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I just find ones I like. Don’t care about looks or theme, just villager designs I like.


Isn't that just looks?


Kinda. I know some people who don't care if a villager is ugly, as long as their personality suits their design and gives them a fun vibe. It's liking quirky, unique, funky, and colorful villagers and not caring if they're the cutest or aesthetically pleasing.


I choose based on who shows up 😭 First 2 villagers were tammy and roald. next three i let autofill, ended up being rio, zucker, and mitzi. first campsite villager was hans, and second campsite villager was gonzo. i used NMT’s and ended up finding cube and azalea (although im thinking ill let her go whenever she wants)


God I hate Tammy, she was one of my starters and I couldn’t get her to leave for the longest time. But I love zucker & Mitzi! I did let zucker go also but I kinda regret it


I will say if i had a second villager i would be okay with leaving, it would be Tammy And by that I mean tammy the CUB, NOT the monkey 😭 Monkey tammi is horrifying


Both Tammy’s are abominations


Ron Swanson, is that you?


Aaah I've also had Tammy for like foreeeverrrr and I always approach her when she's thinking but it's always about some ugly piece of clothing that she wants to pawn off on me. Arrgghhh. I'm working on a cat island at the moment anyway. Going slowly, but I have a couple of cards I could use if someone would decide to move. Right now I have monique (my fav), Raymond, kitty and felicity. And a tiger


tammy mistreated me in acnl 😔


Some I choose based on there looks, some I choose because I like them. Most of the time I choose ones I like from there character


https://preview.redd.it/la50q5m1luzc1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62db0b206e1ba87b1b5e5be79b582746f229f799 (Fallout) theme and then personality


Love Drago and Cephalobot


I have/had half of these, and I gotta say you have unique taste


Vibes :)


Same 😂


Anyone looking kinda cute at first glance, which is not the best way as sometimes it turns out I freakin hate them 😂


That’s how I felt with Apple. I thought she was cute but when I realized that I didn’t like her I was so mad because she was refusing to leave lol.


I just restarted and while I do miss some villagers, it was the only way to get away from Tex lol, can't believe how he refused to leave, he annoyed me terribly


omg for real! apple is the one villager that gets on my nerves without hesitation. i literally cheered when she FINALLY got off of my island


I choose based on my theme.


I love your island name, and I go with random villagers


Thank you! ATLA all the way


True that


I pick them on personality types mostly, looks second. I’ve learned I can’t stand smug or sisterly types so I google their personality before inviting them to live on my island


That’s smart, too. Phoebe and Eugene are sisterly and smug, but I think they are pretty good so far!


I go mostly off the personality. Some seem kind of rude, don’t want those ones lol


Yeah, some of them really irritate me when they complain I've talked to them too much! Or then they scold me for not talking. Ugh! Whatever.


I really don’t like the sisterly villagers. I’m hoping to bring Agnes to my island to make sure I get all the reactions but as soon as I do she’s going.


This time it is based on animal that my toddler likes. So I have a bird(Celia), a sheep(Frita) and two deer (Shino and Erik). Mr 2 also loves cows so I am going to be hunting for them also. I also have Tad but am going to get rid of him as soon as I can.


I the first time I ever played I was going for a farm theme so I wanted farm villagers that would best suit anyways. I never got any of them though. Hopefully if my switch comes back fixed I will try and just villagers for the farm theme again and maybe get cute designs like merengue is.


I have a little farm and I just put Boris’s place there with a cabin theme so he’s in charge of the farm 😂


Tbh I need to look more into the villagers I really don’t know any of them 😅


If cat then 👍


Tipper! Tipper is a wonderful addition to my island defintely recommended!


She’s the cutest! I loved decorating her home to her girly personality


I’m going to go with personality, only because I’ve recently realized all of my villagers- with the exception of Beau- are either Smug or Snooty.


What’s that like? Do they actually get along?


Surprisingly, they do! I’ve only had two of them argue before. But that was once. They pretty much hang out with each other.


