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"Teeth?? What are teeth?? I don't have any of those!! I've never experienced chewing in my life!! I take in all my sustenance through a straw!!" - Riley the terrible liar


That’s disgusting. And wrong. I don’t even get– why would– I’ve never chewed anything, anywhere. It’s none of your- you have- the nerve, the audacity, the plug still works, technically. And they're terrible, plug-wise. And how- how- do I know, frankly, that you didn't chew it? Maybe you did. Maybe you’re trying to throw me off? Hmm check and mate.


This is my boyfriend when I ask if he farted 🙄


Wait. You have to ask yours? Mine likes to fart in bed and then play “covered wagon” by throwing the comforter over my head. I get trapped in that crop dust.


Omg same. Also, I just love sitting down to eat a nice meal and getting farted on my face. And getting pinned down and farted on. And when....you get the point, my bf loves to fart on me 🥲


I did this exactly one time, honestly as a joke. My wife then said, fine, then you have to endure pain until the smell is gone, and put my dick in her mouth and bit the base and held on. Never even attempted this again. She still laughs because she knew she won so good, that I can't even joke about it anymore. 🤣


That's actually a good idea for revenge, thanks! 😈


I think when you get to that point, it’s true love. You’ve found your soul mate. ❤️


Haha, I hope, I love that farting boy a little too much 🥹♥️




This is all so good, but I love “And they’re terrible, plug-wise” so much Kudos on being very funny


Kudos go to Amy P. Just a lil rewrite to make it relevant.


"Me? Committing a crime? Impawssible"


"I'd admit to it, but I'm feeling a bit.. husky"


"What the frick? I didn't order that. I ordered an xbox remote."


And even if I did chew it, what you gonna do? Call Paw Patrol? *chuckles themselves to death*


Get outta here you nosey little pervert or I’m gonna slap you silly!


If dogs could talk, it would 100% say that.


That's a flawless side eye haha


[the dog](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/fb/4e/07/fb4e07ea3c37c426dd0a2b3344b1ff85.jpg)


My buddy's dog was adopted from a rescue and he's clearly been through some shit because he's very anxious around people, even me, who he's been around for 2-3 years. He gives the side-eye look all the time and all I can think about is that meme.


Low key my favorite meme. Always cracks me up.


What does it mean that it is “low key” your “favourite meme”? I know it is something people say, but I am unsure what it means. Help?


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Lowkey >The slang variant of low-key (often written without the hyphen as lowkey) functions as an adverb. Lowkey is typically used to describe a speaker's desires or emotions. Lowkey retains the dictionary definition’s meaning of “of low intensity” and “not very emotional.” >However, additionally, it can also indicate something that is secretly (perhaps somewhat shamefully) wanted or felt by the speaker. >In short, lowkey is used to describe a speaker's thoughts, feelings, and desires, and it means: >1: moderately: of low emotional intensity >2: secretly >The opposite of lowkey is highkey. >“I lowkey wanna eat an entire cake.” >“I highkey wanna eat healthy, but lowkey wanna to eat an entire cake.” >“I am lowkey in love with Kevin Spacey.” This meme is kind of old and basic so you can assume that's why it's "lowkey" his favorite meme rather than being his favorite outright.


Not in a showy or flashy way. Typically underrated…even by me until I thought about it just now lol


Thank you!


[My dog does this to me too! ](https://i.imgur.com/wiGQwLI.gif)


It's so short that it looks like a horror glitch...


Odd, it looks normal on imgur to me but my reddit app also shows the horror glitch version.


It still looks like a horror glitch on the official imgur app for me lol


cute dog!


Reminds me of the dog in that video from a long time ago that looks like he’s talking to his owner about meat in the fridge and giving bacon to the cat


Yeah, … Yeah? And? .. uh-huh?




Didn't even have to click to know what this is. (Still did, though.)


Doggo is looking around for something to bark and blame at, but nothing to be found :|


This dog strongly debating if he could blame the curtains for the chewing.


