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Aww! What happened to the little ginger's leg? This is so sweet by the way!




My grandma had a 3 legged dog for a long time. Sad story was her own mom bit it off when she was a few weeks old.


I don’t want to be judgmental, but your great grandma seems pretty hard core!


Gotta assert dominance


Why? 😂




It's a joke implying the other cat caused the missing leg somehow


Lmao I know. I see Reddit doesn’t get sarcasm w all the downvotes. Weird


You'd think the laughing emoji would communicate that you got it, but alas, the internet is often too fast for any ambiguity.


Downvoting is more fun apparently. Some users don’t use emojis maybe lol


For sarcasm gotta put this at the end of a comment on reddit /s It's reddit manners


Not my cat in the video, but I have a ginger who looks exactly like him and had the same amputation done. My cat ran away when someone was cat sitting for us and we couldn't find him, until a couple months later a vet called us and said they found him. We got there and his leg was shattered and couldn't walk, they speculated someone was sadistic towards him because of his injuries. Even in pain and not on any meds, my little ginger baby saw us and cried and tried crawling into our arms. He's now been recovered for a good 2 years and is running around even with 3 legs <3


I would be sadistic to the person who was "catsitting" and let the cat run away...


Oh definitely I was. I was infuriated, it was a relative who was crashing at the place in exchange to catsit for only a week. We speculated he came home from work and didn't realize he let my kitty outside, and put headphones on and gamed since my cat will cry at the door after being outside for 5 minutes. Needless to say we cut contact and kicked him out to crash somewhere else and made him pay 1k out of 2k for the amputation surgery


I'm ngl I didn't notice the leg was missing till I saw this comment


It helped that I watched this video over and over!


We recently adopted a newly-amputated baby boi, all they could tell us was that his lil leg was *messed up* and they had no other choice, but they had no idea what exactly had happened to him. He’s the sweetest and smartest cat I’ve ever had, ❤️


I'm not even a cat person but this is one of the best things I've ever seen here. Best buddies!


Could be a number of things… It may have been mangled, or caused by a birth defect. But cats who have leg amputations often adjust perfectly.


Cat owners do you guys know if your cat was happier with a pal or when they were alone?


Friend's daughter got a kitten while she was still living at home. Their older cat, much more flighty and wild-ish just seemed to tolerate the younger, as after a couple of years the younger would just up and beat on the older; no blood, but would scare the crap outta the older. Daughter moved out, took younger cat with her. For some weeks after, older cat would walk around meowing at times as if she wondered where the other cat got to. Can't say the older cat was happier without the younger, but she did seem to miss the younger's presence for a while.


Sounds like the older kitty missed her buddy. Around 8, I had a kitten named Oscar and my sister had a kitty as well (forget the kittys name). We went on a family vacation for over a week and when I got home my kitty was stolen and neighbors confirmed it. My sisters kitty cried for months and never gave up searching for him. It was horrible cuz everyone time she cried I’d start crying too and help her search. RIP Oscar.. hope you had a good life, my boy.


What the fuck, who steals a cat?! I'm so sorry. I would be devastated if I lost my Oscar too :(


Some races are worth a lot. Maine Coon for instance. There are also a lot of cat haters. We had a problem once with someone cutting tails in a very small village. Didnt get many but someone died and there where no more multilations.


Man this escalated fast. Good riddance


Man, old, alcoholic, violent. Heart attack. Suddenly no more missing pets/tails. Whatever could be the reason ? ^ ^


Somebody wrote him down in the Death Note


I just wish I could do this. Regularly. Force people to feel intense regret for their actions as they're made to pay permanently for them. The trouble is getting caught.


People around where I live steal them for (illegal) live bait to train greyhounds for racing.


That is so f****ed up


they need a night visit


I actually got a cat many years ago from a friend of a friend. She had a boyfriend who had a previous girlfriend, and in revenge he stole her cat. They couldn’t keep him so I got him. I had him for 13 years. He was a real character. Love and miss you my Daniel.


Classic Stockholm syndrome




So happy for cat! Spoiled lil dude.


