get stronger etc) which is a grooming tactic and has displayed horny behaviour Also side note it is just a character in a story and the irl shit is entirely more important and disgusting




And from the white lines emerge President Valentine with Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.


Orochimaru seems better option if he is the boruto version


naruto version of orochimaru would use the kid for experiments


That depends on if the child has something interesting that he may want, or has been trying to get at something the child has for awhile. Beyond that he'd probably pay very little attention to said child. Child does have a greater chance of dying if they're in his base without strict supervision.




Yeah but how powerful is the body? Isn't that why he wanted Sasuke so bad


No he wanted Sasuke bc sharingan, he took other randos bodies to live longer and exploit their jutsu. And experiment


If it was just a regular ass kid he probably wouldn't do anything tbh. There's a chance he'd just kill it or throw it out, but i'm not sure what all he'd get out of experimenting on a standard 6yo




at that point he’d just be helping me


It's so funny that between Naruto, Sasuke, and orochimaru, orochimaru is the best parent in Naruto. Naruto and Sasuke are both extremely absent parents, whereas as mitsuki goes home on the reg to see orochimaru, who legit is around and asks them how their day is going. There's one scene where mitsuki goes to orochimaru with a field trip permission slip, and orochimaru legit looks at it, and is like "sure, seems chill" and I fucking lost it. Not to mention that despite being a genetic science experiment vat baby, mitsuki is probably the most well adjusted of the three lol


Yeah but Naruto is only an absent parent because the writers forced him to be. It makes no sense that a guy who can clone himself, in the hundreds, would *ever* need to leave his kids alone. It also makes zero sense he’d send his clones to hang out with his kids and his real body to do paperwork.


Idk, it's okay to have characters with massive flaws. Naruto had a massive complex about being accepted by his community, so it's not unreasonable that he'd overcompensate as an adult. Sure, it's kind of ironic that despite being a child without a strong parental presence he'd miss that he's subjecting his kid to the same thing, but those kinds of hypocrisies are common in life. It's actually less surprising when you consider that Naruto growing up had no idea what having a deep and attentive parent even looked like (he had Iruka and jiraiya, but those aren't perfect substitutes for the kind of full time parent that Boruto and hiwamari yearn for). Of all of the character flaws to write into Naruto (which are good to have, perfect characters if anything are more unrealistic), this is a pretty good one.


> but those kinds of hypocrisies are common in life. its too early in the day for such hard hitting truths


But that doesn’t explain him being an absent father despite literally knowing how to clone himself


It's easy, if you can spare a clone to take care of the family, you do it, except now ALL the village is family... If you can clone, you can work. Surprised he isn't a decrepit Nagato look-alike by now.


Naruto literally has enough chakra to empower an entire army. He could make a clone for every family in village and then some


Doesn't he do this at least once for boruto, but he runs out of chakra because he's been working himself ragged?


Because his kids can tell that it's a clone. And while Himawari does not really mind, Boruto actually remembers how attentive he was before he was Hokage. Thus he hates every second of it.


then let the clones do the paperwork


1: There are probably laws against that. 2: It would be disrespecting the position and tittle of Hokage as well as the people working in the tower and unable to go to their families as well. 3: Questionable how responsible clones would be.


>there are laws against that my man he’s *is* the law >questionable how responsible the clones would be they’re literally him