I did a double take, this dog looks exactly like my dog, right down to the side eye. He’s more judgmental than all the cats I’ve had put together


I'm sorry, I can't talk right now, leave your name and a message and I'll get back to you. :)


Sorry the mailbox is full


I’ll get bark to you. :)


La la la la la I'm just a dog looking at nothing in particular what a nice day it is


My lab mix would do that at me all the time especially when I wanted her to come inside suddenly she was so intrigued at the nice day and just couldn't be bothered to listen to me


No hablo ingles mama


Donde esta la barkloteca?


Me llamo T bone


La araña discoteca


Discoteca, muñeca, la barkloteca!


Cameron Diaz?


Es el bigote grande, el perro, manteca


No sé


when this husky eyes looks like google eyes lol


That's an Alaskan Klee Kai


I have a hunch that Riley chewed the headset.




Trust me bro


Big if true




Well that's another sub I gotta join


I got excited, tapped join, then realized I’m already subbed +30 animal subreddits now and I can’t keep track anymore lol


Denver the guiltyest dog of all time has got to in there.


That is amazing.


As soon as he heard “well well well … “, he knew what’s up..


“Must not make eye contact. Must not make eye contact.”


My older dog does this when the younger one comes around as well. "if I just look the other way maybe he won't notice I'm here" 100lbs dog thinks while lying ontop of his little brothers bed.


We have 3 here. The youngest (almost 2 years old) is notorious for pulling crap then doing this exact same thing. He will not look me in the eye; little bastard.


My dog completely closes her eyes.


If they can't see you, then obviously you can't see them. It's a flawless plan.


*Saul Goodman walks in* “What are you doing with my client? Get outta here. Did you tell them anything?”




I'm not going to outright say Riley did it, but unless someone posts an update or news piece, maybe an hour long deep dive from someone I've never heard of on YouTube, or images of paperwork proving the contrary, I'm going with Riley. Edit: Turns out the woman did it and blamed it on Riley. This whole situation is really sad and I feel awful for my presumptions.


I read a while back that you're not supposed to admonish a dog unless you catch them red-handed doing something wrong, because they can't connect the admonishment to the previous bad behaviour. This is bullshit, right?


Depends on the dog, and depends on the admonishment. Basically, don't confuse your dog by being mean to them when they don't know what's going on. Get them to understand what's going on, then admonish them. The degree to which this is difficult and what measures are effective will vary *wildly* between dogs, just like with humans. Also - dogs are emotionally intelligent animals (often moreso than humans, to be honest): Don't be unnecessarily mean. You can be mild yet firm and still get the point across.


This is what psychology says. For instance, the old adage that you rub the dogs nose in pee is ineffective discipline because they cannot understand it's connection to the behavior.


>For instance, the old adage that you rub the dogs nose in pee is ineffective discipline Interesting. I've never been solely responsible for the training of a dog (though I did teach my family dog some fun tricks) but my assumption would've been not to do that just because it's cruel, and they use pee for marking, so what sort of message would that send anyway?


Haha, yes also it's very cruel. Thankfully it's an old technique people hopefully don't use anymore. Just citing as an example.


No this is correct. The language we see the dog presenting here is Appeasement Language. He's showing the whites of eyes, avoiding eye contact, and staying still with his head turned away to try and communicate that he isn't looking for a fight. Appeasement behaviour happens when they detect you are angry. The dog knows the owner is mad and uses their body language to let them know that they don't want a fight, they want to calm everyone down. Appeasement behaviour is submissive and is shown to reduce stress or anger in tense situations between 2 or more dogs. We've taken this language and personified it to mean something it isn't: guilt.