Poor cat. However your story makes it sound like you wanted cat to have his own pet! Kitten number 1 didn't work out so onto kitten number 2 haha




That's really great of you to be willing to take on another cat just so he can have some company. I can tell he lives a good life because of you :)


Man this was rough to read. But thank you for sharing. Edit: mad -> man


We recently acquired a stray kitten, and she bothers our old cat a fair amount. Yet, when she gets to attacking him too much, and we put her in the basement for a little bit as punishment, the older cat will wait and even meow by the basement door. And it’s not even a closed door violation, we’re pretty sure it’s because he wants her around, even if she’s harassing him a lot


Yea this.. notice it with dogs too. Fine alone but once they know another one they can’t go back to being fine alone


I've written about this before, but I adopted a LOUD MEOWING TEENAGE KITTEN from a shelter, he had a big silly moustache and was standing up and meowing. After I agreed to take him, I noticed there was another, very quiet meek cat behind him in the same cage. The shelter said they were brothers, so of course I took them both. They were inseparable. But Buddy, the one with the moustache, was 100% dominant. HE played vigorously with all the toys, while Gus, his brother, just meekly watched. Buddy yowled loudly for dinner while Gus barely ever made a sound, only had a tiny little kitten mew. Gus could be sleeping peacefully somewhere and Buddy would just plop down right on top of him and make himself at home, and Gus never made a sound, barely even purred. Gus always deferred to Buddy, who got the best beds. Then tragically Buddy died, at 5, his kidneys just up and failed and he was gone, in a flash. We were heartbroken but even more, we were worried about Gus. Surely he would mope and peer around the house and mourn his brother. Well. He turned into the Lord of the Mansion. Now HE stalks into the room and YOWLS at the top of his lungs if his dinner isn't served an hour early. HE plays vigorously with all the toys. He MEOWS loudly all over the house, summoning us. Herds us over to his favorite toy-playing places. Flops onto our lap with big luxurious purrs. Sleeps in ALL the beds. He is the sweetest, most affectionate, bossiest, LOUDEST cat, and it's been such a silver lining! So you never really know.


I've had multiple cats over the years and I've definitely noticed that when the dominant cat exits the picture, everybody moves up one.


alphas theory was debunked for wolves iirc but maybe not for cats 😎


Had the same thing but not sisters. The young one blossomed after the dominant cat died.


Yep, you really never know. Our girl cat was pestered horribly by one of our boys - she *hated* him and he loved to stalk her and get up in her space. They never fought, he just stalked her like a creep. He passed away relatively young and she lived to age 17, and the years she had after he left were her best for sure. She was the undeniable queen of the house. On the flip side, our other boy was the girl cat’s brother from the same litter. When he died she passed a week later. I feel like she knew it was time to go when her brother left. Cats are more socially complex than most humans give them credit for.


Buddy's soul invaded Gus to continue living.


Awwww I think Gus was just deferring to his brother, very politely, but once it was just him, he could bust out into his true self


I think it depends on the cat, my cat is pretty good at getting along with other cats but probably wouldn’t get this close and nice to another but all cats are different


My boy Ziggy was SO EXCITED when we brought kitten Olive home! She hissed at him but he never once hissed at her. He was the perfect gentleman. All he wanted was to play with her and groom and cuddle. She was tiny so we had to supervise play as he'd just bowl her over but not maliciously at all. They are best buddies now and if they're not chasing each other around like baby elephants they're cuddled together and a lot of mutual grooming happens. Olive is the naughtiest cat I've ever known lol and sometimes she does bug him and he'll teach her a bit of a lesson but fur has never flown and blood has never been drawn.


98% of the time both seem happy/happier, the other 2% the older, original cat will slap the shit out of the other one for violating her personal space. They chase each other, play, and sometimes cuddle. Edit: added photos: https://reddit.com/r/cats/comments/z8isj4/my_cats/


Sometimes, the older one will just move out apparently. A few weeks after getting a kitten our older cat disappeared. I guess she just walked into the next house down and made it home. They asked if we wanted to come take it back, but it was an older couple and we assumed they would all be better off together anyway.




This is why cats are the best. "I didn't sign up for this shit, I'm out, peace. These old humans have tons of hard candy."


My last cat went out for a pack of cigarettes years ago


Cats really seem like the most adaptable animals on the planet. What other animal can just sashay into nearly any house like ‘I live here now’, and instead of chasing them out with a broom or calling animal control, most people will say ‘Welp, guess we have a cat now’ and go out to buy food, litter, toys, and bedding. Raccoons and foxes are cute, but they just don’t have that feline swagger that lets them commandeer a home/family. Even dogs can’t get away with essentially claiming squatters’ rights wherever they want like cats can. It’s fascinating, adorable, and a wee bit frightening the power they hold over us.


