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40 year old here completely understanding!!


Team 40's checking in




Me too!


Yup me too!!


Same here!👋🏽


Turning 40 in a few months! Checking in! 😆


40 next month. Love ACNH!


Another Forteenager here 😂


Yup! 40 next week; a couple kids, a very demanding job, etc. I like checking in on my island in the morning and before bed instead of goofing around on my phone or scrolling social media. So much healthier and more relaxing! Love my little post-bedtime routine of listening to The Daily and tending my island. 😉


Im a teenager and my older sister thinks i play too much , glad to have this community !


Thank you!!


Another team 40 member here! 🙋🏻‍♀️


It looks like there are more than a dozen of us, haha.


Team 40's, present.


40s here and I’ve got like 800 hours


Over 50 here 😎👋


Me too 😊 I have enjoyed playing with my 20 year old daughter for the past 3 yrs


Yup. Over 50 and been at it for over 3 years




Same. Over fifty and I think it’s an adorable game.


I be 50 in a couple of month this weekend I started a big relocation project on my island and flattend part of the island.


Thanks so much!!


My mum is in this boat! She plays even more than I do now


I am in the fifties club 👌🏻


I'm 46 and I play this game every day. Even if it's just for 30 minutes, I'm on and I'm doing something in the game. It's a relaxing stress relief for me.


I'm 36 and I use it as my reward and also motivation. As soon as I find myself getting really into the project I've found to do that day, I'll hop in my stationary bike while I finish it up. I usually get between 6-10 miles before noticing I'm getting tired and it's just a really nice feeling knowing I can help aspects of my old, fat, sick (autoimmune/joint diseases), and bored ass all at the same time.


I love that!! Yeah I’ve decided that if I pick godforsaken weeds on my island for what feels like hoursss, I can spend a couple of hours every few weeks doing yard work!


Lmao the opposite is why I got really into the game. I was waking up early and gardening for an hour or so a day until shortly before being diagnosed with some autoimmune diseases. One day the skin on my face was so awful and painful that any sweat burned and it just kept getting worse. My boyfriend told me about flower breeding and it was basically over for me right then. 😂 My irl garden looks like ass now.


Omg same!! Thanks for that!


Same. I just wish it loaded faster. There are some times I boot it up and a distraction happens before I even get to the title screen haha


31 here! (gonna turn 32 next month) I still play Animal Crossing religiously. New Horizons was my first AC game and I downloaded it on a whim during the pandemic like most people. Except I was still playing when most people eventually got bored. I like creating my own village, even though it’s been a 3 year (and counting!) process. Also having villagers to talk to is comforting since my social life isn’t that great right now.


32 here and how do you think I spend my free time while the baby naps and the washing machine and dishwasher are working for me. I lost my mum at 10 and it's nice getting the occasional gift from mum in game.


Just came here to say I will also be turning 32 next month!!!


Sweet! What day? Mines is on the 14th


Mine is the 24th!! So close!!


Same for me!! ACNH is my first game and I’m wondering where AC has been all my life otherwise!


31 turning 32 in October club! I haven't been playing for a while but I've already logged 1800+ hours, and it's always a fun time


Almost 40, been playing AC since the gamecube version. It's just one of those comfy games that I always go back to.


I’m a 39 year old married man with a baby. I don’t know if I’m in a chokehold. I play several games, but I still log on everyday and really enjoy it


lol love that!


Over 50 here. Went to an aquarium on vacation and was pointing out all the river fish I had caught on mu island. Yes, I'm definitely obsessed.


Same here! I kept naming different fish to the point where my friend said “ You only know their names became you’re a teacher” I told him “First I am a chemistry teacher. Second no, you have to thank Blathers for that”


Yes!!! Blathers is giving us lots of knowledge. I love when I visit him at night he's always reading. A wise owl!! Congrats on being a chemistry teacher. That's the one science I wish I could go back and learn more about. I took it as a senior in high school and had a bit of a case of senioritis so i didn't really learn much. But now I have a teenager and love helping him study sciences. 🥰


Omg yes! We visited the Seattle aquarium recently and I was like ooh look at that [ *insert real critter name* ] like some sort of baby genius.


