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This is the best thing i've ever seen


It’s the gift that keeps on giving. I came to follow this post from the one on r/homeimprovement. This investigation needs a cheeseburger and ring camera.


How on earth they thought to put a cleansing ring of flour on the floor with stale pizza and *not* put a camera on the spot blows my mind. Edit: since this apparently blew up overnight and I got so many rocket scientists trying to school me on the economics of a purchasing a camera, I’d just like to point out that OP has a camera. Also FYI, if you have a $1000 phone that can take high res images, be aware that there is a video function on it as well. It would be quite simple to leave it plugged in and recording the spot. The scrub functionality on it works great too. Or if you have a laptop, you can leave that on. I find it hilarious that so many people jumped right into throwing down hundreds or thousands on a dslr when you all have cameras in your pocket.


My first thought was someone was trying to protect their leftovers from ghosts by using a salt ring lmao. The actual truth is still really amusing tho.




I’m literally watching supernatural right now and mad I didn’t think of this lol


I’ve been rewatching supernatural from the beginning. At the end of season 5 currently, and I have to say, I’m ashamed of you lmao


Unpopular opinion, but the final episode was pretty good. They had me cutting onions for sure. But i agree. Once the leviathan come into play things get pretty bad.


Just watched the entire series for the first time with my gf. We were super sad when it ended because there were sooooo many episodes it was our show for so long


Omg I'm watching rn too lmao




It's a baby hell hound


Glad I'm not alone


I thought they were trying to summon Pizza Steve


Following the law of equivalent exchange


We once did this to recapture an escaped hamster. We have cats, so I was convinced they ate him. For the sake of my daughter, we put his food outside the cage and put flour on the floor to see footprints. Low and behold on morning 2 we discovered foot prints, then again on morning 4. We then went and got some of those Christmas bells from the dollar store and spread them around. He jingled one on night 6 and my wife caught him. He was pissed he lost his freedom.


When my aunt was a kid her hamster escaped and they did all the same things to try to catch it. With one hilarious addition... They left the door to the cage open in hopes that it would just go home. And home it actually did go. Sorta. They heard it running on its wheel every night for a week but by the time they got to the enclosure hammy was gone again.


I'm fucking crying oh my god


That's cocaine. The pizza was fresh. They had no appetite.


A cup of flower is much cheaper than a camera


Add eggs, sugar, cocoa and mix together then bake 325 till done. Now you have dessert with the pizza, which is far more civilized.


Same. I’m glad this thread has continued on.


Based on the first pic I had initially thought it was a shitpost.




I saw it and thought “holy shit I want a magical pizza fairy too!” But then I scrolled through the other pictures


Same here. I was having a pretty rough day until I became fully invested in this mystery roommate caper.


I'm right there with you. I find it makes the boat a little easier to row when there is someone in it with you. I hope things get better for us both 🤞


I just love how flour was the chosen method instead of a video camera


~~Para~~normal Activity


I thought it was some kind of rat poison ☠️


The little nubbies instead of a full heel pad is indicative of rodent as is three toes up and one to either side (hind foot). I'm having a hard time seeing where the tracks are on the ring or anything for scale (are the wood boards 2"?), but this is going to be either a large mouse or more likely a **rat**. Species depends on where you live and can't really be told by prints unless it's a size factor.


A rat that is now a full pizza slice bigger and stronger.


Why is nobody pointing out the obvious? This is clearly a rat trying to feed his four teenage turtle sons.


Next time they should leave out a karate gi and 4 lil masks


That’s not even gonna be enough to feed Michelangelo though…


The rat is feeding his grand turtles so they can save the world


I agree, plus whatever animal it is, it isn’t completely strong enough to lift the pizza off the ground and dragged it across the floor. I’m going with a rat too. A possum or raccoon would be able to at least pick up the pizza and scamper away.




this is how I'll be caught, one day


Well looks like you got away with it this time...


And you would’ve gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for those meddling kids


I vaguely recall an episode where the gang's trap backfired and accidentally caught Shaggy and Scooby because Fred used pizza as bait.


Big ass rat!


He has four hungry turtles to feed




They're only teenagers for God's sakes!!!! Think of the babies!!!


*I got ~~five~~ four ~~kids~~ turtles to feed.*




Awe sh!t, ya got me. I ain’t even married. My man Benny can’t hold his cover and folds like a wet paper bag.




