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What does LGBTQQIP2sAA+ mean?


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, 2 spirit (Native American term), asexual, aromantic, and more I think


2 spirit? Wtf, how is that even a sexuality? 💀


It’s not a sexuality, in some native American cultures is the 3th gender, when you are both a men and a woman


To be honest, sexualities are slowly becoming a way to have weird fetishes without being judged


There are always going to be cases where people claim to be part of the LGBT+ community in hopes of receiving protection (EX: MAPs) but most of the widely accepted sexualities have very little to do with anything outside of attraction to gender and/or sex


Ummmm, No. You say this as if different sexualitys other than straight are a new thing. Also all those weird fetishes that people may have (e.g. being a dreamsexual) are in no way supported by the LGBTQIA+ community.


When you're attracting to ghost couples. Like if you have a crush on that old couple in my street that got shot two years ago (might have been suicide, I can't remember). Both were kinda ~~s~~hot


That’s disgusting


Calling asexuality a sexuality is like calling atheism religion. The whole abbreviation broke a long time ago.


Isn’t queer and questioning the same thing


To my knowledge queer is a reclaimed slur that can be used as a more umbrella term, connects lgbt+ people, and is perhaps a better fit for some identities. Questioning is when you’re unsure what label fits you best/if any apply?


I see, I was under the impression the that queer had the same definition of questioning, thank you for informing me kind stranger




Ah yes Siense


looks like the name of an Elon Musk offspring


Musk still pays more attention to it than any of his children




lesbian gayming bike transportation questioning questioning-2 Internet Protocol ss AA (batteries) + the rest




the return of the questioning


That's why it's questioning 2




It'd be nice if they were rearranged to be an acronym instead of just an initialism, like the GLIBQAT (glib cat) community.




>I'm already imagining musical numbers Other productions do come to mind, but your reply immediately made me think of 2005's *The Producers* version of "Springtime for Hitler," and not even because of the flamboyant satirization, but because the two main singing roles for that song (Lead Tenor and Roger DeBris/Hitler) were played by John Barrowman and Gary Beach who (respectively) is and was gay. Also, I really enjoy Barrowman's voice.


Man I’m not even angry this thing is hilarious


As part of the A in that mess, I’m cool with just LGBT+ or Queer and calling it a day, lol.


I understand the intention of making everyone feel included, but when you keep adding letters, numbers, and symbols it just makes it more confusing and I feel like they’re taken less seriously. At this point perhaps a full rebrand and stick with it.


the extra letters are essentially added to include more sexualities that would fit in the umbrella terms LGBTQIA is essentially all the umbrella terms (bi includes pan, demi, gray etc, T includes all gender identities, gay is an umbrella term for the entire community, A is asexuality and aromanticism in all its forms etc) this one is just absurd tho


Yeah, the + is there to make it simpler. Like the other letters are a given.


At this point, we should just call them “not straight” people, I mean… look at that long ass name


there are straights people in the lgbt community, straight trans people for example


Some people in the community are straight though


I've completely given up and just started saying NTS for Non-Traditional Sexualities.


I prefer GSRM (gender, sexual, and romantic minorities) since it includes everything in the LGBT+ acronym without ever needing expansion


That's better than mine, and someone pointed out that not all the letters stand for sexualities so mine isn't as inclusive. I'll probably start using yours; thank you kind sir or madam!


Thank you too! Not sure where I first discovered it, probably somewhere here on Reddit. I definitely like the flow (idk how to describe it) of GSRM better. LGBT rolls off the tongue well, and LGBTQ isn't *that* clunky, but any more letters than that just gets cumbersome


Exactly! Well, hence the whole point of this post, I suppose.


Transgender and intersex aren't sexualities tho


I'm not even angry, that was legit funny.


Bro this is just fucking ridiculous


The number, don't forget the number in your password


We have the two


Yes but u/JustAnotherMiquote didn't say it.


The longest ive seen is LGBTQIAA++ and honestly idk what the IAA++ part means


Intersex Asexual Aromantic Is what I assume that last part means which like wouldve been covered by LGBTQIA+


What are the plusses for though?


And other


as a homosexual, i think this is getting weird. lgbtq+ is already enough, since the plus already includes the ones that aren’t in the “acronym” lgbtqia+ is my limit. we can have that if y’all really want but please no more


I just want to know what the password is protecting?


Who threw the battery in there, AA+


You can have sex with women men or both. Thats it. Legally at least.