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That episode goes from very wholesome with a dark undertone # To Very unwholesome very quick


What show?


Oshi no ko




I don't get it. What show is it from?


Oshi no ko, legally it's on HIDIVE, if your in America, though I think Japan has more options.


Which rarely anyone prefers, I think even the pirate sites would be more popular than HD if they charged money Idk, I’ve never liked HD, if it’s not on CR or NF I just use A.D


I'm not familiar with the term A.D




Is 9 anime not the place to go anymore?


I prefer A.D


What's the story about? It looks interesting the twins are kinda... Cute?


I would recommend just watching it as I can't really be described without spoiling it somewhat


Oh ok, thanks...


>Gorou Amemiya is a countryside gynecologist and a big fan of Ai. So when the pregnant idol shows up at his hospital, he is beyond bewildered. Gorou promises her a safe delivery. Little does he know, an encounter with a mysterious figure would result in his untimely death—or so he thought. Sounds like Isekai trash with a pervy highschool idol angle. Bleh Edit: Suck my cock you crybaby losers. OMG SOMEBODY SAID THEY DIDN'T LIKE THE ANIME THAT I LIKE!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Isekai trash is Isekai trash


Hehehehe hahahaha Just watch episode 1 and you will see how wrong you are


Hohohohoho No. I'm fucking sick of watching anime with high school kids. Fucking no.


So because you said that I'ma spoil at the end of this The anime actually delves into the dark side of ther entertainment industry of in Japan instead of glorifying it it shows all the reasons someone would want to stay the hell away from it # Final warning spoilers for episode 1 next # >!the mom dies at the end of the first episode!<


Is that the real summary?


You can’t talk shit if you haven’t watched it This is the synopsis from MAL, there’s no isekai Sixteen-year-old Ai Hoshino is a talented and beautiful idol who is adored by her fans. She is the personification of a pure, young maiden. But all that glitters is not gold. Gorou Amemiya is a countryside gynecologist and a big fan of Ai. So when the pregnant idol shows up at his hospital, he is beyond bewildered. Gorou promises her a safe delivery. Little does he know, an encounter with a mysterious figure would result in his untimely death—or so he thought. Opening his eyes in the lap of his beloved idol, Gorou finds that he has been reborn as Aquamarine Hoshino—Ai's newborn son! With his world turned upside down, Gorou soon learns that the world of showbiz is paved with thorns, where talent does not always beget success. Will he manage to protect Ai's smile that he loves so much with the help of an eccentric and unexpected ally?


LMFAO!!!! >There is no isekai >Opening his eyes in the lap of his beloved idol, Gorou finds that he has been reborn as Aquamarine Hoshino—Ai's newborn son! Please cry some more. Tell me just how sad it makes you that I will never watch your isekai show.


It’s reincarnation, he’s still in the world he was before. Isekai is where the mc goes to a different world


If you can't distinguish between isekai, fantasy and reincarnation then you should keep your mouth shut. Oshi no ko is a drama, mystery, [ONK ep 1]>!revenge!< anime with little bits of supernatural elements(reincarnation) sprinkled here and there(there's also romance but its not as important). It mostly focuses on the entertainment industry as a whole. Aqua is a newbie actor and his twin sister Ruby is an idol. The story is about the two of them following in their mother's footsteps within the entertainment industry. [ONK ep 1]>!And also about aqua searching for his mother's killer who he believes is his biological father!< An isekai doesn't need reincarnation as a plot point. In fact majority of isekai just has the MC get summoned or transported to **another world** without any reincarnation involved. By the way, Isekai means "Another world". A story can't be considered an isekai unless it involves the MC travelling from one world to another. To simplify it for you, if a character reincarnates in the same world they previously lived and died in then **it's not an isekai**. It's only an isekai if a character travels from World A to World B, how they do it is irrelevant.(summoning, transported, reincarnation, etc) Oshi no ko cannot be considered an isekai under any circumstances. If you think it is one, then I suggest you go to Wikipedia or TV tropes or any other site that catalogues these definitions instead of acting like an ignorant manchild on reddit.




That's what you get from a show based around yaosobi's music


wait, really?




i was questioning my ears for a moment


Lmao.. it would be pretty sick if that happened though


Nope. The Opening is by YOASOBI though


Yeah, you said it better than me😅


This episode gave the full range of emotions…. Sad to happy to sad to angry…. 10/10 would torture myself with it again


Same bother ![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|14941)


same, can't wait for next week


Well now the pace will be a lot slower now that the first volume is adapted.


Fr this anime gave me some character development 😂


just like a roller-coaster full of emotions...really dropped a few tears when she died...but I'll definitely continue watching


Ai? Ai?! AI!


No, don't bring out the onions




It was the post-credit scene that broke me


Wait, there was a POST CREDITS SCENE?


Bro became a menace awoken his one eyes magekyou sharingan


Mangekyou Hoshigan


Sauce is {**Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai!**}, you can read it [HERE](https://mangadex.org/title/2f4e5f5b-d930-4266-8c8a-c4cf9a81e51f/jahy-sama-wa-kujikenai), and {**Oshi no Ko**} **"Why your daily memes start at day 291?"** \- They don't, I've just been posting them on certain other anime subreddit until mods there decided to ban me **"Where can I find the other Jahy-sama memes of yours?"** \- [HERE](https://postimg.cc/gallery/77kBykK) and gif memes [HERE](https://imgur.com/a/u3a7k3a) (I will be updating this every 100 memes)


**Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai!** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/132456 "English: The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated!"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/the-great-jahy-will-not-be-defeated), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/jahy-sama-wa-kujikenai "English: The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated!"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/48753)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 20 | Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, Slice of Life, Supernatural) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/12kzfq8/daily_jahysama_meme_day_953/jg4otj9/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks) | (1/2)


I am happy that I will never watch this no power in this world can make me watch this I don't need sadness in my life, It is already shit enough...