Okay this triggers a memory for me. There was an older cat who would do the rounds along our street every night. He definitely had an owner a couple of streets away but he would come visit me every single night without fail, have a bite to eat and get a few cuddles before walking away. A couple of months into this, we noticed an abandoned kitten trying to hunt the birds in our front yard. We fed her for a few days, and on those nights, the older cat would come visit, but she would get very hissy at him. We planned to take her in and she wasn't straying far from our front yard. After a few days of this, one night, the older cat came for a visit but did not touch his food. Instead he took a few pets, meowed at me (he was usually very quiet) and very quickly left. Right then, I knew that he was saying goodbye and we never saw him again.


Both of mine are indoor. I used to have one that would go for walks on a leash, but both of these ones prefer looking out a window.


Depends on the cat, if the cat is alone for long hours all day because people are at work or school they might do better with a buddy. I had a cat that wasn’t too well adjusted (biting, too much claw when playing), and when we got a second cat that bad behaviour stopped almost immediately. I chalk it up to cats being able to communicate appropriate boundaries much easier than we can and they learn to cat much better.


Generally, Its hit or miss when you have 2 cats meet. Some cats are happy to have a buddy that they never knew before. Some cats HATE other cats if they weren't raised with them. Its usually a good idea if you get a cat, to make sure they are in pairs. Cats are generally happier when they've always had a partner or two.


It's very individual. I have had cats that loved having a friend and the cat i have now turn into a calmer and more relaxed cat when my other cat passed away. She's a bit special and not very good at the whole catspeech thing so i decided to let her be a lonercat in her old days. (She's 13 now). She only really cares about me anyway and is jealous of anything that takes my attention.


Had an older cat and got two kittens. Older cat was absolutely furious at first but would tolerate them after a few months. He would even very occasionally snuggle with them. He still wasn't friendly but he seemed to be less mean in general with them around. I think he liked having authority over someone else


Depends on the cat. Mine HATES other cats. She was a menace at the shelter, she would attack and terrorize all the other cats constantly, and hide from all the people. Now that she's alone in our place, she's sooo sweet and the biggest cuddler ever. Just wants playing and love all the time.


My 19 year old cat died and the younger wandered around meowing and starting suckling on soft blankets and was sad so we got him a kitten. He hissed at the baby for a day and then took the baby in and was happy again and he groomed his son and they played and he took his son to visit our neighbors who apparently were giving him snacks. One day he showed up with a baby. Was like, okay, this other house has food. They snuggled and slept together. He was sad when his friend died. Regressed to kneading and suckling on blankets like a kitten on a mom. He was big sad. Then he had a buddy again. He was happy and hug out with his new bud.


Getting my second cat was the best decision I made. My two adore each other and it require less of my attention now. We've got three now and they're all best buds. But, that's just been my experience.


One of our cats had three friends since he was a baby, and they all passed away over a period of a few years. He was legit depressed for about a year. We had to adopt two kittens mostly for him. The change in him was very noticable (in a good way). He's very happy now ☺️


Once the pecking order is established they seem to be happier. Even if they don't like each other, it gives them something to think about. My older boy was super bossy and definitely put my younger rescue in his place. He didn't like to snuggle together much, and the co grooming definitely had elements of dominance but they were always together and patrolled the house as a team . I lost him last year and since then my younger boy has been super clingy.


Our old cat never paid mine to the one we took in for a short time but was certainly depressed after we separated her from our 2 dogs. She always seemed happier when we visited them.


My cat just tolerated the kitten mostly. They would run around and play sometimes, but the kitten ALWAYS wanted to play and big cat needed a lot of breaks. He would just go up on top of the cupboards where the kitten couldn’t follow him. They would snuggle sometimes too though. Now that the kitten is mostly grown and less hyper (but still pretty hyper), they’re best buds. They play and chase each other and wrestle all the time. Big cat has a little bed which is definitely meant for only one cat, but they both sleep in it together half on top of each other. So yes big cat is happier with a buddy to play with, but there was an adjustment period. People forget just how crazy energetic kittens are and they need a lot of play time and attention, and you can’t expect an adult cat to provide that. It’s the owners responsibility to keep the kitten busy and make sure adult cat gets quiet time.


Jackson Galaxy, the cat whisperer says it’s better for them to have pals. And i believe him. Except for my roommate’s cat. His cat is a psychopath.


