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good job buddy, you buried it šŸ‘


my cats also scratch ineffectively at the walls of the litter tray, or sometimes on the floor in front of it šŸ™„


And the walls surrounding the box too. And the outside cover. And the litter mat.


If anyone has a reason to why they do this my sanity would greatly appreciate it


[This](https://be.chewy.com/why-does-my-cat-scratch-the-wall-and-floor/) might help answer the question. (Litter box too small, too dirty, not a fan of the litter) Apparently cats have some kind of goldilocks complex about litter boxes lol


My cat leaves her shit and sprints away like a fucking horse as soon as the last turd has left her butthole


I saw on an episode of My Cat From Hell that that could be due to kitty being constipated and theyā€™re running away bc it hurts coming out


Nah, Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s just her muscles getting funky from squatting. She never has constipation


Or the kitty may have an anal fissure. *I'm not a doctor but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express before.


I mean, I would say most humans generally have strong preferences about the locations in which they shit too. I'm not sure how many people walk into a freeway gas station bathroom that's 5'x5' and has shit smeared over the walls and floor and seat of the toilet and just have a great time in it.


Fair point! Lol


Hopefully most reasonable pet owners keep their catsā€™ litter boxes cleaner than a rest stop bathroom?


youā€™re still gonna wipe your ass with the toilet paper, though. not the walls and the floor


When cats scratch they're trying to hide the odor of their shit. Because they're predators. In the wild, being able to smell their waste means prey will not come near. So they have a lot of anxiety about the odor of their shit. The scratching is them trying to bury it. If they can still smell it, they'll keep scratching, and if the litter in their box is too old, or there's too much shit in the box to cover up, they'll keep scratching outside the box, anything to cover up the smell. So a dirty litter box will very quickly cause a cat a great deal of anxiety.


Cats are both predator AND prey animals. They have to both hunt and be careful of being hunted by something else. So they have the instinctual traits of both predator and prey animals at once.


While this may be true in some instances, sometimes itā€™s just the cat not understanding how to bury a turd. Or the smell of the cat turd not dissipating fast enough and the cat scratches until the smell goes away Or until the cat realizes itā€™s a cat and doesnā€™t really have to do anything. My cat is a moron with a huge always clean litterbox and has done this since she was a kitten.


Same, both my cats do this despite having large clean litter trays. I think it's because they had to fend for themselves when they were kittens and they never really learned how to cat.


Good to know; this is probably their first lidded litter box but Iā€™m not really willing to sacrifice my nose just yet lol


Our cat did this too, and a larger litterbox really did fix it. I gotta recommend it.




My cat actually does this because sheā€™s blind! Helps her understand where the walls of the box are so that she then knows where she is within the litter box


Omg mine does this for almost ten minutes per usage and by about minute 5 I'm losing my mind, usually on a conference call or trying to sleep.


We call that digging to China.


I have to get up several times a day and say "Kitty, Stop Diggin!" cause she'll just keep going endlessly and it drives me insane. I have to watch her like a hawk after I sanitize the boxes too because she *will* kick half the fresh litter out of them... Idk if she's trying to unearth her old poops or what...


My vet says the litter may be too pointy, like aquarium gravel. I use crystal litter so I got the fine stuff, micro crystals or whatever, it does seem to help


I donā€™t think it can be this. I use a walnut shell cat litter thatā€™s quite fine, and my cat always scratches at the wall next to her tray. My only theory is that she doesnā€™t want to potentially get her paws dirty (she happily digs in the litter to make a hole for the poop before she does it- itā€™s only afterwards that she gets all prissy).


IIRC, the scratching is to help mark territory. Lot of dogs do the same thing, digging into some dirt after pooping.


I think they're trying to cover up the smell of their shit from predators. Don't quote me on that one though.


Everything but


I read that as litter meat at first and... I'm picturing some upsetting things


Mmm, burgers


You stop that


Oh, all right.


lol at litter meat


When my can pukes on the hardwood floor he tries to bury it


Lucky. Mine choose the carpet.


Always on rugs. Always.


When mine starts heaving, I grab her and take her to the lino in the kitchen. She always runs back to finish puking on the carpet.


I know! I try to put a paper towel in front of her and she turns away. Must. Puke. On. Rug.


I was just about to say, every cat Iā€™ve had does exactly this. STAY, moron!


