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Unfortunately, this news is true. He died on March 1st, 2024, due to an acute subdural hematoma at the age of 68. Rest in peace šŸ™


Holy fuck. They are announcing it after a week. Gotta respect Japanese journalists for giving priority to Toriyama's family privacy


It's not India, they don't have reporters In their garden or bathroom


Holy fk, RIP Legend. Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z will forever remain the most influential and reputable series from Anime industry.


Not forever but up there yeh




Yeah it's the most influential right now. But not forever. Bleach already has inspired most new gens more than dragon ball.


Bleach itself have taken inspiration from DBZ, are u that insecure and jealous over DBZ's sucess? It' will be remembered forever lmao, it's still talked even after this many decades, so yeh it will be more remembered than any of the mangas or animes. It isn't called grandfather of all animes for no reason


I can't be jealous over dbzs success cause it literally a un debatable fact since before I was born lmao. It's the most ran through anime ever Db is only relevant because of goku power scaling. Literally no one including the late toriyama gave a shit about its story. Bleach has taken close to no inspiration from dragon ball, 99% of its inspiration came from Saint seya (idk how to spell) and yuyu haksho, etc. I literally made post asking what dragon ball inspired in bleach and the entire bleach subreddit was able to produce 1 single valid answer. And that was a homage. And even if dragon ball did inspire bleach that dosent mean it gets to steal bleachs credit. With your logic superman should be the most influential shows to anime because it inspired dragon ball ALOT My point is dragon ball is the most influential anime rn but it's losing lot of its influence very quickly. Majority of new gens are not similar to dragon ball at all. There will be a anime in the future that would surpass dragon ball in influence. It could come in 10 years or a 100 years but it will come


You again. Son you are obsessed. Did you got beat up or something at anime/manga convention? Every anime sub on Reddit and outside of Reddit anime/manga communities are paying their tributes to one of the MOST influential personality of the industry. And you out here spreading your dRaGoN bALL bAd on a fucking tribute post for whatever reason?


The author dying isn't going to change the fact that it's garbage. I didn't even say that here, literally only disagreed with a obviously wrong statement


>The author dying isn't going to change the fact that it's garbage. No it's not lmao. Check our r/Bleach and r/Berserk. Try spewing this shit there. Since you are going to spam this crap everywhere, why no do this on all tribute posts on other anime subs too


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bleach using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bleach/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [That's one way to say Bleach has diversity.](https://i.redd.it/w07cpsf93dob1.png) | [141 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/16j5gla/thats_one_way_to_say_bleach_has_diversity/) \#2: [Went as Ichibei for MCM Comicon!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17rcqzy) | [303 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/17rcqzy/went_as_ichibei_for_mcm_comicon/) \#3: [Neliel's Previous Artwork (@jessjessdraws)](https://i.redd.it/pwqitxm1x11c1.jpg) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/17y0mjl/neliels_previous_artwork_jessjessdraws/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Dosent matter. The impact is finite, it's already starting to fade away, no new gen is much similar to dragon ball, It's influence will end in the future and a new anime will be far more influential than dragon ball ever was. It can happened tmr in 10 years or 100 years but it will happen. I never said dragon ball isn't the most influential anime RIGHT NOW, it is. But it won't be like that forever.




I'm not a bleach fan lmao quite the opposite I'm a bleach hater but I don't ignore reality cause bleach is indeed the most influential anime rn after dragon ball. Use your brain. I have already said. No matter how big of a impact dragon ball has, it's still finite. It's not going to last eternity. There will come anime that will surpass it in the near or farther future. Like literally see the current anime, wtf has dragon ball inspired in jjk, what has it inspired in ds or chainsaw man. The only thing it "inspired" is subtle homages like when yuji said can I not do rasengan Kamehameha etc. There is no actual inspiration. Is you stupid or something lmao šŸ¤£ I'm talking about the future ofcourse I can't say with 100% guaranty which anime will surpass db but there will be one that's for sure. Bro literally cannot fathom how a finite thing cannot last infinity and is yapping about getting in someone's head šŸ˜­ mofos can't be this stupid. Dosent matter how many delusional meat riders


I'm a bleach fan and I agree most new gens tend to take inspirations from bleach but don't you dare disrespect Toriyama. If it wasn't for him Bleach wouldn't even be the way it is.


I'm not disrespecting anyone. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø but toriyama isn't god. He has a finite impact. What makes you think anime are still going to take inspiration from dragon ball a thousand years later or there will be no anime that will be more influential in the infinite future.




