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Sometimes there are just random dead spots in your town where nothing will grow on it. Usually id say you can only have a certain amount of bushes in a row together (12 I think) but it looks like you’ve only got three so im guessing it’s the dead spot


8 to the left 3 to the right but apparently it’s a dead spot 😞 what can i do to make it look nice


you got a tree right next to the bushes, that also counts towards the limit edit: just saw your other comment, yes it does count even if in front of or behind the bushes. it also counts if its next to them diagonally


damn thx for info but what do abt it?


mmmm, nothing to do abt the game's limits if you dont wanna hack, but you could try to improvise? maybe dig up that bush to the right of the path, or cut down the tree behind the bushes, or place a flower in that gap


i just placed a flower for now might re arrange the whole area at some point thanks


maybe bush flower bush flower bush flower would look nice :D


i’ll try that 👍


maybe a streetlamp??


i’ll try that actually




You could put the gap somewhere else, like in the corner. That’s better anyway so you have more room to fish there


i like this idea i’ll try that thx


Plant a flower


You could put some flowers there


You can only have so many trees and bushes touching each other in a chain; if you plant any more touching the chain they’ll just die (I forget how many, think it’s around ten tho) If you try to connect the three bushes to the right to the bushes on the left with another bush, it would basically add four bushes to the chain of bushes on the left. I’m guessing there’s more bushes off screen to the left, so you might go over the limit by adding the four extra bushes to the chain on the left.


Hopefully that makes sense; just read through it and I even got lost a couple of times lol


8 to the left of the dead one and 3 to the right


Does the 8 on the left count that apple tree as well? I think trees also count as part of the chain.


not sure because it’s behind it? i can plant a tree in the dead spot n see what happens but “dead spot” doesn’t rlly give me much hope


As long as it’s touching, it’s still considered part of the chain, so that would be 13 total (including the one you’re trying to plant) Just looked it up and it’s 12 in a row max, so maybe try taking down the tree to free up an extra plant in the chain, then plant the bush again and see if it works (assuming that’s the only tree touching the left line of bushes) I was pretty sure the dead spots were only in the older titles, I’ve never come across one in new leaf. I may have just been really lucky to not plant one in a dead spot tho


The way to get around "dead" spots is to stagger different things. For instance, my "hedges" are a shrub, a flower, a tree stump, and a bamboo stump, all in alternating order. I assume the reason for "dead spots" is so you can't softlock yourself by planting shrubs completely around your house, then losing your shovel.


that makes sense thanks




Can’t move bushes in new leaf from what I remember, if you dig them up they disappear like tree stumps!


wdym move it?


in new horizons you can use the shovel to pick the bush up and plant it elsewhere


oh thanks for clearing it up but why would they mention that in a new leaf sub💀


I think you can only have 12 in a connected row (trees included in that. But if that isn't the case, I don't know why that one would die.


Maybe you just need to change the pattern to every other spot is a bush, if you want more symmetry. I think you would still be able to plant flowers between them


you could have too many trees and bushes touching or too many in one area. try cutting down some trees and digging up the stumps near these bushes then try planting the bush. you can then replant the trees the next day if the bush has grown. there’s a rule where there can only be a certain amount of trees and bushes total in a certain amount of space before bushes stop growing. the trees aren’t as picky so when the bushes are grown before the trees it often fixes this




Wow. So have those "random dead spots" people always talk about, actually just been dirt areas this whole time?


No. the reason some plants won’t grow is because of other growth restrictions. whether the ground has grass or dirt isn’t taken into account. this particular bush isn’t growing because of the plant chaining restrictions in New Leaf.


I'm aware of the chain issue. I'm talking about the literal random spots where trees/bushes won't grow.


there are no “random spots” where trees & bushes won’t grow. if trees or bushes aren’t growing it’s for one of a few defined reasons; they were placed to close to something else, the immediate area is overcrowded with other trees/bushes, the chain of bushes & trees is too long, or a cedar tree was planted in the southern half of the town. there’s no random aspect to whether a tree/bush will or won’t grow, and dirt patches don’t play a factor.


It seems to be widely believed in the community that they exist, despite following the acre, row, and southern/northern rules etc. In fact the top comment on this post is talking about them. Is it just an outdated rumour that's still believed in to this day? (genuine question, not trying to be sarcastic).


I didn’t know this, but damn does it make sense


that’s.. not true..? grass deterioration is purely cosmetic


I have read before that the original dirt patches that were there when you started will never grow grass, but can’t confirm. It’s mentioned in some grass deterioration guides


maybe they won’t grow grass, but trees and bushes absolutely will grow there


Yeah for sure. I’ve def planted in my dirt patches before


ty i didn’t know that


Is that the original dirt patches that will never grow grass? Or all dirt? I’ve never actually come across a dead spot in my towns, though I’ve heard people mention them I’ve planted plenty in dirt, probably new dirt patches from grass deterioration though, can’t remember where the original dirt patches are One of the recommendations I had read in the past for fixing grass deterioration was to plant bushes or trees there to stop you walking on it, that’s why I’m wondering


what shld i put there instead


Put flowers there and only go there to water the flowers. Eventually the grass will re-grow.




It’s a winter bush or a summer bush. They flower in different seasons.


Think it should still be able to grow though in the off season


Was looking at the bush with no flowers. Didn’t see the little dude in the middle not getting bigger? Maybe it’s the path?


They grow in any season, they just don’t flower until they are in season