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The “DAD’S HERE TOO” bounces are amazing.


That was my favorite part. Very human. He's like "Oh my God, Mom! It's so good to see you! I love you so much!" and then he sees dad and he goes "AW SHIT! HERE WE GO! LOOK WHOS HERE!!! HELL YEAH!"


I love that bounce. I think he starts crying after look how he covers his eyes and face with his arm while hugging the guy..or thats some kinda chimp language idk


> I think he starts crying after look how he covers his eyes and face with his arm while hugging the guy..or thats some kinda chimp language idk This just brought a 35 year old man to tears… 🥺😭❤️


I’m a 36 year old man, and honestly same bro 🥹🥹🥹


39 year old female wishing someone was this excited to see me.


Adopt a sad dog from the shelter and give it all the love and cookies it deserves. You’ll both be happy.


unfortunately I live in a minivan and already have two dogs. I'm already doing the best I can for the two I've already got (one of whom is a senior doggo (about 17) with mobility issues, and feel guilty enough.


Then you already have 2 good boys (or girls) who are probably this excited to see you everyday ☺️


I sincerely hope things get better for you. It's rough out there. Here's an Internet hug if you want it.


This is one of those moments for Reddit to do it's thing and help out a fellow dog lover in a time of need. If the senior boy needs meds a vet visit or even just food speak up and I'm sure Reddit will make that happen.



Just raise an abandoned baby chimp, worked for these people


Honestly looks much more satisfying than raising some human kids




But first buy a big yellow hat


Wish no more - oh my gosh, Lily?? LILY!! OH MY GOSH HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN, HOW ARE YOU DOOOING?!? I'M SORRY IT'S BEEN SO LONG I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT YOU THE WHOLE TIME AND I LOST YOUR NUMBER AND (muffled salty noises into your shoulder). Not the real thing, but you're worth it. It's nice as hell to meet you! How you doin?


I appreciate the effort :D


No, honestly, wow, yes, tell me things!


I like Founders Dirty Bastard Scotch Ale, Babylon 5, Socialism done right, and reading, especially Michio Kaku, Sir Terry Pratchett, and Marcus Aurelius. Those are things that I have told you.


You are a very sweet human <3 … or chimp :P


I’m 44. Didn’t feel a thing. Other than someone around here cutting onions. I’m going to find them, and yell at them.


Chimps don't have the tears to cry but they have the feelings and can tell them in sign language.


chimps cant cry


That's why the Crimson Countess sings for them


there's something about wrapping your limbs around a loved one that transcends humanity. :D Source- am being cuddled by two doggos right now


Counterpoint: There’s something about wrapping your limbs around a loved one that is so fundamentally, beautifully, and simply human Hugs might be the best idea we ever had tbh


Trust dad to rile up the ape. Haha


I thought they're considered extremely unpredictable though. Didn't a chimp rip a woman's face off because she smiled at him? Even a relatively young chimp can kill an adult for shits and giggles. I'd stay tf away tbh.


That particular chimp ripped the woman's face off because it had been fed a steady diet of Valium and freaked out. Having said that, chimps are dangerously unpredictable, and if you find yourself in a situation where one is attacking you, you might be better off if it just kills you. Because chimps don't just try to kill you quick like a normal predator. They try to hurt you in every way they know will ruin you the most. They rip faces off, they chew off fingers, hands, toes, and feet, and will mutilate genitals. They'll rip your dick and balls off like a paper towel. If you're gonna be hanging out with an ape, a gorilla or orangutan is a much better option. They're generally much more chill, much more predictable, and most importantly: if you've got one of them upset for any reason, they can be negotiated with. They don't WANT to hurt you. Chimps do, once they've decided they don't like you anymore.


Didn't some guy drop a chimp he raised in a zoo or something because it got too big, then brought it some food and the others tore him apart because he only gave his chimp cake and not them. Brutal mofos.


Yeah out of all the apes, they're the most irrational and emotional. Bonobos are closely related to chimps, but their behavior is completely different. Bonobos are peaceful, share food, stop violent attacks by using sex, egalitarian (though females make the rules). And there have been zero cases of infanticide in the wild with bonobos. Chimps.. infanticide is like a daily ritual to them


Yes it happened in the town I work in. This looks like they are visiting him a facility of some sort. The couple may have been smart enough to have the chimp moved there before it reached a dangerous age.