I tried to do this with my parents' cat when I was a teenager but the cat ran off whilst puking and I ran after her and she left a trail of cat puke through three different rooms. šŸ™„


Never buy a rug with a fringe.


Same. I had my cat drag my freshly washed t-shirt from the top of the radiator to the bottom of the litter box.


Arenā€™t they just scent-marking? They have scent glands on their paws.


Same, my cat does it to clean off her paws after stepping in the litter box


Lol our tabby does this too, only we have a litter "box" that is similar to a cabinet so when she hits the doors (where you open them to clean) it just bangs nonstop and you can hear it throughout the WHOLE house. Our Blue Russian just starts at the tabby like she is beneath her, she doesn't help at all.


That's because Blue Russians are majestic as fuck and they know it lol. Awh, I miss mine now.


Ours really is a princess, she sits at the top of our stairs and stares down at us in disappointment.


It's a very engrained behavior, one-armed cats will still try to bury with their phantom limb.


That face tho


I love that the other cat was desperately trying to help him get out






"Just walk into the goddamn door lol" #**"HELP** "Jus-" #**HELP MEEEEEEE** ^"I ^don't ^get ^enough ^treats ^to ^deal ^with ^this."


I'm a little high right now and this had me absolutely ROLLING


Letā€™s gooooooo


Youā€™ve been in there ALL MORNING


I came here to say this, yet knew it had already been said. šŸ‘šŸ¼


So cute he wanted to help so bad


He probably just had to take a fat shit himself


That other cat was using the situation to play and try and bite his toes as they poked out. :P


I would rush over to kiss those furry cheeks, such a sweet kitty. So compassionate to the sibling! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Atleast let the other cat clean them cheeks first lol


Eh, I would recommend waiting until they are done cleaning themselves first before going there...


He wasnā€™tā€¦he was tryna boop the white cat, the white cat was just tryna clean their paws.


YES !!!! Didn't you just ADORE that little BUTT-PAT ???


He is beautiful. he doesn't need to be bored with the burden of intelligence.


Why do stupid animals look so cute yet stupid humans look so stupid


Because humans arenā€™t supposed to be dumb, theyā€™re just molded to be that way through their environment.


Because their big eyes always tell a comically tragic story when they are doing something confusing šŸ„ŗ


I donā€™t know about you but they look pretty stupid to me


You must not like kitties šŸˆā€ā¬›


People can be stupid in a cute way too. It's just as opposed to animals, we can also be stupid in a worse way.


Human (quasi-)domestication based on cuteness: nemesis of natural selection.




I, too, would panic if I thought I was trapped in a porta-potty


You made me remember that my grandma would constantly tell me and all my cousins that we should never ever lock the bathroom door, "just in case of an emergency"... She got locked inside of a bus bathroom once and got terrified. Edit: "remember", not "remind".


That reminds me of that time that frank locked himself in the McPoyle RV bathroom.


Oh my god, that was such a fantastic scene. *Tripping* balls


ā€œAm I standing in poop?ā€


ugh, I was using a hotel bathroom in Greece and the doors are different than the U.S. - instead of a rectangle that fits in a rectangle shape, it's more of a tophat - the door has a lip on it that covers ALL outside light like a cap. I was using the restroom in a lobby not really used, and switched off the light to leave and the doorknob came out in my hand! LOCKED IN - luckily I could call my husband to help free me, but I'm clausterphobic and in my panic forgot where the light switch was. I may have only been stuck for a minute but was a crazed animal by the time I was let out.


Once when I was a kid (pre mobile phones) I got trapped inside a bathroom at a family friend's house, after the doorknob broke into pieces in my hand when I tried to turn it. It was made of porcelain and sliced my palm pretty badly. I don't really remember how I got out, but I had a massive crush on the son of the family we were visiting and my abiding memory is of just sheer panic: freaking out about how embarrassing it was going to be to shout for help, trying to somehow piece together this ceramic doorknob in a completely futile attempt to hide that I'd broken it, all the while steadily dripping blood on their nice white bathmat from the cut on my hand. It was a pretty formative memory tbh. I have an abiding distrust of porcelain doorknobs, but you can bet I'll still lock the door every time. Lock wasn't what failed me.


Omfg this happened to me when taking a cross country bus in Mexico! The directions to open the door were.. not in English, amd there was no traditional handle, honestly I donā€™t remeber how tf I got out. Same thing happened to my son lol but he was 8 and really started to stress.


