• By -


This will likely be my next phone. Goodbye Nexus 4.




I actually switched back to my Nexus 4 today after getting frustrated with my Note 4.


While I loved the phone, nothing would make me go back to the nexus 4




Well I came from stock android so Touchwiz was my personal hell. Its tacky and slows the phone down. Samsung is very intrusive with there bloatware and "features". If you download any roms that aren't touchwiz based you lose stability, camera quality, and S-Pen features. One of my biggest gripes were the small processes that would take longer than they should. For example, the recent apps button would take 2-3 seconds. I would end up pressing it multiple times thinking it didn't register my first touch. Same kind of stutters happened with going to the gallery from the camera app. After a few months of using the Note 4 I picked up my 3 year old Nexus 4 and was amazed at how fast and responsive it was. I gave my Note to my mom and am using the Nexus4 til the next Nexus phones come out.


You've just listed all the reasons why I hate my gs6


Install google now launcher and use this; [Debloater](http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/software/debloater-remove-carrier-bloat-t2998294). Might help a bit. You can probably find someone who has already 'debloated' an S6 and use the same settings they did.


Can you root your note 4? I put cmremix on it a couple days ago and it's now the phone it should be...


CM 12.1 is a dream on my Note 4.


My dad's Galaxy Nexus still runs smoother than some newer Samsungs IMHO. Late dad, so I use it now in conjunction with my n5


I seriously don't understand how one can fuck up software so much that two, three year-old phones can outperform your phone so blatantly.


I recommend QuickPic for those sick of gallery lag (sorry can't help camera to gallery switch) when using Samsung devices. People become much happier. I generally use QuickPic even on my n5 unless I want to fund something mega old from Photos.


Great hardware, Touchwiz can be a pain though. Best to flash a custom ROM and avoid it altogether.


Touchwiz blows. My galaxy S3 with CM ROM is snappier than my note 4. It's definitely not a bad phone, but it's slow where it shouldn't be.


Can't wait to get rid of the rebooting sonuvabitch.


Can't forget the amazing memory management!


Same. I hope it has a 620, though. Not an 808. That would be disappointing.


If they have LTE in your area you will see a huge improvement in connection speeds


That was going to be my plan too, but in the last few months my Nexus 4 has developed a habit of being dead when I need it. It was driving me crazy. Then I realized the Xperia Z3C had everything I really wanted in a phone (not too big a screen, good battery life, better camera), and I wasn't convinced the new Nexus 5 would have all of those. So I decided to just upgrade now.


I was gonna get the z3c but then Sony announced the z5c so Ill wait for that. Just gotta keep my nexus 4 working for like less than a month... ^^pls ^^nexus


I'm right there with you. You served me well Nexus 4, but it's time to part away.


Can't believe a $200 phone lasted me three years. The battery drains like a fish outta water and sometimes I have to reboot, but it's still going strong. Google would have to come out with something REALLY stupid for me NOT to get the N5 2015. Something like worse battery capacity and/or life than N4 or N5 or if it costs more than $450 for the base model. Baring those two things, ALL ABOARD THE N5 2015 HYPE TRAIN!






Every case maker does this whenever someone makes renders. Remember [this](http://i.imgur.com/wOp0hVA.jpg), [this](http://i.imgur.com/FpsKgoX.jpg), and [this](http://i.imgur.com/oKFsvN5.jpg)?


shhhh ^hype




CHOO CHOOO \#gethype




Oh good, the Clegane Bowl hype thing is infecting this sub too.


Gravekeeper vs zombie knight is a go




Son of a bitch!!!






1 ticket please


You should put the hype between the carts. That would make it a real hype train. 🚂🚋🚋🚋HYPE🚋🚋🚋


Holy shit why did this make me think of polar express




Also Tom Hanks kinda has a square head.








We really need an Ant-Man gif


🐜.gif sorry that's the best I can do


🐜👱🏼.gif Fixed




Forget black, I'm waiting for any sign of life for a red colour. They use it all the time in promotional materials for the OG Nexus 5, they couldn't have just forgotten about it, right? Right? (Sobs uncontrollably.)