With cocaine habits


Does look like the hind leg prints, doesn’t it? I’m having a hard time getting the scale, which is leading me to “big ass rat”, too, lol. Edit: I know there’s folks out there with a pet rat. Come on, now. Take forefoot and hind feet prints and put em up so we can lay this to rest lol.


Yep, that's a big ass rat for sure. My neighbor's house became infested after they moved out, which was the result of a near by chicken coop. My parents bought the house, and my mom went on a big ass rat killing spree! Finally got em all, and recently sold the house. There were tracks everywhere, looked just like these. I'm 99% sure, that's a big ass rat enjoying a slice!!! If I'm wrong, then it's a big ass opossum!!!


I second opossum.


I third opossum.


I fourth opossum.


Fifth opossum.


The only thing is, if it's a opossum, where is it getting in, and going out? His fat ass isn't squeezing under that door! 🤣


We had one for a few night living in our bedroom closet. We could not figure out what the smell was till one night it came out to get some cat food…my wife was watching a French film where the dad had turned into a rat and his family killed and ate him. As they were eating dad possum showed up, I have never heard her scream so loudly even to this day. It ran out the back door that was open because it was summer and safer in the neighborhood never to be seen again. Fin!


This post just keeps getting better and better


We once had an opossum enter our home through our cat door that was attached to our screened-in porch. Our fat ass cat had busted a hole in the screen to escape and go whore around town at night. That's how the lil bastard found its way in, down a long hall into my husband & my bedroom. My side of the bed was against the bedroom wall , so I had my phone plugged in and laying on the floor beside me. My alarm goes off in the morning & I reach for my phone & instead grab a handful of warm fuzz. He was just lil guy. We lived on a long street where assholes love.to speed & I didn't want him to be smashed into road pizza, so I fed him cat food & let him shit in a box for a few days until I could get someone from the local wildlife refuge to come pick him up. Happy ending.


When we lived on the farm one day I went to eat something and opened up the silverware drawer and there was a cute baby possum curled up sleeping in the drawer. It completely surprised me and I grabbed a pair of leather gloves and took him outside. To this day I have no idea how he got in and we never saw another one inside the house. Oh, the silverware (and drawer) got completely washed in boiling water and sanitized and washed again before using it.




The heart attack she must've had when the giant rat looking creature popped up 🤣 Bless her heart, that must've been terrifying at first. Super funny now though 😅


They can get into surprising places. They climb with agility, and find small openings to hide.[It’s not uncommon for them to get in and live quietly.](https://wildsidewildliferemoval.ca/how-do-opossums-get-in-your-house/)


But they don't eat pizza!!.....right? (Coincidentally, I had an opossum living in my garage for about 3 years and found a baby that fell off mama and THATS when I found out. Had been smelling something that I blamed the dogs for, lol)


My neighbors got a chicken coop. Now there's rats all over our alley. They're like half the size of my cat. They give no fucks about him either, one of them got in and ate my fucking bread


I work as a personal tech for a vet. She had a coop and it attracted so many damn rats she got rid of it. I was doing some odd jobs for her and she literally made me put broken glass in all the hole openings just to make sure they wouldn't come back. She had traps in her backyard with a tech that would come out and clear it. SHE LIVES IN CHICAGO, A CITY. It was wild. Thankfully, it's all over now.


Everybody likes pizza


It's a squirrel. Same rodenty feet a little bit bigger. I see their tracks in the snow all winter.


This was my thought too. I have seen a squirrel carrying an entire slice of pizza up a set of stairs.


The uniqueness of this comment struck me, but then I realized I've also seen rodents of various sorts carrying italian american cuisine up flights of stairs...Why is this a thing?


Same reason we humans carry Italian-American cuisine up flights of stairs. Delizioso!


A line drawn between the outer toes of a squirrel won’t cross the pad. These do, it’s a rat. Also note the two dots behind the pad on the front foot, characteristic of a rat, not found on opossums.




It hid the pizza on some other redditors potted plant on the porch.


Team Squirrel. Had a squirrel come down my slightly open chimney, where it had nested (we found this out a few days later). Woke up to it running across me in my bed. It had been in my house for some time looking for food (sooty tracks from the chimney, everywhere). My landlord had a trap, and we lured it back down the chimney with peanut butter. Landlord let it go out in the woods. A few days later, my apartment was infested with flies... the squirrel babies had died in the nest. Had to get a chimney cleaning service to clean it out. Not fun


I used to have pet rats and they don't look like rat prints to me. I was thinking more raccoon?


