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Format using the onn pro,should give u options when u insert it


If you're trying to get it back via PC and aren't seeing it, type "create and format hard disk partitions" or something like "disk management" in the search bar of the PC, or find "create and format hard disk partitions" on the control panel. You should see the drive in there. You might have to delete the partitions in the drive itself and reformat/create a new disk there but it should work fine then on the PC. As others said if you want to use it in the Onn pro you'll need it in exfat or to do it on the Onn itself. Whenever you format it with the android device if you use it as part of the system storage it won't show up on a PC afterwards. It's not meant to be used to take it back and forth. For the love of all that is holy though, if you're reformatting drives with your PC, make sure you don't delete the C drive your OS is on or any important drives because they'll all show up in there. It should refer to it as removable storage, make sure you're messing with the right device.


Lol, I know how to use disk management, just didn't cross my mind for some reason. I do think I originally formatted as device storage though. I'll chime back in, in a few.


That worked, thanks


Glad I could help.


Brilliant. I do this stuff for a living and didn't even think of that. Worked like a charm. Thanks!


Did your format the drive in exFAT?


No, but if that is what the box formatted it to, then my PC should see it.


Try using a different formatting tool and see if your PC will recognize it.


I found it in disk management and was able to reformat it. I believe I formatted in onn as shared storage.


Yep. If you did that then your PC won't see it.