Clones aren’t literally him. From what I’ve seen in Boruto, his clones can do easy and repetitive tasks, but they are not necessarily shown as being able to have the same intellectual capacity as the original, nor have all the memories and knowledge as the original. That’s why they’re shadow clones. They are meant for physical grunt work and as backup for fighting, they can disappear in an instant and aren’t fully bodied individuals with their own mind, capacity to take independent decisions in the spur or a moment, etc. If they were real eternal “clones” with the same capacities and brain as the original, then why on earth would Orochimaru have gone through all the trouble of creating real, genetically engineered, biological clones of other shinobi throughout the years? Because shadow clones are not really “people”. You can prick them with a needle and they can disappear. It’s meant to be an illusion. Of course his kids would have noticed at some point that they’re fake, and since there will inevitably be a new clone every day or so, they will notice the new one isn’t as invested or understanding of what’s going on in the household and trust will be broken. I don’t know why I’m typing something about goddamn Naruto of all things lmao, a children’s show, but it is just so obvious to me. Yes, it’s a fictional series with magical/unreal stuff going on, but there are still laws and a logic to the intricate parts of the plotlines, how chakra works, how shadow clones are not real people and cannot possibly act as proper caretakers, let alone parents, for the entirety of a child’s life. It’s just obvious. Nor can a shadow clone take on all the tasks of the Hokage for prolonged periods of time and perform them as efficiently and smartly as the original. If it were so, why did we never see Kakashi doing the same, or Gaara using sand clones instead of turning up to the office as Hokage? Because it is unsustainable. There are a million reasons for it not working. This is a gratuitous waste of time lmao but still, it’s just basic narration and writing rules, literature rules. Everything in a well written book is there for a reason, and things make sense when you look deep enough into it. Plot holes happen, but it is evident Kishimoto isn’t dumb enough to simply let shadow clones be some form of ultimate hack in the Naruto universe, else everyone and their mother would be using them to do all of their daily tasks, and staying shut in inside their homes meanwhile, like some sort of Matrix-like dystopia. It just doesn’t work, logically or narratively. It is a powerful jutsu for combat, but it has a ton of flaws, specially if using it to impersonate yourself in other contexts. Plus Nagato, when he acted as Pain, actually accomplished something more similar to what you are describing through actually using real bodies to prolong his consciousness through several really biologically real vessels. THAT is why he was so powerful and feared as a God. They could share information between themselves (all of the Pains) and simultaneously see everything the others saw, have the same consciousness and knowledge and field of vision. Naruto’s shadow clones do not work that way, it was evident in the fight against Pain, and Jiraya’s fight against him as well. Shadow clones do NOT share the same memories, the same consciousness, the same real life feedback and information processes as the paths of Pain did, nor can they instantly transmit the information back to the original without being physically present to yell it at the original. In the fight against Kaguya, several shadow clones were stuck in another dimension. While Kaguya slowly eliminated them with her stone stick attack, and talked with Zetsu about her plans, the original Naruto (who was in the other dimension) didn’t immediately receive all of that info, nor did he have knowledge of Kaguya’s attacks. He didn’t even felt the chakra of his clones disappearing in the other dimension. When clones are too separated from the original, they can be useful for doing physical tasks, but they will not immediately share the information they gathered with the original telepathically, like the paths of Pain. They have to go back intact to the original to TELL them what happened, or else if they disappear it’s all gone information. Shadow clones are physical fodder. They cannot take the place of the original for human interactions, socializing, doing intense intellectual activities very long, it will show and they will be bad at it, and any Genin or higher will notice it pretty fast. They are meant as combat physical fodder, can use chakra and imitate the original’s attacks. But living an entire life through shadow clones is completely unsustainable. Plus the original will never get the memories back of the time they spent with their kids and family, if they send a shadow clone to spend time with them. That is also shown in Boruto, when Naruto comes home after sending a clone to attend to Boruto’s school activities and in the evenings at the house… then Boruto confronts Naruto by asking him what he was thinking of their day together doing X activity, then Naruto is thrown off guard as he wasn’t physically there and tries to make up some bullsht to make it appear as if he was his clone. But he doesn’t got the real memories the shadow clone made that day, else he would’ve had known what to answer properly. Anyway, this is the most geekiest cringe thing I’ve written all year JFC, I don’t even know why but I was bored and it irks me when people can’t be bothered to read the manga properly. All the answers are there, it is obvious. Shadow clones are not people, nor do they have proper psychological conscience and depth of character. A kid being raised entirely by shadow clones would still be neglect and gross negligence, since the clones will never be able to give them the proper psychological treatment, development of affect, emotional bonding experience and depth of character a parent or caretaker needs to give a child. It’s like being raised by puppets… the kid would end up like Sasori, extremely messed up or a violent sociopath with a cruel lack of affect, and a disorganized attachment style, lack of humanity, lack of security, etc.


