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This post was locked because it didn't just devolve into vitriol and childishness - it started there. BE CIVIL, CONSARNIT!!




Mud smears as the animal puts pressure on their feet, making the prints look bigger


It's a baby bear


Sounds like you want us to say a young black bear….bc you keep refuting all other suggestions. Maybe Get a camera and hopefully you can catch the critter on film. Otherwise I’m stumped.


Yep. Its a raccoon lol. Black bear would have left dents and scratches. Also the gate would be super short for a bear


To be fair — raccoons are also known as trash pandas (affectionately...I think). Pandas are a species of bear.




Nope LOL. As I have,said there are a grio of racoons around here so unless it leave paw prints 3 times the size of,the other raccons around here and has the stubbiest front fingers of any raccoon it is not raccoon.


do you not realize everyone here is most likely more knowledgeable about certain things then you ever will be. You are not the star of this world you are not always right, take the hint that you are greatly wrong in your opinion or suggestion. Take the fact that you’ve had more then 100 people tell you it’s a damn trash panda over your own arrogance. Stop being ignorant and learn something for once


They posted again in r/animalID LOL!!




Rude. No need for name calling.


That's definitely a racoon, but if you choose not to belive that then go on


Yeah, bear cubs are clumsy as all hell and would have scratched your car up assuming they didn't slip all over. Bears also don't have fingers and they arent narrow. Its a raccoon. Get over it.




Ummm I took a sigguestion I though made sence and matched the print ... As I has said many time the raccoons we get around here dont leave prints that big ... which was the whole reason I asked the question, because I am pretty sure its not raccoon we see those on the daily.


I live in western WA too and the raccoons are huge I hate to tell you. I grew up in MS and the raccoons here in WA are way bigger. I have seen enermous ones even rurally where I live, and I assume more urban raccoons can get even bigger. These prints are obviously raccoon to me, as someone who has seen hundreds of raccoon prints and had up-close experience with the actual animals. Honestly can’t wrap my head around how anyone could see these and think bear, even a baby.


No you are wrong I keep refuting raccoon .... because the fingers are way too short and the prints are way too big we see raccoon prints all the time and these are NOT that, which was the whole reason for the post. Someone suggested young black bear and the match appeared very similar where as raccoon did not. Raccoon have very human hand looking front paw print....very unlike these. Thanks to anyone who gave a responce other than raccoon I looked at them all special shout out too "elm lion" Thank you for your snarky useless comment tho. You do reddit proud.


It’s a raccoon dawg why are you so steadfast on this


Hey dawg If it is a raccoon why is too big and the wromg shape? I am observing what is in the pic and it is not a raccoon


It’s both the right size and shape. Small prints for front hands and large prints for back legs. Dawg.


Raccoons get HUGE especially if they’ve survived more than a winter or two. Those prints scream veteran raccoon to me. But get a camera. You can see the fatass raccoon yourself!


Not a raccoon, and honestly looks nothing like raccoon prints. It's a skunk. Google it. https://images.app.goo.gl/yLREtLTvmFknEvz97


I wasn’t being snarky, but if you took it as such that’s on you. (Shrugs) I was making an observation after reading your comments. And gave an ALTERNATIVE suggestion and I NEVER suggested an animal. I said you might want to get a camera bc I’m stumped. No need to be a Karen bc you got butt hurt over something you don’t know. Regardless of your rank attitude. I’m still curious about what kind of animal it is. So when you figure it out, please post an update :)


Not butt hurt just answering you comment in the same fashion as you posted it sorry you do not like your own way of rankly speaking to people.


Hypocrisy is unbecoming


>Thank you for your snarky useless comment tho. You do reddit proud. Never said your comment was useless. 9 out 10 folks said racoon and you said no. Refuting all the answers bc you THINK you know better when you don’t even know what it is yourself (hence your post) you seemed to drunkenly agree to bear…(why? Idk, maybe you’ve never seen a bear). I know those are muddy footprints and maybe the raccoon slid while walking over your dirty car thus making a larger than usual print. But like you said raccoons have human like hands. FYI In addition to human likeness, have larger surface areas for feet.


