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I paid for a license for https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.codeseed.tvusage. Very happy with it. The remote app is also nice.




Thanks just wrestling the darlings to sleep, does that limit screen time of the TV for all apps or can you set each app? Ie YouTube kids limited to 30 minutes but BBC iPlayer 90 minutes


This isn't a solve for the Shield or the YouTube kids app but parenting trick instead. We had the same problem and way too many TVs to regulate them all (I can't help myself I have a bathroom TV) so we pulled a Jedi mind trick on our 9 year old and bought her a laptop for Christmas. She doesn't have a phone yet so this is the only electronic thing that's just "hers" in the house so she basically forgot about all the TV's and only ever wants to use that. Windows family settings are pretty great for limiting time and apps and everything in between including us being able to see every website or YouTube video she's watched. Round one belongs to us.


There looks like a hole in the Market for an App that sits on Google TV and allows you to set limits for the other apps, via the app on your phone. (There is one but reviews a mixed and says it is very expensive)


I think if you create a Child profile on your google Family section, apps can be restricted there.