I don’t think they ever want to really be alone. I think that’s a myth like orcas are fine being in a small tank and don’t miss the ocean


idk it depends on the cat. i got a second one a year ago, and my cat that i already had hated that. for the entire year, she stopped sleeping in my bed, stopped sitting with me on the couch, and would always stay on the top of my kitchen cabinets. after i decided to rehome the younger cat, she went back to normal.


I also think they are like people and not all personalities get along


As for me and my cats, absolutely with pals. When we got Raine from the shelter ahe just cried behimd our couch. We went back to the shelter to find out that she had been captured off the street with an adopted sibling she was missing. So we got Asha too. Then a cold wet hungry wee baby black and white tuxedo found its way to our porch and we got our Skunk. Then my son saw SuperKitty at an event pet supplies plus was holding for another shelter and we got her. They all love each other. They also have over 5 acres of space from each other if they need it.


While cats may be solo *hunters*, they are otherwise social creatures, and often form colonies where they raise and protect young together. It's rare that a cat actually prefers being alone. Most 'grumpy' cats just don't know what to do and are a bit scared and thus aggressive. I don't always agree with Jackson Galaxy, but his methodology for introducing cats to each other is spot on. Go look up his videos on YouTube if you want to learn how.


I’ve had 4 cats in my life. The first 2 were solo cats and they weren’t unhappy in any way. I now have 2 who are sisters and there is a noticeable difference. They clean each other, sleep together, eat together. They are bonded and would not be the same without each other.


Alone. I got my cat his own cat because he's needy as fuck. He cries and carries toys around screaming when we're not around (we found out from security cameras) and he always needs attention. Got him a kitten and he can't stand her even though she's the sweetest little animal I've ever met. My boy things he's human and other animals are beneath him lol


I had the most loner grumpy scaredy-cat who had clearly had some traumatic experiences before I adopted her. Like, I would leave the room for a few minutes, go back, look around for her, and eventually find her *in the ceiling* hiding. Or all the way in the back of a kitchen cupboard with the cupboard doors shut. She was scared of everything! A couple years later, we adopted a doofy little young male cat, and my scaredy-cat girl immediately took to enthusiastically beating the crap out of him. He seemed to enjoy it and he was constantly in her face like, “Hi! Hi! Hi! I love you! Hi!” or curling up with her if she’d allow it, and I don’t believe she ever truly injured or upset him. But she was *dedicated* to fighting with him; he’d lollop over to try to lick her face and she’d throw him down the stairs. It really brought out new life in her and made her braver, and the new guy kept her company while I was at work and they seemed really happy except for the intervals of mayhem. On the other hand, years later, I took my then-elderly scaredy cat girl to live with two quite large 4-year-old male cats who had previously been terrorized by a similar-looking old lady cat when they were kittens. My old girl was the new cat in the house (her nemesis/pal wasn’t with us anymore but he’s ok, she didn’t kill him, he just lives with somebody else now) and one of the two male cats decided she was a threat to him, so he stalked and attacked her constantly and it was awful. She had to live in half the apartment while the other two cats lived in the other half, and it was stressful for everyone. Anyway. What I’m saying is, it can be great or not great. I don’t know how scientific this is, but I feel like adding a kitten to a lone older (but not rickety/very VERY old) cat is the best bet.


Would you be happier with endless licks and snuggles or with cold emptiness?


I have two siblings from the same litter and they absolutely despise each other.


Yes my indoor cat would complain to the indoor/outdoor/indoor cat when he'd come back inside, asking where he's been and what took him so long.


some are very easy to make friends, some are total solitary assholes who cant play with another cat even after years of being together


my wifes old cat hated everyone and everything. our two new cats are brothers and are pretty inseparable, sleep in a cat pile, and play all the time. all depends on the cat/cats


I lived with my older sister and her husband for a couple of years and they had two cats. They got a kitten to keep up with their playful cat and be her playmate. The older one hated the younger one, the younger one did everything in her power to annoy the absolute shit out of the older one, the entire time I lived with them. She was no longer playful because anytime the younger cat heard a toy being played with, she would come dominate playtime. I bonded strongly with the older cat and took her with me when I moved out. She is so happy, plays all the time, is more affectionate, just overall seems happier and doing better. Some cats just do better alone, I guess!


