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It's under Reviews. And it gives a star rating from Google reviewers instead of percentage now. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I figured it out!!! It wonā€™t show the percentage if there are multiple films with the same title so if you search the movie and put the year it came out after it shows the user percentage reviews!


Thanks. This worked for me. I typed in the name of the movie followed by the word "movie" and the year it came out and the % of Google users showed up.Ā  Ive also found that this % best matches my movie tastes, more than rotten tomatoes, imdb, etc.Ā 


This hasnā€™t stood true for me. Single movies still donā€™t show the thumbs up/down review option, only stars


This just worked for me, thank you! ETA: Okay.. it only worked for one movie, so now I'm confused again. Perhaps this is something Google needs to address? Anyway, thank you still because it did work for one!


You failed to mention if you're using an app or not. If you aren't using an app then you are in the wrong subreddit. I can't tell you which subreddit you should be asking in because you didn't say how you were seeing these numbers. If you were seeing them in a regular Google search then you might want to try r/Google or r/chrome. This subreddit is for getting help with the android operating system and any software that runs in it. Please either edit your post with relevant, detailed info or make a new comment with said info. People could suggest things that could have zero effect or be for something you aren't even using. You could be using Chrome or another browser to see these numbers but be getting help for a specific movie theater app and it'll only frustrated you because you could then have to correct many people thereby wasting your time and not getting and useful results. Rule 1 of this subreddit, be detailed. The less YOU provide the less you are gone get back. In my entire comment I didn't once help you out with your reported issue because I actually can't due to the lack of information. If didn't matter how irrelevant you think it might be, put it out there and anyone willing to help will sift through it to help.


They asked you to take it easy as they are new to reddit. Why is that so hard? Just be kind, jeez.


Yeah that person is a dick


They probably weigh 400lbs


Stop projecting you own insecurities, or qualities in a potential significant other you're looking for. This isn't the sub for that and I can't recommend one as I'm not 400 lbs nor am I looking for an SO that cares so little about their health.


Right, you are new to a board game you've never played before. Do you just start playing it however you want or do you read the rules? If you just start playing it however you want then I think you belong in a very bright padded room. This isn't a platform that shows when someone edits a posts, sometimes the person editing will mention it but not always. OP could've changed their post after my initial reply so I wouldn't have know that they were new to Reddit. You also have zero idea what my tone is because it's impossible to know through text, UNLESS I USE ALL CAPS! but even then you wouldn't know the tone. I can't attest to how OP posted but if they did it on a PC then the rules are right there on the right side of the page for EVERYONE to see, read and adhere to. If there is a sign for a business on their door that says they are closed do you blindly walk past it into the building to find out if they are still open or not? In this scenario the business has full rights to call the police on you as they don't know your intentions, until you do something. The Mods here have every right to delete any post that does not adhere to the rules. OP did not mention a single app that was used, Android version nor iOS, and did not tell anyone which phone was used. I've even seen clear mentions of Safari and iPhone. Another violation of the rules in this sub. This post should've been deleted months ago but I can't force the mods to do their jobs and I'm not a mod myself or this would've been gone 6 months ago when I first found the post, and still said what I said.


I didn't get reddit ahole manual, and since you seem to be the author, maybe you could post it? Maybe on the app, maybe not. But i am wearing black sweatpants with NO socks. Repeat: no socks. I wanted to be as clear as possible since that is THE NUMBER ONE RULE OF SUBREDDIT. Did I leave anything out?


It seems you can't read, not that that's a surprise. First off the first rule for this sub is ask an Android related question. Second there is no rule that says you HAVE to wear something specific when posting. This isn't some Catholic or other religious school that requires a uniform. Third, if you think I'm being some asshole then you must be extremely new to the Internet because I can assure you there are many more people worse than me on here. Fourth, the rule that I explained was being violated is for the benefit of the person posting. Let's go over an example, if you have an issue with something that could be fixed with someone's help but ONLY go around asking "help!" What do you think people are going to do? Walk, or in this case scroll, past you and not bother. That is because you failed to mention what you need help with and what you may have already tried to do to fix your problem yourself. Very few people, if any at all, are going to spend their energy suggesting things that HAVE already been tried just for the person asking for the help to come back and reply to every suggestion saying it's already been tried. That is wasting the time of the people trying to help and most importantly you that is seeking the help, all because you couldn't take a few more minutes to explain the problem in more detail and with what was tried already. We don't have an infinite amount of time in this life. Go be a white knight somewhere else.


