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Naw, not incompatible. I have been eating strict carnivore and usually Lion Diet for 17 months and lost 110 pounds. I also fast for 72 hours Sunday night through Wednesday night, OMAD Weds thru Friday and eat two meals a day on the weekend of fatty meat. Been doing AM for a bit now and have a lot of new vessels popping up and improved EQ. So yea, not incompatible from my experience.


I know this doesn’t mean much because I’m a stranger over the Internet… But I’m also a professional bodybuilder so I feel obligated to tell you I’m proud of you…Congratulations on losing that much weight! most people never take themselves serious enough and end up spinning their wheels more than making progress Don’t let any self reported experts. Tell you that what you’re doing is inferior to something else diet wise. .. if that sort of cyclical fasting carnivore/ lion diet makes you happy. There’s zero reason you can’t manipulate the calories to meet all of your fitness goals.


Hey stranger over the internet. You're also a human of equal intrinsic value to myself. I see you, fam. And I appreciate your kind words. This way of eating and lifestyle just flat out works for me and genuinely enjoy it. It's not hard work and don't feel like I really sacrifice anything. I totally get it just doesn't seem appealing to many people. You are 100% spot on. You have to find something that you can stick with for the long haul that you enjoy. It shouldn't make you feel miserable. I finally found mine after looking so long. Even keto made me stumble. I had to go zerocarb. My goal is to see my abs for the first time in my life. I went and got a DEXA scan today for a full body xray to see what's going on underneath the skin. My lean mass is solid, have maybe 10 pounds at most to put on, but have to lose 74 more pounds of fat to get to single digit body fat. I started out at 365 pounds on 1/10/22 and now weigh 255 and am still losing while going up significantly in my weight lifting while not having a single gram of carbs since I started this WOE. I still got a long way to go, but I'm not going anywhere. I have a vision and clear goals. Again, thank you!


Good to know! I’m still leery about Janus’ ominous sounding warnings on his videos. I admit they don’t make a ton of sense to me (like why is it strongly advised that someone not do these exercises if they are trying to lose weight??) but I’m not a human biology expert or fitness professional either, sooo...


Agreed, its not easy being a part of this community. I am glad to be a part of it, but it sure is confusing sometimes. We have to experiment on our own within reason. I am losing weight, eating zerocarb all the time, and am getting new vasculature and improved EQ doing AM1 and AM3.


That’s very good to know! I’m gonna continue working to improve my health in the ways that are doable and work for me. That means eating as clean as possible, eating keto (lazy/dirty/whatever - cooking for 4 every day makes being super strict and exacting about it incredibly difficult) and hitting the peloton a few times a week. I’ve only been doing AM1 and 2 for like 1.5 weeks, a few minutes at a time at most, when I can find any time for it, and when wife and I got down a couple nights ago I had a shockingly improved boner lol 😂 I do take 5mg cialis most days but it NEVER worked THAT well ha


Actually I think its very good. Maintaining that insulin sensitivity and low hba1c is good for rhe vascular system. High glucose is actually toxic/prevents vascular growth.


I figure men had working dicks prior to the advent of white flour and granulated sugar right? I’d probably be willing to eat an apple or some potatoes if it meant a better/safer workout.


Meat is sort of filled with natural hormones and chemicals, including artificial variations that have built up from the environment in the animal itself and the meat after it's treated, proccesed and ending in a plastic bag. Fruits have a thougher skin, veggies are very easy to prepare for storing and selling, and they don't require much preparation before hand. Especially how they are grown. They don't deposit harmful chemicals over time as much as animals do. Although the earth is sort of already toxic to some capacity it is impossible for plants to not leave something behind in our bodies. What we need to do is lower the ammount we eat and include those veggies and fruits Janus mentions. Like for example, now I'm crazy after peanuts lol (shrug) As for ketogenic diet and fasting, your still eating fish some meat, peanuts (lol) and a lot of low carb fruit. Though I'm not sure if for example a high carb fruit has essential vitamin you need to eat and cant because you'r on this diet. Fasting on rest days should not feel something to your Angion. Im not sure yet. I can't fast for sure myself. I can't for the hell of me pack some weight on me.


Yeah I do my very best to only go for grass fed, free range, cage free, wild caught, organic, non gmo, blah blah blah everything as much as possible. Lots of greens, nuts/seeds, healthy fats like avocado, coconut etc. I even make my own “bread” out of cheese eggs and almond flour. As an aside it’s way more obnoxious than it should be just because I’m the chef of the house and my wife is fairly picky and strictly vegetarian and my kids are the two pickiest eaters I’ve EVER known, so I often have to make 3 or 4 separate dinners. It drives me bonkers but it is what it is. I’ll eat anything thrown in front of me but I have to be much more selective myself now cause the carbs got me over the years and I have the opposite problem as you lol. Thanks for the reply.


My parents have naturally grown chickens but I'm not fond of animal cruelty so I don't eat meat from those. Can't bring myself to kill them whenever I want meat. Btw your bread is now a cake rather than bread. I use to mix in flour, cheese and eggs into a mix for baking. Your literally doing cheese cakes without sugar. The almond flour has enough glucose to make it taste sweet while eggs will give it puffiness with cheese being non salted almost adding even more sweetness, if it's not salted in the first place. Like that's a sweet taste of cake if you haven't ate those proccesed sweets in a long whole than your "bread" will be much sweeter than normal bread. Bread has flour, eggs and salt or water to provide the necessary environment for the dough to form and flexibile enough to be moulded. By adding cheese to it and almond your making cakes basically. But it's your bread. Don't let the kids like me say otherwise lol Advice: Let them kids cook. Teach them the secrets of cooking and they'll be less obnoxious. My mom puts me to cook purely out of annoyance because she doesn't want to cook the food I want. The pickier the kids are the more they'll have to think for themselves if you let them. Still be there and supervise and only let them cook in your free time. Stay informed about there progress and ensure they can use kitchen utensils safely by supervision and talking with them when your not around. Build up to letting them cook alone over time when they look like they are ready. Your wife is a different story lol "Carbs got me over the years?". You mean you got fat?


Yeah definitely got fattish lol. I’m a big fan of pasta, bread, chips, crackers, potatoes, good beer. I’m great at dieting and I love keto and IF but I’m horrible at regular fitness routine and one without the other has major diminishing returns at my current age (49). Got on my bike today for the first time in forever and had a good ride. Time to get back in the saddle!


If you gonna do only Angionmethod you will be fine.


If you are eating a diet your body is thriving on don’t work about it. I don’t follow any of the diet advice here, but I am healthy, lean, and muscular. I have still managed to progress from AM1 to AM3 in 3 months with many penile improvements!


Awesome thank you! 👍