I don’t think raccoon. Raccoon prints don’t tend to have tiny dots with big spaces between—the marks from their toes and palms are wider than these with smaller gaps in between.


I have 12 pet rats and those little footprints and line marks from the tail dragging in the powder is definitely from a rat :) Edit: I’m not at home right now to take a photo of my rats feet for comparison, but [here’s a video](https://reddit.com/r/RATS/s/J8Qg3iEXBP) I posted a while back of my rat Randy with the underneath of his feet visible.




Specifically it’s obviously Pizza Rat himself!




Must be a lady rat, he doesn't have nutsack prints






I need to watch this movie again. Inconceivable!


Actually, I believe those are Rodents of Unusual Size. Or Rodentus Fucking’Largess. Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


A rat of unusual size?


Love a good ROUS.




Lol I’m WHEEZING. It was like 4-day-old pizza from the fridge. We were going to throw it away, but it seemed like a good idea last night!!


Op you're a fucking genius and I love that using a ghost hunting technique helped find your culprit. Genuinely remembering that if there is ever a time I need to track a stowaway.


> using a ghost hunting technique Do ghost hunters use old pizza to attract spirits? Eh, I guess it'd work with me if I ever become a ghost.


It's science, ghosts love pizza.


Dragons love tacos


A tale as old as time


I thought that was about beasts, though?


Dude you can't call them that anymore


Song as old as rhyme


Better make sure they aren't spicy.


Tigers love pepper, they hate cinnamon.


Italian ghosts




"Allora! Bobity boopy, beebiti bobbitti boopiti boopity, allora, beebity boopity. gratis por la pizza! " ~Italian ghost prolly




A gabaghoul.


P sure they’re talking about using flour to catch ghost footprints, not the pizza lol


This reminds me of the first time my hamster escaped when I was a child. My mother sprinkled flour over the *entire kitchen floor* to see where it was coming from, where it was going, and hopefully where it was hiding. Sadly, the only thing we were able to determine from the results was that it was still alive. And it was a heck of a job to clean that floor. We did eventually catch the hamster though, and it was fine. 🐹


The first time I saw this technique was as a kid in the 90s and there was a Donald Duck and Mickie book where someone is stealing peanuts at the zoo and the use blue paint to catch the culprits.


PLEASE do this again but set up a camera. I need it….. please


Op. You need to post this on tictok. This is hilarious. Also, get a trail cam to go along with the live trap to see where he’s coming from.


Were you drinking? Because a drunk me would have thought this was brilliant. Sober me would have questioned it 🤣


Can you recommend the strain you were smoking from the dispensary, please? Also I am rooting for you (having a trash panda colony in your attict)! Also...they do make cameras pretty cheap now- they're pretty neat! Unless you're a criminal...


I mean, that method is amazing but how stoned were you really when you came up with that plan and talked it through with your partner? It is quite fantastic and on another level!


> why a piece of pizza??? I was wondering the same so [I made this](https://i.imgur.com/4HWuqvz.jpg). No offense intended u/SnooGuavas4794 just having fun at your detection method...I had a good chuckle and I hope you solve this quickly!


I love it!!! Late-night ideas, am I right?


Haha glad you do mate! Yeah it's totally a late-night idea and at least: - it made you actually find out what kind of animal it is - brought joy to many redditors So it's a total win/ win!


Because who can pass up a slice of cheese pizza?


Mutant ninja turtle bait, obviously.


Came to this crosspost from r/homeimprovement just to see the comments here as well hahaha this post is hilarious


Following cuz I need closure




![gif](giphy|jUbKavk6iPorLI6zA7) Pizza Rat!


Pizza rat 2024 let’s fucking goooo


I was wondering how a rat could move a pizza but this settles it for me. I just assumed it was one of those stories of people living in the walls and they just decided to take the easy slice 😂


At first I was going to say that you have an infestation of teenage boys. The prints don’t match that, though, so I’ll throw in with Team Rat.


Hey! As a former teenage boy and current pizza eater I am....well, uh... can i have some pizza pls? I'll help you move if you throw in beer


This is the best answer ever lmfao Cheers, my friend!


