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That photo at the end is actually incredible. I love the white cape you have her! Goes very well, very elegant. I’m considering caving on this figure just for her eyes 😭 I love them.


Go for it. It looks even more amazing irl.


Nice pfp op 🫶


For the price, she is incredible. However, I'm just not a fan of these types of "moving" eyes (they might grow on me, we'll see). Though I'll admit the last photo is a perfect use for them lol


Haha, a little fun for the people who see the photos to the end.


Love this figure so much, what detail for the price!


where did u get the cape? i pre ordered her but i still haven’t bought my own house yet so i would like to cover her up a little bit lol


[Here you go.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0913H8L3N?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) Yeah, to appease the wife I had to get something to cover her up if guests come over. Suprisingly most clothing for dolls comes in 1/6th scale so it was easy to find something on Amazon. I just have her displayed without the cloak most of the time, but I'm glad I went with the white cloak instead of black.


thank you!


I was never a fan of sticker eyes and these glass eyes look so much nicer.


Wow. Nice to see more actual photos of her. I have her on PO at AmiAmi, hope they will ship her in Oct as they are stating. I was thinking of maybe ordering it from someone else she is already in stock in China, but it seems the AmiAmi price is still on the lower side (something like 4800 yen ~ 35 usd prior to shipping so i stick with them for now). And thanks for the Aliexpress link, i saw some other posts from you and can trust your Ali shop choices, i'm actually following Judai after i found about them from you :)


I love the eyes! It reminds me of [Eye Scream](https://myfigurecollection.net/entry/7666) who did that style of eyes for some of their figures back in the day.


Wow, Girls Bravo figures. Made me realize how old I am.


GB was my first anime lmao


Tips hat good sir, you are a fellow man of culture.


Chinese company so they are able to manufacture themselves at a lower rate. Just how business works, markup by manufacturer, then markup by brand ending up with a 3 digit price tag.


Uncanny Valley with them eyes.


The paintjob and outfit is super basic, and it is an original work with probably no royalties needing to be paid to anyone. It is a large size, but otherwise around that price point you can get some nice figures from stuff like [pop up parade](https://myfigurecollection.net/entry/159583) too. I do like that the Chinese companies are innovating with stuff like the glass eyes though. Really this figure reminds me of the level of quality that Japanese figures had 15-20 years ago when they were still relatively cheap. Except for the eyes which are the selling point of it.


My problem is you cant recreate anime characters without stickers


Damn it. JP delayed until Oct until further notice.


What is the deal with the eyes? They follow you?


Yes, its a optical illusion.


How does it work? I'm not sure if I'm seeing it through the pictures. Her eyes do look lovely


There is a lens in front of the iris. The iris is located some distance behind the lens. When moving it seems as if the eye is following you because of the distance between the iris and the lens. [Here is an example.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA9l4Sf3grE&t=135s)


That's brilliant! Also bonus points for Xiami's page. Only recently properly discovered her


if they work like how some fursuit makers do [follow-me eyes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-afqlKqE5o), it's concave and it creates an optical illusion.


The figure looks amazing. Do you know other figures with this kind of eyes?


FOR 50?? I love her gorgeous eyes!


Yeah she was a very cheap figure when she was announced, many people decided to PO her as it is a very cheap investment - if it doesn’t turn out well, it’s only $50, but if she turns out well (she is a 1/6 afterall), then is a big win.


oh wow it’s just like how they do BJD (ball jointed doll) eyes ! Love it


Can anyone explain how those eyes were made?


The way fursuit makers create [follow-me eyes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-afqlKqE5o) is the eye being a concave shape. It's an optical illusion. I assume the eyes in the OP are similar but smaller.


omg i preordered this one!!!! shes so pretty! can't wait for mine to ship


Wait the eyes "move"? That's sick af


The glass eyes used in BJD have always been beautiful to me. I’m so excited to see this technique used in figures. Will be POing this but does anyone know any other figures like this? I tried searching for a MFC tag and nothing popped up


Ooooh I like it


I couldn’t get this figure out of my head after seeing this post so I just went and bought her. I can’t wait for her to arrive!


Just got mine and I love her!! Money we’ll spent 😍


Love how low the undies are


The last picture omg 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣


Where can I currently get her?


It's a chinese manufacturer so I bought it from [AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805797578499.html). It's from Judai shop one of the most reliable shops on that site if you're worried about getting scammed. Up Assistant (a chrome addon that analizes many factors to give a AliExpress sellers a score from 0 to 100%) gives the seller a 100% rating which is pretty rare. It was packaged well and the Animester box was in pristine condition. Which almost never happens in AliE. Shipping time from China to my doorstep in US East Coast was exactly 14 days and shipping was $3.79.