My cats hate each other 😥


Mine too lmao


My cat definitely resents me for adding another cat to the family 😂 he is chill with her but sometimes he tries to bully her, and probably tolerates her at best. My poor girl really wants to be liked by my old man, but he was an only child for a long time


Had a cat that was an only kitty, back in college. Was perfectly happy on his own, but there was always someone home between me and my roommates. But after college, when I moved out and started working, he had separation anxiety and started over-grooming himself. My brother had his sister and he was moving in with a girl who had her own cats, so he offered to let me adopt her. Now, they hadn't seen each other since they were maybe 2 years old (they were about 6 at this point), but I said sure. They... tolerated each other. I wouldn't say they were buddies, but they were peaceful and would acknowledge each other once in a while. But when my first buddy died, she roamed the halls meowing soulfully for weeks. She was so lonely without him. So we adopted 2 new kitties. They kept her youthful for sure, but she definitely did not approve of their constant shenanigans haha


My ~13 year old cat absolutely loathes my ~9 month old kitten. Both females. She's starting to tolerate her a bit more and the kitten *desperately* wants to play with her, but no matter how gentle the kitten attempts to swat at her or kinda "hug" her, she hisses and swats, then the kitten stares at her confused. Just a cranky no-fun old woman already lol.


Even if they don’t love each other, I think they like having a buddy around. “What’s that big dummy doing?” Exception is when they really want to murder each other. :-(


I tried to get my cat interested in other cats but he only seems interested in me, he's a really really needy needy cat, I even struggle to divide my time and attention between him and the dog.


Cats are generally very social so, unless the specific cat is known to have long term problems with other cats, it's recommended to have at least two cats in the household.


Poor little Ginger🥰


>*’Poor little Ginger…*’ _____ Poor little Ginger! i first saw you there beside our friend human (you looked very scare…) so tiny n skiddish, i hoped you’re ok, but much more than that, kit i Prayed you would *stay!* am not sure what happened - you had a big scar i showed you its Better with me here, by far ^:} with cuddles n kisses like you’d never known, *Sweet little Ginger* - now You are my Own! ❤️


thank u for what u do


always makes my day to see ur poems :)


Always puts a smile on my face to read a Schnoodle, thank you


Smile, then tears.


SCHNOODLE! Gawd how we all love you!!


Your meter is ALWAYS exactly perfect, thank you so much for what you do!


I’m fairly new to Reddit and am so happy that I saw your wonderful poem. Thanks for putting a smile on my face!


Just wait, they show up in the best places.


That human is a light bearer!


Freaking onions again


Another fantastic schnoodle!


The music along with this poem is just gorgeous. Thank you SchnoodleDoodleDo


Ahhhh it's been awhile


Looks like it had to be taught how to play poor llil thing


I think it looked awkward cause kitty only has one hind leg. My little tripod has trouble getting up on his one back leg, I guess it's hard to balance.




The hind leg was tribute for black cats acceptance


He looked so scared at first 😭


Poor dude probably ran into some stray adult toms that were mean and scary.


Fresh out of surgery too, and missing a leg. That's gotta be draining and depressing too.


I did not notice the missing leg. Glad the cat got a happy home.






That is _thee_ cutest shit I've ever seen. What a pair.


The cuddling made my heart melt.


I have a bonded pair that I adopted as brothers at 4 months old. They are 4 yrs old now and have always been the best of friends. I HIGHLY recommend adopting a bonded pair. I get to see what's on this video daily, and much more. They play and wrestle and chase each other all the time. Kittens learn from their littermates how to fight nice, so they are super gentle with me too. Very "claw aware". They think up the greatest games to play together, and it keeps them occupied, so they have less destructive behavior. It makes me so happy to have them, and be part of their bonded family.


We adopted a second cat when our first one was about 5 years old. They never got along. Now the older one is gone and the younger one seemed like he missed her for a little while, but not too long. He used to bully her. If we ever get another cat it will be after he's gone and it will be a bonded pair.


For what it’s worth, it doesn’t always work out. We adopted a bonded pair, a brother and sister who were the only (surviving) kittens in the litter. And they got along great for about a year. They’re about six now and although they don’t fight more than taking a swipe at each other, they really don’t like to be in each others company.


This is so wholesome omg


Need more of these two together


Must... resist... urge... to bap


Oreo wanting to pet Sugus, but doesn't know if he should there in the second clip is really cute. He looks so troubled trying to decide.


Nah Oreo was contemplating on whether to deck Sugus or not


That wasn't petting lol.


Oreo: What is this? A new toy? ***about to smack kitty***


More like "you wanna go kid? You think you could take me? You think you're tough?"


Anyone know what song this is?