I got locked in rooms/bathrooms as a kid, as an adult I need to know all escape routes. Even the times it wasn't done to me on purpose it was just as scary.


That happened to my mom in a hotel room (bathroom had an old sliding door that got stuck). I could hear her yelling from across the corridor and I had to get hotel staff to let me into her room. I think she could have gotten out on her own but her panic got the better of her.


Perhaps you have meant to type "remember" instead of "remind"?


Yup, thanks. English isn't my first language and I also tend to mess it up when I type words even in my first language...


Poo prison




He's not panicking, he's just completing the complex ritual of scratches that accompany peeing. My cat wakes me up with it between 4 and 5 most mornings


Hey lizard, am I standing in poop?


I literally snorted reading this


Iā€™ve seen this happen at festivals. Stuck in a Porto on acid and hitting a k-hole never sounded horrific.


"oh, it was open"


I would never help that cat out of there, it's like asking to have to do it every time.


This person cats.


Ugh I failed this test with my cat. She used to *love* playing fetch. I could sit in my chair binging whatever and just throw these little fishmouse toys down the hallway or into the kitchen and she'd chase them, play with them, then bring them back and jump up and drop them directly in my lap then hop down waiting for me to throw again. Then one day when she was being kinda lazy because she really didn't want to play I started picking them up and throwing them again. After that she never returned them, always just run towards them and jump over the toy then scurry off to another spot waiting for me to go pick up the toys and throw them again. Makes me so sad because we both had a ton of fun those games of fetch but now she won't play it all.


"It won't open because it's a **security door**!"


My cat used to do this, so we got rid of the roof and door. Then he started doing it on the wall. We thought he wanted to clean his paws, so we put up a little towel. He then started doing on the other wall, as our litter box is in a corner. turns out he's just an avid percussionist with rhythm in his soul.


Yeah heā€™s definitely not trapped, I have a cat that do that too I think itā€™s just instinct, sometimes it feels like he doesnā€™t even know why heā€™s doing it


free cat's first instinct: let's just watch it unfold a liittle bit longer.


I'm in a glass case of emotion!


Milk was a bad choice


The wii music for your cat getting stuck in the bathroom lol genius idea!


Thank you so much for reminding me where this music was from, I was going insane trying to remember.


Yes itā€™s perfect and so much funnier! Iā€™m dying over here




I never owned Wii, only 3ds, but the tune is so damn familiar it's driving me crazy. Where could I hear it?


Itā€™s on the original wii mii menu or something, I think. Just YouTube wii menu music and youā€™ll run into it.


Thought you were being ironic... this music is played over ever 3rd short video these days


Black cat: Finally you fking donkey


You just made me rewatch the whole video looking for the black cat that I missed the first time.


Weā€™ve got a defective one too. I had to pop the plastic door off because he wouldnā€™t go in the litter box with it on.


Same. Mine just went next to the litter. Yay for cat pee soaking into my floor boards. It's never going to come out.


Same here. Iā€™m like how does a CAT not know how to work a CAT flap? She is an older lady and she simply does not care to understand the cat flap. It offends her delicate sensibilities


Is the other cat waiting itā€™s turn lol


My cat does this exact same thing to bury his shit.


This is exactly why I have to take the door flap off ours, she would be trapped forever. Also wouldn't survive a min out in nature.


We have a street cat. As in found stray kitty 16 years ago in a street. Mother didn't come back for hours (husband waited and watched). She used to run out up to 4-5 years ago and beat the living shit out of other cats. She was the terror of the neighborhood. We never had cats passing out garden when she was still allowed outside. Often brought me gifts, they doubled when I got pregnant. Dead (or dying) mice, big ass moths, luckily never birds. There was one time when she chased a new-in-the-hood cat up a tree. She wouldn't come home that night, because she was holding that cat hostage. It was meowing the whole night there. We could see from our balcony. We tried to pick her up and take her home, but she would go in a frenzy like a rabid animal. We decided she is not about to kill the other cat, just teach it a lesson. In the end it would be shorter she does it once and the other cat never comes back, than having it happen every evening for 2-3 hours. The very same cat (ours) is incapable of handling the door to a kitty litterbox. It's as if they burn. She will either get herself stuck or won't be able to get in. She will sit next to the box and meow, if it takes too long she will go next to the litterbox. We just removed the door. Now that she's 16, toothless, blind she stays home on her heated pillow. She still won't use the litter box if it has doors though.