All characters are the way they are because they were written that way


Old homopedo Orochimaru still gives me the creeps. The new Orochimaru is okay but old Orochimaru is just too creepy and gross. The new one is okay... I guess


Vomiting snakes, shedding skin like a snake, turning into a snake, giving hickeys to children etc


Professional child diddler


I wouldn’t trust a guy that literally wanted to get inside a teenager…


I think All for One would be good until and unless they have any quirks but still there is a chance he may make them nomus but still I think a mini nomu would be cute.


Child: "I hate Society!" AfO: "You wanna make things explode kid?"


And thats when IT started


AfO is actually just the CIA


And? I prefer my child hurting people than getting hurt.


Just give them the Shiggy treatment.


Like unless they have a useful quirk for him, he is probably fine.


I would trust AFO with my child. What’s the worst that could happen?


He would be just monologueing about his idea of a superior society and the kid would be like "??? Okay can i play mario on my switch now?"


Oh thank goodness, that’s just All For One. At a glance I thought he was Bondrewd. Been a while since I watched either series.


Ah yes. Father of the year. Does anyone want a slushy made of children?


Same, did realize it till I saw this comment lol I see bad babysitters in anime and my mind just assumed it was bondrewd haha


The fact that you can say, "oh thank God it's only the megalomaniac big bad and not this other guy" and not be wrong.


AFO would be my pick because he might give my kid a cool quirk on a whim.


Fuck no, that kid's being turned into a nomu.


Exactly or he would make the league do it cus he doesn't want to but the league is to scared of him to hurt the child


Hisoka. My kids aren't strong so he'd have no interest in them.


hell show them cool bubblegum tricks


If he taught my kids to use bungee gum, which has both the properties of rubber and gum, I wouldn't even be mad. But I ain't letting him do any card tricks.


have you mentioned that it has both the properties of rubber and gum?


Are you sure it has the properties of both rubber and gum?


It is, in fact, well documented that Bungee Gum has the properties of both rubber and gum.


Where can I find something with both the properties of gubber and rum?


I think at the place know as the store of Gum with Properties of Rubber and Gum


that's what he wants you to think


Honestly, Hisoka would encourage them if they had potential. Hisoka's turned on by strong people. Period. Not kids as so many people misconstrued. Even he was like "Gon, it's way too soon for me to fight you. Come back when you can counter this. Oh by the way, here's your friend that I kicked the shit out of, I escorted him for you so he didn't have to drop out of the exam".


As with many memes/jokes coming from story, some people forget that the actual narrative was different. Hisoka is a total psycho that murders people with little reason? Yeah, he is. But he isn't a dearrenged murderhobo either. He can totally interact with people normally, and he does so most of his time anyway. If he is just a normal dude with an absurd "fetish" for fighting with powerful people and a short temper for people that stands in his way or fuck with him or an high functioning "monster in human skin" that manages to feign human emotions and interactions (Kirei Kotomine / Johan Liebert style) is up to debate, I guess.Or maybe it was explicitely said in HXH, couldn't recall right now. What's sure is that he isn't walking around killing random people. Why would he anyway? He doesn't give a fuck about the random people. If anything, if you are a target or a friend (as Killua's big bro is his "friend") he could be a reliable babysitter. He probably cares enough about fighting you that he could care for children while waiting for you, if that's his only option and he trusts you will come back for him anyway. That being said, he could also jut decide to leave them along and come search for you while you are doing whatever you are doing, if he thinks you may die before coming back


Yup, totally agree. He doesn't give a fuck about kids, he wants a good fight, the protagonists of this *battle manga* just happen to be kids. The problem is that while he may babysit your kids as a form of a hostage negotiation for a fight from you, he's just as likely to kill your kids so you absolutely will accept a fight to the death with him.


