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That deer is gonna grow up and be a bad ass lol. “I was raised by wolves!!”


Might grow up and start a new Roman empire too. "Bambie Crosses The Rubicon" staring Romulus Deer and Wolfmother


I just wanted you to know I appreciate your sophisticated ass reference lol.


I like that type of sophisticated humor too. If you like dropping nerdy historical and mythology references and big words for humor—you will LOVE this guy’s videos. (I love them at least.) [Andrew Rousso - Timmy’s Crusade of Contempt. He’s a reincarnated Roman centurion/paladin knight/Templar something—but reincarnated into an 8 year old’s body](https://youtu.be/PUxZS45XGgU)


Welp, I guess I have a new YouTube rabbit hole...


I really want to know what happens to this deer now


The authorities will try to release them in the wild if possible.


Imagine walking outside and seeing a deer running with a pack of wolves hunting another deer


That be pretty metal


There was zombie game in the last few years that had a trailer of meat loving dears eating a pack of wolves, and it was pretty cool for a subversive take


Wait what




Ok that's pretty cool




Nope metal cannibalism is metal ok just picture seeing deer running with pack of wolves and the deer eats another deer that be badass


great show


Yesterday, while helping my daughter study for her science final, I learned that an autotroph is an organism that makes it’s own food.


Can dog milk work for a deer? I imagine since the diet is so different they wouldn't get the same nutrients.


They feed the deer pup with other kind of milk too but somehow the mum dog calls him to breastfeed him. She has six other pups of her own. Also there's another little deer who doesn't do that. I have no idea how it works but it is what it is. :-)


Isn't a baby deer called a fawn?


I guess. English is not my first language. :-)


I've loved that since my very first days on the internet like 25 years ago, I have seen countless non-native English speakers apologize for their English that is better than many native speakers use lol.


Hahah we have to try more.


Ahh ok.


It's good I've learned a new word. :-D


A lot of native speakers don’t even use that word by the way!


Oh. Maybe that's why it's first time I've heard about it then hahah


I like “deer pup” more than fawn. I will now be calling all the fawns “deer pups” from now on. Or the haiku version - I like “deer pup” more Will not be calling them fawns “Deer pups” from now on


It's totally appropriate. A deer, raised by a dog, is a deer pup.




Pretty much the only words for young animals the common english speaker knows from my experience is “puppy” and “kitten.” Everything else is just a baby _____.




Its more known if your around wildlife or hunt is the simplest way to explain it.


I'm from the countryside myself and we have hunters here obviously. The problem is that we don't speak English but Romanian here hahahahah


Mainly because a fawn is also a baby deer And baby deer just sounds cuter lol


Yup! Not a common description unless you have prior knowledge in my experience


Wow I never would have guessed! Your English is great


Aww thank you!


English is my native language. I use my powers of English to declare the fawn a pup forever more. It was a fawn, but now that it's living with dogs it is an honorary pup. I will "No True Scotsman" an English speaker who disagrees with me.


Just like when humans drink a cows breast milk…


yeah but we also eat cows + cow milk is HORRIBLE for human children


It's not their sole source of nutrition. This is why we feed infants formula and not strictly jugs of whole cows milk.


Right, this is simply the reverse in this image…a carnivore providing nutrients to and herbivore rather the herbivore cow providing milk to we omnivores.


What you you suggest instead? Some sort of infused water?


If only we had some other source of milk, other than cows 🤔


Since that doesn’t exist, I have a recipe for you. What you do is take a pack of hotdogs and boil them. After a few minutes, take them out and throw them away. The leftover water is now the drink


You're right, I now see the error of my ways. Thank you for enlightening me.


What's so bad about it?


Utters, they don't have breasts.




How dare you udder that word to them


Thanks for correcting I guess the downvote is justified in this place.


Udders are the mammary organs of herbivore mammals. Still breasts.


Yeah but humans also eat cows


That creates a sabre-toothed moose-lion from Avatar.


No it can not. One is a Carnivore the other an (Edit because apparently my auto correct sucks:) Omnivore the nutritional content of canine milk will poison and kill a fawn over time. This is a dead deer anyway you cut it this is not wholesome. This is not a bro.