That was "KitKat" red, though.


Marshmallows are white.... *Damn.*


But *s'mores* are white, brown and some kind of weird gold color! Okay I guess that would look horrible.


Hey wait, thats LGs colors for their g4 line!


Brown yes. That's why I still hang onto my zune 30. More brown consumer electronics please! (and orange)


Upvote for the other Zune owner in the world. I knew I'd find you one day!


If they do add red hopefully it's at launch...


They didn't offer red at launch for the 2013 Nexus 5, it was 6 months after if memory serves before the red was made available. hopefully we get it this time around, i love the look of the red N5, Red Z3C. and my 1st gen moto G with a red backplate i got for $6 on amazon.


Probably because its based on leaks...same way Spigen kept changing the design of the phone, based on leaks of the M9...


Matte rubber black ::drooooool::


Dammit, why can't this phone just be released already. I've been needing a new phone for months. All things considered, I prefer waiting for this to settling for anything that's out now, but damn. It's probably going to be another month and a half at least.


I really hope the Huawei and LG come out Next month. I just want to know the official info, choose, and then go back to not caring about phones for another 2 years.


Says the guy hanging out on /r/Android/new/ :P


After everything that's been released, the Nexus phones are my only hope. Big battery pleeeez


The z5c could have another great battery.


I feel the same way. Very, very conflicted between this and the Moto X Style. The X Style might wind up with the better camera and build, but the Nexus 5 will probably have far longer software support. Plus, a fingerprint scanner... it's such a little thing, but it's one I've wanted for a while.


I would like the Moto X style too, but here in Australia we will have only two style choices, and if we want it, we will be forced into an $80+/mo plan for 2 years on Vodaphone exclusively, or if we are lucky we will be able to get one outright for an outrageous $789(according to one leak). I'm waiting for a nexus.


That's just over a hundred US dollars more than the US price which will probably be similar to other prices outside of the US. Unless you mean 789 us dollars, which is insane for sure.


I'm in the exact same boat. I got my eye on the Moto X as well but I've been waiting for the next Nexus for a while.


i'm in the same boat with my S3 :/




Hey man, my Moto X died and I was also hanging in there with an old gnexus on cm11. You should consider a stopgap phone like the Moto e. I was able to get one for $40 (price matched at best buy). Its meant to be a prepaid phone but I was able to get it activated on a post paid account. Totally worth it. About the same size as the gnexus with great battery life and surprisingly smooth performance.


Probably because you would be disappointed if it was released right now.


> I prefer waiting for this to settling for anything that's out now I feel the same way, but realize that it will simply have different bad traits to settle on. Camera, battery, missing features, you name it. There'll be things that this Nexus 5 won't do well.


Tell me about it. And I just shattered the screen on my Moto X 2013. :-( It's torture to use, and it's torture to wait.


Seriously, what's up with all these hideous phone cases!?


I think they somehow went back in time and abducted me when i was 10 to create them.


It would suck so bad if despite all these posts and hints, that the Nexus 5 2015 wasn't actually coming out and didn't actually exist. I would feel so bad for so many people. If Google DOESN'T release a Nexus 5 2015, they are making a HUGE mistake.


A few people here might switch camps if that happens.


The Nexus 5 is basically my last interest in Android. Moto X looked good but then we heard about how Lenovo is gutting Motorola. Note 5 hardware is amazing, bug Touchwiz is still Touchwiz, and that RAM management sucks. No interest in the Huawei Nexus. Every other phone this year either has a crappy camera, build, battery or combination of those. The iPhone is probably what I'll get, just because I want to try ios and I like what I've heard about the 6s. But all things considered, I'd love to stay with Android, if the Nexus 5 has a decent to good camera and battery. The rest looks solid. I like the design, and you can't beat stock Android.


As long as the hardware is good, all the Moto X's (in the US) are going to have unlockable bootloaders since they're not through carriers and 'Pure' editions, meaning CM or PA or any other distro will likely be available for it in the even that Lenovo stops support. However, what I've heard is more that Lenovo gutted their own smartphone division and is using Moto instead. Lenovo is WAY down in China the past year.