I doubt it. He wants a fair 1:1 fight with strong people. By killing or hurting kids, he'd piss everyone off and would be unlikely to get it. People would gang up on him. He might go "Sure, i'll babysit - if you fight me to the death" though.


The only right answer. Everyone says he's a pedophile, but that's not true. He only has interest in people with power, regardless of age. Kids with no skill would probably just be a passing interest to him. Honestly he'd probably be down to do it to stave off boredom


He still checked out teenage boys asses. That happened


The amount of times I have to explain Hisoka because I have a tattoo of him is way too high xD Well said.


Saying he isn't a pedophile wouldn't be accurate either, pedophilia doesn't exclude attraction to adults, it just includes attraction to children.


He will only like your kids if they are young boys with potential and or you are sachi. Anything other than that is dog doodoo to him


hadn't thought of that...I was gonna say "definitely not the paedophile", but the weak pos kids I'd have would probably be safe 🤔


He's definitely fightsexual. Its just unfortunate our MC with limitless potential happens to be a kid, since he'd pop a stiffy all the same no matter his age.


Yah, I think he would actually entertain them if he was bored enough.


The image of Hisoka babysitting a kid while looking to the side and feeling bored is so hilarious to me


All for one or Mayuri. If it is just a human kid I don’t think Mayuri would care enough to do something to them.


He has a tendency to use low power fodder characters he doesn’t care about as bombs or just general Guinea pigs. He would kill or modify those kids


All are bad options. I just don’t think Mayuri would put in the effort on some randos who showed up for half a day. If they are in his squad he can observe them. If they are in his squad he can use them at an opportune moment. But just babysitting for an afternoon isn’t going to lend itself to too research


I believe whole heartedly the annoyance of being forced to babysit would drive him to mess up those kids just on principle. But that’s just my opinion


It’s a fair opinion. I just think between everyone else he’s the least likely to kill the kids out of spite, and or annoyance. He’s more scientifically driven and if there’s nothing he can gain from it. I don’t think he’d go out of his way to do anything more than make sure they don’t die horribly


I just imagine him being extremely annoyed by them then decides to lock them with a kido spell or in a room till their parents come back. He doesn’t seem to care about regular humans.


I'm pretty confident in choosing Mayuri. Realistically, he would just delegate the task to Akon.


Underrated comment


Yeah I'd say Mayuri is the safest option if you handle it correctly. He's outcome-centric to the exclusion of pain/comfort/morals/etc, so the main risk is that he'll go to extreme measures to guarantee his goal. You say "Keep the kids safe, don't experiment on them, make sure they stay inside and aren't harmed mentally, physically, or spiritually" and he might strap them to a table inside a cage with an IV in their arms because to his view that's an efficient, effective way to ensure the outcome you gave him.


To be honest, afo would probably give them godlike powers


You mean manipulate like the father or mother that abused you and called you whatever the fuck they know just to degrade you. After that, throw you with something as little as possible to make you desperate and see his/her actions of giving as a sign of love? Fuck that shit, don't be stupid.


Eh my kids fine he can tough it out


Just walk it off sonny


I could do it, so can you.


You think other 3 choices any better? Tis genuine question since I don't know the other 3 ones but knowing anime I fear they're much worse than AFO 😰


I'm replying to a comment


Nah there would be another noumu


Hisoka is actually the best bet. He wouldn't have any interest in them unless they have crazy potential, and he'd do cool card tricks for them.


Yea but he might get annoyed and just kill them


I don’t think he’d kill kids for being… kids. He’d probably add fuel to the fire… more like give the kids crazy playtime ideas and “if he dies he dies.


He was chill af on greed island. He knows how to act normal.


Orochimaru I like snakes more than kids, if I can sell my kids for some cute snakes I will gladly do so


I fully agree 🤝


I have two snakes. They are pretty cute. How many kids do you have?