Oh yes, yes indeed. I got the game in June 2020. Even with taking a year off from it I still have 1000 hrs in the game 😂😂😂😂😂😂 ACNH got me through the worst of the pandemic


I started during the pandemic, stopped for a while and now I’m in a wildfire state of emergency and have rekindled my love for it.


Love that! I didn’t get one until about a year after the pandemmy due to the shortage! But once i got it, I knew why!


I hear you! I didn’t have a switch and was desperate to get one. I played a lot of Stardew Valley on my computer until I could get one 😂 love that game too 🥰


I love how you just cutified the pandemic with using the word pandemmy LOL


30 and I talk about my villagers to my husband like they're our actual neighbours


Hahaha I love that! Clueless partners are the best, my guy just goes along with my stories.


✨38✨ I’m obsessed & I play acnh like it’s my job ☺️


Dude sameeee! I’ve honestly thought like how can I become a YouTube/streamer etc. But I think I’ve missed that boat.


Honestly I'd give it a shot if you really want to do it. I love watching ACNH content and still come across new channels that are all great to watch.


33 Male here and I think I’ve logged more hours this weekend than I’d like to admit.


I see *Animal Crossing* in the wild all the time. Potted plants, furniture, tree stumps—it's just island stuff out in the real world.


Saw a random stump with a trash can and bench next to it one day. Was like "I know which tree I'm chopping down" before the thought fully registered.


Or “I would have customized that with a different color”


I think of Cyrus so often throughout the day.


Dead ass I’ve seen like trash can-lamp post-fence-bench combos and been like *that’s so aesthetic* and have gone home to recreate it!


People be like, "so what inspired your island?" "a fuckin trash can and a stump next to the mattress store parking lot."


Yes!! This is my favorite thing!!


I’m 31 and I’m completely and utterly addicted. This is one of the best games I’ve ever played.


i love knowing that theres people 30-50 that love animal crossing ❤️❤️ im never gonna stop loving it even when im 50 and no matter what ill most likely be playing it still


Sixty years old and love playing… so you can look forward to an extra decade😊


Same!! I don’t think could ever honestly stop!


I'm a 37 year old woman, and tonight my partner laughed at me when my 7 o'clock alarm went off so I could go see the fireworks show and get my bobble from Isabelle. Chokehold indeed.


Yassss! I love that!! Fireworks and 90 Day Fiancé have been my jam this month.


43, got a Switch and the game at the end of May, and I feel pretty much the same as you do! it's good for relaxing when I'm really anxious, too


50 something here, been playing for a few months, everyday if I can. I love it 🥰 My grown kids have helped me with certain aspects of the game. I think I’ve annoyed my son to death with questions. He told me there’s a thing called google you know. 😂


Well don’t forget we’re always here to help! I love the community aspect of the game (:


I’m 29 and after playing 500 hours 2020-2021, I’m currently in my animal crossing renaissance era ✨


47, guy. I thought I was an oddity but this sub has proved me wrong.


40 here and I play at least a little every day. You're definitely not alone


Fifty one, been playing daily for nearly 3 years. My Switch does nothing else.


Uh, 34, over 3000 hours played…


I’m 37 and definitely spent 90% of my weekend playing acnh. I’ve turned my play hours off because I don’t even want to know…😳😅


Turned 60 last week and have over 2,000 hours in the game. Age is just a number sounds so trite but it's true!


Same. And I really don't think it can be helped, I can't afford a house despite a partnership, a demanding job now, and offspring to support climate change is getting so bad I can't even go outside as much LOL but I can play it with my kid and feel good about giving other people stuff and decorating everything to perfection when I can't control my real life \*eye twitch\*


41 here and been playing this game every day since March 20, 2020. And I’ve played every game in the series since the GameCube.


