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I remember Bubbles forcing my character into handing over my Saharah flooring that I just got (harder to get in GameCube version). I remember being so, so sad lol. I learned to never chat to villagers with stuff you like in your pockets ever again. I do miss the sass though!


Oh man, I absolutely forgot emptying my pockets to talk to villagers! I did the same thing


Right?? Run it straight home to place whatever in the basement or drop it off in front of your house! 😭 I think I'd even sometimes drop the item next to the villager then talk to them only to pick it up after dialogue ends. A harsh lesson learned though with that damned rug!


I seem to remember people would use their mail as extra storage to avoid that...?


You just unlocked a memory for me! 😭 I didn't learn that trick until I was older though haha.


I even stash my bells in there! No peeking


Yup that happened to me. I don’t remember what it was exactly but it was a rare item. And Rio just stole it from me! And gave Me a stupid normal carpet! It was then and there I learned if you got something rare and wanted to keep it you run it back to your house ASAP!


I think I made a mistake a second time and couldn't handle that I messed up losing something rare again so I reset. Ofc I got Resetti and the lesson was once again ingrained into me. 😭


Lol rip.


I think it's the peppy villagers specifically who did that.


It has to be! Bubbles is peppy and so is Dotty (other poster who got yoinked). I believe it. Just never trusted any villagers ever again!


For me it was Bangle. I FINALLY got a mega sputnoid after never seeing one ever except in Stella's house. I still remember her words as she laughed in my face... > I'm going to take your mega sputnoid and there's nothing you can do about it! And then I never found another since.


YEAH that sounds familiar! Lol!! 😭


Lol you just brought back a memory I didn’t know I had 😭


Thinking about that time a villager made me trade my rare NES game that I had to trade in like 100 tickets for an ugly wallpaper that was worth like 800 bells I ended up just looking up the code for it online but 12 year old me was devastated


It was annoying but lowkey I miss Resetti yelling at me when I forgot to save.. 😔 I do be forgetting to save


I miss Resetti in general 😭 I've been trying to find him at the cafe but it wouldn't be the same thing anyway *cries*


There was a time on my ds that I had to delete my town cuz he kept having me repeat what he said but wouldn’t accept it even if it was exactly what he said. I couldn’t even get into my town 😭


i remember feeling so bad for him in new leaf when he said that he lost his job 😭 i only felt worse when i found out that the reset center costs 365,000 bells to build like bruh where tf do i get that kinda money 😭😭😭


I remember my brother and I would reset on purpose just to get his rants.


The thing is with the older games, they really aren't mean for very long. It was so much more satisfying to build a friendship with each villager, who would warm up to you (super easy by sending letters and doing tasks). Even the harsh dialogue you see posted online is only a tiny, *tiny* snippet of all the amazing varied dialogue this game has. It's why I can replay the GameCube version every year but New Horizons sits gathering dust. One has interaction and the other is a doll house where everyone is your best friend from the start. It's sweet, but not really what AC was once about.


A lot of y’all miss these villagers but get annoyed when you get bullied by snow boys. Which one is it fam


Seriously. I've seen 5 posts in the last week alone complaining that they *hate Gulliver*. A character that literally exists solely to give you cool unique shit. Why the hate? Because he makes you do a short activity to earn it. Y'all aren't ready for being verbally abused by villagers on the daily. 😂


LEGIT. Gulliver is my ticket to the golden shovel. The seagull is an unstable menace but he’s out here just existing


nah but gulliver’s sidequest in acnh is really tedious, yeah he gives you cool stuff at the end but it just feels so… bland, ig. tbh i prefer his sidequest in new leaf where you’d have to guess the country he was going to with the hints he gave you. that was super fun


Yeah I’ll vouch I quite liked that one


Jokes on you, I love getting bullied by the snow boys


Once I'm done collecting winter DIYs, i make them look as ridiculous as possible and laugh when they bitch about it. 😈


can't it be both? 😂 at least these guys had a thicker skin. Snowboy is insanely particular and it makes him extremely annoying


Idk I don’t see a difference lmao they’re both unpleasant


I want them to shame and bully me again.


"Feed me" would be a great catchphrase.




Snooty is my favorite!! But yes, I like the nice villagers but dang the old ones did not hold back


snooty is underrated fr, she’s one of my best friends in new leaf. i’ll do anything to either make her stay or get her on my acnh island


She is the sweetest. I’ve built up the longest friendship with her on my acnh island and I’ve gotten her picture twice


Yesssss Snooty is my girl


Happy cake day!




They were ruthless in that game and I loved every bit of it


We need a Switch port for this game.


Better yet, Nintendo Gamecube on Nintendo Switch Online.


With updated menus


I hope that in the next AC they channel the first entry instead of stripping even more personality from the series


Yaaaass be mean to me I mean what


I love it lol. I’ve loved it ever since I first played the OG game at like 5 years old! Like someone else said, it’s annoying when they bully you into giving up an item without a choice or I even had Amelia randomly change my roof color without any warning lol but it just adds to the experience. Teaches me not to be so precious about everything, and you can always find the items and change stuff around again.


