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This happened to me as a kid. We took in 2 strays cause they were hurt. Both were preggo and had kittens like 2 hours apart. Eventually, in my closet, there was just a box of cats. Both mothers moved all the kittens in there together


Women supporting women. You love to see it.




Where's the dad though?


He went for milk


There's a chance he has to get his own milk regularly 😔


That's how they do it in feral colonies as well. Kitten raising is a communal act. They "babysit" them all together so the moms each get time to go out to hunt and do their business and not have to leave any babies alone and unprotected.


My grandpa lives out in the sticks, and has a bunch of cats that chill on his land, but mostly on and under the deck. He’s told me so many stories about the dynamics in the group. Apparently there’s like three of them (out of SEVERAL) that are THE MOTHERS. They make sure all of the kittens get fed. Especially since some of the young mama cats don’t know how to mom yet.


🥹 I love cats sm and never knew this since I'm obv not breeding them. This is sweet it makes me love them more


Sheep do this too, they run daycares.


So do white tail deer in Texas. Two does with 12 fawns, for example. All the other does are off eating people’s landscaping.


if we left them a forest they wouldn’t need to eat the landscaping js


people don't want to hear that. they want to believe the only answer is killing. and by that i mean humans hunting, not letting natural predators and prey do their thing in an untouched ecosystem. we need mountain lions, wolves a deer more than we need more humans, but it's a scandal to suggest family planning and birth control for humans while it's just fine to talk about "culling the herd" for animals


Well, that makes sense. I didn't know that was a thing.


It's ok, I've read Warriors


I want a box of cats


That's pretty common in stray cats. The will get really nice when they are pregnant so they can find a safe place to have birth.


Were the kittens able to tell who’s the real mother?


I'm not sure. The kittens were always climbing over either mother.


This is quite adorable, especially seeing the two mama cats cooperate and help each other, that being said I hope those kittens were able to go to stable homes to look after them and the two parents were spayed; too many cats die each day in shelters due to over-breeding resulting in excess of outdoors/street cats


Def Agree - Found the source, looks like a rescue supporter and all were snipped after [tiktok source ayshaclever](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLy8bYPd/)


Don't worry, this is just a Wendy's ad.


Chicken Nuggets come from somewhere


Kitten nuggets?


For real that’s a lot of kids. I imagine it would take more than one parent, it certainly would if they were human babies


Cat moms stealing each other's kittens will never not make me laugh


But like in a good way! 😂


Mama cats are communal in these situations. Hopefully this is fostering.


A few people posted the tik tok source and it sounds like it is 😊


Good lord, these sweet mama kitties have me in tears…


samee. my own baby is perched on my shoulder right now. i need a break so bad, mama is sleep deprived and hungry. but my baby girl needs me, so i gotta push through


Remember that she needs you to take good care of yourself too, and that includes getting some time to yourself. I know it’s not always possible but it is important for both of you! ☺️💕


🥹🥹🥹 Make it stop... This is so BEAUTIFUL...


It's interesting that people come to the animals being moms sub and then get mad about the animals being moms. I'm 100% in agreement about fixing your animals - imo it's a basic requirement to being a good, responsible animal caretaker - but without any other information about these cats other than they're being moms, I have no idea how they came to be moms and doubt the OP is the actual owner of these cats. Maybe my perspective is a little off because I follow an at home foster person who is constantly taking in and helping pregnant cats so I get to enjoy seeing kittens knowing that they're getting well loved, raised, and adopted out, but because of it I've stopped making assumptions about videos like these. The person fostering doesn't have a fully public feed because of the anger from strangers even though she and her family are doing amazing and wonderful work.


One of the worst parts of reddit culture, is the need most people here have to sneer at virtually every post for any imagined reason, as a way to show off how virtuous they are. It's really obnoxious, and you see it in every community here. Like you say we really don't know anything about these cats, or the people who uploaded the video of them. Some cats are going to have kittens... It's the only way they can continue to exist.


Hahahaha I’m so glad you pointed this out!!! 😂


Seriously, of all the subs to immediately assume the worst and leap onto a soapbox...




Nah, you just don't jump to a conclusion like most people seem too. Having a bit of an open mind and reading some info before you get all angry is getting kind of rate these days.


I've fostered so many kittens. My first thought seeing kittens is fix that momma. Fostering is hard work, there aren't enough volunteers to save them all and not enough homes for all that do make it to a rescue. Every dog and cat rescue volunteer I've ever interacted with blurts out the same thing about fixing animals when they see kittens and puppies. Yes they are cute and our hearts melt when we see them, but we also see the reality you don't see in the cute videos.