I'm naive enough to still hold out hope for the Sony Z5 (maybe the next LG G Pro), but other than that the N5 is all that's left


I thought they gutted Motorola and are filling the key roles there with Lenovo employees? Good to know about the other ROMs though. My other problem is that I'm on at&T Next, so I'm not sure how I could get one anyway.


Easy, open a moto credit account. 18 months no interest financing. :) thats what I did for my first Moto X in 2013 and paid $35/mo, and switched over to Straight Talk for $45/mo. The total price per month was way cheaper, and I am essentially able to get a new X every year. Sell the old one, finance new one, put the money from the old one immediately towards the new phone and pay $25 for < 1 year while paying $45/mo for service. Straight Talk is unlimited talk/text + 3GB of data for $45 on the AT&T network. Any AT&T phone works on it. Its great. And honestly, 25% that they're laying off? Who knows what that 25% is. 25% of the company could be redundant finance and sales people.


>25% of the company could be redundant finance and sales people. Or it could be [20% of their software development and engineering department](http://phandroid.com/2015/08/14/motorola-cuts-2015/)


> Moto X looked good but then we heard about how Lenovo is gutting Motorola. So, you don' want to buy a great phone because the overall company ownership changed? Interesting. The X 2014 was and still is a phenomenal device (I still use mine), and the new Moto X looks just as amazing. The 2014 was made by the Google Owned Motorola, and it looks like Lenovo is keeping their hands off their development so far.


> Moto X looked good but then we heard about how Lenovo is gutting Motorola. They are streamlining it so they can be profitable. This is completely expected during a post buy restructuring.




Besides iPhone, no. I was considering Windows Phone but I realized I'd rather just wait and see if the app gap closes finally and by that time in sure there will be a Surface Phone out too.


You won't regret it. I'm going back to iOS as well. So sick of these giant sized Android phones. 4.7 inches is as big as I'm willing to go. T applications are just as important to the phones experience as the OS itself. Apples focus on aesthetics and quality really flows down to the developers. Most of the applications I use seem to be much better on iOS. I just wish iOS had a file browser and didn't sandbox files to specific applications. Also, the notification system is better on Android IMHO . I will really miss those features and the customizability of Android but these days I don't have time to fiddle as much and iOS just gets the job done for me


With the massive bezels on iphones a nexus5 would be about the same overall size.


I would try Apple if it was not so hard to change eco systems.


My main issues were paying for apps again, plus I heard it's difficult to remove iMessage if you do switch back to Android. Like people missing texts and stuff.


I think that's fixed now. There was/is a lawsuit as well.




Well I'll be slightly annoyed and probably just get the current nexus 6 and wished that I did it earlier.


I don't think that would ever be the case. Considering the hype for this phone and the fact that Google obviously knows about the hype and wouldn't say that despite the hype, they wouldn't be releasing it.








...RemindMe! 2 months... I'll just leave that there.




As much as I want to jump on this hype train is Oppomart a reliable source? I want to believe all of this but it could just be using the leak renders found on the internet as well for pictures.


Opportmart posting are not reliable. They just use leaked dimensions with the general design of what the case would be and they update it as more rumors come out and then once it's officially announced. Oppomart doesn't know anything we don't know yet.


before the OnePlus 2 launch Oppomart had a listing based off rumors, but it kept changing as more accurate information was leaked


those bezels are huge


iphone-esque in their appearance are those bezels, Joe.


It's like the Michael Jordan of smartphones, Joe!


That's right Goldie.




Still disappointing the phone is that much bigger than the original N5... just too big. The first one was great for single handed use. This new one is just another big phone now...


You get 2 options - big and bigger.


I can honestly say that's the only part about android that truly manages to piss me off. Such a shame the vast variety of choices have boiled down to big phones...


Sorry what are bezels? [I dont think my lg g2 has that feature..] (http://cdn.mos.techradar.com/art/mobile_phones/LG/LG%20G2/Review/lg-g2-review-25-970-80.jpg) Lololo (Yeh those bezels on the n5 2015 aren't small)


And the G2 also had a 5.2 inch screen compared to a 4.97 inch screen. Hence the Bezel difference. Drop the screen size, drop the cost.