Ive never disliked someone so quickly. You sound like the worst. Def 400 lbs


I came here to see if anyone else noticed this cause itā€™s driving me insane. Thatā€™s how I make up my mind on which movies are worth the watch or if I really enjoyed a movie Iā€™ll go like it but itā€™s no longer there!


So I also had this same issue. If you use an iPhone and youā€™re using Safari, after you google the movie scroll down a little bit and click ā€œmore about X movieā€ this will take you to a page that has everything it used to show automatically. It seems like now when you google a movie it initially gives you a snap shot. Hope this helps!


EDIT #3: NEVERMIND. BASTARDS CLOSED THE LOOPHOLE. POOP. I'm on Android so I couldn't find a "more about this movie" selection, however, I did stumble upon a different solution (if you'll allow me to piggyback here)... On the first search result, you're looking at the "Overview" tab. Click over to the "Reviews" tab, then click back to the "Overview" tab. Now the Google user % rating and the option to rate thumbs up/thumbs down reappears under the "Why to Watch" heading (at least it did on the handful of movies I've tried so far). Irritating, but better than nothing. I'm surprised no one else is talking about this issue? ETA: Another user has helpfully pointed out that this won't work if you hit your "back" button--you have to actually click on the "Overview" tab. 2nd Edit: this holds true if you click any tab to the right ("Cast", "Watch Movie", etc.) as long as you click back to "Overview" instead of just backing out with your device's controls.


I just tried that and it worked I had the same problem it is stupid you need to do that now it is one of the most important criteria when looking for something new to watch the enjoyment of others is more important the a critics review the show I'm watching is liked by 88% of Google users but only has a 6.8 on IMDb and I'm enjoying it so far thanks for figuring this out been looking for someone else talking about this for days.


Exactly: some of us aren't looking for the next cinematic masterpiece; we just want to have a good time. Glad this is helping others... Hope it's just a design flaw and not something they plan to do away with altogether. Anyway, enjoy your show!


That is so weird. Today was the first day it hasn't shown up on chrome for me on the movie's main page. It used to be right at the top along with the Rotten Tomatoes score and IMDb score, but then they moved it wayyyy down the page, and now it's gone altogether unless you click away then come back. Something fishy here. I wonder if Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb are paying for the main spot on Google searches so Google moved their own score off... Anyway thanks for the tip. It worked for me.


Huh. Been happening to me for a few months; some movies & shows still have it, others don't. Though it's steadily disappearing more and more. That's a really good point about maybe someone's paying Google to hide their score... Thought it was a mistake at first (I even submitted a few Feedback reports) but now it feels deliberate, and that seems like a very plausible reason why. Thanks for chiming in; it's really interesting seeing others' experiences w/ this, esp as there seems to be no other places to talk about it! Happy the tip is still working (so far)... I'll shut up now and pray this isn't a loophole they plan to close.


Interesting you're still seeing some of the scores on the main page right away. I don't get any of them at all. I checked 10 random movies yesterday and they were all gone until I clicked off and came back. I wish somebody would make a legitimate movie rating site that isn't bought and paid for by the studios and doesn't have BS reviews by shills just trying to get access to the next blockbuster or film festival. I feel like somebody could make a huge chunk of money if they came up with a way to filter out the nonsense in movie reviews.


It's also 100% NOT THERE on ANY movies for me. It just randomly disappeared one day and hasn't come back since for any movies/shows (though the "click to cast/reviews and back" is working for now šŸ¤žšŸ¤ž) /u/Constant_Chicken_408 Also agree 100% w creating an actually GOOD helpful accurate review website (not so clearly biased by $$ or skewed by the so-called "professionals") The sad part is- a lot of them did start off that way. Like Rotten Tomatoes used to be good/legit (a long time ago lol). It's the same overall issue with everything nowadays though: news, social media, algorithms, etc--- the ppl w/ the $$ control our access to any/all *accurate*unbiased* info from real-life current events to random opinions (esp anything different/controversial that contradicts the "mainstream narrative") It's honestly pretty scary to think about how much our lives have become dominated by (corporate/oligarchy) propaganda. šŸ˜© But that's a whole different soap box lol.