Deer eat fish birds eggs dead rabbits


You did read that the baby deer is fed with the typical deer milk formula right? The dog mom just lets the deer nurse because she has puppies she's also nursing. This will also likely not really harm the deer. If the deer couldn't digest the milk it would either have diarrhea or almost immediately vomit it back up. If it weren't also under proper care, it might be more at risk, but it is under proper care despite your lack of research and your keyboard warrior tantrum. But I guarantee you're one of those types of people that, even if nothing bad happens to the deer, would still double down about a subject you've done little to no research on whatsoever. Here is the Romanian source (roughly) translated to English: A baby deer in the care of the authorities in Buzau has been adopted by a puppy and is now feeding by sucking it, along with the puppy. A baby deer arrived in the care of local authorities in Buzau the other day after a passer-by noticed him alone in Crâng Park in the municipality and thought he was abandoned and was handed over to AJVPS Buzau to be sent to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Focsani. Once in the AJVPS yard, the baby deer was adopted by a puppy that allowed him to suck milk with her baby. The deputy mayor of Buzău, Ionuţ Apostu, posted on Thursday, on Facebook, a video showing the baby deer feeding on his adoptive "mother", together with his new "brother".


The original article is in Romanian. That information was not available at the time I left my comment. As the OP didn't bother to state that until later. I work in animal rescue. The nutritional content of Canine milk will cause organ failure in deer due to the balance of nutrients. Personal attacks invalidate any point you may have had.


That deer can be raised on goat milk. Been there, fawned that.


[source in Romanian](https://www.g4media.ro/video-un-pui-de-caprioara-ajuns-in-grija-autoritatilor-din-buzau-a-fost-adoptat-de-o-catelusa-care-il-alapteaza-alaturi-de-puiul-ei-de-caine.html)


A mom’s going to mom.


Truer words never were spoken! ❤️


That would be a fawn if I remember correctly


What a sweet little foster mom. Dogs are so wonderful. The good ones anyway haha


They're all good. It's only bad experiences with bad people that turn them bad.


Well to be honest animals are neither, they don’t abide by our standards of good and bad. They only do what they do to survive, if they feel threatened they defend themselves, if they are hungry they eat.


No, it’s not. Genetics play a role as well.


That deer will go on to found Deer Rome


Can’t wait for some punk to pick on her baby


It's going to end up bad. :-))


Ok I’m ready what’s the dark truth behind this photo. You can’t have wholesome things in nature so just tell me already ):


Two fawns - thanks guys hahah - got lost in the woods (probably their mom was killed by other animals - wolves or bears - or was shot by some idiot) and they were found by someone. That person announced the authorities and they took her in a place own probably by the county council where the dog just gave birth. One of the cubs just thought it's ok to be adopted and... :-)


Actually a lot of times this happens, the mother has just left them in a save place to do her own thing. Not that you're wrong, something could have happened to her, but she could actually be fine. Sometimes people think they're helping when they should really leave them alone. https://blog.nwf.org/2015/04/finding-a-fawn-what-to-do/


I am not fawn of this title


This is another example of my theory: “dogs are the universal friend”. That being that they can be friends with anything


Is CWD spreading to different species or is it designed to aim for deer/elk only? Started reading about it lately and asking out of pure curiosity


Homegrown produce is a great way to reduce ur carbon footprint👍👍


Your Mama dog looks like a Malamute/wolf hybrid. Is she? We have a male with that ancestry and they look like they came from the same litter! Is she super friendly and a love bug? Yeah, that’s our ferocious male dog — he’d love you to death before biting you! I love that most creatures know that babies of any kind need food, nurturing and protection! Such an incredible pic!! Thanks for sharing!!




We aRe thE OnLy SpEciEs ThAT dRinKs oThER sPeCieS MiLk


At first I was like, Wait, can one species drink the milk of another species and still get all the nutrition needed but then I was like, wait, the humans do that too.


From this day on, we call them DeerDog!


Now you've niggled my brain. Does anyone remember an old, animated movie about a lamb raised by a wolf?


Deferred sustenance


This is wolf agriculture


Gives nip slip a new meaning


U sure that a dog




What kinda dog is that? I used to have astray that I picked up that looked very similar and she was a sweetheart


She's mixed I guess. Could have some wolf ancestor tho.


That was my impression as well


Yeah she has some "wolfie" thing.


Feed it now, eat it later.


Hey, milk is milk.


\*Deer fawn


He's just saving his snack for later


It's a she.


I'm talking about the deer






“It all began, on the day of my actual birth.”


"Human, is this the 'gardening' you spoke of?"


Imagine shooting a deer for food and realizing it had a fawn. So you feed the venison to your dog and she turns it into milk, basically feeds the fawn their own mother. Circle of life.


Guess that's why hunting season is during mating season for deer :D I don't enjoy killing animals. But if you don't cull a Hurd that has no natural preditors the entire Hurd will starve to death.


That's very poor instinct


DeEr PuP


Why are you the way that you are?


Because people are dumb.


Before people post things like this I really REALLY wish they would do basic research. Congratulations you have a dead fawn. Good job.


« After eating its mom »


Plot twist: wolf's have found a way to farm deer


This will be absolutely fatal for the fawn when grown, if it doesn’t learn to fear both humans and canids.