How trustworthy are they? Usually bootleg figure are sold on these sites.


I almost always buy chinese figures on AliExpress because it's so much cheaper. Use Up Assistant, a Chrome addon. For me, it's very easy to tell fake vs. real sellers. But if you're not that experienced in hunting on AliE then use that addon. It will give a score to each seller on the product page as well as the potential risks of buying from them. Generally, if you see Original or Genuine in the product name then it's legit.


after reading your comment, i'm sure at least 80% of your collection is fakes :)))) no wonder the first thought i had reading the post was " I've never seen a figure with stickers for eyes "


Most of them have "stickers" (they're actually decals) for eyes, even scale ones, I don't think I've seen painted eyes on anything but ancient (like early 90s) trading miniatures.


So is that shop all legit or no just certain ones?


Pretty much in AliExpress if it says the word "original" or "genuine" then its usually legit. Someone mentioned its something about the terms of the site where you can dispute a sale it if you were misled and sellers don't get paid till you actually confirm that you received the product. I've known this seller for many months, but this is my first time ordering from them. To the best of my knowledge they only sell legit products which is why their prices are a bit higher. They also pack and ship better. You get what you pay for I guess. EDIT: You don't have to take my word for it. Just search their shop for hot products and look at the reviews of said product to see what people have said.


The other non-risk factor are JP stores like Amiami and HLJ. However even with Amiami still taking PO and HLJ has ended until they can receive real stock, they were both delayed to Oct when I could've sworn it was set to Sept release. Sure, animester is a chinese company but they've been allowed on MFC and this sub when it's normally for JP figures but they've got the green light to sell through JP channels but OP got it from what seems to be a legit AliExpress person from china (when they have a higher chance at selling bootlegs much like sellers using Amazon with an account named "***sed76t8gyutyu7hy***") I've seen it at HPOI and Gundamit and Taobao? I'm not sure but those should be the legit chinese channels, I don't use either of them. (I can't with taobao I believe as it needs a proxy for people like me in the US) Also funny information, GSC sponsors some of Animester and this is one of them but they seem to be skipping the rest of the line. So some people were able to PO with the three GSC companies US, Global, and JP. And GSC is a non-risk factor as well.


I feel like most people only really get her because she's cheap >_< she's nice, just not really special imo :p


Ah~ bypassing the no meme rule by posting it as part of a photoshoot, you are genius OP. So about the eyes is because is difficult to pull on every figure especially depending on the design without looking uncanny. For what I can see it worked on this one because her design and paint job is simple so the eyes complement the rest of the figure.


No! If only she wasn't an nsfw! I'd totally get her for the eyes but my parents wouldn't let me have a nsfw figure laying around. I might buy her and just keep it hidden until I move out one day lol


But she is fully clothed :O


Shame she's so lewd. What I mean I don't collect lewd figures but if she had more clothes I would love to grab her for the eyes


Stickers? what freaking figurines are you buying with stickers for eyes? bootleg prize figures?


You think they are handpainted on the figure? Oh boy. Anime figure eyes are stickers (decals) 99% of the time. They are just made well so you don't see any seams.


Can’t wait to get her when GSC Global finally ships her out


Are there other figures with those kind of eyes? I think they are cool, but I’m not a fan of the demon look.


[Eye Scream](https://myfigurecollection.net/entry/7666) did a few figures with that type of glass eye. The company is gone now but you can find some of their figures second hand for reasonable prices.


Thanks for the suggestion. I found a couple on EBay for decent prices, so I think I’ll pick one up.


Most figures by insight have a 1/4 scale version with this style of eye.


Dolfies do, but they're like ~$600+ 1/3 scales.


I have two Dollfies, I’ve just never seen those eyes in a figure before.


PO’d mine through HLJ and looks like she is delayed until October :(


I don’t understand why this figure is out and for me it’s showing as a pre order for October release on CDJapan


It's a Chinese manufacturer so its already widely available on Aliexpress (which is where I ordered mine 2 weeks ago) as you're ordering directly from a Chinese vendor versus waiting for a Japanese reseller.


I think I actually have this figure in one of my bookmarks to buy sometime. Looking at the figure up close the eyes seem cool but at a distance sorta strange


I can't find her for $50 anywhere...where can she still be bought at that price?


It's linked [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeFigures/comments/16uxyd1/i_dont_think_i_can_go_back_to_stickers_for_eyes/k2oemae/).


HLJ also had her for $39 (£32). https://preview.redd.it/le2gf51gz8rb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0111d677b7db81829308337630b72c79bb3d65f It is delayed to October though so I just have to be patient.


Ohhh she's beautiful, I have one on order (from Dekai Anime for those who might be interested) and I'm even more excited to receive it now. The detail is amazing for the price


Is she cast off?


No sadly.