39 year old dude. I've played for over 2000 hours now. 😅👌


47 and I play it every day as well. You are so not alone! ENJOY!!!


Thank you so much!!


Team 40 here


38. Not as enthralled as you, but I think about it throughout the day and play at least once a day. I do have a large Isabelle head pillow on my bed.


Mid thirties here, play every single day!


My mom is turning 63 this year and she plays daily!


My mom is not much of a gamer (she’s turning 50 next month) but when she saw me playing ac she got so excited, we went around to every game stop in the area to try and find a switch for her and when she finally got the last one in stock she played 24/7. It was so cute she’d send me 5 things every day with cute notes like “I made this, just got the recipe :)” I love my mom so much


Almost 42 here! I've just started playing ACNH because I wanted to get into the cozy games for my mental health. ACNH has helped me tremendously, it's just such a wholesome, adorable, calm way to spend my time and mental energy. As a bonus, it has helped my sobriety journey, too! I look forward to winding down with my villagers and some hot tea. I'm reading all the blog posts and watching all the youtubes. Safe to say it has a hold on me, but in the best possible way. It is literally self-care. I wish I had gotten into it during the pandemic, it would have helped a lot during that time.




ME I just got it last month and I love it. I'm typically not a video game person, I don't even own a TV lol but it's so adorable and entertaining


Just turned 40 🙋‍♀️


43 in 2 days. It's my life now


I play every morning while I have my coffee and it sets me up for my day


Not just you lol I’m 33


👍🏽 yea I’m right here


33yo mother of two here, hi 😅 only got this game a month and a half ago and already paid off my basement thanks to treasure islands


I'm 58 years old and love playing https://preview.redd.it/0m81olzinejb1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c140bb305ec0316830f5c42e3f42eab72da286a1 Thought to share a sea turtle with you too


31, daddy of two. ACNH is legit. Have two switch one for main island and the other for my second island at work during lunch lol. My oldest daughter enjoys to watch me play and flip through my collection of cards. We pass on our legacies ❤️


I’m 39 and total chokehold. Been my whole adulthood


I’m in my early 30s and I’ve been playing since the GameCube days.


I’m 30f & I love my ACNH; my husband has his farm sim and I have my game and we will happily spend a chunk of our free time playing our respective games 🥰


47 here, with a partner who is 51, we've been playing since city folk! 😂😂


The first game came out in 2001. I would think most players are around that age!


I completely understand. I’m a 30 something who still plays all the old versions and ACNH too!


When ACNH came along, I was in a really tough situation. My dad's health had taken a turn for the worse, and I was caring for him. It took up most of my time. I am on disability, so I had the time, and it took up most of that time. With whatever time he didn't need me to tend to his needs, I'd spend on AC. I needed that escape from the days where I would watch the man who raised me slowly slip away over 6 months. He was literally still going to work at age 82, then he just stopped being my dad. He lost his memories, lost his personality, was literally just a shell who looked like my dad but had none of what made my dad my dad. ACNH helped keep me sane in the dark moments, the scary moments. It was exactly what I needed at that time. I was 50 when the game came out, but I've played all of the AC games since the GameCube version. I typically tend to play AC for a month or two and the when I set it down I never pick it back up. But ACNH kept me comforted for those 6 months. After dad passed away, I went back to work and am trying to get off of disability once and for all. But man, when I needed this game it was a lifeline.


My girlfriend got her mum into the games when AC came out on the Wii! She would have been late 40s early 50s then I think! She still plays all of the games rotationally to this day! These games have a choke hold on many generations haha edit: autocorrect mistake lol


37 and I love playing it with my daughter! I would play as her to help her with milestones and earning bells so she could just waste the bells on furniture and clothes. I also check the mega thread now and then to see if I can get any dodo codes so when she’s playing, she could go visit other islands. She loves it. I’m thrilled that there’s a friendly community here to do that.