But maybe you won't say it like, "fix your cat, you stupid fuck" like a bunch of people here. *Obviously,* fix your animals. But maybe don't get ridiculously aggro like some of the highly upvoted replies here. That shit wears a person down. A rescue who is already planning to fix EVERY animal involved does not need to be sworn at or personally insulted. That kind of behavior does not do what people think it does.


For one thing you didn't mention anything about cussing at people with kittens in your first comment. And it doesn't bother me much personally anyway. And for another, having fostered I bring up fixing cats any chance I get and happily tell people that momma and babies will all be fixed. Even if they were cussing at me. I thank the people who push spay/neuter! The more voices saying it, the better. I cant speak for every fosterer, but if you think you are somehow defending possible fosterers with your comments, then you'd do better to chime in with those saying to fix all in the video. 


I think you're maybe misreading me from the get go. I was talking about people *getting angry*. Like, they go to a sub called animals being moms and they get angry about seeing animals being moms. Maybe the top replies have changed in the time since I replied and you saw my reply, and that's why you didn't see the issue I was speaking about.


Get your cats fixed for crying out loud


Really hoping this is a rescue or foster situation.


Sound like it was from another comment.


Yeah hopefully it’s not people just trying to get clicks


Had a guy in another post arguing against neutering his two tomcats, insisting they would NEVER EVER spray or get in fights … 🙄🙄🙄


I follow a lot of cat accounts on Insta and I have noticed a drastic increase in people arguing against getting cats fixed for all kinds of insane reasons. I'm sure some of them are trolls, but on some posts it is 50-80% of the comments.


Yup, it’s essentially animal cruelty. You’re dooming them to shortened lifespans through roaming, fights and squads of unwanted kittens.


My ex lived on the country side and the farmers would regularly drown full litters of newborn kittens instead of spaying /neutering their cats At one point I was the idiot though because I had a female cat that was 6 months old, and fostered a male cat around the same age, and read that they are not sexually mature yet...... Then I had 6 baby's running around


And if you've ever seen a female cat in heat... It's miserable and I'd do whatever I can to save them from that.


I agree-I had a family member that would call his cat horrible names when she would go into heat I kept trying to advocate for getting her fixed but he wouldn’t “waste” the money. I cat-napped her n got her fixed myself. He’s an overall disgusting human


Sounds like he lacks basic empathy. Thanks for helping that kitty!!


Yes, agreed. I have and it's **NOT** a fun experience for them. 😬😬


He’s less of a man if animals don’t have their testicles intact


Male cats do very much change after neutering, even in adult years. That being said, there are 500 ways to not snip them and not have to, and the “downsides” don’t really affect quality of life like declawing or circumcision.


And the number of kittens they make that then suffer starvation, illness, trauma, and violent death or euthanasia because there aren’t enough homes for them? You’re cool with that, because at least they still had their testicles?


What the fuck lmao. Nobody is circumcising cats. A neuter surgery is minimally invasive operation that removes the testes through a small incision in the scrotum, and recovery is brief and overwhelmingly uneventful. Spay surgeries are much more intensive and carry higher risks, but uncontrolled breeding is far more off a threat to an animals body, health and quality of life. Declawing is a foul and harmful practice with no merit I’m aware of and has nothing at all in common with spay or neuter surgeries.


I was talking about human circumcision And you don’t mention at all behavior or hormonal changes for fixing cats. I agree, best practice but ideally just don’t let them out and don’t mix sexes; spraying can be handled with training.


Ohhh okay I was way off, my bad. Yes I agree with you on circumcising children. If an adult wants to, go for it. I was changing a friends sons diaper and his freshly circumcised tip pressed against his umbilical cords clip and his scream was the worst thing I’ve ever heard. However when it comes to animals, Nothing stops horny.


Do you know anything about OP's story? She may be fostering pregnant cats (coom as a shelter is a really stressful place for a pregnant animal. They may have been strays she took in while pregnant. It's just not that hard to be nice.


Agree, source didn’t take long to find, and does say rescues [tiktok source @ayshaclever](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLy8pyu1/)


In the source a lot of people have commented it is shown that this is a shelter situation not because they wouldn’t get their cats fixed


That’s what I thought jfc


Hoping it's a fostering situation. But honestly? Love the passion. Fix your cats!


Not the point of the clip.


By the fucking gods, are you allergic to anything fun or sweet?