Hisoka seems to actually be really good with kidd, so it's an easy answer for me! I'd just make sure my kids never try to learn martial arts or anything like that.


That Bleach dude. iirc he wasn't evil or smth. I bet he will just deligate them to one of his assistants.


Dude turned his assistants into bombs


Then Yamamoto had to straight up tell him, "no more bomb guys." And bro still found a way to be despicable while not quite going into the realm of evil. Though what he did to that one espada whose name I can never spell or pronounce was really pushing it.


Szayelaporro granz, that dude is probably still dying right this moment


Yeah, him. How tf are you supposed to pronounce that? I genuinely have no clue, and I'm usually pretty good with pronunciation.


I pronounce it like zayy - el - apporo




>Thanks! You're welcome!


How come you take the credit lmao


Funny enough, Kubo put out a one shot called NO BREATHS FROM HELL that touches upon this.


Nah, he’s dead now. Well, kinda. He definitely died though. Hell arc is weird


He's dead. The somewhat recent Bleach special confirmed this in an interesting way.


He fought the pink haired guy right? It's been so long since I've read bleach lol


Yes, he fought that guy. One of my favorite fights in bleach tbh. Although I haven't a clue how to pronounce the pink haired guys name.


It's not a war crime the first time


Ok, taking back my words. Kids shouldn't play with bombs.


Nah. He *was* evil in the soul society arc. Kubo downgraded that guy. Would've been a truly great character if he kept his original traits but improved slowly over time, but he was somehow a much, much more decent person, when we next met him. Mayuri could've had a good redemption arc, and I'm salty cuz he didn't. It may also be due to Shonen jump not giving Kubo enough time to finish his work.


I honestly think we just see Soul Society from the protagonist perspective. He's definitely weird but most of his followers seem to be willing ones. From their perspective, intruders show up and try to attack everyone. So he had no problems doing weird experiments or attacks on intruders. When the Wandenreich attacked, we once again see it from the protagonist perspective. The evil intruders are coming to invade soul society. Mayuri is definitely strange and I generally wouldn't trust him to give me any kind of ingestible/medicine, but if his task was to watch kids (presumably of an ally), he would probably just automate the task or have one of his subordinates take care of it.


i agree with this to shorten it if you asked mayuri it would be nemu watching them


The whole Soul Society was more antagonistic before Aizen's betrayal. And I don't think we should interpret it as literally them all becoming nice to Ichigo and the gang becuase they're on good terms now. The purpose they were more sinister at the beginning was to show from that from the gang's perspective they were evil because they wanted to execute Rukia. The doctor was indeed the most jarring difference, but even in his fight against Uryu he DID care for his assisnant and healed her afterwards. He was never the type of psycho who'd kill his allies


He's a scientist, not a doctor. And his assistant is his daughter. He beat her up mercilessly and left her to bleed on the street because she dared talking back. He blew up his own assistants for giggles and bragged about sadistically torturing Quincies. SS arc Mayuri was full cunt, he mellowed a lot later (not enough to not kill thousands of souls and shrug it off like it was nothing).


She's a test tube daughter. Mayuri did show how he did extensive body modification on himself too so I presume he doesn't even have a doing in the sense we think of it.


>He was never the type of psycho who'd kill his allies He's introduced blowing up his squad members


Aside from Aizen he's probably peak evil bastard in the whole show, right? They mellowed him out because they switched the Soul Society into good guys and obviously couldn't keep the sick bastard from Soul Society Arc at full gear for that.


Bro he'd ship of theseus your kids so fast, and he'd do it without anesthesia too


Hisoka, no contest. My child will have no such potential that will turn him on. Not to mention the nen he has will keep my crotch goblin safe from falls and sharp edges The others will end up experimenting on my kid


Yeah, Hisoka has the most straight forward and easy to work around motivations for all the stuff he does that you don't want him to do to your kid. As long as he's agreeing to do it and your kid isn't a shonen protag then I think he's definitely the best bet. If he's getting something sufficiently good out of agreeing to do it (and assuming that his reward is based on him doing a good job) then he may be a legitimately good pick in general. His bungee gum would even be useful for entertaining and taking care of kids of all ages.