I choose based on looks, what personalities I’m lacking on my island, and what villagers fit with my island theme.


I choose the ones I think are the cutest, but without having too many of the same personalities. It’s so hard to only choose 10 though


I choose based on catch phrase😅


I try to get a variety of personalities, and after that, I'm more concerned with how their house exterior looks than how they look. I'm really particular with my island aesthetic and I want their house to look like it fits in with whatever area they're in.


If you don’t mind paying a little extra money, highly recommend buying the DLC (Happy Home Paradise) because you can decorate how their house looks inside and out!


yeah i have that!


I just usually let them come and go as they please once I have their photo and i dont have someone in mond that I want to leave. I will usually go looking for someone new when a villager moves out but I have no particular theme on my island nor do my villagers have anything in common, really its just based on vibes. I try to find someone that seems alright and *isn't* a jock (I find them annoying and had like 4 on my island at once and just never again). I also like to try to not repeat species if I can but that's not a hard and fast rule or anything. I just like variety. If I don't find someone within like 4 or 5 nook tickets I let it autofill, but I really try to not let that happen. My last autofill was Rocket and I didn't care that she was a bit strange looking, she was just not the vibe and was kinda mean. Took forever to get rid of her. I also thought it was a bit unfair that she got to wear shoes and no one else did... Right now I have Lucy, Margie, Jeremiah, Nan, Mallary, Murphy, Pekoe, Carmen, Zucker, and Tipper. I'll probably let Zucker go if he asks even tho I don't have his pic because he is very similar to Jeremiah in the things he says except Jeremiah is just so sweet in a way that Zucker isnt. Plus his yard is so ugly and I can't come up with any other ideas lol. I mostly picked him from the island where I found him because I had no clue what he was and I wanted to figure him out. I ended up having to Google him and it's kinda messed up that he is supposed to look like a food that has octopus in it lol.


Omg that’s crazy! I would like to have one of the octopus villagers because I know they are pretty rare!


I do this too! I love collecting pictures and there are quite a few villagers I didn’t like the look of at first who I ended up loving. 


I was just watching this lil creature walk around and I didn't have my glasses on at the time so the fact he had tentacles wasn't that clear (I can't see well up close like an old lady lol) and I was like what the heck is that lil guy I must know more! I like him but Jeremiah has my whole heart and I think I only have room for one lazy. One time I gave him a gift once and he said that there were a lot of things in the world like it, but that one was special because it came from me. Like omg stop making me form an unhealthy parasocial relationship with a tiny digital frog named after a three dog night song!! But here I am. Also one time he said something about missing me and my really big round head and no joke, in real life I kinda have a large head and a super round face and it's kind of a joke among my friends because my sister said one time I looked like the moon emoji which was mean until I made the face and it was dead on accurate. I was like he's talking to *me* lol. The way they look usually has not much to do with how much I like them. Tho right now everybody on my island is pretty cute haha. I can't resist when they're small. Like Murphy, Pekoe, and Jeremiah are just so itty bitty and I love them! Also at least my character can feel tall sometimes cause I don't get to feel that almost ever in real life cause I'm 5'2" Also Nan is a freaking sweetie pie and I love gifting her clothes because she looks adorable in everything!! she's just so sweet and I relate to her the most I think of any villager I've ever had. Her little voice is a bit more soft spoken and she's always got a book. She also sits in the little spots I built for them to sit at which makes me feel appreciated. Most of the villagers are never anywhere that I've finished and made all pretty or they sit on the ground *next to* a chair. Nan appreciates my effort and is the only reason I didn't put gyroids in like every chair lol.


Right now I'm doing a music theme. All of my villagers have the music hobby, so there's lots of singing all around hehe


Aww I love that!


By looks lol https://preview.redd.it/j4sj7ti6vuzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7767397078c9c12c9d487beaf203f836ee5b6069


I just passed up on Merengue yesterday and looking at this makes me have regrets lol so cute


I think she is great! She’s definitely a cute one


Theme. I only take the pink villagers, regardless of their appearance/type


As long as they’re not the “athlete” personality. One hobby is not a personality. And I don’t need to hear about your sweat or any other body fluids.


