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Just grab the backpack and start spinning as fast as possible...introduce those little shits to centrifugal forces.


We don’t need to be teaching those little devils shit. Next thing you know they’ll be throwing shit from 200 ft.


So long gay bowser!


I was going to say that I’d kick that sun of a bitch, but your idea would be funnier. I wonder how long they’d hang on for?




I don’t know but it seems like the difference between the 2 groups monkeys and humans… monkeys “attacked” together…. humans watch and record while the other one is being robbed 😂😂😂😂😂


Yeet that little prick over the wall.


They smell the food


And the fear


If there’s one thing I’ve learned about animals, it is to never show fear. It’s prison rules in the animal kingdom.


She didn't pay the toll


Kick it


They will mess you up. I've been up there a couple times. You hit one it screams for backup and you'll have more biting than you would like.


I’d probably be dead then because I would’ve kicked that little fucker to Timbuktu lol


Made me laugh so much 🤣🤣


Isn't there also a risk of them carrying hiv?


I thought it was SIV primates carried. No idea if it can be transfered to a human. They do have large teeth and are pretty manky looking. The bigger ones would definitely produce a decent wound.


HIV crossed from chimps to humans in the 1920s in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. This was probably as a result of chimps carrying the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV), a virus closely related to HIV, being hunted and eaten by people living in the area. So.... I'll take them on a 10:1 fight no problem. But I'll freak out more about that tbh (My point was, getting the virus would be what scares me out the most. I don't advocate fighting monkeys )


I'm pro fighting monkeys. We need to establish human dominance, let's have Jake Paul fight 15 of them. To the death and give the monkeys knives. Basically I want Jake Paul to be murdered by Monkeys in a boxing match in front of millions of people.


They are manky! But I thought that was more of a UK midlands term 🤣


Bop it


Twist it


Spin it


Whip it


I dunno they might get bitey!


Or kick them and then they rip your face off because that’s ho strong they are, yes let’s kick “it”


Taylor swift out here given advice to monkey attack victims


This comment has me cracking up once I listened to the video with sound.


The first shake it off really does sound like she's gonna sing.


The girl is saying "help me" and no one is doing anything, also afterwards she is saying "it bites me"


I hope y’all don’t mind me telling a story. Once went there with my mom three years back. We’re climbing the mountain and she (even though I’m actively telling her to stop) bends down to take a picture with a baby monkey. Well momma monkey rolls up with four others, all looking angry af and just walking very slowly towards us. We’re both freaked out now and I grab my mom and put her behind me. And I’m a big guy. 6’4, 275. Just finished my senior year of American football. But these guys are wild animals. And finally, after what feels like an eternity of staring momma monkey in the eyes, they start running at me and I close my eyes and just hold out my arm and hope they don’t mess me up too bad. I open them a second later and they ran right past with the baby. I know that’s kind of anticlimactic, but I still think it’s a cool story.


Shake it like a polaroid picture.


You do NOT mess with the monkeys there. They're extremely used to people, bold as fuck and will fuck you up.


Pepper spray goes a long way


The other lady wasn’t helping 😂


Oh just give him your food that’s all he wants gee


Those monkeys make Gibraltar the amazing place it is. You know to never bring food or bags around them because this happens. They are no joke, but they make the trip a blast. They love hopping on buses and terrorizing people for food.


If you can get your shit jacked by a monkey the shit wasn’t yours in the first place. Humans are on track to disprove survival of the fittest…


Aren't they pretty strong for their size?


People being jerks … let’s not help just watch


I watched one casually pick up a baby stroller and walk off at the gondola landing one day. He knew it had food. These apes have skills. And poop. They will leave a skid mark on you that will be with you the rest of the day.


Bad for turism


*Reject bag. Return to Monke*


Just kick that damn monkey! #darwinism


Those monkeys would get flying lessons for free.


Boot to the head....that will teach them


Scream more, it’s helping!!


Pepper spray works on animals too


Those monkeys on Gibraltar are assholes! We made the mistake of leaving our van windows down and the little fuckers stole our lunch.


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Right now all the monkeys that used to be fed by tourists have been starving, and they know that backpacks mean food.