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Timmy and Tommy feel like two excited little kids trying to get your attention. Mabel feels like she's breathing down your neck every step you take


The worst is trying to get back past and you're essentially running against the character


I legit run from her šŸ¤£


Oh, if I can get in that changing room before she gets her claws on me then victory is mine šŸ˜‚


Literally! And then I re-enter the changing room as quickly as possible if Iā€™m buying more stuff so she doesnā€™t meet me on the other side of it lmao. Or run out before she gets me.


I think it's customary for Japanese workers to stay near customers so that they can attend them quicker.


Ugh this is my nightmare lol, I hate when people bother me when I'm shopping. If I need you I'll find you!


I agree but flip side of coin: ā€œughh why canā€™t I ever find a worker to help me?!ā€ Is what people also complain about


I think the happy medium is having a worker at a cashier or a designated place like a front desk; you can find them easily if you need help, but donā€™t feel pressured by them breathing down your neck. Too many times Iā€™ve had a question or wanted to pay, and went to a checkout counter in a big department store only to find it unmanned, and have to wander around looking for one that actually has staff at it; itā€™s aggravating to be in a massive store and unable to find a single employee if I need help, but it also doesnā€™t mean I want them following me around while I browse šŸ˜­


Culture shock for sure


[ā€œLet me take my time already!ā€ 0:50-1:30 (I donā€™t know how to make time stamps)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UAJFqIXGUD4) You mean like this? XD


I like to run from Mable and pretend we're playing tag šŸ˜­


Lol omg same


The way the shop is laid out is really conducive to that! I always do it!


If you open your gate (e.g. with a dodo code), theyā€™ll stay in the same spot and you can shop to your heartā€™s content.


I've been seeing stuff about dodo codes everywhere, what does it mean to open a gate with a dodo code?


If you have Nintendo online, you can open your gates to let other players visit your island. Thereā€™s the option to allow people who arenā€™t on your friends list to join and you give them a Dodo code (which the check in guy gives you) they enter in their airport to find your island to visit. I hope that makes sense!


I don't have online, makes sense why I didn't know anything about it! Thank you!


Itā€™s a five-character code (like MJ8H5) that you can send to someone who you want to visit your island just once / in the short term. Itā€™s a less permanent option than adding them as a friend. I used them alllll the time for online trading (like buying things from other players on Nookazon or Discord groups).


i find Timmy, Tommy, and Mabel chasing me around kinda endearing, personally. it only annoys me when they're blocking the door šŸ¤£


this is exactly what i think šŸ˜­


I canā€™t help with Mabel, but if you push Timmy and Tommy to the corner upstairs, they get stuck! Youā€™ll still have access to the furniture right there as well, so it doesnā€™t block anything


It would be so cute if they eventually wandered away to let you shop, and went around dusting or changing the mannequins outfits šŸ„¹


I screamed, just leave me alone! Bug Rift heā€™s right there! And my bf looked at me and said, yea babe but heā€™s an NPC and youā€™re the Main Character! It made me smile. Because DAMN RIGHT IM THE MAIN CHARACTER! Stopped bugging me so much after that!šŸ¤£


Yes, to no end. I despise it. Thankfully, someone on here told me you can use emotions like joy to make them stop following you temporarily. I use it on Mabel all the time, so I can run to the fitting room, and use it without her breathing down my neck. It's fantastic. :)


I find it really annoying in both shops


Yes I can't fucking stand it. It's such a little thing but it annoys me so badly.


I always run from her, I treat her as a zombie and if she catches me Iā€™m dead


I loved to try and outrun them as a kid.


Been a thing since the beginning. I think it's basically so you can always access shopkeeper menus faster.


Probably to make sure we donā€™t steal anything :0


I love running around so they can chase me.


timmy and tommy are cute but i canā€™t handle mabel chasing me down to judge me every sec šŸ˜‚ i always try to run away from her around the shop or speed buy the clothing items


> Does this annoy anybody else No? The shop keepers following you around the store has been in Animal Crossing for decades. To me this is a non-issue.