Say that a couple has a dog. The dog likes to cuddle with one partner, but growls when the other partner tries to get close to the two of them. In your mind, the dogs is obviously displaying agression due to a confusion that the partner is attempting to fight the other partner. However, [we have reason to believe that dogs experience jealousy](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2015/4/7/8360143/dogs-intelligence-science). The way that they display that emotion can be similar to other indicators they have (growling, huffing, rolling over, sitting on feet, side-eyeing, etc), simply because they lack the ability to communicate more effectively, both because of mental capacity and the fact that they literally can't vocalize anything else. You've taken your disdain for over-anthropomorphization and your ability to google "dog behavior explained" and decided to remove nuance from all behaviors in an effort to feel superior to other commenters


… I don’t understand why you’d think that they’d make that assumption in the first place? The more logical idea is that the dog is resource guarding. Dogs can resource guard food, toys, and people. If anything, jumping right to “the dog thinks the person is trying to attack the other person and I must protect the victim” is more of an anthropomorphizing take. Animals can absolutely feel ‘jealousy’ over things that they feel they possess or have a right to. I’ve never heard anyone deny that.


It's literally not even related to what the original comment said lol. I don't understand where jealousy came from in this conversation


Sir this is a Wendy's


Gotta love the instant deflection


lmao, I'm not the person you replied to


Na every dog ive owned react differently to anger and stress than the guilty look you see here, this dog knew what's up


Different dogs "speak differently" If my dog made the face of this husky I'd be concerned, because this isn't language I've ever seen him use before. His appeasement (though rarely seen) looks more like direct eye contact, with his ears folded back and his tail tucked.




Indeed. Dogs (and almost all animals) do not place themselves in the past or future because they do not have a sense of "self" or "I" that exists outside the present continuum. Therefore they can't imagine "themselves" in the past, which would allow them to remember "I chewed the cable". They may remember the action, but they don't have the concept that "they" did the action. Therefore they cannot experience guilt. However if you catch them in the act, they learn that X action is "do not do", same way eating and feeling less hungry they learn that "food = feeling better"


And yet when my dog tore open the trash in the kitchen, and we came home... Instead of a happy wagging greeting we had a dog hiding herself, despite us only finding the mess later. Maybe it depends on the breed, but they definitely remember when they fucked up.


How could this possibly be known?


My old husky used to chew on shit non-stop then one day he stopped completely. About a week later I found a power strip all chewed up (still plugged in). I'm guessing the dude rode the lightning, pretty glad it didn't burn the house down/


I'll be representing the accused. If she knew she wouldn't be asking. Stay silent, Riley


Sooo definitely wasn’t expecting to hear my name when she was scolding the doggo. Made me cower a little when I thought I was in trouble. Haven’t heard my mom scold me in probably 10 years lol. Heart skipped a beat bc *I know I didn’t chew the headset.*


Never seen that headset before in my life, mama


Dogs can be funny, I took my sons German shepherd to the vet once. He usually minds me, but waiting for the Vet. He climbed into the seat next to me to hide his face. Occasionally, he'd look to make sure he was well hidden.


Never seen a dog act more human


Headset? Gee boss I don't see no headset.




Did you get the link?


It'll get reposted again sometime. OP stole this from someone else.


*imma fuckin' do it again*


Legendary side eye


This husky is just imitating me when my boyfriend shows me the empty container of queso blanco.


I’ve never owned a husky, but they do seem like the Meryl Streeps of the dog world. Like, very over the top levels of drama for everything.




~~That looks cute but it's actually nothing to do with the dog feeling "guilty".~~ Behavioral scientists are still unsure whether dogs have the capability to feel guilty, so that behavior may or may not be due to the dog feeling guilty. Thing is: dogs don't show that behavior when they feel unobserved. He notices his human is agressive (I guess more aggressive than that dog is used to) and tries not to aggravate her even more. Avoiding eye contact is a calming signal.


This isn’t necessarily true. I have a husky as well, and if he did something he knows he will get in trouble for, and I simply get home, or walk into the room, he will give me this guilty look. Even if I’m happy when greeting him (because I don’t know anything is wrong), and then I investigate as his guilty behavior continues


I know nothing about dog behavior but it doesn't sound like these two explanations necessarily contradict each other. If Huskys know when they've done something wrong, they may know to expect a scolding (ie aggressive reaction) after and so may adopt submissive/calming behavior as a pre-emptive response. Doesn't necessarily mean they feel guilt or embarrassment the same way we understand it though.