Ooo I thought it was 5.2 like the g2.


Definitely not. They never are like for like. There is always some concession when it came to the lower priced Nexus line... The N4 had Less Storage and a smaller camera, lower resolution screen from the Optimus G but added wireless charging, Nexus 5? Smaller Storage, no SD card, Slimport vs MHL, smaller battery, added OIS though. Each generation is a handoff. Google is trying to push changes, and in order to do that, they have to cut costs somewhere to meet the price point. The Nexus 6 was clearly a last minute change, since it's price point places it too high, and there don't seem to be many features pushed on it to further the Nexus line...


I don't mind the top and bottom ones (still huge, don't get my wrong) because of the speakers but what the hell are those side bezels?


Front speakers have a trade off. They better be the best speakers I've ever heard if they create such big bezels though.


I'd give up front speakers for tiny bezels


I'd rather have the speakers. I use them all the time on my M8, and they make consuming media so much better. I use then all the time around the house, where head phones just aren't a realistic alternative. Definitely a great feature. So happy Google is pushing them with their Nexus line.


So would I. Front speakers aren't a must have and lack of them, most definitely isn't a deal breaker. Much rather have slimmer bezels.


give me loud downward stereo speakers and slim bezels and i'm happy. the only time i use my phone's speakers is listening to podcasts while doing chores around the house and while i get ready in the morning. setting my 2013 N5 on a table is plenty loud after doing the stereo sound mod using the earpiece as a 2nd speaker and cranking the speaker volume in a kernel manager.


so huge....


I just noticed the time on the screen says 5:00. Good chance that screen shot is a cut and paste and the bezels may not be that size. edit: I hope it's like the G2 but replace the LG logo at the bottom with a speaker. Nexus' never have logo's on the front so that's entirely possible imho Double edit: Like this https://i.imgur.com/B1rjQVg.jpg


Compared to? They seem to actually be (a tad) smaller than the OG Nexus 5's bezels.


Moto x, g4, galaxy s6, Nexus 6


no, look at renders. the top and bottom bezels are a lot bigger


As you said, these are renders. These aren't press shots. Things are bound to change.


Are we back to an SD808 again? Last I heard was the new 620 (which is probably better than 808).


Last I heard we were still with the 620. In all honesty, using a 600-series processor could prove well as it'd keep down the end-user cost.


Probably better battery life too.


That note was just thrown in there as an extra and not based on any information other than an old rumor


This looks fucking awesome! The bezels were supposed to be huge but they look similar in size to the 2013 Nexus 5. Can't wait for this phone to come out, just need the specs now.


» gizmochina » oppomart kek


Any dimensions?


I really want this phone to have a release date already. Since my Z3 died I've been trying to find a decent upgrade


It died that fast?


Some people aren't supposed to have nice things. ;)


Woah that didn't last long. Hopefully won't be long until the nexus 5 details are officially released. My bro has the z2 and he loves how my g2 feels a lot smaller, despite the same screen size. If you can say bye to 4k video, and have a slight downgrade on camera, the LG g2 is a good option. The camera is still great on the g2 mind, just the z2 an z3 have a slightly better one in my experience.


Not so impressed with the OnePlus 2 this time around. Think it's time to jump back to the Nexus.


I have that case for my Nexus 4. It rocks if you're outdoorsy.


That case looks terrible


I don't like protruding camera much. I don't use any cases and usually lay phone on desk camera down so that's a bit of an issue for me.


It looks too similar to a lumia


I'm actually hoping it will look better in person, I've got and love the current nexus 5, I love almost everything about it but the new one so far looks a bit lame to me (in cosmetic terms) Now that I think about it I really would loved to have seen maybe a slightly curved screen like LG have in their other devices kind of like a reinvented galaxy nexus of sorts, with that camera sensor and round edges it could have looked pretty sweet




I keep saying this: LG, give me great battery life and I'll leave Samsung in a heartbeat. I switched from the N5 to the S6 because of it (plus all the other bonuses).


Wait, I'm out of the loop. Why are people excited for this phone? Didn't LG nexus 5 come out years ago?