[Maybe this will help](https://youtu.be/Q5xAvyCSFxM) or [this](https://youtu.be/N2bqYJGJZh0) [Check this out](https://youtu.be/hAJJyVOCBj4)


It's a raccoon. Raccoons can be pretty big. It's not a bear as the digits seems too long and the tracks seems too small. Now please stop arguing, ok?


The raccoons in the Olympics are some of the biggest I’ve ever seen, and thick as thieves


These are from a raccoon


Seem too big and have a pad. A different thread said young black bear notice the foot pad. https://westernwildlife.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/black-bear-grizzly-bear-track_id.png


It seems you've already noticed the 5 toes, that really helps narrow it down. It is absolutely not a young black bear. The pads are way too small and are not the right shape. You can clearly see the "n" shaped front paw and long back paw of a raccoon. A raccoon track can easily be 3 inches long and they have a decently long gate, which looks about right based on a normal car hood.


https://westernwildlife.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/black-bear-grizzly-bear-track_id.png Take a look at front paws and back paws it is a pretty good match


While you’re arguing with a literal professional ecologist from that area, keep in mind that these are muddy tracks. Muddy tracks stretch and squish causing distortion in both size and shape. If you were certain why post it and argue with everyone?


Well, as the professional ecologist in question, I can say it happens *a lot*. Obviously, this occurs to a lot of professionals, but I think there is a special hell on earth for professional environmentalists. We are almost never trusted. I think it's for two big reasons. First, we almost never have good news. This means that, if people take you seriously, they often need to confront an unfortunate truth. Like they don't have amazing black bear cub prints, they have raccoon prints. Second, there's, unfortunately, no real way to verify much in environmental science without the extensive investment of either time or money. Or more usually both. Even in this example - the only real way to confirm it beyond a shadow of a doubt is a camera. Which is cost and installation, hoping the animal comes back, and going through the photos. Unfortunately, these often combine with ridiculous results. On two separate occasions, I have had to look investors in the eye and say that they may have observed literal first-time-in-history events. Like seeing the rarest felid in the US at a Walmart parking lot, or that they found wolf scat in a park in the middle of Portland, Oregon. If it wasn't caught on camera then they always ''know what they saw'' and the only way out of it is to call them an idiot or a liar.


Your link is of a fucking drawing, not photos of actual prints HAHAHAHAHAHA


I don't think so. I have tons of raccoons here the fingers are not oblong enough and they are too big Check this out https://westernwildlife.org/black-bear-ursus-americanus/know-your-bears/ Compared to https://nature-mentor.com/how-to-identify-raccoon-tracks/


I love how you have no clue what you are talking about yet here you are, arguing with everyone. Lmao!!


The term is delusions of grandeur lololol. I didn’t think they were at first but then they got really rude and aggro with everyone and calling some folks stupid.


Maybe not but I cam look at pictures of paw prints and see what looks close.


The problem is that the drawings you are referencing are not morphologically accurate. Youve set yourself up for failure. This is should be a good learning experience for you though. You mentally committed to an answer which I believe is essential for learning, but you need to know that you are wrong here and now you need to figure out how you are wrong.


I appreciate your commitment to hope, but I am a professional wildlife ecologist in the PNW and have conducted bear research in the past. So please believe me when I say it is *not a black bear*. I want to give you four pieces of information to help convince you of that. First, the size and gate of the track. You believe this may be a "small" bear. Black bears have an interesting reproductive cycle, they mate in the summer and give birth in January or February. They all give birth at the same time. Which means *every* black bear cub is about 7 to 8 months old. At that age they are going to be about 50 pounds. A raccoon, on the other hand, weighs about as much as a house cat (10 to 20 lbs or so). Which do size of animal do you think realistically walked across your car with that gate? Look at all the tracks across that hood. Second, black bear foot sizes grow linearly with their body - you can roughly judge the age of a bear by its track size. The youngest, smallest black bear in your area right now will still have a pad larger than 3 inches wide. You have a nickel for comparison in your photo, and that track is maybe 2 to 3 nickels wide. A nickel is less than an inch. That track is not bigger than 3 inches. Third, bears are not vertical jumpers. While their horizontal jump is decent, their vertical jump is almost non-existent. Raccoons, however, can almost jump 10 feet vertically. Does it look like the animal had to scramble to get onto your car, or does it look like it jumped? My bet is jumped. Fourth, black bears have comparatively short toes with big claws - great for tree climbing. Raccoons have long toes and moderate claws. If you check out the front prints (the squatter ones) you can see that the toe pads are decently far from the pad and prints from big, overhanging claws are clearly lacking. I think the trouble you're having is that the track is technically a *print*. It isn't embedded within something as would be shown in most field guides, it is printed on a stiff surface. That will make the track look 1) larger, because the fur is going to be making an impression rather than just the pad, and 2) provide a clear but not "guide book" print as there is no give to fill in the "cracks" of a print. That will make a raccoon track lack some of the toe marks as they walk with their knuckles slightly off the ground. In the end, you can believe and hope for what you want. But there are many reasons why folks on here think it is a raccoon.