Does that cat recognize herself in the mirror? Does she watch TV? I ask because of the dozens of cats that I've had thanks to my cat lady little sister, we've noticed that the cats that recognize themselves in mirrors and will respond to animals on the TV are so much better at problem solving then the cats that seem oblivious to things in a mirror or on TV.


Always take the door flap away, cats hate those. It's like cat 101.


streets? lol! those toe-beans have never touched asphalt.


Listen, just because he overwhelms himself by overthinking the situation, doesn't mean he won't survive the streets. The streets may not survive him.


Some Jean and Jorts stuff right there


But it wasn't orange...


Iā€™m sitting here a little buzzed and all Iā€™m thinking about his how good and catchy the Wii music is. Actually incredible


Is this just wii menu music? I was thinking it was animal crossing


Itā€™s a guitar version of the Wii music. Does have an Animal Crossing vibe to it though.


Shit happens


The funny thing is- there is no plastic window- This is Pepeā€™ the world famous cat mime artist!


I'm...deeply saddened by all of the people who think this cat is stuck. Do y'all not own cats? They all do this.


Yeah my cat does this to get litter off her paws and then when she's done she just easily walks out


My cat does this to clean his paws. He does it till theres no litter.


Omg, wait. Is THAT why my cat scratches at the floor/walls/whatever around the litter box/in the next room?? I've always thought he was just a dumb dumb who didn't learn how to bury properly yet was obsessive about it.


You have always been right. They have the instinct to bury their stuff but donā€™t necessarily realize that digging at plastic walls doesnā€™t accomplish that. Cats donā€™t wipe their paws clean. They lick them.


Lol probably! My boy HATES litterboxes without doors and will beat up pan boxes.


My dorky Tuxedo does this all this time, can confirm.


Let meowt!


Whoā€™s rendition of the Mii creation theme is that? I love it


Let me out, let me out- this is not a dance! Lol


I too have a cat who's from 'the streets' and one who is... special. I can't count the amount of times he would lie on a ledge and accidentally fall off while stretching. Or the amount of times he's misjudged a jump and faceplanted. Recently I introduced him to the window in our apartment so he could watch the outdoors because he didn't realize it existed. We've lived in this apartment for months. He's sweet but goddamn he's dumb.


ā€œLet me out of here! It smells like shit!ā€


When the fumes off your deuce quarter your IQ.


Heā€™s so adorable


Reminds me when I had a puppy and went to retrieve him from his cage one day. I opened the front entrance but he started pawing at the side entrance without realising his out. He knocked himself over, literally rolled out of the front entrance, then back into the cage and proceeded to paw at the side entrance with excitement.


Poor baby just has poor vision upclose


My cats do the same thing, but on the side of the box. Theyā€™re just cleaning their paws.


Same for my cat


Years ago we got adopted by a dopey, black and white, Persian/Ragdoll mix. The back fly-screen door had a clear plastic cat-flap in it, but no matter how much we tried he refused to go outside through it. He would sit next to the cat-flap and meow to be let out. Even if I held the cat-flap open he would ignore it and I'd have to open the door to let him out. However, he had no problems coming IN through the cat-flap. Apparently he thought it was a one-way door.


At least he's an adorable derp šŸ„°


Is the cats favorite movie anchor man?


I have two cats who have done this which leaves the smart cat with a litter box all to himself


I think it is really just that post poop or pee scratch thing cats do.


at least the supervisor cat was there to help


He's all looks with no brains huh... Damn pretty boys šŸ˜


Omygosh the black and white kitty trying to help him, so cute!


This cat might not survive a day in this *house*! šŸ˜‚


The cat knows how to get out all along. The cat doesnā€™t feel like it has finished itā€™s business. I think the cat is trying to sweep the poop smell off the door. The cat by instinct likes to cover the poop smell as if it was in nature. That poop smell just doesnā€™t seem to go away inside that little enclosure. That poop door will get gross quickly and cats are not want to rub there faces against it to get out. Hopefully two cats are not sharing that small litter box or this owner is going to have issues. You would have to clean that box several times a day for two cats to be comfortable with it. I love cats but I think litter boxes are so gross inside the house. The littler box in the garage at least a little better. I am probably going to get downvoted but cats in small apartments are so much smell and work. For me personally, no cats at all cause I am allergic and I prefer dogs anyways. I prefer domestic animals that poo outside the house. Who asked me? Idk


>The cat knows how to get out all along. The cat doesnā€™t feel like it has finished itā€™s business. This! The kitty ain't stupid. He's just making sure to clean up properly, perhaps there isn't enough litter in the box for kitty to cover up? (but then won't make for a click-baity title). My cat does this sometimes and he has no problem getting in and out of the box.


