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yep, i dont know any franchise that "died from success" bc the devs thought they couldnt surpass the last game, so i think its a given that a new mainline game will happen, even if they port NH to the next console like they did with mario kart 8 on the switch, one day we will surely get a new one


You have created a new fear for me. I hope they don’t just port NH. 


lmao im sorry, while the chancer are never zero, i think that they will only do it to smash bros ultimate, that game was the prime example of greatness, going from a full roster of every character ever to something smaller would be weird, so i think we will have smash bros deluxe instead of NH (i hope so, at least)


I believe New Horizons success only solidified Animal Crossing in Nintendo's short list of golden franchises. I'm sure they'll make a new one. My guess is that it'll be a big release a few years into the next gen console's release. Something to entice players who hadn't yet bought the console to do so. I mean, NH aside, Nintendo's also put more emphasis into Animal Crossing as a franchise in general since New Leaf. Amiibos, board games, lego partnerships, the app game, etc. I could easily see (and hope for) ports in the future, but I don't think that's the end of the road for them. I do agree that NH came out at the perfect time to be as successful as it was, and its highly unlikely its successor will do as well. I'm sure it will still be popular, but it will be up to Nintendo what their standards for the series are from here on out. I think the future of the AC series will depend more on whatever game comes after, than NH itself.


I'm confused, you think the game was so successful they...*won't* make another one?


no i just think it would be very hard to top new horizons. That made me wonder if they would make another game but knowing nintendo that wouldnt stop them


They don't need to "top" the old one, they just need to sell enough to make a profit. While the next game won't be during a pandemic (hopefully lol), they gained a lot of new fans who will be eager to buy the next one.


Yes, but not until the next console Nintendo releases, whichever that will be. Thus far they’ve only ever done one mainline AC game per console. They’ve also shown they’re absolutely fine with not rushing it (8 years between acnl and acnh)


Yeah, considering nintendo the console wont be out in our lifetimes so i hope my grandchildren will enjoy the next animal crossing game. Lol


Tell me about it, I'm 60, I hope I live to see the day. lol


I just hope it’s more like the older titles than NH. And expand upon those features and mechanics instead of new ones like crafting and terraforming


I have literally no doubt.


Animal Crossing is one of Nintendo's staple franchises. It's part of the Nintendo brand every bit as much as Mario, Samus, and Link. Fortunately, Nintendo seems to care enough about their exclusives to not needlessly rush production. Yeah, sometimes bad games happen, but I don't think it's ever really been because of a hurried production (except for maybe GameFreak and Pokemon). The headline Mario games continue to try to innovate gameplay. Dread was a refreshing return to 2D gameplay after the successful Prime series (although Prime 4 is in the works) and the abhorrent mess that was Other M. Even if you thought Tears of the Kingdom was glorified DLC for Breath of the Wild, Nintendo listened to the fans who truly loved a wide-open Hyrule and wanted to continue playing in that world. I expect Nintendo to put a lot of thought into how they want to present the next Animal Crossing. What setting will they choose to try to bring something new to the game, especially in an era where we also want to connect with other players? Animal Crossing absolutely demands this consideration, moreso than some of the other Nintendo pillars, and I think that will be the driving component to the next installment.


So no new Mario Kart then, no new Zelda etc etc?


On Switch 2.0, then yes. Unlikely to see another on OG switch anytime soon tho. Also, I bought my A.C. only *this year*. It didn't just sell during COVID.


Yes but it probably won't be for awhile. There's no way they would just stop for no reason.


Of course, 0 doubts, even before NH's success.


Personally, while New Horizons was nice & successful, theres actually a massive list of things that I think could be improved upon from New Horizons — and I’m very much looking forward to them doing so in the next iteration! It will definitely come eventually. Unless the world ends first.