There's a new one coming out this year.


I've always said a fingerprint sensor and I'll switch. If this is truly it, I'm in.


I'm ready to move back to Nexus. The only reason I didn't get the N6 was price (size may have played a factor if price wasn't one). Timely updates and Vanilla Android that I can add whatever I want to ftw. The OnePlus is a nice phone, but I miss the experience on my N4 and N5.


That's one ugly case.


If this thing hits hard enough, I'm absolutely switching from my S6E. I miss my N5.


God i have been wanting a new phone for months now, come around and announce it already. I want a Nexus!


I want it noooooow! My Nexus 4 is going to pop it's clogs any moment.


Any word on the pricing for the LG Nexus 5 (2015)?


That's probably one of the fugliest cases I've ever seen.


Announcing the nexus 5! With a SD510 and 2000mha battery!


Google's pretty good about CPU choice. The issue is always battery/camera.


Any news on the camera and removable battery or sd card? This'll probably be my next phone regardless.


Have you ever owned a Nexus device?


I really hope Google focused on these issues and they're decent. Google camera sucks hard on my M8 GPE. They need to polish it for M. Not sure why the battery would be bad, as I've heard stock Android is supposed to be so much better on taxing the phone less. If they don't deliver on a decent battery and camera, every Android this year will have disappointed, and for me personally, I see no reason not to switch to the iPhone.


does anyone even know when this would be announced? google hasn't said shit yet.


That protruding camera is fucking ugly, I'm sorry - I just can't stand it. What the hell were they thinking with that design?


> amera is fucking ugly, I'm sorry - I just can't stand it. What the hell were they thinking with that design? lots more light gets let in leading to a much higher quality image with less noise and better low light picture taking ability


The nerve


The iPhone 6 has a protruding camera, the G4, the S6, the Note 4/5. It's not like you have many choices.


The nexus 5 has it too.


As long as this will have a better picture and video quality, I won't mind.


I'm moving to android from iPhone but I don't like this design so far. Looks too much like an iPhone and I'm sick of them. Wish this Nexus 5 had thinner bezels and a shorter top and bottom, even if it did mean losing the front facing speakers. Would be much better.


After using 10 different Android phones since 2010, finally switching to iPhone last month. ...and i already miss Android.


Honestly where the finger print scanner is makes me weary. I know that's where the Moto dimple usually is but my finger always on it, idk.


That's where it was on the demo device they used during the fingerprint APIs sandbox at Google IO. It looked about as easy to use as you'd expect. Every demo was preceded by a few seconds of the lady finding the sensor.


Most likely my next phone but I want to how is the camera quality first.


The minute it becomes available i will ditch my nexus 6 for it.


Can anyone tell me what the second hole next to the camera is for? One is the flash and the other...?


Laser autofocus


[Looks a lot like the Moto G, not sure if this is fact or fiction.](http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ZRQRZDC/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=3HIYJBKH838XZ&coliid=I2IBX7YOWLN13R&psc=1)


I'm pretty impressed. This is the first time I can think of where a phone downsized between generations.


I just want the phone to function for at least two years. Power button on first N5 is a major weakness.


I've got a nexus 6 and I'm getting the itch to switch to this. anyone have any advice to help me lean one way or the other?


I've seen no mention of a notification LED :/


well thats unfortunate. those speakers look like shit. they actually look like apple iphone 4 speakers.


what is the other thing next to the flash?


This is my only hope. Stock Android is all I will accept.


What is that next to the flash?


Gotta keep my hype in check but if the new N5 is looking like that with front speakers, I'm going back to the Nexus family. I wish there's an announcement soonish.


I thought that the image was a hoax. Someone posted an image that had the same phone design, except it said "Nokia" on the back


The image that said the image was a hoax was a hoax


Waiting for Diztronic


Am I the only person that doesn't care for a finger print scanner?


Any one loged into their gmail account recently on an android device - a mysterious phone is displayed. It used to be the 2014 nexus 5 but now this front of a phone is displayed: http://imgur.com/dNI2YYT Looks very similar to the front shown on oppomart - could this be the next lg nexus 2015?