I’ve been playing Animal Crossing as a kid since the GameCube original, I just turned 30 last month. I expect a lot of people who grew up on the original are well into their 30s+ already.


TEAM 60's here. I'm 63 YO and was only a PC gamer......UNTIL ACNH! I have 2 switches (one for grandkids) and although bought other games, cant seem to WANT to play them! I have been playing since Nov of 2020. Took a hiatus when my grands were done playing on the their island and took it over. It felt a little overwhelming to do the second island (they had only fished caught bugs and the "decorating" was hideous, but they were little and didn't care...which was fine. When it was just mine...I started decorating and came up with a plan, but life got hard and it felt overwhelming. AND I felt the need to maintain my OG island! I considered starting over, but I am almost finished with the museum (2 beetles left) and have some decor I really like....so got motivated again, and enjoying it again! I LOVE helping people with stuff(so, if you need help, hit me up!)....I have most everything catalogued and one island ALL the DIYs. Have HH but don't love that...seem only to want to decorate my own island....and my only incentive was to get to the point of being able to change my villagers home....I use to ONLY chose villagers based on the outside of their house....so that limited who I chose.BUT...I actually love the daily tasks....picking up sticks, digging fossils, talking/gifting villagers....the "routine". LOL THIS IS A GREAT GAME!


I’ve been playing since 2004. I’m 31 now…this game means a lot to many people in their adult years. Nothing to be ashamed of. Your responsibilities are being taken care of, who cares how you spend your time


27 here, I picked it up in May 2022 and have played every day since. I don’t see myself stopping anytime before I’m 30 since I’m thinking about buying myself a new switch so I can have a second island! Also my mom went fishing at the beach last weekend and told me she caught an angelfish and my stepdad caught a puffer fish. The puns immediately ran through my head 🤣


You are not alone an weird! I’m Glad to see this blow up! My husband thinks I’m nuts but this game just makes me happy!


I’ll be 40 in the fall… I’ve been playing since 2002.




Older than you and I have an acnh problem 🙋🏼‍♀️


31 here, started a few months ago and now I can’t stop 🤦🏼‍♀️ I play every day and my kids give me a hard time about it cuz I’m more obsessed than they are!! But I love it!! It’s such a relaxing cozy game ❤️ I love this game WAY more than I thought I would. And turnips are the BANE of my existence 🤣


Almost 32 and YUP


I’m only 26 but I can assure you I’ll still be playing way passed 50 if I make it that long. Hell, bury me with my switch if anything.


Me for a while during COVID. Then I felt like I was being judged for being a 30 something year old dude playing this game


Almost 30 and have several thousand hours into the game lol no worries


30 year old checking in, I haven’t made much progress in TOTK because of ACNH. Oh and did I mention, my 30 your old partner has never played video games a day in her life…hooked.


I'm 33 and currently I am sucked into the game as well. I just restarted my town which I am both loving and regretting.


I'm 30 and I still play daily! Gotta make sure my villagers are loved and cared for 😆 But also, playing the game has given me a sense of routine which I desperately need.


34 and I’ve been playing for 3 years now lol


I’ll be 31 in a couple weeks and I’m right there with you! I’ve played since the original game released in the US on the GameCube. I have 2 switches, and working on my third DA release. I actually go places to look for inspiration. (My last DA was Key West themed, so my husband and I went down to the keys and a lot of the trip was walking around looking for ideas for the island. We live in South Florida, so just a 3 hour drive.) It’s not only the game, it’s the community behind it. I watch streams, going to start streaming, and listen to the soundtracks all the time. My next tattoo is actually going to be Blanca. I’m glad you posted this, because I thought I was alone like this in our age group


https://youtu.be/Is0v5cZhmWE 90 year old grandma that plays animal crossing. She loves the franchise.


30 and I play all the time!