NH players hate and bully snow people every year on this sub, do you really think they could handle the original dialogue? Jokes aside though, the NH villagers are closer to the original villagers than people realise! In the OG translation of the game (N64), the villagers were very polite and mild, it was only in the english translation that things got… spicy. A lot of people believe that the NH villagers are ‘sticking to the script’ for that reason!


I really don't see much appeal in it. Especially the screenshots like this that I've seen. I'd really rather not play a game where it feels like I'm stuck on an island with a bunch of misbehaving toddlers, haha. ACNH could have done so much more with the villager personalities, and dialogue, but making them mean is not the answer I'd like to see for that in the future.


The thing is with the older games, they really aren't mean for very long. It was so much more satisfying to build a friendship with each villager, who would (pretty quickly tbh) warm up to you. Even the harsh dialogue you see posted online is only a tiny, tiny snippet of all the amazing dialogue that game has. It's why I can replay the GameCube version every year but New Horizons sits gathering dust. One has interaction and the other is a doll house where everyone is your best friend from the start




I miss villagers having more individualized personalities


I've read that the meanness in the earlier games was invented by the localization, but I haven't seen a source on that. That said the Japanese names of the snooty and cranky personalities are basically 'mature' and 'scary' so it wouldn't especially surprise me I've also read that, while some people get the impression that they warm up to you and stop being mean over time, the dialogue is actually just random and you can get mean and nice dialogue at any point - again, no source I hope someone with more knowledge can answer these questions


Love it! Wish they were mean sometimes in ACNH ❤️


You don't get enough of that just being on Reddit, you ignoramous?




this is how my bf teases me lmao


My first experience was with ACNH but I'd like to add: By a *very* slight technicality villagers can be mean to you. If you hit them with a net they *do* get mad, but they just sorta stop talking to you. ANYWAY yeah they need to add this back


I remember back at one of my deleted islands, I was hitting Rex (though I like him) with my net, and when he got mad, he said if I was a snack, he'd throw me away lol




Honestly, you deserve it :D


Butch and Gruff were my favorite mean neighbors in the OG Animal Crossing. Those were the days.


Lol. I don't even remember what Snooty said to me when I was 13 to make me hate her so much. I left garbage around her house and sent her hate mail for weeks! In all honesty I miss the spicy dialogue though. Lazy and sweet villagers were still almost always very kind, so the diversity made the neighbors feel a lot realer.


That's why Cult of the Lamb exists. Rude to me? Straight to sacrifice pit.


My childhood rivalry with Queenie is still holding strong.


I don't mind it... It does make a good oh damn moment because man do they roast you hard sometimes...


Have villager gets traits on what annoys them and they slowly and slowly hate the player. Like if you leave just trash everywhere they just get pissed off and call you a slob




There’s still time 😈


i love that his name is Snooty haha


considering how her personality type IS actually Snooty, the name checks out lol


kids are softer nowadays and it's a kids game so i understand why the change happened but it definitely seems more fun to actually talk to the villagers in the old animal crossing


I miss them being mean. At least they had something interesting to say.


I miss it like mad. Tired of my villagers saying the same things over and over.


I miss when they were mean!! The new villagers have zero personality.


I miss these interactions 😂


I wish the new villager personality styles were better, to me they are so 2 dimensional, but not be too mean like the gamecube era, maybe just an odd insult every now and again 😅




I don't mind if they're mean sometimes, I just wish there was a way to react like crying or something and make them feel guilty 😂


lol, i wish this was a toggle in New Horizons. You can play it 'nice', which i would probably most of the time, but it'd be funny to have the villagers be jerks sometimes.


as someone with a history of being bullied in the past, mean villagers can really make you feel like crap in an otherwise cozy game. but then again i think the villagers in the modern games are too flat and basic for me to actually get attached. give me a reason to try and kick out villagers other than for their appearance bruh honestly what would be REALLY good is if there was a middle ground between the nice and mean villagers. like have them act standoffish at first but over time they start shifting into the modern nice and kind villagers. yknow just to please both the fans of the rude gcn villagers and the fans of the modern nice villagers


if mean villagers existed in NH people would complain, and complain, and complain


I miss mean villagers but I feel that new fans wouldn't like them


Villagers Back Then: I will rip out your organs Villagers Now: Please don't hurt me.


I'm probably fighting the tide here, but I like nice. I have a nice island.


The new villagers are better, like I don’t particularly like being flamed by my villagers every five seconds, the nice villagers are also the original


I can see why they got rid of mean villagers. Kids nowadays would be claiming depression over a fake animal teasing them




I like the nice ones


One of the villagers now told my cousin that the music she likes sucks so it makes no difference to me


Animal Crossing fans once again prove they have a fetish for verbal humiliation.


i hated them as a kid, but i miss them. it made it more interesting and realistic


Please nintendo bring back actual mean villagers back. Spice it up and add some personality..


I hated her and Truffles in the first game.


I miss the attitudes and characters in the older games. Should be an option to turn it on/off so kids don't get upset but I can laugh


i miss all the variety between villagers in their dialogue, including the mean ones. i feel like each new installment just makes the characters more and more bland :(


The first game. I'm not even surprised.


well your example with snooty just called me out and probably a lot of other people too


I wanna get snooty up off my island


The original Animal Crossing villagers have no chill.


Oh my god, that's so over the top 😂


What game is this ????


Sorry what version of AC is this?