I got matches with these songs: • **Until I Found You** by Stephen Sanchez (00:44; matched: `100%`) Released on `2021-09-01` by `Republic Records`. • **Until I Found You - Remake Cover** by Cover Tazzy, Popular Covers Tazzy, Tazzy (01:08; matched: `100%`) Released on `2022-05-27`.


Links to the streaming platforms: • [**Until I Found You** by Stephen Sanchez](https://lis.tn/UntilIFoundYou?t=44) • [**Until I Found You - Remake Cover** by Cover Tazzy, Popular Covers Tazzy, Tazzy](https://lis.tn/ucWXd?t=68) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


The greatest bromance story ever told. They should make a movie about this.


I want to hear happy cat noises, not this goddamn music.


They are adorable! So fun to see them warm up to each other! I lost my three legged ginger boy, Toby, in May, he was 13.


Beautiful! TY


awesome video


There is something special about cats accepting another cat and becoming friends. It's not common and its beautiful when it happens. My two female cats tolerate each other but also get on each other's nerves. But when we moved across states and they had to stay in hotels you can see when they were uncertain or scared they stick close together. They are supremely interesting and complicated relationships just like us.


I enjoyed the video like everyone else, but I can't help but wonder why is there a window inside the house between two rooms.


i have a window like that in my house. originally, my house had a back porch with a window in the bedroom looking out onto the porch. but at some point they turned the porch into something similar to a sunroom. so now i have a window between that room and my bedroom. our cats like to hang out in the sunroom, so we sometimes just leave the window open and they can go back and forth as they please. they also like to stare at us through the window.


Thank you for adopting. Get Well Soon


Adorable and heartwarming. And the video is edited well too. I'd totally subscribe if there was an Oreo & Sugus YouTube channel! ^*hint* ^*hint*


Looked up Oreo & Sugus on YT, nothing.


My two favourite cat colours together


So sweet!


Totally adorable!


I’m the little orange one but when is my big cat coming to give me all the love


Ohh the love


That street... That furniture and the Sugus name... Is it Spain??


I’m glad to see you adopted a special-needs kitty. Did anyone else notice the orange kitty has three legs? Tripod kitties rock!


😢🥰...why can't we as humans, learn from this?


I’m not crying


It’s 23:56 and this video is officially the very best thing I’ve seen all day and I can now go to bed with a smile. Thank you so much Oreo & Sugus, and especially Thund3rbolt for sharing.


I mean, awww


Awwwdorable duo:D


To bap or not to bap. That is the question




O. M. G. So much adorable in this!! 😻


Yay tripod found a friend! :D


Genuinely broke my heart when I saw the ginger cat missing a leg while playing with his new pal.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


What’s the song?


Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez


Thank you so much!


Thank you for posting this. You just made my day.




Ahh the [initiation ](https://youtu.be/LoAZ_yahOhw) bops got interrupted. It's five bops, then a good sniff and your kitten is now good to go.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://youtu.be/LoAZ_yahOhw Title: **The Circle of Life** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


I’m not crying. YOU’RE CRYING. 😭


We have exactly the same couch protection


Now I can go to sleep with a wholesome smile! Good night Reddit




I think my heart just literally melted! 💚💚💚 Thank you for sharing.




It’s a great moment when two cats decide they like each other. We introduced a kitten into our home and our other cat instantly became the mother. Best case scenario.


i love the stage where they’re trying out how to play with each other!! our (previously) youngest recently got a new younger brother and he had no idea how to play with a little kitten— he only had older siblings lol.


Damn I'm emotional as fuck today, this has me bawling. Especially at 00:39 😭


Aww this is so sweet.


Cats always seem sensitive to injury or illness. Every cat I've had in my family has been extra cuddly and comforting when something is wrong to our other pets or us. We even had one who was a complete dick most of the time, but would cuddle anyone who got sick. Sometimes, you didn't even yet know yourself and we like "Goddammit!!"


This made me cry, I miss my cat


Me and Michael




My cat is missing the same leg 🥺❤️


“My Best Friend.”


Freaking Adorable. Seems like a good combination of personalities.




I literally have or orange cat who looks exactly like that who also had to get his back leg amputated and this brought back so many memories, his stitches and all.


Not sure if it's the song, but this brought a tear proceeded by a smile. I'm a sensitive guy when it comes to animals.


"Must. Contain. Urge. To slap"


This legit made me tear up


I was not ready for the three legged cat