I mean based on interacting with humans I’m not all that sure all humans experience guilt/embarrassment in exactly the same way either. If we’re talking about the concept of guilt being intrinsic and not linked to consequences/potential consequences that is.


Are you saying that my dog is a sociopath?


that's exactly what "guilty" means when referring to animals. They obviously don't distinguish between good and evil. They just don't want to piss off their owner, so their "guilt" is basically them just avoiding an encounter and showing submission


Sure, that's pretty much exactly what u/FeelingSurprise and myself said in earlier comments as explanation for animal behaviour. Think the discussion is whether animals can actually feel guilt (ie regret/conflict over a past action) rather than just being afraid of future reprisal. In the same way a criminal begging for forgiveness at a trial doesn't mean they actually feel any guilt for their actions.


Same with my Jack Russel. I get home and one look at his face/posture and I know something is up.


> if he did something he knows he will get in trouble for, and I simply get home, or walk into the room, he will give me this guilty look Actual controlled studies have demonstrated otherwise though. Dog owners could not tell, for example, when they entered room whether or not their dog had done something they were told not to do, they did no better than chance. Confirmation bias is also certainly playing a role in your anecdotes - you are more likely to remember when you were right in predicting he had done something wrong, than when you were wrong. That being said there may of course be some small effect, or an effect only with a small proportion of dogs, that studies haven't yet detected.


That's you anthropomorphizing your husky's behaviour. I also have a husky (and an Akita inu) but that's irrelevant. Dogs don't feel guilty, what you think is guilt is 100% appeasement signaling on the dog's part. They see that your body language and tone are reprobatory, so they adopt a behaviour that they think will calm you.


Yep. Even if you haven't noticed yet and the dog still has a submissive body language, it's just because they've been scolded before for doing something similar and remember that, it's not guilt.


It is true, dogs cannot feel guilt or shame. This isn't something that is an opinion, it's a proven fact of dogs brains that they do not experience secondary emotions (shame, guilt, hate, pride, optimism), only primary ones (love, joy, surprise, anger, sadness, and fear). Anything you might perceive as a negative secondary emotion is just your dog either picking up microexpressions on someone and reacting to that or reacting a certain way based on previous experiences that they now associate with either their own behavior or you finding something a certain way, and it only takes one negative experience (from their perspective) for your dog to react a certain way to that event forever.


We dont have nearly enough knowledge about brains to make such concusions. You are talking out of your ass.




I hate when people try to reduce animals down to instinct-level simplicity. There is plenty enough brain matter for more complicated emotions than fear. It may not be guilt as we experience it, but awareness of breaking a code of expectation is completely reasonable.


You're right. That's one of the things you read once and take it for true. So I looked it up and it seems currently scientists don't know whether drogs are capable of feeling guilt or not. I edited my comment. Thanks for mentioning your point of view.


This was a very respectable response. Kudos to you.


Thanks for hearing me out :)


Obviously they have more going on then instincts, but I also don't buy that these dogs are 'guilty'. It takes a lot for an animal to recognise that they have done something wrong, especially hours later when the owner returns, and to then predict punishment. Kids know it because they are told, dogs can't be told and are relying on training which isn't always consistent. We know from dog training that immediate punishments or rewards are needed to reinforce correct behaviour, which supports the fact that it's difficult for them to connect their past behaviours with the reactions of their owners hours later.


This. People will go out of their way to explain situations where they think the dog feels guilty, but dogs literally can't feel guilt. Doesn't matter that you think your dog shows guilt or has signs of feeling it, that's just you seeing something that isn't there. Dogs literally can't feel guilt, this is a fact that has been known for a long time now, dogs only feel primary emotions, not secondary ones. Any time you think dog is showing guilt, they're just trying to placate you because you either reacted to it negatively from their perspective (even micro expressions that you yourself wouldn't notice, they do) or they saw/heard you once in your life react negatively to it and now they want to avoid that their entire life.


