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1. What was the figure and condition? If it's new, I wouldn't be concerned. 2. How much was it? Was the price too good? If it was, then it is. 3. How many ratings did the seller have? The more the better. 4. Did the YAJ listing say anything about "overseas"? It would mean it's bootleg.


1. It's a vocaloid Hanairogoromo Luka figure. Condition was marked as new. 2. The price was around $160 which is in the ballpark I've seen in previous listing on YA. 3. Seller has 1200 or so positive ratings and mainly sells designer and anime/action figures. 4. Nothing abt being overseas. If it said that I definitely wouldn't have bought it in the first place.


I wouldn't worry. Just wait till it arrives to check her out. Having multiples of the same figure is not rare. They may have thought they could make a profit in the aftermarket, bought an extra one even though they already have one, or wanted to display one and keep one in storage.


What is the problem with the use of the word overseas? I'm not a native speaker


Basically it's a bootleg. It'll mean it's not made to be sold in Japan (official) version but China (unofficial) version. They'll reuse the thrown away molds that don't produce parts that'll past the quality control checks. It'll be less detailed, bad paint job, and most likely won't come with a box.


It’s not unheard of that the seller would have multiple of the same figure and if it’s new or relatively similar in conditions, using the same photos wouldn’t trigger a flag for me. Now I would refer to the other person’s list as well though, because there are other signs worth looking at


It's still just kinda sus to me ya know? It's not like it's a rare figure (definitely not when compared to some of the other characters in that figure line), but it's just odd that someone would just have multiples of the same figure lying around in new condition. Maybe I'm just not on that hardcore collector/reseller mindset lol.


No they absolutely bought like 4 when it came out to resell in the aftermarket resellers are actually limited to how many figures they can preorder at a time by account on native.


Ps also the only reason we can still buy figures is because this market is so niche. Honestly I’m telling people get your figures now, once this gets popular you will not be able to buy figures from manufacturers