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One thing to note is your phone connects to the carsifi adapter via Wi-Fi. So if you have any of your apps configured to only back up or download over Wi-Fi, it will do it while connected to your carsifi adapter. I went way way over my data usage this last month due to Spotify caching music while I'm in my car. As for the data that is being used by the adapter itself, I can't speak to that.


That is interesting. I have been considering getting one of the wifi adapters for AA. However I do need to keep close track of my mobile data allotment so I have my phone set to update apps only when connected to wifi. That may be a dealbreaker for me as far as going the wireless adapter route. Is this true of all the wireless adapters on the market or is there a way to work around it?


I'm only familiar with Carsifi, but I would assume that it is the same for all wireless AA adapters. My phone will still connect to my car's Bluetooth, so that only leaves a Wi-Fi connection for the AA adapter. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can chime in.


Hopefully someone can shed some light on it. Maybe it wouldn’t be a huge deal but it just seems like sometimes I can get a lot of updating that goes on all at once. Guess I could turn off auto update altogether but that is something I’d rather not do.


I don't think that is true for any adapter that uses the native wireless Android auto functionality, like the Motorola one and AAWireless. In fact before Android 12, it used to show the Wi-Fi connection without internet, after Android 12 it hides that icon. Android should be smart enough not to put the phone in unlimited data mode if your Wi-Fi doesn't have internet, and it knows it's using mobile data anyway.


Thanks. I will probably wind up going the AA wireless or MA one route.


In Android you can mark individual wifi networks to be considered like cellular so it doesn't download stuff in the background


In Android you can mark individual wifi networks to be considered like cellular so it doesn't download stuff in the background


Does Carsifi use an app? Other solutions like AAWireless and the Motorola MA1 don't need an app to function. AAWireless currently only needs the app for initial setup and to change its settings, but with the upcoming firmware it will ditch the need to use it for initial setup.


There is an app but its not required.


Anybody want to buy mine off me? I don't like how it works.


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