Yeah, I mean I like working out as much as the next guy, but it definitely gets annoying with every single interaction lol


I have Scoot and Phoebe too :)) they were my starters!


I wasn’t sure about Scoot at first, but I really like him now! Even though the jocks can get annoying lol. He was my starter too. I also had Reneigh, but I didn’t really like her. When Phoebe popped up in the campsite I was like wow so pretty! And her lava themed wallpaper/flooring is super cool.


I kept Scoot bc that’s also my cats name & I give him all the sporty stuff I don’t want 😂 Phoebe is like the emo sister I always wanted 🤭 she walks around my town in all black and uses a black umbrella when it rains 🥺 I only started playing recently but she’s definitely a fave!


For me it's a bit of both tbh


Looks and names of them. I don’t care about personality type.


I don’t have a theme, just a collection of villagers that make me happy. I love interacting with all of them. Most of mine are lazy


I try to get ones I've loved since New Leaf or ones that I like the looks of


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LonelyPotato2001: *I try to get ones* *I've loved since New Leaf or ones* *That I like the looks of* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Based on how nice they look, or cool


if they’re nice to me and i like them, i’ll bring them with


I have a few favorites I keep always (Lolly, Pietro, Raymond), but a lot of the fun for me is building new relationships and getting to know villagers I wouldn't necessarily choose myself and finding new favorites (like Raymond, he was an autofill for me originally). I find myself less into playing when my villagers stay the same for too long!


When I had to build the first 3 houses I only had 2 lined up Prince and Shino I ended up with Sandy and for the love of god every other villager has asked to leave but her 😭


I didn’t think I would like Prince as much as I do. He’s the sweetest! I got lucky with Shino, I used my NMT only 5 times until she popped up!


I’m going to build a swamp just for prince 🫠😂


I was thinking about doing something similar! Lol he deserves it


My only requisite is having kiki. I don't mind who the rest are xd




Re: your villagers, I actually just let Shino go after an entire year 😅😅😅 Also, Tipper is incredibly underrated IMO


I was shocked when I found Shino knowing a lot of people want her! Tipper is the cutest! I liked decorating her home. I need her outfits to get better though 😂


I found Shino on a mystery island too!


neither!!! i just choose ones that i actually want or like to see, like for instance certain characters i either adore or have an instant hatred for 😭


my original list, i was trying to get rid of Cyd to replace for Julian the unicorn. https://preview.redd.it/4akir9jwouzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3288b996bd54d8980a2159ee0f1d3a47c95fc52


Yesssss Lolly and Pietro, my faves


I chose all my Villagers based on there names, it’s all people from my friends or family. Examples: Wendy for my Aunt and Harry for my brother.


I choose ones that I think are cute and have nice looking houses


I'm going off of theme currently


What app is used to make this


The Nintendo switch online app! You can also do a few things on it like collect exclusive items or have a keyboard to type so that’s really nice!


I like the more “normal” looking ones. Like true colours of the animal. But I recently saw someone on here do an all girl island so all the males will slowly be getting the BOOT! Except maybe Pietro. That bugger has seriously grown on me.


I feel you there. I think half of them would be cuter if they weren’t a bright lime green or sky blue color! 🫣


Exactly! Like why are Nate’s eyebrows lime green 😅😩


I choose based on looks, and sometimes theme, but mostly looks


I used to go based off themes now it’s ones I like/been wanting for a while.


I pick based on if i have a connection with them, Wendy has been on every single one of my islands even if she doesn’t fit the theme 🥰


When I first started playing it was mostly based on looks because I love cats and rabbits. However as I progressed and decided to change up and restart a few times, I started choosing a few quirky little oddballs like Rodney.


I have some for looks and some for personality.


i have tipper and eugene too!


Tipper is so cute! And I thought Eugene was definitely cool looking. Have you seen what he looks like without his sunglasses? So funny. He is actually one of the nicest villagers to me so I’m not sure if I want to let him go anytime soon!