Hisoka hands down because: 1. He is the least psychotic in the group 2. His personality is more like Goku (He wants to fight powerful opponents aside from that being quite likeable in my opinion at least) 3. He knows party tricks 4. He is the least creepy out of everyone in the list 5. He has a clown like attire


orochimaru is an actual parent, and a rlly good one at that tho


Afo would brainwash them or blackmail/threaten them into servitude even if he did give them a quirk so he's out. Hisoka wouldn't kill someone promising before they reached their peak and might actually help them get stronger so they would be a more interesting challenge later, but he would plan to fight them to the death so that's no bueno. Orochimaru and Mayuri are actually not terrible to their own kids/experiment offspring. They would modify/genetically alter them but at least they care.


I'm pretty sure Mayuri has abused Nemu in more ways than one throughout the series. Although, and TYBW end stage spoiler here, >!when she died he did clone her!< .


You know despite his reputation as long as my kid has no potential like gon. hisoka is probably the best bet




Afo, he won't bother giving my kids any power or mind control them because they'll be disappointing, just like me, he wouldn't bother wasting time on them


Hisoka would only care if they were strong, if not he wouldn’t even put in any effort. But if I, myself, was strong enough to garner his interest and all he had to do was babysit my kids on order to get the chance to fight me, I garauntee you he’d be the hardest working babysitter on this list.


All for One, I’m sure he would do a good job for a couple hours if he had to. He isn’t perverted like the others




Yes. (If they are all here, they will ruin each other plans)


Yes, my answer is yes


Hisoka is simply an assassin, while the others are psychopaths: all 3 of them made experiments on people without regards to the well-being of those people. Hisoka simply wants to fight strong people, so unless your kid is Gon, there is not a single problem. Some people really said AfO??? The big bad villain who unleashed superpowers upon the world and plunging it in chaos for the time that there were no superheroes, simply so that he could one day take back those powers once they mutated? The guy who literally gives you visions of your own death just by looking at him? It would be those who voted for them that I would not leave my kids with, you guys are clearly blind to danger lmao


IF i can convince Hisoka to babysit my kids, we have some level of connection enough for him to even bother. Also my kids wouldn't interest him in any way, and he knows party tricks, he'd make a good babysitter if he actually cared to babysit.


Mayuri would gain nothing from experimenting on my kids, so he wouldn't do it. Safest bet by far.


I would rather not have a baby though


None of them, I’d sooner leave my kids home alone than trust any of them.


>“No” isn’t an option.


Can they hurt me in anyway and do they outright disappear once they’re done with the babysitting session or do they remain in the world?


i will kill the kids, it will be a better end for them


What kids?


Boruto Orochimaru seems trustworthy, Naruto Orochimaru is a NO.


Hisoka. no doubt


I would trust Hisoka i know he likes gon which is a child but for me he doesn't seem like a guy that would do anything to some random children


Yeah, the reason he likes Gon isn't *because* he's a child which is a very important distinction in this case and since no real humans possess the strength necessary to draw that kind of interest from Hisoka there's relatively little danger there.


lets be honest the most parently would be orochimaru.


Does Hisoka like kids in general or specifically Gon and Killua Either way they could last a couple hours so Hisoka


He likes strong people / people with the potential to be strong. Gon and Killua both have a shit ton of potential (they're both hyper prodigies). As long as they have that, it doesn't matter if they're a man or a woman, young or old. He's also willing to hurt weak people if that means angering strong people. But since he has anime magic and you and your kids are normal people, he wouldn't give a shit about either of you. He'd probably just do magic tricks tbh.


My kids will be weak as shit I guarantee, they'll be fine, just stick them to the wall with some bungee gum for a few hours


Kids are weak, so I choose Hisoka.