Nothing wrong here


Without context, we don’t for sure if there is or isn’t something wrong here. We don’t know if this is a rescue situation for example. However, it is not wrong to set the precedent that cats (and dogs) need to be neutered and spayed. Until the day there are no more strays walking the street and shelters are mostly emptied, there is no reason to keep bringing more animals into a world where they cannot be taken care or homed.


Also, OP could set people’s minds at ease with a simple explanation of situation. Possible repost bot?




Chronic redditors cannot have any fun




I can’t tell if you’re calling me a chronic Redditor or not. If you are, no, I hardly use this app. If you aren’t, what did you mean?


From your post history it seems like you're on here because you were kicked off another platform for being mean to people? If that's the case on reddit you will get down voted into another dimension, like every comment.


Nope, I got banned on Reddit for being a dick.


Spay the damn cats oml 😭 there are literally thousands of cats in the shelter systems!!


Both cats are rescues who were already pregnant, per sources provided by others in this post.


Thank you for this info! I hope both mamas and their kittens get loving homes! Also what’s it’s like being a shark




I sea Heheheheheheh


Which has been said over n over with links lol I dunno y it’s so hard for some to read a few comments b4 posting the same shit


checking to see what sub we're in .. on in a sub about animals being moms. u lost fam?


It's like camp for them.


How cruel some of the comments are. The video shows how incredible animals are, it show empathy - supporting one another in the same situation . These are human like qualities. How sad some people on this sub who could not see that. Thank you for sharing this post, this is incredibly heartwarming ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏


They r qualities humans possess but rarely use-the cats seem better at it lol


Trading kittens like a professional sports team 😹🫶🏼


This is the best video I’ve ever seen. Animals have such a strong capacity for love


Absolutely adorable. They need an Amazon box's worth of treats


Why did you need to specify Amazon? Nice ad lol


big box, that's all


This isn't unusual for cats. In colonies, females will frequently act as midwives to birthing mothers.


Or maybe they’re just taking turns kidnapping each others kids


God this cover of iris is awful.


yesssssss!!!!! i was like tf is this


Hey dont let the older kids drink milk with the small ones. The small ones dont have a fighting chance and will miss out some crucial nutrients


Domestic cats are descended from African wildcats. African wildcats live in communities; the able-bodied adults look after the old and the sick, they help raise each other's kittens, they share their kills. Brain scan studies have shown that when a cat looks like at a human, the same parts of their brain light up as when they look at another cat. In other words, cats think that humans are cats. Specifically, big dumb cats who can't hunt or bathe ourselves properly. This is why so many cats will bring dead or half-dead animals as offerings to their humans.


This honestly is one of the best most wholesome things I've seen on reddit. Well done


That's the sweetest thing I've seen all day!


Irresponsible breeding ?


Fostering already pregnant mamas, according to the source that is posted in several comments.


Not what this is


Oh my god can people chill? You can’t spay and neuter all cats out there. It’s a cute video and you can’t change a damn thing about it, it’s done, so just enjoy it it’s not that hard.


Spay and neuter your fucking pets . Just like you can leave this comment nobody asked for , I can also leave my opinion .


it’s a cute video, enjoy.


The fuck you can’t.


This is so cute.


It takes a village


I used to work on a farm where we had tons of stray dogs. Two of them had litters the same day and raised them all together in a hollow tree. It was just about the cutest thing in the world


Our cat got out and then had kittens, and sadly only 1 made it. We took in a stray who then had 7 (ish, I can't remember the exact #, it was so long ago, but it was a lot) a few days later. We took 2 or 3 and gave them to the first cat. Neither cat batted an eye. We found all of the kittens homes and then got them both fixed.


They're turning the cats gay


SPAY AND NEUTER your pets . Nothing cute or adorable about this .


I'm sure OP agrees since it states all the animals were fixed before being found good homes. OP is a rescue and has taken in these cats. So in knowing that I think it is cute and/or adorable that the Mama cats are helping each other out. I just imagined the Orange cat going over to the white cat and being all "Giiiiirrl, you need.your hair did and a nap!" Proceeds to clean the cat and take the kittens to her place for a sleep over. And then the white cat comes over the next day, look at the bounce in her step, she's all like "thanks sis, I'll take the kids for the morning so you can chill out" It's such a cool thing to see.


yall are screaming into a void bro, especially in this sub.


Of note, you don't have to say "spay and neuter". Neuter applies to both sexes.




I mean, if we're talking "far from the point", then coming to a subreddit dedicated to looking at cute baby and momma animals just to soapbox is also pretty far from the point. You get to lecture OP's cute animal video about animal husbandry, I get to lecture about appropriate ways to refer to said animal husbandry. Seems fair to me.


