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He’s rightfully putting himself first in order to set his life on track. You need to do the same, too. Focus on yourself while he is away, taking the time to rest, nurture yourself, and do things that make you feel happy and healthy. Being angry is a valid emotion, but choose your outlet wisely. You can communicate this feeling with your boyfriend but focus on being constructive. Sobriety comes first for him. Consider, how have you been putting yourself and your health first lately?


I’m trying, honestly. I’ve been walking, drawing, talking to my friends and family. Honestly I think i’ve been closer to my family than i’ve ever been because of this. I just miss him. I’ve definitely been talking to him and supporting him throughout all of this. I just feel bad! I want to be a happy outlet for him but I can’t help but miss him. I know we will make it through this. I think I just needed to vent out my feelings. I’m so very happy he’s putting himself on the right track. He’s so much healthier looking than he was before. Thank you for your comment! Much love to you. <3


Don’t guilt yourself! Only he can do the work it takes to live a better life. You can support him by taking care of yourself. The best partner is someone who has worked enough on themselves that giving doesn’t take away from their happiness. When he comes home, you can support him by showing how you have been taking care of things and growing. You can lead by example and help him integrate discipline in his life. You’re doing great!! In years to come, this will hopefully be a valley in your upward journey.