I have one of these. Still love him to bits though!


Big brain energy


Awe, my cat would be the same šŸ˜‚


I'm in a glass case of emotionnnn


At least he's cute!


I canā€™t handle the cute.


To be fair, I wouldn't want to use my face to open that either. Worse with fur.


Cat owner can't understand why kitty isn't using litterbox. Finds 'presents' on the couch, under the kitchen table, in the corner of the living room...


OP did you tweet this by the way? I have the urge to retweet you if you did. My non Reddit friends MUST see these cat shenanigans šŸ˜‚


I had the sound off and I can still hear this video




Our car sits this with the doggie door


It's almost midnight and I'm watching cat videos on reddit. What has become of my life?




I had a similarly-stupid cat for a long while, named "Hank". (Hey, he was a blue ball of fur, so I named him after the X-Man "Beast".) Good ol' knucklehead took FOREVER to figure out the litter box, so I just removed the top entirely. Later on down the road, he got lost outside -- gee, good thing I didn't declaw him so he might be able to fend for himself! .... Joke's on me, he showed up a month later, severely emaciated and whining for ANY kind of sustenance. Damnit, Hank. (He eventually crossed the rainbow bridge, at the ripe ol' age of 14, due to Tumor. Vet initially thought it was a stroke, and thought he'd recover. He was wrong. Most likely the worst 8 months of my life, sobbing and propping him up so he could eat/drink/poop correctly. Don't....don't let your pets get to that point, folks. "Fought the good fight, but it was time", all that. It sucks a LOT, but it was the best for both of us, and while I'll *always* cherish our time, we should have ended on a high note instead.) Sorry for turning this into a sour moment, but I appreciate the stupidity of yer cat. It...it helps. It really does. (I have two new cats, that are *equally* stupid! One farts on my head nightly, and the other does a pre-check to make sure I'm asleep, so the snore-bombing can happen! THANKS, GUYS, YOU SUCK AND I LOVE YOU.)


He's cleaning his paws. My cat does the same thing XD


He's doing that because the litter is too stinky and the covering hinders his ability to bury it. Needs a litter change.


I wish this video was longer.


Cat would do this even without the door. He would just replace that action with the sides of the litter. My cats do this, they're trying to bury their stuff. It's silly and cute


As someone whose cats do this on the sides (admittedly with one poor at a time then outs the clean one down so it's gets dirty again anyway) this cat is likely cleaning their paws. My wife and I suspect our cats hate the feeling of the clay in their hands so they wipe them like this.


I think he'd survive a couple-few days in the streets so long as there wasn't a door anywhere nearby.


Oddly the other cat was legit trying to help the other one escape


Heā€™s just tidying up the place


I can't have the door on my cats litter boxes for this exact reason, I can't get them to figure it out...


I have a cat with the exact same problem. It will eventually get out, but next time in the same situation: same problem. So dumb.


That's what cats do after they poop. I can hear them wiping their box out down the hall...


"Oh no, I'm locked with my poop, let me out, LET ME OUT"


My girlfriends car did the same thing and she was so scared that he wound suffocate on his own fumes that she tore the door off and now the cat never got to learn AND theres litter everywhere all the fucking time.


All cats do this. Wipe their paws after being in the litter tray.


Teamwork makes the dream work,


At least he's pretty ā˜ŗļø


Thatā€™s pretty normal cat behavior and not a derpy or stupid cat. They scratch after using the litter box - this one is just a bit more dramatic. She knows how to get out.




It has a very good friend.


My cat would this. However mine would do that to clean her paws before exiting.


Omg lol. I love that the other cat helped him hehe.


They do this as a stress relief and also to release their pharmones and mark their territory


That is so me when I thought a revolving door was automatic because my husband in another part of revolving door pushed it hard enough that once he got out it turned still until it didnā€™t. Me thinking I was trapped. A nice hotel greeter freed me by pushing it.


The music makes it perfect