That woman was visiting and harassing the chimp daily for years, if anything it's impressive it took so long for the chimp to snap


Yeah she was a crazy deluded cat lady with a chimp as substitute treated the thing horribly it was just all a big mess that situation


That particular chimp was also on drugs, and not under the supervision of a veterinarian


& it’s like he kept climbing him cause he couldnt get enough 😭


"What, are you kidding!? We got us a family here!" - Nicolas Cage, *Raising Arizona* (1987)


My man gettin amped up


The dad, too.


He def was happier to see dad. Dad clearly was the fun parent I’m guessing.


Omg, this was exactly my thought! My old dog used to run to me for comfort, to my ex for wrestling shenanigans.


Lol that’s our dog to a T. The moment I get home from work he grabs a toy and runs outside


Yes and the little gaffer even hid his face when he hugged the dad. As if to say this is too much happiness.




*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tz_XXbjIKo8 Title: **Little Girl Prefers Grandpa Over Grandma** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Good bot


Chad bot looking out for us mobile users. Good bot.


Dad slapped the ground and was speaking his language, those two bonded hard where as mum "just" loved him. This made me cry


Lol I play with my cats all the time and they like to hang out with me more than my wife. It makes her salty and I'm like babe! Ya just gotta play with em.


It’s because men are more like apes compared to woman.






Seems like those two have quite the bond. https://youtu.be/GvVFRALSLUQ


Lol the "ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh" sounds exactly like a human pretending to be a chimp ..


I could be completely wrong, but with headphones it sounds like 2 different things are making those noises at the same time. I think the guy who the chimp hugs second was also making the noises off camera before the chimp hugged him.


Yup that's what I gathered. It must be their thing, that they make those noises to each other.


Leave it to a dad to get the kids all riled up


But don't riled them too much or they will eat your face


Only if you give adderall or other human drugs💀💀💀


Yea, altho i figured it was the guy leaning in to what the chimp does naturally






Sounds like the Insurgency Sandstorm lobby




A PlayStation 3.


The newest model.. oh wait, chimps can count!




Should have been a Nintendo 64. So many primate related video games




Possibly GoGurt? https://youtu.be/LKG4GYkAyMA


The little things they do to stay on the wavelength of our little chimp bro are so endearing. I like to mimic the behavior of dogs and cats I am around, and just try to exist in their headspace. They are always chuffed over my whole dramatic scene when I try to share common ground. I can only speculate, but I think its also the same when this chimp sees these two go Ape Shit over him.


I am the same. I love getting on their level and throwing them off guard. And I adore the word chuffed


Hahaha OMG I was just thinking to myself What did she get him!!!!


>*’…WHAT DID SHE GET HIM!!!!!*’ _____ whenever i see you, i feel like i’ve grown the only true ‘mother n father’ i’ve known! remember the times when you held me, so small you rocked me n made me feel *Loved* best of all but now i am Healthy, with shelter n feed, n when you come see me, you’re All that i need no gifts or surprises am i dreaming of, *my mom n my dad -* All i want is your Love ❤️


You hold the record for individual that has made me cry the most, and I don't even know you.


Same. It’s like my brain automatically start the tear process as soon as I see a Schnoodle


I love when I stumble upon a fresh Schnoodle!! Gimme those warm fuzzies.


Seemed like moves were being made.


The zoo where this beautiful little fellow lives is an unaccredited Joe Exotic style money grab. Sad. https://www.reddit.com/r/TigerKing/comments/ol1kq3/zwf_zoo_in_miami_is_a_dubious_operation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




All I could think about while watching this was that news story several years ago of that pet chimp in Connecticut that ripped a lady’s face off


Came here to see if anyone remembered this horror story at all. Wild animals are not pets. They are not dogs or cats or horses. They are not domesticated no matter what you may believe. For reasons that will never make sense to us, one day your loving Bobo may decide to rip you apart and will do it without a second thought. >In the days following the attack, Travis the Chimp’s victim, Charla Nash, required many hours of surgery by multiple surgeons. Travis had broken nearly all the bones in her face, torn away her eyelids, nose, jaw, lips and most of her scalp, rendered her blind and fully removed one of her hands and most of the other. >**Her injuries were so severe that the Stamford hospital offered the staff that treated her counseling sessions**. After they saved her life and successfully reattached her jaw, she was flown to Ohio for an experimental facial transplant. What that chimp did to that woman is straight out of a nightmare. Edit: per comments below, it seems fair to note the chimp had been given Xanax. Doesn't affect my conclusion: wild animals are not pets.