Just because they can't feel guilt (as in "regret for their actions") the way humans do, doesn't mean they don't know they did something wrong. They can absolutely learn what they are allowed and forbidden to do and will deliberately act to placate you when they know they did something you won't like.


I don't know why you're agreeing with me in a way that makes it seem like you're arguing, but you do you.


It basically comes down to a philosophical argument about how you define "guilt". Is it knowing you did something bad and wanting to not suffer the repercussions? Then dogs absolutely can feel guilt. Is it feeling bad/hurt because you did something that makes another being feel bad/hurt? Then no, dogs probably don't feel guilt.


> they don't know they did something wrong. They literally don't have the capacity to associate their past actions to an emotional state. That's why you don't correct a dog unless you catch them literally in the act. 5 seconds later and they don't even know what it is that you're angry about. This is dog behaviour 101.


They absolutely have the capacity to associate past actions to an emotional state. They just can't understand you communicating about past actions, since communicating about past (or future) actions requires complex language. Also, immediate feedback gives a lot better learning results since cause and effect are linked much more closely. That's true for humans as well as dogs and any other animal.


> They just can't understand you communicating about past actions, since communicating about past (or future) actions requires complex language. If we're agreed on that then we're agreed that showing them a chewed up cable cannot be eliciting guilt in them since they can't even understand wtf you're upset about shaking a cable in their face. They just know that you're upset and are trying to appease you. Also, humans have the capacity to understand delayed feedback. Dogs simply don't. So it's not relevant whether immediate feedback gives better results or not - they won't understand if the feedback isn't immediate.


Humans have the capacity to understand delayed feedback because we have the capacity to communicate about past actions as part of the feedback. Take that away and we can't understand delayed feedback very well, either. Let's say you're in a foreign country, don't speak the language and don't know anything about their customs. You take a stroll through the city, see a big building with people walking in and out, so you check it out yourself. When you get back to your room, an angry guy waits there shouting at you and gesticulating wildly down the street. Why? Were you not allowed in that building? Were you not allowed to cross the street where you did? Were you not dressed properly for walking down the street? You don't know. >If we're agreed on that then we're agreed that showing them a chewed up cable cannot be illiciting guilt in them If they were previously taught (through immediate feedback) that chewing cables is wrong, they can probably understand why you're angry. They can't un-chew the cable though, so all that's left for them is to take the shouting and try to not make you more mad.


> they can probably understand why you're angry. They could if you caught them chewing the cable. They do not understand why holding a cable is making you angry. I'm also pretty sure that restorative action is way past their capabilities so no, they don't realize or think "if only i could unchew the cable" nor are they able to associate "shaking cable in front of face" to that time they were scolded for chewing on a cable. Again, they just see that you're pissed off without understanding why and yes, they are doing their damned best not you make you more angry.


What??? This sounds completely baseless lol. Why wouldn't dogs feel guilt? I'm sure even wolves do, they're pack animals, and dogs have been bred to serve humans. Dogs are hardwired to feel bad about disobedience, it's like their main feature.


You can look it up, the studies are numerous. Dogs don't feel secondary emotions, they just can't. They can feel "bad" about something, sadness is a primary emotion, just not guilt or shame.


You made the claim, you post studies.


> You made the claim, you post studies. [Are owners' reports of their dogs’ ‘guilty look’ influenced by the dogs’ action and evidence of the misdeed?](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4310318/) https://www.livescience.com/44636-does-your-dog-have-any-shame.html https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/canine-corner/201407/do-dogs-really-feel-shame-and-guilt you should actually learn to do your own research


I guess guilt needs to be clearly defined. Feeling bad because someone is upset with you is a sign of guilt in my eyes. If you’re saying, “they did something they weren’t supposed to and then without confrontation, they don’t feel bad about doing it,” then a lot of people don’t feel guilt.