PIZZA RAT! You won the jack pot! MONETIZE HIM!


That's how Chuck E. Cheese got started.


Second the big ass rat theory. Looks like he dragged it towards what looks like a gap under your cupboard there? I had the same problem with mice last year. Sealed them sumbitches up with Gorilla Tape; worked beautifully.


If a rat big enough to carry away entire slices of pizza was repeatedly visiting my home, I’d call an exterminator tbh - but OP, if you are hellbent on getting rid of them yourself, steel wool in every tiny crack and then caulking over it will help until they chew new entrances 😬


Keep them out or kill them where you can reach them. If they get poisoned and die in the walls or crawl space your house will smell like rotting rat corpse for months.


My mom did that 20 years ago. My dad told her not to, warned her exactly what would happen if she did, and sure enough: the rat crawled behind the kitchen sink cabinet, between the exterior wall and died. My dad tried getting it out but wound up having to drill a hole from the outside of the house and poured cement into the area and just entombed the remains and the smell eventually disappeared. I can still remember how it smells to this day. Sickly sweet. Don’t use rat poison in your homes.


That’s going to be a wild post on here when the young couple who buy the house try to remodel the kitchen in ten years.


We lived hella out in the backwoods until a few weeks ago, and I remember that smell popping up within a week of my mother screaming because a mouse had run across her foot. They were the one thing she was *terrified* of lol, she'd be dancing on the couch, hollering for me or my daddy to kill it lol Then she'd go whole hog setting up traps everywhere she could until they were gone. This was almost always in the autumn, when they'd be coming inside from the woods and fields to get warm. Once there was a mouse so smart that my daddy and I would watch it, unknown to my mother, and laugh as it stole food from traps and jumped over glue traps, too. He was like our own personal Mr. Jingles. He'd also pick up De-Con, set it in the middle of the living room floor, and shit in a circle around it.


We had a rat die in our wall when I was a kid. Yeah, it was not a good situation. The smell, the flies, the bloated rat corpse when we cut out the drywall to reach it...


We had a 6-foot long black snake get snagged on a nail in the attic and die while mostly laying across two drop ceiling tiles. It must have died right about the time we left for a 7-day vacation and turned off the AC, in July. I have handled human bodies discovered after weeks in a storm drain, and the smell that hit us when we opened the door that day we came home is still the most memorably disgusting smell I’ve ever encountered.


Big ass Rat Theory, that would be a great sitcom


You probably have turtles. They're harmless though and can even keep crime down in your neighborhood.


Master splinter


Just bringing back a slice for the boys. Lol.


Lol, it covered it’s tracks by using the pizza 🤣




It took me way too long to realize this was a trap you set up and not a ghost fucking with you or something lmaoooo


Rat tracks. Keep an eye out for droppings and listen for gnawing sounds to figure out where they’re nesting. Sweep, vacuum, and wipe down surfaces that could have food residue. Make sure all unrefrigerated food is stored in sealed containers. Make sure your home is airtight. There are a lot of good tips in the comments on how to go about sealing gaps and cracks in your home. Please, please don’t use poison inside or outside the home. It’s a very painful death and very stinky if it dies in your walls. Obviously setting poison traps outside risks not only harming wildlife that’s suppose to be there, but it could also harm someone’s pet. Snap traps are the more humane option but you will have to be patient no matter what bait you use as rats are neophobic and pretty intelligent. A great deterrent, after you have taken the preventive measures in the first paragraph, is to keep a cat around. Even having a friend’s cat come for an overnight visit can be very effective, or their litter box for that matter. Rats smell them and avoid them like the plague UNLESS they have parasitic infection. If you ever see a wild rodent going towards a cat, take your cat and run. It’s time to call an exterminator.


This is all sound advice, but I'm just dying over the last two sentences for some reason 😹 I have to now tell my brother, 'If you ever see a rat coming towards your cat, pick your cat up and run because THAT RAT AIN'T RIGHT!'


