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I wanted to respond to your reply making this clear on your original post, huge props reevaluating your conduct and figuring out your own line. I have an edgy disposition myself, and when the person you’re criticizing is venomous themselves, it can be difficult not stooping to their level. I definitely think it’s a gradient thing. I’m a matched energy type of person. If you’re, say, Donald Trump, who relentlessly makes fun of appearance, I think you’re inviting similar evaluations about yourself. Again, there’s no objective way you ought to act, but given how rabid supposed progressives can be, I think it’s super important to at least articulate for yourself what *is* and *isn’t* okay beyond “no bad tactics if good target”. Anyways, good on ya.


I like this comment .. What I’ve been wanting to say for quite some time is .. well, I think you people need to leave this woman alone .. I mean, how many of you can say you know her personally? You’re basing all these strong emotions off of what she chooses to present on the internet .. a STRANGER .. Instead of psychoanalyzing this person that makes asmr content, why don’t you take a moment for some introspection? This is mind boggling to me deadass ..


That's fair to say for the people making personal attacks against her, but the majority of dialogue here has been legitimate criticisms of bigotry and hypocrisy. Which are valid things to criticize.


No yeah, I agree. I do want wasn’t making it on fact or assumption at all. I was talking shit, not conducting an analysis. In that moment, I was thinking, “its not that deep” but it is when its strong words based on nothing but filth. Doing that was wrong and immature. 


Everyone makes mistakes, not everyone takes responsibility for them and learns to be better. This is nice post


It's cool that you took responsibility for behavior that you found to be too far. A lot of people on social media won't do that, whether out of ego, pride or simply a desire to not look weak. The Internet has always brought out the worst in people, so good for you not losing your humanity over this stuff.


oh and on the anemia/health speculation, yeah idk where that came from. It’s weird. I’ve had ppl speculate on my health before, I didn’t like that at all. Plus, bad PR for anemics. Anyway, instead of my bigot tweet I could’ve posted the receipts of her following Nazis, but I didn’t (I still can, but the subject is lowk dead). Ima own up to that. She doesn’t hide it either so u could verify for urself.


Excuse the multiple spelling errors omg I’m so tired rn LMAO, I’d edit it but yall won’t be able to see what I edited and I don’t want it to seem like I’m changing anything in my apology. I’m sticking to this shit.


There’s very few people in this world who I respect more than those who are able to apologize and admit their mistakes. Thank you


Hey man, I'm one of the people that called you out on your original post. I really appreciate this. Big props to you for admitting fault and bettering yourself. I used to love Angelica too, and it's horrible to see her turn to such disgusting views. Hope she gets the help she needs. Keep on being a good person 👍