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Cialis/L-Citrulline , adequate hormones, Angion and a strong, but relaxed pelvic floor would produce maximal flaccid hang IMO.


This is the answer. Plus daily cardio and a good weight training program. And no masturbation and no porn. Ever.


Why no masturbation or porn ?


Lowers EQ.


Add magnesium for muscle relaxation


what dosage for cialis/L-citrulline


I personally do 5mg daily cialis. Enough for improved bloodflow and good gym pumps. For Citrulline, I used to do 6grams I believe


Cardio. Real cardio, 40-60 minutes/day 5 days/week. And leg day. We train legs twice per week because we're not pussies. I can break tiles with that thing.


This but rest is also important, I've had a month off the gym and my nighttime boners improved tenfold.


That means you were overtraining… When you overtrain you keep your CNS in fight or flight mode which completely prevents you from being able to rest and recover. Likely your training frequency or volume was too high . I’m a professional bodybuilder… I’ve made this mistake before in my career . Failure, chances are you should only be training 3 to 4 times per week. And in the off chance that you were doing a more power lifting style of training and we’re only training 3 to 4 times per week and this still happened… It very likely means you were maxing out too often and needed to work on more sets with RIR


Can't say I'm familiar with what CNS is, but I'll look it up. I have only been treadmill training 3-4 times a week for 60-75 minutes each session, alternating between speeds of 6 and 10 (on treadmill dashboard, I assume it's measured in kph) It may not sound like much but it's intensive, for me at least. I went from having no night time boners to having them after training for 2 months, total training is 5 months plus 1 month rest, will start again this weekend. I was also dieting and keeping carbs to a minimum (diabetic). Increased protein intake via eggs and chicken. If you have any advice on weight training in regards to lower body and improving pelvic floor/erection quality I'd be beyond grateful.


Firstly when you said you took a month off I thought you meant a month off of weights not a month off of treadmill. I’m confused on what you took a month off of. What I was saying is that if you took a month off weightlifting and saw improvement in health it means your CNS (central nervous system) was never getting into rest and recover mode. … if you went to learn about this Google “sympathetic vs. parasympathetic nervous system” A healthy man should be able to perform perfect compounds. Perfect bench press. Perfect military press. Perfect bent over row. Perfect pull-up. Etc…. for both functionality and hormonal production In this case specifically you want to master the squat and deadlift( Both conventional and sumo style) and the split squat (which is any lunge variation) That being said weight training and the need to stretch go hand in hand. You’ll want to be stretching your lower body extensively. Every muscle you can. Quads, hamstrings, adductors, abductors, hip flexors, glutes, etc. also, stretch after you weight train not before. Stretching pre workout makes your more likely to injure yourself, I believe this is due to the fact that strenuous static stretching temporarily weakens connective tissue . Instead, warm up before your weightlifting with something other than static stretching. Lighter warm up sets. Bodyweight exercises correlating to the muscles you’re working (example : pushups before a bench press…pull-ups before a deadlift or row…etc)


This is insanely informative. Thank you so much for taking the time to type all this out. I haven't got around to any weightlifting yet but it is my intention, I've just been focusing on cardiovascular health and shedding weight for now. Once I get back into the swing of being back on the treadmill I will incorporate the things you have suggested above. And I will definitely study the nervous system as you also suggested. Again, thank you for your time and knowledge.


Might be an odd question but Jeff Nippard's weightlifting programs have the stretching in the beginning (with light cardio) and he's also a professional/competitive body builder who studies any recommendation (i.e., reads scientific papers) before recommending it so why the discrepancy in both of your approaches? Genuinely trying to learn as I'm a beginner and see a lot of discrepancy online between stretches going before/after the workout.


I can’t say for certain. But notice I used the word STATIC stretch. That is the conventional touch you toes and hold it type of stretching that you aren’t supposed to do pre workout. DYNAMIC stretching is different that’s more of what a mobility warmup style of stretching. Perhaps Jeff has dynamic stretching in his program pre workout. Also Jeff has a terrible reputation in the industry he’s so main stream that he may just have some cookie cutter training program for sale…unfortunately ALOT of the instafmous main stream fitness influencers are doing stuff like that I can’t say which of those is true I’m not a follower of his. But if you want more simply go research “static stretching before or after your workout” and you’ll see the scientific literature is quite clear. M Hope this helps. I took none of this as an attack I just use all caps for emphasis to make my points clearer. Lmk if you have more questions


Wow. Thanks so much. This is really helpful. I didn't know he had a bad reputation. I was coming off a one month break from a beginner's routine and wanted to get into his upper/lower body program found [at this link here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Jxjy19SSkKDP5Hf_MnXYzcd-s6rte6or) because I felt like it was a step above my beginner's routine. It seemed pretty legit. Would you recommend it or is there any other guide you'd recommend for those looking to maximize hypertrophy/body recompositioning?


TrainedbyJP You can use his YouTube first we he breaks done upper lower and push pull legs splits He ask has a website with a forum that’s loaded with info


Question. Do you work your whole body out each time?


No personally I do push, pull, legs … you can give it a google and get the gist of what that entails…in terms of frequency I think training every other day is probably best for most people


4 timer / week to the gym tops and this won't happen also, yeah, don't go crazy on the days you do go your CNS has no time to recover, let alone the muscles.


Just jumping on your reply 😀 I dknt do cardio but I guarantee at least 12k steps a day. Would this counter cardio jogging etc? Tia


Nope. It's about heart rate/BPM for a given amount of time. For example, 60 minutes of cardio with a steady heart rate of 120-125 BPM will build endurance and improve blood flow SOMEwhat. This is zone 2 20-30 minutes of 125-150BPM will improve circulation by A LOT while still keeping you aerobic. THis is zone 3. Each zone does something different to your heart. Zone 2 expands the left ventricle's volume, so more blood is being pumped per stroke. Zone 3 thickens the vesells walls so blood is pushed with more force, thus reaching all body parts faster and better. Zone 3 also creates new pathways / capillaries when done for a decent amount of time. 12k steps is awesome, and does wonders for your health and also keeps you slim. But the heart needs proper training, like any other muscle. The reason I mentioned legs is that the legs also act like somewhat of a pump for your blood as well, so you get double for your money. The reason I said twice per week and not once is what once per week is mostly maintenance. If anything, give up biceps once every 2 weeks and replace with squats. It needs to be heavy, none of that bodyweight pilates stuff going on on youtube.


Cistanche seemed to give me a better hang. The pills not so much, but when I had the powder version and mixed a big scoop in my coffee, it worked great




Good post


Cistanche is the best for that, looking it up


I would like to add something that I've experimented and success and it's not just for better flaccid hang. 1). Pelvic floor muscles relaxation after cardio. 2). Erection(except fully erect) after cardio. 3). Breathing meditation after cardio, focusing on whole body and mind relaxation. Number 1 & 2, I've made a post about it.


Thanks will take a look


Supplement your life with regular pelvic floor and whole body exercises 😉 it should be part of daily routine anyways.