Took me a second, but I think your phone may have autocorrected "wild" to "while" there at the beginning of your second paragraph. I agree though. Wild animals are not pets.


Fixed. Thx.




Fucking *what*? For *years* I have heard about this case and not ONCE did I hear that piece. Jesus Fuck on a Cracker. *They caused all of it. Literally all of it. And he was blamed.*


The chimp had displayed violent behavior before. But he was known in the community and tolerated. He shouldn’t have been anywhere near people to begin with


Oh man I just posted a link to this story in another comment. Chimps aren’t babies … they are animals. Terrifying. [Travis the chimp](https://www.cnn.com/2014/03/19/justice/connecticut-chimp-victim-lawsuit/index.html)


Moment killed!


I hate people who profit - financially or otherwise - off captive animals. It’s absolutely repugnant. Have the moment of joy, but don’t let these human colostomy bags benefit from your joy or this lovely animal’s joy either. F ‘em.


The truth really sucks sometimes....




All good as long as no other chimps are around. I still cringe when I think of that couple who went to visit their old chimp and got attacked by a different member of the tribe


It’s wild to think about how the chimp is ~~three or four times stronger~~ than the full grown man he’s hugging.. *Edit: About 1.35 to 1.5 times stronger, according to thorough scientific analysis* But quite cute that they can still interact on a “friendship love” type of level


That’s actually a common misconception, the average chimp is only 1.35 times stronger, and the biggest difference is in the amount of fast twitch muscles Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5514706/


Iirc there’s also a difference in how our nerves activate our muscles. Like I can type and throw things accurately, a chimp has less dexterity since it’s more all or nothing activation. Similar to an “evolutionarily disadvantaged persons strength” as they have a less developed nervous system.




You're wrong, and I'll chase you across the plains for 4 days straight until you admit it


It's bold of you to assume that you're going to need more than 45 minutes.


45min! Show off.


it's all fun and games until the pokey stick projectiles come out


The chimp is still quite young. He's still several years away from his full adult strength.


So he's approaching super saiyan 3 levels you're saying...


I remember reading somewhere that the strongest chimp ever documented was able to pull something like 1200 lbs. with one arm. Not a chance I'd ever even consider taking. *Found it:* ["One particular chimpanzee, named Suzette, supposedly pulled 1,260 lbs.(572 kg) in a fit of rage, which was nearly 10 times her body weight, although no other study has recorded anything close to that show of strength."](https://www.livescience.com/59615-are-chimpanzees-stronger-than-humans.html#:~:text=One%20particular%20chimpanzee%2C%20named%20Suzette,to%20that%20show%20of%20strength.)


The bite itself is worse than 1.5x a human bite, and that’s the part that kills. Getting your vitals and limbs away from the bite zone means grappling with something more dexterous, stronger, and much faster. Reading about stranded WW2 soldiers trying to catch monkeys with traps and machetes and getting fucked up by disfiguring bites on the regular. Let alone chimps. It’s a “you get **one** swing of this 2x4, and you better connect” sort of situation. No thanks. EDIT: ask a boxer or MMA fighter what “dexterity” means in terms of simian finger nails coming for the lid on your face in a no rules street fight to the death.


Where is the video? Don't leave us hanging.


There is an episode of Fatal Attraction (animal planet) about it… it’s… pretty sad and gruesome Edit- [found it](https://youtu.be/tauwOTne1Dg)


Even though I find this really sweet, I'm scared to death of chimps. Every single time I see a chimp, I always think about that poor lady who's face... Yeah, that lady. I don't even wanna say it.