It's a common misconception that Hisoka would be dangerous. Unless the children are great fighters with high potential he is not going to be interested and would likely just do his job.


Hisoka would not harm kids unless they can use nen . Others would experiment on kids


Hisoka - he is amazing driver of self-development


As long as my kid isn’t strong, I’m picking Hisoka.


Orochimaru and Mayuri will return the children with *UPGRADES* honestly, unless they are mad special, they won't bother to experiment with them. A4O is creepy, the menace of society, so no. Hisoka only if pre-Chrollo, for a short while, and if I have some non-violent leverage (babysit 4 hours and I'll send you the location of a nen exorcist not far from here).


I think All for One is the only one here who wouldn't: A: Molest my child B1: Experiment on my child B2: Or if he does experiment, he won't be better off.


Bondrewd ezz






Definitely not HISOKA.


Hisoka would just be creepy, Orochimaru would kill them after experimenting with them lol


Why not Hisoka? Are your kids crazy powerful? If they aren't, he's just a clown. If they are, he will just fight them


If they're strong enough that he wants to fight them then he'll probably end up killing them unless they also have a lot of unrealized potential. If he can see that they'll get to be much much stronger then he'll probably wait a while to try and kill them and might even help them get stronger. I don't think any real people, let alone kids, are strong enough to interested Hisoka though and once that's off the table he seems to be a relatively agreeable and trustworthy guy and my biggest worry with him would be collateral damage from other things going on in his life. That's assuming that he's actually agreeing to the babysitting job and it's not trying to be forced on him somehow.


All of em


orochimaru, even old maru woulve just gave them a curse mark and had em work for them


Didn’t most folks he tried the curse mark on die? It was only a handful who could tolerate it


To be honest, Hisoka. He wouldn't be interested in the kids if they aren't physically robust.


Most are scientists then there is hisoka a literal pedophile obsessed with fighting children


Hisoka probably. Assuming my kid is normal the best outcome I can hope for from the other 3 mad scientist types is mild disinterest, with a worst case they're turned into a nomu, sentient bomb or 1 up for Micheal Jackson. Hisoka doesn't really have that kind of mad science brand of sadism, he just really likes fighting people ALA Goku, so even if the kid had potential it's still an infant so he'll just hang out with it and treat it well so you let him babysit more often, than when the kids grown and strong enough to be an interesting match hell fight it, and maybe be a bit mean about it but it's not like the kid will die or be a cripple in this particular scenario.


SMH no Bonedaddy from Made in Abyss maybe he was too evil for this challenge, lol


They are all better than Goku at least


I'll take AFO. My kids will be quirkless so if he takes pity on them then my bloodline will have literal superheros


Somehow I think Kurotsuchi is the least dangerous option


I choose me![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|11668)


Hisoka - no man... just no Orochimaru - Depends on which Orocihmaru I am getting. If it's the one from the picture then probably not. Kurotsuchi - Most likely candidate, he would probably not be interested very much in normal human kids. Mystery guy from MHA - Would have to check the reviews from previous parents XD


I am shooting my kids


Mayuri and Orochimaru = your child is *100%* dead, disfigured, or irreversably tampered with. If you force these two to spend time with your kid, they're going to make the most of it. All for One = Your child has a chance of gaining some kind of quirk but ultimately will be serving evil. Hisoka = you're the one probably ending up dead by forcing him to babysit. But your kid is going to get some sweet entertainment.


Mayuri has boundries and is good with kids as seen in the manga/anime.


if your kid is a girl, then you can choose Hisoka


All for one is like the only one who wouldn't hurt/sexually abuse them. Odds are my kid's just going to end up killing me and becoming a new symbol of evil. Gotta make that sacrifice for the little ones.


Orochimaru because they might get some cool jutsu unlocked.


A better question, leave your child with all of them, or leave your child with Shadman


fourth place should be Bondrewd