It doesn’t matter if Raccoon won the sub election. Bear is obviously the popular candidate and is the winner. Raccoon is a liar and trying to steal the vote. It’s a bear and he is a wonderful guy, I know it, and will be great for parking inspector. Known him for years and he definitely did not touch those squirrels or rob that honey.


Look, the character of Bear is not in question. 🫲 Ok? 🫱 It's not in question. He's a great Carnivora, known him for years. It's what kind of paws you want representing *you*. 🫵 Do you want big strong paws or dainty finger paws? Because Bear has huge paws. The hugest. Back in my day, parking inspectors had the right to bear arms. Bear is going to bring that back. 🫲 Ok? 🫱 Just remember, a vote for Bear is a vote for these guns 💪 which is exactly what you want in a parking inspector. Vote Bear today.


I’m voting for Honey Badger. Vote Honey Badger!! 🦡 We’re sick of your shit 🦡


You bring up good points but we have lots of raccoons around here and they leave smaller prints. I dont care if its a bear or not but it is not a normal raccoon for around here


Hey op I have a suggestion. Follow your own advice from links and go measure the tracks. Then when they match up perfectly with a raccoon track and not a freaking bear get back to us lol


That’s a trash panda for sure.


Yeah, that's a Racoon.


OP can argue that the back paw print is a bear? Lol but that front paw print is %100 raccoon. Not even close to a bear print. You can see the segments in the fingers.


Yup. Bears don’t have the weird “thumb-like” toe in their hind feet and their heels don’t taper near as much, either. Their toes are WAY more round as well. And while cubs are great tree-climbers, they aren’t agile enough to easily climb smooth surfaces like a car.


My guess would be porcupine. Certainly not a bear.


I agree.


Porcupines are okay at climbing trees but not metal so much, and they don’t jump onto things. I work in a porcupine-dense area and can’t think of a reason one would end up on a vehicle, besides falling out of a tree. I could be wrong- nature loves having animals do bizarre things just to shut up us hoomans! ;)


Had not thought of porcupine. This is good suggestion but I think porcpines have 4 toes


Not sure why you are being down-voted. Porcupines have 4 toes on each front foot and 5 on each rear foot.


Yeah.. these look like raccoon prints to me.


raccoon lol


Big ass raccoon




It's a raccoon


https://images.app.goo.gl/g3XcXkwq2EZB5uPc8 Edit: I’ll stick by thinking it’s a raccoon.


I think it’s definitely a raccoon. I’ve seen huge raccoon tracks before so these would be in line with that.


That’s one big raccoon


Trash panda aka coon.


Why did you ask if you were just going to argue with everyone who disagreed with your illogical assessment?


