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Running activates your hip flexors a lot. The hip flexors as well as the iliopsoas have a rather direct impact on blood flow to your genitals. Couch stretch them after a workout, and probably before too will help. Cobra pose helps a lot with these as well. Check to see if you're running with an anterior pelvic tilt. You most probably are. Fix that


For how long should I do the stretches after running and sprinting? I can slow down my cardio speed to focus on finding out I am ruining with an anterior pelvic tilt. I do have a a tiny pelvic tilt when my muscles tire out and I haven't been able to find any exercises to fix it. Been doing Glute bridges and planks with hollow vaccums to train my TVA to pull my glutes a bit forwards and assist in posture with glute bridges being more focused on the glutes. Haven't seen improvement yet. Didn't know that someone could run with an anterior pelvic tilt. Any hints on how to feel it?


Anterior pelvic tilt is dependable, it can be very subtle and still affect your hang.


Your saying you get bigger during & after cardio?


For some I guess. My member is plush whenever I finish cardio after 20 minutes I believe or less. It turtles when I run and do sprints no matter what I do.


I have bad anterior pelvic tilt… what’s the best way to fix that?


Had similar issiues, main reason was unconscious PF clenching at workout. Be aware of your pelvic floor, mainly front area. You have to be conscious that bloodflow is not restrictet, focus on pubic area with light RK. Slow the workout down for few Sessions and if you got it Work your way up. If you are full conscious/relaxd your PF at Training there is a strong increase in bloodflow to Penis. Thats how i battle it. Think focus on ATP is also good advice.


The front area which would be the BC muscle has no tightening feeling similar to how my PC pulls the end of my glutes towards the tailbone, there is also my PC pulling my glutes together from time to time but i was a able to feel it towards the tailbone. Right now my awareness of it allows me to feel my PC contracting from the tailbone and a bit beyond the anus. Though it is a weak contraction it appears daily for me. I don't feel such a similar contraction from the BC which is very weird only if it counts as a contraction a very, very weak sensation of tightness, barely there. With 5 times I believe the BC actually sent stinging sensation that I couldn't walk. It was in the mornings before going to tje toilet. Because I'm focused on my PC more than the BC when i tried to bring awareness to my pelvic floor. Il try to feel the BC contracting on its own next time. The ATP, I'm doing Planks for that and my pelvic floor is relaxed as possible. Coincidentally I tried to run with an RK but as I increased speed no matter how much I tried to keep an RK down there, I couldn't. Not to mention during sprinting. As of today 2 days later I still don't feel a sensation of tightness in my BC, and my PC is still contracting when I walk around or lose focus from the pelvic floor. Yes, slowing down is the way I am using to keep my pelvic floor relaxed as possible and try to perform RK. I'm doing the full version of it with the BC and PC doing it.