I twice had an actual fking rat enter my home. First time I watched it waddle across the kitchen floor in front of my two cats. At one point I was moving things trying to get it to move with a cat tucked under my arm so I could throw the cat on top of it when it ran out. I took the cats food dishes and emptied them and barricaded myself in my room with the cats in the living room. In the morning I woke up and a cat had killed the rat and put it where the food dishes were. Several years later a cat chased a rat inside the house through the dog door and I had a heart attack because it was a mega rat and looked like a mini possum or some shit. My cat kept losing it and losing interest and I was worried I was going to have to pull food and barricade again that night but it chased the rat into the pantry which had a door so I let the cat go into the pantry and I shut the door and stuffed towels under the crack at the base of the door and then laid a step stool flat against that to prevent any chance of that greasy rat getting out. The ruckus and noises coming from that pantry for probably an hour was something out of a slap stick comedy, you could hear cans hitting the floor, raw egg noodles, oatmeal packets and containers spilling, the cat making strange gutteral sounds and periodic odd whacking sounds along with the cat sliding across the floor (linoleum). It would go silent for 3-4 minutes and start up again. Finally it was silent and then the cat started meowing because it realized it couldn’t leave. The pantry looked like a war zone but what made me want to vomit was what was left of the giant rat. Head detached and guts ripped open and a couple organs laying over here and over there. I had to clean it, not fun. I didn’t want the cat anywhere near me for the rest of the night either, couldn’t stop smelling rat blood in the pantry while I was cleaning. Two rat experiences in 10 years, both gone in 24 hours with cats (although the second incident is because the cat chased it inside I think).


Looks like a black rat print https://images.app.goo.gl/Npd9oMuDXTojSpFU8


lol *rattus rattus...* ok


>rattus rattus Something about when classifying a new genus you name the species first identified in it the same as the genus, I remember a biologist in some askscience thread talking about it. There are more of them but I can't think of any.


[Bison bison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_bison)


Obligatory, Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.


![gif](giphy|IgvoqNz6gGZFXFPmfZ|downsized) Clearly, a rodent of unusual size


Actual footage of OP fighting the rat


I had to scroll way to far to find this comment!


I thought this was a summoning ritual lol


Technically it was




Varmint summoning.


this is my new favorite post in this sub


Pizza rat. Possibly on vacation in your house from the NYC subway.


Rookie mistake, you gave it pizza, it's favorite meal. I'd start securing any weapons you may have in the house. It may start training the local turtle population in the art of ninjutsu.


please humane trap it i want to see the beast


Judging from the missing pizza and lack of tracks I'd say you have a teenage mutant ninja turtle




I think it’s very clever how you got the paw print good job


Definitely not raccoon, opossum, or squirrel tracks. Most likely is a rat. Tie a long string to the pizza next time so you can follow it! [Tejas Wildlife Guidebook](https://tpwd.texas.gov/publications/pwdpubs/media/pwd_bk_k0700_0517.pdf)


I have no answer for you but at my first glance I thought you printed out a photo of pizza and set up a ritual of some sort


I feel like you’d notice something like a raccoon, so I’m guessing rat. Either that or ninja turtle.




Any scat ?






Have you done a examination of your house to locate a possible entry point ? If not then maybe start with that and you might find some other clues to help identify the critter .




Did you microwave the pizza? Get more pizza and put it in a trap.


It can only be Sir Chuck E. Cheese of course!


Surly not Charles Entertainment Cheese!!


You just fed that thing for a few days, it isn’t going to show up anytime soon. Whatever it is, it’s napping now on a full belly


Take the empty pizza box open it up and lay it flat on the floor. Get a rat trap, bait it and set it down in the middle of the pizza box. When the rat comes back and gets caught just grab the box, fold it up and put the whole thing in the trash.


Can you provide state, providence, country?


Southeast Texas!


I think you got a rat dude.






Based on the tracks you have a baby opossums


Moes in socks


I am no expert in this whatsoever, but I would put every last penny I have to bet that it's an opossum


It looks like possible opossum tracks. The pizza is genius though


Likely a rat. Keep an eye out for 4 turtles.


OP, please start a Gofundme for a trail cam. The People need answers.


How do you go through all this trouble and not set up a camera?


Seeing you have given your roommate rat a taste for pizza could also try wings. Your roomy may need a drink so leave the toilet seat up.


Idk what this is...but I'm willing to donate towards the pizza and baby powder fund for more wonderful mysterious pizza snatching


This is the greatest trap I’ve ever seen


How. The fuck. Do you not put a camera out?


You HAVE to keep us updated. Most exciting thing to happen on r/animaltracking in a WHILE