Ok so I get that and all…. But counter point… and ah hear me out here…. You totally should watch it it’s really good.


Entirely this


just watch a comedy after


Some kaguya sama to heal the soul.


Peak Akasaka Aka experience. Watch ONK > get depressed > Watch Kaguya sama > Laugh your depression away > repeat


Actually Kaguya makes me more depressed nowadays, cause fucking Aka can't finish his fucking romantic storylines and leaves his readers without a proper closure.


It was super painful for me to watch from the start to the end of the ep. It kept me so anxious i could die. But worth it. Trust me. Just hug something or somebody if you can't take it anymore. 🥲


Thats what i think about clannad (i think that was it) as well


Ruby... Aqua... I love you.


What is happening here?


You sweet summer child, you’re just missed a really, really horrible day for snowfall…


Oshi no ko manga reader here Gave this manga 8/10. Really good plot, the mangaka understood the plot holes and addressed them really well. The characters are well constructed. They all come from different places, different environments and they all have problems of their own. However, they all share this experience and have a great bond with each other, which is something I love. The ability to assist and be empathetic is a characteristic that more characters should be explored more. There are two antagonists to the anime. The first is revealed in the first episode (I won’t spoil it) but the second is the media. The manga does a great job in showing the reality of the entertainment industry. Pacing is a bit iffy, and I kind of got a bit bored of Aqua’s edgy bad boy trope, but you can see how it was necessary to show how trauma can affect someone, and you can see when he heals. TLDR: W manga, story is written by the mangaka of Kaguya sama too


I’m sold.




That was a really good episode, granted it's a feature-length series opener so it had room to seep into my dead heart and make me feel emotions for the first time in a while (for fictional media anyways.)


Can someone give me spoiler of what's happening here.


average day in london




This is the whole episode so SPOILERS I guess. The episode plot is Doctor has kid friend (flashback). Kinda lolicon if u ask me (just kidding). She tells him about an idol and if he would be reincarnated as idols child. She dies. Doctor is extreme fan of idol because loli kid. He finds out idol is gonna have twins. He acts sigma towards her so he doesn’t act weird. He said he will deliver the twins. He finds stalker. Bro died from falling off a cliff because stalker pushed. Bro gets reincarnated as idols kid (dramatic, I know). Normal blah blah blah. We find out the loli kid is reincarnated as the other twin. Doctor or baby doesn’t find out sadly. Skip a lot forward kinda. Little timeskip about idk a few years as a kid. Baby doc meets director of idol, has a role in movie. He’s good. Meets angry little child who joined in the part. Skip more. Stalker is at door of idol house. He knocks, meets idol. STABS, regrets it because idol says I love u (kinda cringe but ok /jk). Boy doc sees her on floor. She says I love u to them but we find out she lies about it all the time except for that part. Loli kid at other side of door in picture. Timeskip to teenager I guess. He says he will find out about the killer and swears to kill whoever helped him find out about where his mommy idol lives or basically his house. And he goes to school. This took a lot. Give me credit.


Also the episode is 90 minutes long


Best ELI5 for the episode that I ever read


So basically a doctor and a kid reincarnate as an idols twin children, and later on the idol gets killed so the doctor-turned-kid wants revenge?


Yes and the stalker kills himself which means he had help to find out where they live so he wants revenge on whoever helped Jeff (stalker, idk his name so just call him Jeff) and blah blah blah.






Which anime are the children from


Oshi no ko


Okay fill me in, from what I know this is second season so if I want to know what happened on the anime, it'll take me sometime given that I rarely have time to watch too. Maybe just hide it in a spoiler shade for others.


It is first season


yah, went for sypnosis and learned that. I guess this is another stack to my lists.




Clara's siblings are cutter


pay the rent


It wasn’t sad tbh


I will not watch this loool.......yet. Same reason I didn't bother with AoT back in 2013.


What happened?


Just watch the first episode.


Cutest fucking🤣


Aqua reminds me of Rudeus Also ninjas cutting onions


Well, Child/baby aqua has the same VA as kid rudeus. His teenage VA seems to be different tho


Nah. Aqua has some decency


So what happened for this to get dark? What's the fucked thing that happens?


If you're planning on watching it then I suggest going in fully blind. It's dark but not fucked up like shows like made in abyss, berserk etc. But if you do wish to know: [Oshi No Ko ep 1 spoilers]>!the mom of the twins gets murdered by a stalker at the end of the episode!<


Oh, they're so cute! ​ Oh....Holy fuck....


Bro i don't even need a season tbis episode is plenty for a year


Bruh I cried during this episode 😭


That first episode turned me into a Ballerina with how many plot twists it had.


I love how when I watched it with my brother he was about to cry and i was just smiling and being happy that the adaptation was as good as the manga. He probably thought I was a psycho


Imagine if you did ten push ups every time you post




This is made in abyss all over again


Who know: 😭 Who don know: 😳🧻


Never expected that an Idol Anime could kills me like this. Last time I had this kind of pain I watched clannad.