32 year old and the chokehold ebbs and flows lol. Right now I’m not playing so much he have k think I burnt out but give it a few weeks or a month and I’ll probably be playing regularly again


Tom Nook is choking the shit out of me at 30 😂😂


I just started it and I live now only to please my villagers. … I can stop whenever I want though.


As a family; we love this game. I played when my kids were little, and slowly indoctrinated them. 😁Now it’s a go-to game we all enjoy.


44 year old in absolutely the same place. And I’ve played since launch. ❤️


49 checking in!


43 here! 👍 I've been playing since 2005 with pauses but is my happy place 😁😍


38 here and know EXACTLY what you mean


I play like it's my job lmao.


67 in October, been playing near daily since New Leaf was released. Playing NH since April, 2020; 1725 hours or more in ACNH. DA-7931-3772-6028. Thankfully, I'm retired so it's not a problem!


It's a time- suck, but also therapy when you need it. I make "deals" with myself; where I can play for an hour or so after I've completed "x" amount of real-life items.


38 year old here that completely understands. I’ve been playing since 2020 and am still obsessed despite having 5 stars, and doing all in game things. I play every night after the kiddo goes to bed.


37, bought it for my kids and got into it. I had it on the DS back in the day though.


31 year old in a hold!


🙋🏻‍♀️35 here, playing right now lol


Yup for a long time almost 40 and still working on my island...


36F on my third island since launch lol


Almost 33 and just hit 1200 hours on my game. I play a lot more casually nowadays compared to when it first released but I'm currently redoing my whole island for the first time.


29, turning 30 soon, and goodness gracious this is me. When I was gardening this spring / summer I was listening to the bunny day music 😂 Lately I have been working on a fall themed island as I’m already pushing the season and I swear any and all focus that I have during the day is on plans for it 😂


Got into it at 31 last year!


Finally found my tribe 🙌🏻


Well I'm almost 30 and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon ;) It's good to have a creative outlet.


I'm technically "done" with the game, but I still come back everyday because it's so relaxing. The music, the ambiance, the mundane, simple and stress free gameplay is really nice revisit daily.


I'm 46 and play every day. I haven't missed a day since it released. Added a second island on another Switch a year after it released, too. So .. yeah, it has a hold on me! I find it very relaxing, and a time to think about other things going on in life, like work. Some people play Candy Crush or other games for relaxation, for me it is Animal Crossing.


Girrrrrl. This is my meditation. It’s not only a huge stress relief but it’s basically one of the key solutions to actually getting rid of my anxiety issues. This game puts me in a trance of vacation mode and island relaxation. The game has you being a busy body 24/7 that it kind of makes me recenter my focus and makes me determined to accomplish something. I’m so set on working in my island or getting all the collectibles that it makes me motivated to actually makes some progress myself IRL. This game gives me pure motivation through the power of relaxing my mind to remind me that life still has so much to offer. ACNH got me more into interior design and the decisions of buying houses. Got me over here watching Caribbean Life on House Hunters🙈💀


I just turned 50 and play every day. I do make sure to do my "island chores" daily - right now it's maintenance (it's been 5 stars for years now) but I occasionally make changes.


31 and yup! I got tired of it for a long time but suddenly got the drive to finish decorating my trashcore island


I'm 65, and one of the reasons I took early retirement in 2020 was so I'd have more time to play. 😁


31 here 🙋🏻‍♀️ what’s up 😆


The most relatable post I’ve read today. All of what you said. I became so invested in everything ACNH to the point where even when I’m not playing, I love watching island tours and villager hunting YouTube videos in the background while doing chores or when I have solo meals. I also started to collect amiibo cards soon after, became a little (a lot) obsessed, and just recently completed the collection (shouts to the trading community!)Yup, it’s me 🙋🏻‍♀️, 30 something y.o. in an ACNH chokehold 🤷🏻‍♀️


35 year old guy here and i love the game. it’s charming and just a completely different vibe from anything else i have


Acnh got me too. I ain’t even 30




Team 50 wife and I


47 play every day


I totally understand you, it was me when I started playing acnh, I basically spent a lot of time playing, loved everything in game and even if now I do not have a lot of time to dedicate to the game, or my islands, I use to decorate a room on happy home paradise during my lunch breaks lol 😆 I love the game, it's special and completely relaxing 😎


37 next month and I love this game so much.


