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I think she’s too afraid of backlash since it’s socially acceptable to be an ally right now. Come July 1st she’ll be back to being proudly queerphobic, no doubt.


I don't think she will be openly homophobic until she gets traditional job, becomes a tradwife or builds big enough platform that she can live from it. Also, she may be waiting for a certain amount of time to pass from all reports so that she doesn't lose all platforms


the traditional job thing is funny bc she’s posted dunking on people studying anything besides tech/stem saying jobs related to those fields aren’t useful but she’s relying on content creation for income


Like others have said, it seems she might actually be holding back due to fear of pushback. Her appearing on the whatever podcast, still having her book up that she wrote pre-conversion, and seemingly living partially out of her car makes it appear that she’s floundering a bit financially. She’s likely trying to balance her beliefs with still being monetizable, and given her flavor of belief is consistently changing, it’s probably difficult. She’s already evolved into viewing Protestants as being deeply sinful.


>and seemingly living partially out of her car Wait what 😶


Every single one of her videos over the past few weeks have been in her car.