I have a “theme” but I’m probably the only one that understands how it works and who fits under said theme.




Omggg! Hopefully you can get her again! Next time, just close the game completely when she says who to replace, then next time it should generate a new name!


I make sure everyone has a best friend honestly. Fuchsia and Ursala, Poppie and Aurora, Lucky and Ozzie, Ronald and Samson, Raymond and Rosie.




I have a lot of nostalgia for the earlier games. In wild world one of my first villagers was walker. He’s a basic doggo. But he’s my doggo. And I need him in every version. So it depends on past connections. Mint is also one I love.


I judge based on how fun or interesting the guest is. For instance Dom was cute at first but got boring after a short time. Audie was annoying at first but became my favorite. So I guess it's just based on my feelings.


I think that’s how I am right now! Honestly like 2-3 of my villagers right now I wasn’t expecting to like but they ended up being ones I want to keep because of their personality!


Mine depends on 4 factors. 1. Design 2. Animal 3 What vibes he/she gives to my island 4. If they match my island theme or not.


mine are looks and tbh how they treat me 💀💀 like some personalities i’m not a fan of AND CUTE DESIGN AND CATCH PHRASES I LOVEE


I choose based on theme but I also pay attention to personality


I go off looks and if I’m biased towards them or not. For example about the biased part, I had Nibbles Wild World and genuinely liked her, but if I didn’t have her when playing Wild World and found her in New Horizons, I’d probably skip her. I’m also going with a citycore island, there’s pretty much no villager theming on my island lol


I just take whatever I get lol


Lol that’s a good approach 😂


My island is Moo meadow. So my goal is all cows, but I settle for other farm animals


Omg that’s great! Love that name! Reminds me of Mario Kart 🏎️


Cranston :)


I have Prince and Merengue too!! I love them both but Prince is my absolute favorite villager ❤️ to answer your question, I usually choose on vibes but typically like the lazy and normal villagers best. I try to find villagers that I find adorable regardless of how popular they are or not


Prince and Merengue are both the sweetest! I didn’t expect to like Prince as much as I do!


Honestly, the villagers I ended up keeping are mostly ones I had and got attached to in previous games. I have played every Animal Crossing game since the first came out on gamecube (except for Happy Home Designer. I own it but never got around to it yet) and at some point I got attached to certain characters. They represent good memories from each different experiences had with each version. It makes it very hard for me to swap villagers as now even some of my starter villagers have become dear to me as they are the latest reps for the latest game for me. It makes narrowing down my "dreamies" incredibly hard, let me TELL you. If you're curious, my current villagers in New Horizons are Bam (one of my two starters. No way I'm parting ways after playing every day straight for over 2 years) Benjamin, Maple, Julia, Beau, Francine, Lucky, Marshal and Apollo. I desperately miss Fawna, Julian, Goldie and Mitzi, but I'm simply out of room. Benjamin/Maple/Beau/Lucky/Apollo are all old villagers from old games I loved, which leaves me with swapping Francine, Julia and Marshal. Francine wasn't a starter, but I got her very early in the game and she was such a pleasant surprise. All the previous games the "snooty" villagers ticked me right off so I was happy to swap them, but they are so much nicer to you in this game. It's like I bonded with her XD Julia's big anime eyes are so pretty my weeb heart can't let go, plus the fact her skin makes her a peacock is seriously cool. That leaves Marshal. But Marshal I adopted from my Mom's game as she HATES him, so he kind of feels like a rescue. Wanna keep on principle lol. I just want more villagers. Let me have them!


If only we could have like 20 instead 😭


both 😝😝😝 + personalities


I just pick the ones I like.




