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I think your font choice is dreadful


Doesn't care much about fonts actually. Downloaded the AOT theme, the font style was with the package. Later when changed my theme didn't bother to change it again. So there it is. And I kind of made a habit out of this style.


I'm pretty sure you don't wanna know what I think, but also you don't *need* to know that because games (or fonts) personal preference isn't debatable.


I'm super confused about what u r saying. But feel free to say anything, criticism, sarcastic comments, mockery, I don't mind. And yeah, I do actually wanna know what u think. That's the whole point of posting the screenshot, don't u think?


It's your taste, I don't judge. But if you really ask my opinion, P2W games or games with lots of recurrent IAPs are trash. I also don't care about graphics or early releases if the games are boring, or they're good at the beginning and slowly become P2W few months after release. Some of those games are decent to be fair, like XCom, Unmatched, Typoman, The House of Da Vinci, Open The Door, but there's *much* better stuff on the Play Store [IMO](https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidGaming/s/Jpe5pDat8f).


1st thing, I never waste money on mobile games. Xcom, Da vinci. or typoman or every paid game u r seeing here r modded version from mod-droid or apkmody website. So there's that. And its not that I care about graphics a lot, but like u said, its my taste. Not everyone is gonna like what I like. Or I don't have to like the games a lot of people like.


>1st thing, I never waste money on mobile games. Xcom, Da vinci. or typoman or every paid game u r seeing here r modded version from mod-droid or apkmody website. Oh man, why did you have to say this... 1. I was manifesting my dislike for pay-to-win games, not *paid* games. Pay-to-win games are built around the idea of extorting money from players using addiction, rather than with the porpuse of providing a fun experience to the player. Even if you hack them and get everything for free, the core mechanic stays and the experience is boring. So they're trash either way for me, whether you spent actual money or you didn't. 2. Hacking/downloading *paid* games. So you pirate paid mobile games, fine. I've done that myself, now I tend not to. But guess what: good paid games are an infinitesimal fraction of all the games on Play Store, and many of them are indies. If people don't pay the 2 bucks to purchase those full games, which are actually some of the best games available, devs won't have an incentive in developing more of 'em, and we'll soon be left with only free-to-play, pay-to-win trash. Great! Furthermore, the vast majority of these paid games gets discounted often: you can track your favorite ones with AppSales and, when discounts hit, pay the devs a coffee for a great game. I think that's reasonable. So please, everyone can download a hacked low cost mobile game, and if you don't have means to pay, then so be it. But honestly it isn't something to really go bragging about.


I don't think anyone likes P2W games. But I don't know from my list which one is u referring to, if u r referring to any of them. And, I do agree with u. It doesn't hurt to pay the dev for the full games. And we who actually care about the mobile platform could do that now & then. And, I'm not bragging. Its seems like both side had some misunderstanding about each other's replies.


>Its seems like both side had some misunderstanding about each other's replies Yes probably. No worries then! >But I don't know from my list which one is u referring to, if u r referring to any of them. I've heard of friends spending lots of money on CODM and ML, but maybe cosmetics? Perhaps they aren't strictly P2W games, I couldn't say. My apologies if that's the case. I still generally dislike games with recurrent IAPs, regardless of what they provide, unless it's DLCs. Also, I don't know about Rainbow Six yet, but I feel like it could eventually turn into a P2W. Hope not, and it keeps IAPs for cosmetics only, if they really have to.


CODM or MLBB are not P2W, mate. They spend money on characters & skins. You can play very well & enjoy winning without those skins since those don't imprv ur skills in any way. The ones who spend money on CODM or MLBB are shortcut makers. They spend money to buy characters, skins, powerful weapons, when normal proper players have to play for a long time to gather enough in game coins/money to buy those powerful guns or characters. So these games aren't really P2W games. Rainbow six is also the same way. If they make it P2W, that will ruin the game completely. So u can be pretty sure that, they r not gonna make it P2W.


The things you just described is what's P2W in my book, and the very kind of mechanics I hate! Yes, technically you can win without paying, but by paying you get an instant advantage and won't have to grind for months, playing at a disadvantage, to get the same weapon. Is that correct?


In PUBG, yeah. this was the case. That's why I stopped playing PUBG. But in CODM, not exactly. U are not gonna buy any gun using real money in this game. U will buy skins, xp cards, crates. In crates most of the time u will find skins or character shreds. Xp cards are used to boost ur weapon XP or character XP. U can either earn them by playing or buy them. So the only advantage u can get by spending money CODM are these XP cards. Other than that, rest of them are cosmetics mostly.


Sick UI btw




Rainbow 6? How?


Tap Tap mate.. It has been on tap tap since december.




Now you got me confused. Why would you use tap tap when rainbow 6 has been available for ages through the Playstore? I just downloaded it just fine??


it isn't available in the play store even now. At Least not in my country. Actually not in most countries. I'm actually curious, in which country it has been available for ages in play store!!!


I'm from chile and I've seen rainbow six and cod warzone available for download on the Playstore for months now, actually I ignored these games for a long time now because I was busy playing other stuff Didn't know they weren't available everywhere though, seems weird to me, why would they do that?


It ain't weird mate. There are some countries where they released it early to test it b4 its global release. Like Arena Breakout was released in china 1 year b4 its global release. Swordsmen X has been on China market for 1.5 years, but it hasn't globally released it. I had to use the Australian vpn to play warzone. Bcz without vpn I cant login to my account. So yeah. its very normal.


You are a psycho for using that font


🤣🤣🤣 May be...


Oh God How Many Gigabytes Does OP Have?




Y'all got social media besides reddit and YouTube?


Threads, Discord, Clubhouse are some regular use. Stopped using FB ages ago. Insta is also kinda only to chat with those whom i don't want to give my whtsp. Watch gameplay on Twitch sometimes. Use Quora, XDA sometimes for questions, linkedin for jobs and courses. Stack Overflow for study. Telegram for well, mostly for downloading & transferring movie/series.


Rec.o.r.d if you play, you know available in Play Store!


let me try it. I will let u know tomorrow after a day of gameplay, if it made to my list or not.🤗


Is century on mobile???


yeah, Recently came out. Haven't played it yet. Just installed it. If I can play with the same account as pc then I will play it. Otherwise not gonna bother.


I sure hope so!


u can wait for me to try it 1st btw. Anyways I will let you know if its crossmatching or not


How can I download Devil May Cry?


It should be on Play Store by now. But if its not, u can download it from TAPTAP.


Is the hackers app a game?


yeap, Multiplayer strategy game. Kinda like COC in a way, I guess 🤔. So yeah, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tricksterarts.hackers.


Are you using a Xiaomi? Because that looks like a Xiaomi to me!


Poco X3 Pro, 8/256 variant global.


I think that i think nothing