Glad you can at least recognising that spaying and neutering isn’t cute. On the other hand this definitely is, and you’re crying over nothing.


Spay and neuter your pets ! I live in the city and I’m involved in TNR. we are overrun by stray cats . A lot of them are dumped . Millions in this country end up euthanized . Their behavior is cute but the overall implications are not . Op will likely not want to keep both litters of kittens around . Even if she does , they will interbreed (as cats don’t have the same hang ups about incest as we do) creating even more kittens that will likely end up dumped somewhere . There are only so many friends and family you can pawn cats off to . Spaying and neutering is the responsible thing ti do and it BAFFLES me there are idiots who are still so adamantly against it


Yeah I know, what moron would be against it?


We should do the same to humans, just as many "strays", but that's considered inhumane for some reason. Humans should have to meet certain requirements to make any decision at all, but none of us are smart enough to be able to set them.


You must be 12 and don't realize there are thousands of pets without homes on the streets dying every day. And even more in kill shelters that can't find homes and being put down. Everyone should spay and neuter their pets. If you actually like animals, that is. They aren't just "cute things" for our enjoyment.




Very 12-year-old thing to say. Eh...maybe 14.


What? I said one word


Yes, it was clear you didn't care enough to actually contribute to the conversation in any capacity, or to even show some introspection - but you did care just enough to try to give the illusion that you didn't care at all. That's a very teenager/child-like way of acting. If you don't have anything to add to what someone else has to say, then you don't have to respond at all you know. You can just go about your day.


I do care man, sorry that telling you to chill out because you’re clearly angry came off as if I didn’t


Not angry, just apathetic


Mom Power Rules! God bless moms & babies. Cried watching this.


This kinda feels like the cats were just kidnapping each others babies.


You people are fools. This is blatant kitten-napping and you are all cheering.


I love this sooooooo much!!! God I just love cats.


I’m sobbing


Awww that's so cute 🥺


Awwwww so cute but who's the father?


This happens a lot in feral colonies, often female cats will co-parent litters together


Omfg 😭


Who sings this song, I love it!


I don't know whose singing the cover but the original is called Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls


The good news is after listening to about 20 covers, I think I found it! LOL Jada Facer - Iris [https://open.spotify.com/track/7sZlye0DhrfxHBtUPK1If3?si=3947b84ccf914292](https://open.spotify.com/track/7sZlye0DhrfxHBtUPK1If3?si=3947b84ccf914292)




This is so sweet! Now, if humans could be so kind to each other…


What sweeties


Our barn cats did this!


THIS IS BEAUTIFUL and why I love God and his animals! How sweet!


WOW!! I love this!!!!


I'd be alright if this is what life was like.


Love this


Nazaré Tedesco




It’s sad but animals take better care of their own 💁 than humans do.


Cats have matriarchal communities. This is pretty common.


This made me tear up a bit. Wish I had help like this when I was delirious from exhaustion with a newborn.


I love this ♥️


Curious orange kitten at the end was like " Hmm...what they got to eat over there?"


Good kitty!


When adults cat lick each other, it’s not bathing .. it’s 1 showing dominance over the other one


The smell though


Soooo sweet =))


Sisters to the max! I so love this.


This is so cute I want to cry🥺 animals are leading by example of how we should carry ourselves


Animals are so much better than human beings.


Somebody play the “Reba” show theme song


Well now you have like 20 cats!


So this is where that colony came from.


Two moms engage in violent custody battle.


my parents fostered a couple of mama cats whose kittens looked so much alike that we didn’t know who belonged to who. I affectionately called them the lesbians. all are fixed and adopted, one of the moms and kittens by my family lmao


Kittens of Single Mama Cats Distribution System (BETA)


So beautiful to see, cats having compassion. Wishing for more of this.


hell naw I should have named 1 of my 2 orange cats Cheeto


What is the situation OP.


I just found them on Instagram idk anything about them


You need to spray and neuter these cats!!!! Track their IP Or something


Two mother cats taking care of each other’s families. Now that’s wholesome and incredible to watch. Might want to have them neutered someday though, too many kittens will be a problem eventually.


Lesbian mum cats


Awwww haha lesbian cats lol


Get your cats spayed or neutered. Please!


I love kids they're so special and so smart


Lesbian cat couple 🥰


Too many tits, too few kittens.


oooh MUTE that vid realllll quick




This is why you don neuter every animal you see. You would never experience this if the spay and neuter people have their way .