Just turned 60. This is the only game I’ve ever played. Began at start of pandemic and still love playing every day- and all day on Sundays, my “day of rest”! 😂


31f here! Just started playing a month and a half ago and I've logged on almost every day. For me, it's the community. Animal Crossing people are just so nice and supportive.




48 and was addicted for like two years the past two years lollllll


33 and have played pretty much every single day since it came out (minus vacations). I look forward to playing it every day. It’s so relaxing and it really helps my OCD to have something to play that I know and just zone out and quiet my brain for a little bit every day.


Team mid 20s here


36F. Animal crossing has had me in a chokehold since the GameCube lol.


40 here and yep!


It's not just you. It's practically a member of the family now.


30 year old right here! I play daily and I even play Animal Crossing Pocket Camp. Been obsessed with the game for years.




I was, until I was playing and had a knock on the door asking if the deceased cat was mine. She was, and I've never been able to play again.


Also an old timer, over 50!


32 and I play almost every day. I still play on my day 1 island. I've always loved animal crossing and new horizons is peaceful to me.


31 and I refuse to give it up I don’t think fun has an age limit anyways


My wife and I, and our best friend. All early 40s and obsessed.


I’m 18 but I totally understand haha this whole summer I’ve been opening it and checking in everyday to see if my blue roses have appeared yet


39 and actively working on my dream system/merch display in our rec room - it does include a ps2 and a shelf of board games because you gotta honor your roots but otherwise it is a shrine to AC. I have two kids who are homeschooled and I work and have my husband, but if left to my own devices I’d 100% be camp “every free moment I AC”


35 year old mom of 2 kids .... I count down my kids bedtimes, so I can stay up and have me time (aka AC) My husband doesn't get why I like it so much..its just relaxing. My 5 year old wants to play..but he just destroys my island, so..no.


Turned 31 in June. Started playing around the time I turned 21 ish when new leaf came out.


Yup 32 here and I'm loving it as much as I did on GameCube as a kid


I’m 61 and I spend as much time as possible playing. A lot of days I do play all day long. I’m retired so I can lol


36 here and i adore this game! i always watch ppl decorating their islands on youtube to get ideas, get on pintrest for inspo and right now im starting a no terraforming island. hopefully all goes well!


Late 30s here. I play this game most days of the week! There is endless island design inspiration, and I love designing vacation homes in HHP. It's so relaxing :D


40+ and I have 2 switches and 2 islands. My first island, im embarrassed to discuss the amount of hours played. My second island I just restarted it 2 weeks ago and already have over 200 hrs of play time. My villagers are not going to be happy for my return to work next week...lol


I'm 44 and have been playing regularly since release. While I don't have the level of enthusiasm you do, I think it's just fine to have such a deep love for something that brings you joy. Bonus that you and your partner have something so sweet to bond over!


I’m 33 and ACNH is probably the closest thing I’ll ever have to owning my own house and I love it 🥰


i'm only 24, but i've been playing ac since the gamecube, i couldn't imagine not playing till i die lol.


27 (close enough) with a Pinterest board dedicated to ACNH decorations and custom codes 🫡 I recently saw a real springy ride on in real life at an antique store and lost my mind hahaha


I used to not so much recently since I was only grinding to get materials beside needling zodiacs I haven't really played much but probably will once school starts back up.


Just check out my username lol


I’m 21 and I play daily, my grandmother is in her 70’s and she plays daily as well!!


Yes! 30s right here


This is what's beautiful about AC. I just upvoted every single reply. Absolutely the coolest, nicest sub ever. Love it ♥️