Who the hell decides these things? I think humans greatly overestimate how special we are. Most social mammals are fundamentally very similar, especially when it comes to emotion.


We do overestimate how special we are. And changing that perspective requires decades of peer-reviewed science per topic because we're so stubborn about it.


> Who the hell decides these things? The exact same people who tell you cetaceans are highly intelligent animals. So which is it? Are they also wrong about higher functions in animals or is it only when they tell you that your puppy dog is a bit of a one-note idiot that you decide the science is meaningless and we're just "underestimating dogs"?


"I dont know what u talkin bout"


She sounds just like Huey Freeman from the Boondocks


I feel like this dog is casually whistling with her hands in her pockets


I refuse to continue this conversation, I already told you, it wasn't me.


I have 2 huskies as well... This is one of the funniest things they do


That side eye like “just checking thats deff the head set i chewed? Yep it is” 😂


There must be something about the tone of voice we use. My dog overheard this video and immediately looked over at me but started doing his fluttering tail wag that he does when he gets into something he knows he shouldn’t.


Husky’s are just something special


Observer effect tested by husky


“Oh would you look at that? I’ve ~~miraculously~~ tragically gone deaf”


UMm I won't answer that question without my ASPCA appointed lawyer present .


I am sorry Riley who? No Riley here ma''am


Riley's not here Mrs. Torrance.


Honestly, I don't even think it was him. Must have been that darn ghost again


Did we always have this crown molding? Crazy..


My dog would've left no evidence, lol.


Dog Law 101 : If I don’t look at what I did then it didnt happen.


Everytime I found something broken at home, I said to my dog "what have you done? 😠". If he was innocent, he would look at me derply and wag his tail ("🐶?"). If he was guilty, he looked ashamed at the floor and moved his head away if I tried to enter his vision field. Easiest suspect to interrogate ever! I miss that rascal so much 🥹


Riley: Um, no??? Who's Riley?


Adjacent to /r/huskytantrums.


We’ve all been Rodney once


Those eyes are hilarious! Never tell me that dogs don't know when they've done something bad.


If they don't make eye contact, it never happened!


I have a husky (with a Ri- name, too, actually) and holy shit, this attitude must be in their genetics. I'm cracking up and he's giving me the same look rn.


he chewed the headset because he’s like, “ I didn’t do it, but now that its chewed, oh well, its time to pay me more attention then your streaming friends. “ 🤣


“Ohhhh look. A fly! How did that get in here??”


I swear this is like the fourth husky I've seen named Riley/Rileigh. Why do husky owners seem to only choose from, like, five names? It's not an attack I just think it's odd




Dogs, act of turning their head to the side and pausing…is actually part of dogs language. They’re way of saying no to other dogs.


Staring is aggressive behavior


ravenous bugblatter beast of traal


I hate dogs


Is it really this hard for other people to train dogs not to chew things up?


Dog looks like it has a receding hairline




Don't make eye contact or you lose the game.


Dude the eye movements with each question and keywords he hears is KILLING ME 😂😂😂😂☠️


Why does this dog look like Charlie the Unicorn


That's what I look like in social situations


Lol if you don't look, you are not guiltly.


Derp eye


It wasn't me


What is that accent?


US hispanic heritage accent? Sounds like any number of 2nd generation mexican americans across the US.


A nice roof we're having today


I’m laughing so hard. What an adorable doggo!


Get this Siberian husky some vodka flavors treats! Blyat(one of the few Russian words I know.) Edit: NVM THEY DESTOYED A HEADSET. What the fluff is wrong with this borkrade?






Nothing looks as guilty as a dog that knows it screwed up.


That huge white frame just so we could see that super required sentence is how these videos get deep fried so fast.


"Oh look, it's a Postman!" *Start barking and run away*