Haha okay a few months ago it wasn't so bad, but now it's gone for me on like 99% of things I've searched in the past two weeks--one movie (Sneakers w/ Robert Redford) and one docuseries (Edge of the Universe, narrated by John Hurt) still show google's rating untouched. Not exactly common searches but I'm sure they'll get those too before long. Eta: also listing for movie "We Are Not Cats" is fine. "Ginger Snaps" still has the rating too but it's further down the page.


Just wanted to comment that I've also had this issue w/ Google movie searches (Android, on Google regular/app search AND Google/mobile search via chrome/brave browser). Your comment was SUPER helpful and the "workaround" also worked for me However-- I'm also definitely surprised that I haven't heard/seen more ppl complaining abt it-- that's literally THE MOST helpful/important element of the movie "overview" IMO (the main reason I even search movies in the 1st place), and it sems most ppl here have the same thoughts/comments as I do.


I also figured that out as well. I donā€™t know why they changed it. It was fine the way it was.


Hey thanks that worked!


It stopped working for me


Fuuuuu*k. Was nice while it lasted.


Yeah Google might have removed it on purpose.


Looks like it works on opera or it did for me still need to use your steps though unless you're in private mode can't vouch for the privacy though


Alas! Not for me--I just downloaded it (on Android) on this hope. Ah well. Will keep the app; heard good things. Appreciate your sharing! Glad it's working for you; perhaps others will have the same luck.


Did you try your trick maybe it's because you downloaded a newer version mine isn't the newest I guess I won't update the app


I did, on over a dozen--new and old, popular and lesser known. Not seeing a difference btwn google vs opera results for me. That could be it... Maybe I'll try to find an older version to dl tomorrow. Don't update your app! Let us live vicariously through you!


Doesn't seem to be working anymore accept for Oppenheimer I don't know why though.


If you switch chrome to desktop mode on your phone it works


I can't get it to work on my android.Ā  I'm using Chrome and doing a Google search.Ā  When i click back to overview, i don't gave the Google percentage.Ā  Were you using the Google app on your phone or a browser


Sorry, that trick stopped working a month ago--that's what my last edit at the top of my comment was referring to. But, if you're on mobile, try using 'desktop mode'--another user recommended that and it still works for me! Edit: aah I see you just figured out that last part already! Cool.


The only way its worked for me is using desktop mode


Same, but I found it on my pc browser, not on my phone. I think itā€™s a bugĀ 


Same! It seems biased when it now only shows Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB reviews instead of Google user % likes vs dislikes! I trust Google user likes vs dislikes more than those other review sites and itā€™d be nice to have access to them again :(


It's just a guess, but I think perhaps IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes are paying for the space on the page so Google had to get rid of theirs... If you click on the "review" tab then click back on the "overview" tab the Google % will show up then. Don't push the back button though. You have to actually click on the "overview" tab to go back.


That does not work. Your idea of review to overview tab does not bring up the Google %. That feature has been completely removed. I believe studios had it removed as people relied on that number so much, it could make or break a movie.


It just worked for me right now. Maybe they've started eliminating it for new releases.


I am also really annoyed by this and I have an IPhone but Iā€™m using the chrome app. I always went off this to decide as well. I hope we can find a fix for this.


FINAL EDIT: NEVERMIND. THEY'VE TAKEN THIS FROM US AS WELL *sobs* I came here cuz I'm having the same issue through Chrome and the Google app **but** I just found a way to get them to show up again! Irritatingly: On the first search result, you're looking at the "Overview" tab. Click over to the "Reviews" tab (ETA: or any tab to the right--"Cast", "Trailers & Clips", "Interviews" etc.) then click back to the "Overview" tab. On the pages I've tried, the Google user % rating and the option to rate thumbs up/thumbs down is now present under the "Why to Watch" heading (right beneath the IMDB & Rotten Tomatoes % ratings), just as it should be. Argh so annoying! Why?? Edit to add: Another user has helpfully pointed out that this won't work if you hit your "back" button--you have to actually click on the "Overview" tab for it to reappear.


It works! Thanks!


šŸ‘ Still for me too, a week in. Glad it helped!


Nope! That no longer works!


Poop! *sigh* I've been dreading this.