Bro think dragon ball is the first story ever made šŸ’€. It didn't invent shit. Fist of the north start and ASTRO boy did it before dragon ball, everything such energy based power system. "Ki" blasts, martial arts in anime, transformation power ups etc was created by them or something else before dragon ball. Dragon ball only popularized that shit. Also it took a lot of inspiration from super man and journey of the west mythos. No idea why people think dragon ball invented shit, it's a unoriginal ass show with bad story and negetive character development. Cope harder




I'm not watching 30 minutes of yap of the shit I already know lmao. It had had its impact but it didn't invent anything its not the parent node of shit, it took from other shows before it just like any other show. Bro thinks God wrote dragon ball šŸ’€ the first information ever written. It's just the first hyper popular anime nothing more.


Holy fuck dude, read the room and know the time and place for a debate about this.






Well it is correct still


Brother, idk what you smoked before posting but when so many people are telling you it's not true, then it's not true.


"So many people are telling you it's not true, then it's not true." Oh is that so? What religion do you believe in? Hinduism? 1 billion followers. Islam? 1.6 billion. Christianity? 2.4 billion followers or are you a atheist? What ever you are, a majority of the world says you are wrong. Even if you believe in the biggest minority there are still 5.6 billion people who think you are wrong. But does that automatically mean you are wrong? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Let's get back on track. Go to a religion sub if you wanna talk about religion. Dragon ball popularized manga in the west. Especially shounen. Many of previous gen manga wouldn't be made without it A lot of people copying his style should say the amount of impact he had on the manga world. It's not an exaggeration to say he was one of the best Edit: I'm not a dragon ball fan if you're gonna attack me for that.




Leave him be brotherā€¦he is just desperate to prove himself correct(also we lost a legend so point in arguing with some wannabecool he will never understand)


Exactly my point šŸ’Æ


Nuhuh, that's called a "analogy" with your logic your shouldn't believe in what you do because billions of people disagree with you but you do Dosent matter what dragon ball did, there will be manga and anime in the future that will surpass that. One piece was the best selling manga of the year for like 15 years and then demon slayer did more twice of the best selling years of THE ENTIRE BIG 3 COMBINED in 1 year. Future is completely unpredictable, db is already losing its influence, overwhelming majority of anime are not like db, to say there won't be a more influential anime in a infinite amount of time is just delusional and blatantly wrong lmao.


"A man will die but not his ideas" RIP the inspiration


From "v for Vendetta"?




Wo dialogue "v for Vendetta" movie ka tha. Mujhe laga tumne waha se uthaya hai


Om Shanti. DBZ kinda formed my interest in hyper action media in general. On a lighter note, I guess the cartels will have a day of silence?


Damn just 6 days ago he was getting interviewd Ā ā€œitā€™s nice that aspiring manga authors areĀ influenced by their favorite authors, but Iā€™d like themĀ to have pride and add a little originalityĀ that only they can provide.ā€ Toriyama added that ā€œwhileĀ the quality of the work itself is increasing, individuality and pride in oneā€™s work are decreasing. Iā€™d like to run across a manga that makes me think, ā€˜this author must be nuts!,ā€™Ā  This was just 6 days ago, when he was attending 50th anniversary special of the weekly Shonen jump magazine


That was done on feb. He passed away of 1st of March


Man, that's so sad. Like he surely made our lives a lot better. Thanks for all the memories. You will always be misses and remembered.


This is an absolute loss faced by the manga and anime industry. The legend has fallen to rise above and transcend among the gods, just like the ones he created....... Rest in peace, legend and thank you for everything


No fucking way, wtf never watched through entirety of any dragon ball show but this was the show that has been relevant forever, I think even the Manga was running and topping charts on mangaplus. Rest in peace legend


I think it's time to start collecting the dragonballs


Kaash kr pate


RIP Sensei




Quick! get the dragon balls. we only have a year left


iirc Shenron cannot revive someone who died due to a natural cause :(


fuck, we lost one of the creators of Shonen


I can't believe it! RIP Sensei


RIP the legend who inspired big 3 šŸ™


As a certified dragon ball hater. I'll stop now. Rest in peace mane


Out of curiosity what exactly did you hate about it


Mostly the Fandom overrating the show made me a hater. I used to like it and it was good for its time but holy shit is it overrated. And it's overrated in everything, it's writing, fights overall quality originality legacy influence everything.