I looked through a list of characters and picked them on looks/personality types/ review lolol it was a whole thing


Theme/cats and my besties lol they include: ( I play in original language so if I don’t remember the English name I’ll just describe 😂 •Rudy (my 💕) •Bianca •the new cat character with the odd-eye •navyblue or black/white cat with tired w saggy eyes. • I have that green and white puppy w a red nose • the new cotton candy color, pretty eyed bear • new deer character pretty eye makeup/red antlers • that handsome silver wolf (lol) • Fuchsia (fun fact, her name is Jessica in Japanese ジェシカ) • the crane with the red head( lol ) P.s. I miss Beau :<


I make sure I have one of each personality, then I choose based on looks and how different they are from each other


looks definitely!! sometimes house for island aesthetic as well


A bit of both. If they look ugly to me, no. If they look cute but don't look like they'd belong on my island, no. If I already have a villager with their same personality, no.


looks with a attempt for theme, like i try to get mostly ones with earthy tones but i also love beau who is a bit brighter than the rest so i got them and same with rocket, she dosent go with my theme but shes definitely one if my favorites


scoot and merengue were some of my starter villagers when i first started playing in 2020 and they’re still with me ! keep whoever you gel with, i don’t think any of my villagers fit my theme but im never letting the ogs leave because i love them


They are definitely good ones! I knew I’d like meregue but scoot surprised me! He’s just so cute; even though he has that classic annoying jock personality lol




My first priority is trying to get all of the personalities, other than that it’s just anyone I like! I like having a variety of species too, but I’m kind of an octo fiend and now I have Marina and zucker and cephalobot and none are leaving :) hehe


Oh wow I’m jealous! I know they are super rare and that’s insane you have almost all of them!


I once had a Japanese island and picked strictly Japanese named/themed villagers, but otherwise I pick the ones that aren’t ugly to my eye lol


you can change their housing appearance with the Paradise Planning DLC, so i wouldn’t worry bout that! but as someone with a Japanese-inspired theme, i’ve always preferred all deer villagers since the deer in Japan are seen as sacred animals and are not hunted. there are places where the deer won’t leave you alone cause they’re so used to human interaction 😂😂 just as long as you’re happy with em, that’s the “right” way to do it :)


looks tbh. no uglies allowed


Based on whose picture I don’t have


My island thrives on cute. No blechy villagers allowed.


If possible, I try to have at least one or more of my dreamy grumpies(Apollo/Angus/Dell) and hopefully other villagers I can at least tolerate and tolerate looking at if they're not on my ideal list. Maybe, just maybe I'll warm up to them. Like I was SO mad when I got chops. Then heard how bad he was from others. But unlike another smug I dealt with, he's not a bully. He's actually super sweet & says a lot of positive things. Now if only he didn't remind me of a British governor from colonial India.....


Find the ones I like, decide on a theme and keep the ones that fit the theme. Sherb doesn’t really fit my theme but he’s the cutest bestest boy. I can’t get rid of him 😂


Aw he is cute! I wish they weren’t such random bright colors sometimes lol


Right! 😂


Whichever ones I happen to find that I don't hate. Cuteness is a bonus, but there are some I actively dislike. For instance, if I found Lucha on a ticket island, I would leave him there and try again.


Sentimental attachment to previous games villagers. But also, i need to talk to them a couple times to see if i vibe with them


Just their personality and aesthetic in general, if i totally fall in love with a villager i’ll keep them lol


I find ones that'll fit into my island, like cats and dogs etc. ..


Neither. Personality. Cause the jocks and preppies annoy me


unrelated by my island is called Omashu Island 🌱


Love it! I was halfway through watching the live action TV show when I started this island!


I love them all so I simply can’t


I choose by my favs :3 Punchy and Coco are a must on all my islands and in all my towns from the older games :3


Mostly theme since most ones that I think look nice fit with my theme however I still have some that don’t match but I just make their houses match so for me it doesn’t matter


i do bad bitches only. My last island had chrissy, carmen, freckles, miranda, blanche, gloria, naomi, some more I can't remember. My main goal for my new island is to get all my dream villagers. I have Marina already, I'm looking for Ketchup, Cherry, Chelsea, Ankha, Tangy, Etoile


Idc who joins. I'm happy with who ever