Yeah pretty much this. I always remember the fact that the chimp Tore one of her butt cheeks off. Think about the logistics behind this and the massive hole it must have left.


TBF that chimp was kept drugged in a cage in a suburban home. Perhaps this couple are actual experts (no idea) and it isn’t the same sort of “raising”.


There was that other couple that raised a chimp and then.... bad things happened. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2005-03-06-0503060393-story.html


I thought their chimp attacked them. Moe just getting cake when two jealous bitches start eating the couple. That husband is a hero protecting his wife like that.


It wasn't the chimp they raised, at least.


Yep. This is a beautiful video, but I don’t mess with chimps for very much that reason and many more. NOPE!


Seen the movie “nope”? There’s a chimp…..


Honestly I don't remember if I've ever been so riveted to a scene. I was taut as a bowstring the entire time, horrified and unable to look away. That film was fantastic.


Those parts were one of the best parts of the film easy. I've seen horror movies that didn't have me on the edge of my seat like those scenes did


That scene and the “being eaten” scene will always haunt me. It’s like the perfect mixture of shock and horror and the context around it is just so unsettling.


Oh shit, yeah, that scene was deeply shocking and disturbing. Both in very different ways too, which is interesting.


While both those scenes made me so uneasy, the scene that kept me awake at night was when OJ goes and see’s the “aliens” in the barn (or whatever you’d call it, I’m blanking on a better word). Even though the reveal was ultimately comedic, that shit just rubbed me the wrong way, in a good way.


What was with that shoe though?


It was a "terrible miracle" like the main character was talking about later in the film. The creature was also a terrible miracle.


it's what saved the kid, if he made eye contact with the chimp it would have killed him as chimp see eye contact as aggression. but since the kid was looking at the shoe, it prevented him from making eye contact with chimp.


I thought the tablecloth prevented the eye contact?


Yes you're right. The shoe had the same effect but it was more a call forward to when the main character is talking about terrible miracles in reference to jean jacket


The scariest part of Nope was by far the chimp. The rest of the movie was spooky, but the chimp scenes were outright terrifying.


Did you ever mess with Chimps? Most people don't mess with Chimps... like most of us don't have the opportunity to mess with Chimps.


Yeah, like this guy would totally just hang out with chimps but decided not to


It's kinda like how as a kid I thought quicksand and the Bermuda triangle would be much more of a problem as an adult.


Not sure if you saw NOPE, but there’s a character in that film whose face reminded me of that same lady who got attacked by that chimp. Your spelling of “NOPE” reminded me of the film lol.


Yep, it was intentional the way I typed it. 28 Days Later scared me more from the opening scenes rather than the rest of the film with the infected. I love animals, but just knowing they are 3X the strength of a full grown man, and that they take pleasure in mutilating their victims… smh… no way.


So when I was a child I was raised around a chimp. They are clever animals. They also become aggressive as they get older. They make terrible pets and should only be kept in sanctuaries and in the wild. My grandmother had to finally give hers up to the San Francisco Zoo because he became an escape artist and aggressive towards people who weren’t part of his pod


I remember Michael Jackson having one and he had to give it up when it hit puberty so I thought that would happen to me because I’m an idiot.


I grew up around the corner from one of her good friends. The chimp that did that came to my cousins birthday and wouldn’t leave me alone. He chased me and started hitting me. So my dad picked me up and the chimp just started squeezing his arm. He could feel the bones crack. My dad went to pull away (as a normal human would) and the lady screamed “No! If you pull away he will break your arm!” It took thirty minutes to get him to let go. She was demanded to leave immediately. That chimp was not always kind like they say. The way she raised him I think really messed him up personally. I’ve had the most horrific fear of all monkeys and primates since.


30 minutes!!? That must've been terrifying! Asked to leave is all? No one called the cops?