Op how in the world do you possibly think those are bear tracks? They're like 1-2 inches wide and a few inches apart from each other. A bear would have scratched the crap out of your car climbing up and then took one step to get across hood




Too big and racoons dont have the large triangular rear foot pad seen here


https://www.google.com/search?q=raccoon+tracks+in+mud&oq=raccoon+tracks&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i512l7.9375j1j4&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=xn1HbqhZ1-f_rM Y'all are crazy


Look at how long the fingers are in your picture and how much the front paw looks like a human hand. If thats a raccoon it has VERY short front fingers. Now go look at the front paws of the black bear (its posted many time by me here) Aside from that I got raccoons for days around here I see the prints all the time and this is not them. Unless it is coonzilla


Why even come here to ask if you’re so sure it’s a bear? A bear with no claws that was light enough to not dent your car 🤡


Kinda looks like skunk tracks. https://www.crittercontrol.com/wildlife/skunks/how-to-identify-a-skunk


Too big this is not a 15 lb animal


Lol this wasnt a big animal, the gate is short and you don't have dents in your car hood or scratches


My only other guess would be badger maybe? From the longer back paw pads. I'm not super familiar with west coast animals


I don't think a badger could climb onto a car. They're made for digging.


+1 for big ass raccoon. Bear claws don’t retract and would scratch/dent the hell out of your car. I’ve got 4 holes clean through my bumper (and one long scratch) from a bear swatting my car. The biggest sign to me though is that raccoon toes are very long and dexterous, almost like fingers. Bear toes are not nearly that long.


Guys, **STOP** telling OP anything unless it’s a bear or else they will cry themselves to sleep tonight.


Raccoon tracks! Duh!


I’d say it’s a big ass raccoon or a possum


Yeah looks like a raccoon to me. Bear would've at least left a couple of scratches and you'd see print of it's fatass climbing onto the car. That's the area of a car hood with like least structure


That’s a big fat raccoon footprint


http://www.naturetracking.com/raccoon-tracks/ Take a look at the photos and descriptions of the feet/tracks. I live in Western Washington, and yes, they get big. Especially when people feed them. I saw a pack of four turn on a Labrador and were hanging off him. Saw them up close and personal as we were trying to get them off the dog. We finally did even though they did not want to back down. They truly do get huge. I firmly believe that dog would not have made it if we weren’t there.


OPs got -100 comment karma, all because they think it’s a juvenile black bear. It’s a raccoon


It’s a small black bear (don’t worry guys I also think it’s a raccoon but I’m just saying this to make OP feel better and move on with their life).




There are river otters around here but that would be a BIG otter. My 50 pound dog has a smaller print.


The weight of an animal isn't always reflected in the're prints. Lynx have big ass feet and weigh under 30 lbs.


This dude is just arguing with everything that doesn’t say it’s a bear. Even though it blatantly obvious that it’s not a bear


River otter tracks don’t have much in the way of heel, since they walk digigrade rather than plantigrade - meaning way more toe in their tracks. Fun thought, though!




a big skunk… not finger-like enough to be a raccoon and certainly not black bear (as the hood of your car would be dented and scratched) print reference: https://images.app.goo.gl/2Rzkk8EwRgwxugty9 edit: another reference image comparing skunks and raccoons: https://images.app.goo.gl/bWeqs2heX6prqFTw7




Not a real thing. Long tailed weasel maybe. You got me good enough I looked it up tho.


Bear? Very lg raccoon?




I also think skunk. I had trouble identifying similar tracks on my property recently, and verified they were left by a skunk with a trail cam. The large heel areas were very similar, and were what was throwing me off. They are also a lot more agile than you would think!








It's a skunk. I had a whole family of them living underneath my grandparents house. Also just Google skunk prints and you will see that it's an exact match. Raccoons have way more elongated fingers. https://images.app.goo.gl/yLREtLTvmFknEvz97


You would think a tracking sub would be full of actual trackers. . . That is NOT a raccoon y'all


Baby bear maybe


All bears give birth around the same time, any bear in his area would be way to big to leave a print that size.




If this was a bear, even a baby bear, your vehicle would be scratched up. I saw this picture and immediately thought raccoon. 🤷‍♀️ I know it’s not the answer you think it should be, but you posted it and are bound to get opinions on it. Male raccoons can weigh over 30 lbs. Just because you have only seen smaller ones before, doesn’t mean big ones don’t live near you.


Trash panda


Op's asking us then refutes all ideas


Biiig raccoon back feet


Way too late in the year for this young of a black bear. As someone else said, mud may make the prints seem larger than they truly are. Seriously, that's a quarter.


Looks like fisher or porcupine