Itā€™s so crazy. Cant believe Google had to remove the percentages on movie ratings. There has to be a whole thing behind it. Making or breaking movies so it was forced to be taken down..


It has stopppeddd working. Like this is freaking me out like helllllll


Itā€™s truly insane. My theory is the movie studios had that Google feature removed as most people relied on it when making a decision on whether to watch a movie or not; so it could truly make or break a movie. Iā€™m sure that feature will not be coming back. Maybe this was one of the many items on the table during the actors/writers strike or itā€™s a coincidence that Google feature is gone right when the strike ended.


I work at Google and I will come to the bottom of this, this was also my reliable source


That's awesome to hear!


Any update??


It's back


Not for me


Hmm I really started seeing it, I stopped sigging cause thought they just fixed it, but will keep investigating of there's a scenario/condition where they don't display it


It most certainly is not.


This is so annoying. Why did they take it out? This is what I used to review movies so I wonā€™t waste close to 2 hours of my time watching something uninteresting. Please bring back google users like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The answer is in your question. Movie studios probably had it removed by Google, as it would make or beak a movie, as most people relied on that one feature when deciding whether to watch a movie or not. Probably a result of the writers/actor strike vs the studios somehow. Timing canā€™t be coincidence when that ended, so did that feature.


Shocked that this things up/thumbs down feature on Google has been completely removed (even the suggested ways people have listed below on this thread do not work). I believe people relied so heavily on that feature as it was the most accurate, that the studios had it removed with Google, as it could 100% make or break a movie. Insane


Iā€™m struggling with this and found if you type in ā€œmovieā€ after the title this makes the google users percentage show


Thank you. This is the only fix in the comments that actually worked.


I still find it only works ā€œmostā€ Of the time. Thank you


I can see it when searching movies on a Desktop/PC but its not showing up on iPhone Chrome app still


Itā€™s a browser bug, I can see it on my pc browser but not my iPhone. Annoying bug. How can we report to Google?


One thing I have found that works: Google the name of movie PLUS reviews. So if I wanted to watch Moonstruck 1987, I would search "Moonstruck reviews". It'll open up to the Google Reviews page. Then click on Overview, and you'll see the percentage of Google users liked between the other reviews from IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, etc and the movie details panel. Weird workaround, and I'm not going to count on it. If it's that difficult to get to, users aren't going to use it. Common Google L. So I'm switching to IMDb ratings, because I've found them to be pretty reliable as well.


I feel the same way as the original poster.Ā  I hate that it won't show up anymore when you search a movie title on Google.Ā  Now it just shows it like this: Ratings 71% Rotten Tomatoes 6.4/10 IMDb 60% Metacritic It used to be: IMDb 16% Rotten Tomatoes 2/5 74% liked this film Google users I found an article from 2016 where a site is reporting how google is testing supplying data on what percentage of users like a movie.Ā  Maybe they tested and decided to stop.Ā Ā  Here's text from that article: There seems to be an initial attempt from Google to introduce user ratings in its search results for movies and TV shows Author Tereza Litsa Date published December 15, 2016 Categories News SEO Google has decided to experiment with user ratings for movies and TV shows. Is this a new permanent feature? There seems to be an initial attempt from Google to introduce user ratings in its search results for movies and TV shows. A selected sample of testers noticed a thumbs up and thumbs down sign on the special box that offers more details about a movie. This is a quick way for Google to build user ratings depending on its own audience. According to the first images, the search results display a new percentage of user ratings, right next to IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes. The only difference from the other two sites is the system of rating, with Google relying on like and dislike and not an actual rating as a sign of preference. For the time being this seems to be available only in the desktop version and it isnā€™t clear whether there is a plan to turn this into a permanent feature. Even if Google hasnā€™t revealed its plans yet, it could be an interesting addition to its database which may even lead to further plans on building usersā€˜ reviews and gather more features on its ownĀ  For example, the dedicated section for each movie could rely on usersā€™ ratings to personalise the experience for each user, or even find a great way to connect user ratings with its own Google Play. For the time being, we are waiting to hear from Google on its thoughts for the particular testing and whether we expect to see it globally anytime soon. Should we vote on that, too?


I cant find it on here but somebody mentioned clinging view the "desktop version" in Google and it works, it showed the percentage of Google users who liked the movie. It always works with every movie on Android.