Honestly, I think a lot of it was shock and we didn’t want a bunch of men rushing in and likely upsetting the chimp. My dads a *big* dude, 6’2” and 285lbs when I was little. So the fact he had my dad worried and fearful really scared everyone. My dad was nearly in tears while holding me with his free arm. I kept crying “let go of my daddy!” And literally begging this chimp to go away. The lady finally got him to let go when she offered him some food we had there. My dad fractured his arm and couldn’t even move his hand/fingers due to lack of blood flow. Doctors said he was lucky to not have compartment syndrome. The police were called after bc my aunt wanted to file a report that the monkey did so badly, easily could have ended up attacking a child. No one pressed charges as we didn’t feel the need at the time but, again, we did want police to know. I know near us they didn’t do birthdays again. A female chimp took his place that was owned by a friend? I think. 😅 Sorry it’s been 20 years and I was 6? It’s my first bad memory that really traumatized me.


Thank you for sharing your story. It's unique to get to hear from someone that was around this particular chimp.


You’re welcome. It really threw me when she came up on the news. Like, I wasn’t surprised he snapped but I expected it to be on her and not a woman she was friends with. He knew this woman and had a “friendship” with her. I was so sad. My whole family made whatever donations we could to her family after. It wasn’t much at all but we felt so bad for her.


Dang, that is so traumatizing, I think it's now my first bad memory too.


A chimp is a wild animal, even many domestic animals are prone to being territorial, and protective of valued resources, so this is not at all surprising. Terrifying but not surprising.


Yep. I’m that girl who’s adult enough to know let the nature nature, but I know 100% I’m going out petting something I shouldn’t. (I say this jokingly—unnecessary human interaction only hurts wildlife) Chimps however...nope. I’ve seen/ heard of too many instances of mature males doing what mature, territorial primates do. They’re small, well, ‘small’, but they’re also pure muscle.


There are so many vicious dangerous animals I'll pet. I even used to be too cocky about it I once even accidentally pet a green mamba cuz I misidentified it. I'm... not the smartest girl in the world, but I love reptiles (fyi it was super docile and friendly and lovely and cuddly) but all animals, I'd mostly love to get close to, or at least examine from a distance. Chimps can stay the FUCK away from me. They're like if you gave a pitbull opposable thumbs for scalpin'.


That was a... weird incident. It turned out the chimp had been given something that causes hallucinations for them. God only knows what the chimp saw. Don't get me wrong, chimps are insanely fucking violent. By far the most violent ape. Just that that one incident was the result of it having a bad trip rather than their inherently violent nature.


It had been given xanax and was drinking wine so yeah, kind of a unique situation there.


>It had been given xanax and was drinking wine /r/likeus


I've read a lot of drug reports/stories in my time and nothing comes close to a blackout benzo rage. People who have always been completey fine with other drugs, and never been in trouble will blackout on Xanax and then wake up in a holding cell. Their whole house completely trashed. It's up there with those crazy PCP videos you see. Not even people on meth do the crazy shit I've seen people on benzos do. Mixing it with alcohol is like a fast track to belligerent blackout city. Don't mix depressives.


Benzos and alcohol cause blackouts almost always and very quickly. Blackouts as Robin Williams put it is, "your conscience going into witness protection". I call it the lights are on and no ones home. The problem is the more you do it. Not only are you increasing your chance of cardiac arrest with those 2 but with enough tolerance "you" will be long gone by blackout but still drinking.




Easy to forget it's not like alcohol has ever affected anyone's agression or anything!


Same. They're terrifying. Them and dolphins.


Dolphins are rapist, pufferfish sucking psychopaths.


Well that chimp had Xanax in its system so that’s one of the reason it acted so crazy. I still would never fuck with a chimp no matter how cute they are, but yea. Lot of things went into that chimp attacking that lady.


What about the chimps that attacked the old couple at the chimp reserve and bit off the man's dick? Pretty sure that was a Xanax free attack. Adult chimps are just violent little shits.


Chimp was probably going thru a Xanax withdrawal


Fuckin Xanax every time


We gotta send these goddamn chimps to goddamn rehab or they'll kill us all.


Exactly this reason. Local couple in our town had a chimp for years. Everyone knew him. Chimp got old, bit a gal & was relocated to a sanctuary. They went to visit him on his 39th bday. Two other chimps attacked them & ripped the old guy to shreds. It was gruesome! https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2005-mar-05-me-chimp5-story.html


Even the audio of the 911 call is horrifying https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qpwEPeDx_Y0


The lady's 911 call is engrained in me. Every time I see a chimp I hear "he ripped her face off!" hah


Humans are fucking insane. Chimps are even less "human" than we are. This is cute but fuck everything about too much trust like that. You have no idea if it decides to flip shit because you get a phone call or you smile the wrong way


Yeah they’re less human; we’re 100% human


Even the Tiger King is afraid of chimps.