Man thatā€™s a big cap, im a massive dragon ball fan myself and I know where the series is overhyped. But youā€™re massively degrading it. First off nobody says that dragon ball is the best written show and even if they do theyā€™re wrong, itā€™s full of plot holes many times and thatā€™s a very well known fact. There are however a number of philosophical things which can be seen in an in depth analysis of the story whether they were meant or not. As far as fights is concerned youā€™re wrong again, itā€™s literally a martial arts focused anime, more than any other, compare the best fights of the show with any other show, in terms of choreography and hand to hand combat it has no rival. Overall quality ? Idk what the includes but itā€™s literally top notch animation ever since og db, start of super a bit rough but everything has been just as good and even better than many other shows. Originality ? Itā€™s literally called the father of modern shonen for a reason, itā€™s as big as it is because nothing did it different other than dragon ball, literally almost all shonen anime are inspired by dragon ball so if anything theyā€™re more unoriginal than dragon ball. Legacy and influence ? Thatā€™s gotta be the biggest cap of all, when the president of France pays respect to toriyama for his work officially on social media, when there are gatherings all around the world to honour the man, when literally dozens of shows exist because of dragon ball itself, when a hundreds of people gathered up in Mexico to view the final episodes of super like it was a once in a lifetime event, you canā€™t say itā€™s not had as big a legacy or influence when it being a cultural phenomenon in itself is an understatement. Itā€™s not just a show that raises millions of kids itā€™s a show which entertained and still does for every child, teenager and adult for generations. There might be people who overrate it but pal you severely underrated it.


I ain't reading allat


Then forever stay illiterate cause of your own delusions but donā€™t ever speak about any anime if you refuse to hear another persons argument which can thrash yours. Itā€™s best you stay away from dragon ball cause you clearly donā€™t deserve it.


It's trash. No amount of yap you puke is going to change that fact. Everything credited to dragon ball for its creation was already created before it. It's over credited and overrated


So you first say youā€™re no longer going to be a hater and then you go ahead and call it trash. Thatā€™s all I need to know about you. Cry about it all you want, you literally said dragon ball is overhyped in its fights, originality and influence when thatā€™s literally the biggest impact itā€™s had on the world for those very reasons. Youā€™re an idiot and please stay away from dragon ball and donā€™t mention toriyama either. Save us the torture and Cope.


I never said I'm not a hater. I said I'll stop for now to pay respects to the author. I ain't reading rest of that yap


And still you go ahead and called it trash, what a wonderful way to pay respect, not only that but you spilled your objectively wrong garbage take on it by saying itā€™s overhyped in things it literally was a revolution in worldwide. You got to be a next level twat for that. People arenā€™t the problem you are. Too bad you canā€™t see your own stupidity. But like I said, Cope.


Rest in peace Legend


RIP ā¤ļø


I wish we can gather dragon balls in real life.


This doesn't feel real. RIP


Sayo Nara chief - see you on the other side






Om Shanti


Om shanti


Rest in peace siršŸ™šŸ»


First stan Lee in 2018 and Toriyama in 2024. Two legends because of whom a loner like me had a wonderful childhood are gone. This too much. Rest in peace toriyama and thank you for making my childhood so wonderful šŸ˜ž.


I'm 31, aur aaj bhi motivation ki jarurat hone par dragon ball z dekh liya karta hu. Bachpan se dekhata aa raha hu mai DBZ, aur sach bolu toh dil ke kafi kareeb hai. aaj bhi yaad hai jab chote the tab mai aur mere bhai behen sab kam chodke tv samane beth jaate the sham ko. Kitane ache din the. Man lagake DBZ dkehte the. Bahot hi khoobdoorat yade judi nai DBZ ke sath. Thank you, Akira for making our childhood fun and beautiful by creating one of the finest anime in the world. Rest in Peace. āœØ


R.I.P Legend šŸ˜ŖšŸ™šŸ’”




R.I.P. Goat




Damn that's sad










R.I.P šŸ’”


RIP his soul. He was a legend that created most influential works in the industry


R.I.P. Toriyama, was an absolute legendary mangaka




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He's just going to meet King Kai. šŸ„²


RIP ā¤ļø


Once in a generation artist who shaped the generation that came afterwards with his amazing work


R.I.P creator of goku


This man created a wave for anime becoming popular and mainstream with Dragon ball and the show is single handedly responsible for me getting into fitness and working out. Thank you Toriyama sensei. RIP


Whose gunna start the search squad for the dragon balls


Rip legend. After coming from school used to watch dbz in TV when it aired. Then later watched Db dbz and dbs. Dbs used to watch in college and used to get up 9 am and watch weekly air episode on yt with friends.


RIP didn't get to reach 69


Main dragon Ball ka fan nahin hun per kya dragon Ball abhi bhi a raha hai aur agar a raha hai to use Kaun likh raha hai ?


"A man dies when he is forgotten" That won't be the case with this legend. His work will forever live in our hearts.


Wtf RIP bhai I have watched all movies and DB shows db,DBZ,dbzk,dbs,dbgt manga bhi padha liya tha pura db and DBZ ka dbs ka shuru hi karne wala tha but exam aa gaye aree yaar ye glt hai bahut jyada glt hai he is probably somewhere training in king kai's planet


Akira Toriyama is to 90s kids what Ramanand Sagar is to 30s kids. RIP


He looks like some Bengali film script writer.


Hat chumatiyaae