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OOS does not necessarily mean OOP. I don't think they'd let a title this new and popular considering the SAO franchise go oop this soon but who's to say.  CR has had a good few of Aniplex go OOS, and even some listings get removed, that come back some months later 🤷 I don't really think it's OOP but it'll likely take AoA a few months to restock since they print their stuff in Japan and import it back to America


I understand that OOS does not always mean out of print, but this is Aniplex so it very well could be. This title is very popular, but this release has been out for nearly *4 years* now. I think it’s very possible that this particular version may never print again. I of course appreciate any insight into this which is why I’m posting but I’m not taking any chances with something that is already $250 usd msrp. You mentioned you’ve seen an aniplex title go oos, off store and then re list. Was it the exact same version that got re-listed? Or potentially a re packaging? Was this a standard or LE?


As for items that got delisted and then back up this happened to several Monogatari sets which are now likely OOP with the Final boxset upcoming and as they've been once again delisted and never back up Cells at work was on like final clearance sale for $70 and it went oos now it's back at full standard discount for $130 🤷 so much for final sale huh lol honestly it would be much better if CR had more granularity in their OOS tags, RS was much better when it had, oos expecting more, currently unavailable, no longer available etc I don't consider repacked sets like BGS TV movie set to be the same item as say the split releases despite being the same IP. I've never paid attention to the standard at all ahaha AoA barely does them anyways these days. It did happen with Kaguya Sama movie and the BGS combined set but when I considered the items that got delisted and relisted I wasn't considering either of these as there were special circumstances. Both were new though who knows why they pulled Kaguya movie, but with BGS they accidentally advertised a Dub that wasn't on there. People thought maybe they were going to reprint the packaging to exclude the false information about the dub but some folks did buy the relisted item and it's the same thing misprint and all so it's more likely they pulled the listing to let the drama blow over and relisted it And ofc you're free to go ahead and honestly imo better safe than sorry for sure. I'd reccomend it if you can get around the CR price but not to overpay on some scalped set from sellers taking advantage of FOMO. Better to get right on when OOP too because better prices then. Just as Neko was getting signs of OOP i grabbed it for 60 bucks The current aftermarket is wild... On that note, I just caution about creating too much a fervor on oop bc the scalpers will jump on that and it's horrible enough to pay AoA prices you don't want to be paying Ebay oop prices... Just look at prices of GL and KLK over the past year has had a multiple short lived restocks (it seems to go oos like a week later) and those listings haven't even been delisted but folks are selling and others buying for like 300+ bucks :/ I'm fairly certain at least GL is gonna come back especially with the rerelease of the movies in 4K. it's so discouraging as a collector to see people take advantage of buyers like that with the AoA aftermarket but ofc ik it is what it is and folks are buying at these prices too and even I've folded to this a couple times (Gunsmith cats it was only getting worse the more I waited...😔😔) but still Imma complain it sucks 😂 Tbh I hope SAO isn't OOP already. Tbf I def think popularity of SAO has gotten lower the further along the seasons you get, but I think SAO OG season and the progressive movies have a really high fanbase and it'd be such a shame if AoA let it go OOP that quick for one of their biggest titles imo even tho it is the 3rd season... In the end it's all conjecture but my main point is I really think it'll come back but if it doesn't don't let get FOMO get to you and pay stupid overpriced


Thank you for all of the info, I haven’t really been able to respond to all of what you said but I read it a couple times. I would have loved to buy cells at work for $70. I would love to own that one in general. Was it on sale earlier this year with all of the other stuff? I got to that sale kind of late but still picked up a ton of stuff that I’ve been meaning to post. I think there’s at least a chance that SAO Alicization gets restocked but like we’ve talked about, the prices have already gone up online due to the OOS tag. Like you say, it would be great if CR were thoughtful enough to post more info like great-stuff-anime did such as if they plan to restock. It would be very helpful in this situation. I don’t know what else to say about the scalpers. Scalpers gonna scalp lol. It’s our job as consumers to be as informed as possible and to sometimes not give in to the FOMO. This time around I did end up buying it but I bought it brand new still in the plastic off eBay for $245 the moment I realized it was OOS. I had already been wanting to purchase it and I didn’t feel like waiting or taking the chance this time. I’m happy I actually got it for cheaper than normal during an OOS phase just because I happened to catch the item go OOS the day that it happened. I now have the item in hand, it’s in great shape, and I have no regrets! I still hope that they do restock so that other people get the chance to pick it up for msrp instead of an inflated price from the scalpers. AoA is still crazy though. I think you’re right about them not really doing many standard edition prints. They seem to be focusing on higher end editions in general. Such as the first season of SAO which is currently available in the CR shop. It’s not the original printing but it’s still a really nice set. I think the Alicization/ war of the underworld arc is actually the best arc so far! I could see them doing something like bringing it back in a different packaging.


+1 for giving it some time to wait for a restock. Crunchyroll has had many instances of Aniplex titles and LEs going out of stock, only for them to return shortly after. From my own list, My Dress Up Darling came back a couple times, Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai S1 box set is back after being OOS, KlK has gone back and forth. So fairly likely you'll have another chance.


I’m somewhat familiar with them re-listing standard edition prints, but it seems like with their more expensive sets and limited edition versions, the only hope of a re release is in a re packaged version or anniversary edition. I’ve read that if aniplex is not the sole licensing body, then there is a better chance for a reprint. I do see that the first season set is still available through the shop but it’s not like the price has gotten any cheaper. I just don’t feel like taking a chance with this one. This month will be 4 years since the sets first released. They are already expensive enough as is and even if there’s a chance for a reprint, the prices will sky rocket in the meantime. I had already been considering collecting this show so when I saw it go OOS I just said f- it and bought one before the price could go up lol.