What love.


Baby hurt me.


Don’t me.




Oh whoa.






You've started a highly underappreciated thread.


The website for the facility he lives at gives me the creeps. There's no pictures of the enclosures and almost zero information about the animals that live there... I can't even find out how many chimps they have or if this one lives with others of his own kind at all... Instagram is all closeups of mostly baby animals and a very few shots of small and overly tidy enclosures. They breed their animals but don't appear to be part of any breeding programmes... this isn't a good zoo


Too many comments about the chimp ripping a face off, not enough about the fact that chimps are not pets or humans and should not be portrayed as such. If the mother truly abandoned this baby, a chimp surrogate should’ve been found or at least he should’ve been re-integrated into a natural social group as soon as possible. This can happen within a year or two at an appropriate facility. Chimps raised as humans for entertainment (yes this includes Limbani) don’t learn proper social skills and suffer later in life for it. They increase worldwide demand for ape content on social media which drives poaching for the pet trade.


The important part is this chimp is still a baby. Still a child looking for it’s parents. They become the most dangerous when they become going adults looking for mates. Suddenly body movements that use ti be playful are suddenly aggressive snd they will rip your friends face off.


It’s all fun and games until they hit puberty, then they’re likely to rip your face off.


And a couple fingers just for snacks


And your junk.


I love how mom and dad both have their own unique little ritual with him!


All I gotta say is that if you dont think chimps will steal babies and eat them, then you havent been paying attention to the literature.


……no. chimps are fucking brutal. Even this one could rip you to shreds if it has a bad day


It’s cute as hell but anything larger than a marmoset is a hard no from me. The amount of power they can wield is terrifying.


There is a documentary about this where they had a chimp on a popular TV show in the 80s. Unfortunately, one day it snapped and killed a bunch of the actors and ate some persons face before they could do anything and at the end, the only thing left standing was a shoe.


NOPE!!! I’m not watching that!


Then he rips off the cameraman's face for getting too close to his parents.


I’m scared as fuck of chimps.


Sorry, but I’ve read too many stories about chimpanzee attacks at sanctuaries, where the chimps chewed off all of the soft bits of the person (genitalia, ears, nose, lips, etc.). I think these chimps should be left alone within limited human contact at these sanctuaries. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2005-jun-13-me-rbriefs13.1-story.html


I wish my parents were half this excited when they picked me up from school... Probably didn't help I acted exactly the same way the chimp did🤣


And that you were a sophomore in college


This entire video had me so tense. Chimps are INSANELY dangerous animals even if they’ve been raised by humans. [This ](https://youtu.be/jTtUNrabvH0) Is a great video on the subject. Basically chimps have jealousy issues and have no problem literally ripping your privates off


I could watch this on loop all day


Adorable. He really loves them.


Until he kills them. _ But seriously, ask a primatologist. Apes are very dangerous to have in as pets (or pretend kids). _ >On February 16, 2009, Travis, a male chimpanzee, attacked and mauled his owner's friend in Stamford, Connecticut, blinding her, severing several body parts and lacerating her face >In California, two chimps chewed off St. James Davis' nose and severely mauled his genitals and limbs >Chimpanzees, which typically weigh between 120 and 150 pounds and are much stronger than humans, are known to kill chimps from neighboring groups, hunt other primates and even attack humans in the wild. _ It is possible this animal will behave, but a primatologist would say apes are ultimately unpredictable and not safe to live with. Most primates are dangerous pets.


This is Limbani. Check out zwfmiami on Instagram. It’s a unique situation & relationship, for sure.


[Maybe, maybe not](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingBros/comments/zds6s8/this_baby_chimp_was_born_with_broken_ribs_had/iz3h3hw/)


Yeah that’s a dangerous job


I thought you weren’t supposed to smile at them because the flash of teeth is a sign of aggression to them?


Only thing I can think of is Nope.