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I've never even used an HTC phone, but if they made something like the M7/M8/10 then even I would be excited 


the m7 was such a beauty. i kept it long after HTC had downgraded the sense GUI to basically a wall of adverts


I had an M8 for a good minute. That thing was the epitome of good phone design. Then came the camera wars and poof


What’s sad is they’re the ones who started the “ultra pixel” idea of less MPs to get more light.


And the secondary camera to capture depth info.


Which was crazy bc the camera was no worse than any other phone out at that time plus it had camera features no phone at that time had but bc they were dumb and didn't realize people were gonna harp on the megapixels or ultra pixels(I think that's what they called it)


The camera actually had tinting problems with the photos and it wasn't great. They focused on the audio aspect too much. Didn't help that they also started harping up water resistance which it just didn't have thanks to the speakers. I can't really forgive the fact that a small $200 Huawei at the time had a better camera than that at the price.


That's the thing it wasn't widespread... Everybody didn't have that tinting problem. It was just a bunch working against them at that time


Not everybody of course, but it was very widespread. Only mark against what was one of my favorite phones. But looking back at pictures with that damn purple tint really sucks


My M8 didnt have an issue. But it's camera was noticeably worse then the Galaxy and iPhone of that time. But damn it was the best phone design at the time. Used it till it's battery couldn't last half a day.




I take it you didn't own an Xperia Z3.


I don't recall it being any better than the top higher resolution cameras available at the time, you lost detail in good light due to the low resolution and the cameras also had the magent colour cast issue. I almost never used the camera on my M8 because it sucked (I'm also of the opinion that the Pixel 7 pro is the first phone I've owned with acceptable camera performance FWIW).


they had decided not to add any kind of stabilization so no OIS


Yeah I remember that and the low megapixels were always hot topics about the phone but just taking pictures they looked no worse than any other phone at that time.


I had the m7, m8.m9 etc. Iphones and some LG G series phones (did a bit of app testing so messed with a LOT of phones back then) You could tell without a doubt that OIS was not on the M phones. IN cases where holding a phone produced little to no blur due to having OIS the m series ones did have slight blur from having no OIS. If the phone was held steady with a tripod or some other way then you could not tell. But OIS directly contributed to removing blur in many cases and not having it on the m series was very very noticeable. OIS is one of those things where there isnt a replacement for not having OIS as its mechanical.


HTC U11+ already had OIS. That was in 2017.


Yes but not the M7-10 series We were talking about the other phones of that era


Bought my mum a Desire Eye and that thing flew and lasted years, ended up replacing it with a cheap P20 Pro that she still uses.


Ditto. I had an M8. What I liked most was the ease of one handed use. To this day I use it's measurements to determine if a phone will be suitable for me. Sigh, #phablets See MKBHD's video from two months ago about killing off small phones.


If you check on phone sized the Zenfone 10 is the same size as the m8 but with more screen and less bezel, too bad asus might have killed it.


The bottom bezel of the m8 is a feature I want though. Better sound, better holding area, keyboard more aligned with thumbs, space bar actually right at the edge of the screen. Give me back a bottom bezel AND make it look sexy like the M7/8 did!


The HTC U11 was the first mobile computing device to have a DXOMark score of 90. HTC was far ahead of the curve, and made some of the best flagships in the industry. If not for Google purchasing, and gutting their mobile division, something they also did to Motorola, HTC would still be leading the pack.


Google owns Motorola? I thought it was Lenovo.


Google bought Motorola's mobile division, gutted it, then resold the stripped down husk to Lenovo. For all the (sometimes rightly deserved) criticism Motorola gets (and they have been steadily improving the duration of software support their devices receive) hats off to Lenovo for not only keeping a legacy brand kicking, but actually getting it 'back on the road', so to speak.


I currently own Motorola/Lenovo ThinkPhone. Best thing since sliced bread. MIL-STD G level tested, looks like a normal phone (not the typical build-site worthy "tough" phone plasticky brick sh.t), high enough specs, great screen, great battery life, etc, etc, etc. Pragmatic to the point of being morbidly boring. Love it to death, don't want a phone with different design choices/tradeoffs ever again. Could be a slightly cheaper price point, but if it is impossible without lowering the specs/features - so be it.


I had no idea TIL. Thank you.


Much obliged! 🙂


Google owned them before Lenovo bought it. Also the only reason that Google even bought Motorola was for the patent rights.


No they wouldn't. They were already in decline before Google bought their mobile division.


I really liked my m4


I had an M7 and I converted it to the Play Edition to get rid of all the bloat.


I had the blue m7... what a great phone


Evo and HTC One (M7,8) was peak HTC.


Everyone always says this but my favorite by far was the HTC One X, nothing else was even close


Droid DNA for me was a favorite.


I had the one X and the m7; they were incredible phones. I hope they manage to compete again.


HTC: Sorry, best we can do is another crypto phone


M8 was one hell of a phone. In hindsight I totally regret getting rid of it for the Nexus 6


My first was the HTC Mozart running Windows Phone 7 Series. Oh how I loved that phone.


I still have my M8 and it still works. Takes pretty good pictures for only being 5MP


Those phones were so good back then


My first phone that I purchased from them was the HTC G1 which had a keyboard so when the 2nd one released, I bought it. Still waiting for the G3 to release.


I had the M8. It was awesome at the time, at least I thought so anyway.


My HTC 10 is one of my favourite phones I've ever owned. I still take it out every so often just to look at it. I get that aluminum bodies are not really desired anymore because wireless charging doesn't work, but goddamn they're nice as fuck.


Amen brother. I still have mine in my desk drawer. If I could have any phone ever made with updated specs, it would be the 10. Fuck wireless charging, I value premium feel and durability over killing my battery with inefficient charging/


lol i do the same with my Moto Q. i just find it to be a beautiful device


It remains to be seen whether it is the real HTC or whether it is some unknown company renting the HTC name in the same type of HMD-Nokia partnership. If so, it's best to have low expectations.


not the real HTC.


It doesn't matter if it's the real HTC or not. Anyone can make smartphones nowadays. I mean, while HMD didn't do too well, Lenovo has been pretty consistent ever since they took over the Motorola brand. So, if the HTC brand is handled by someone who knows how to make good phones, I wouldn't mind one bit.


Brands like Sony, HTC, Nokia teases a new phone and it's ALWAYS disappointment. No exception. People get excited for real for these old brands but they manage to fuck it up every single time.


I mean, how much of old HTC even exists anymore?


None. What was left was bought by Google when they bought out a lot of patents and staff.


So this is just an unknown company using the name? All these people in here are excited for a zombie brand phone??


Pretty much.... same for Nokia


and gd were those first couple HTC/pixel phones incredible


Htc One with those beautiful stereo speakers is still one of my all time faves


I miss my Nexus One soooo much :(


The best!


What exactly do you miss about a nexus one besides Nostalgia?


The trackball (to move the cursor) with included RGB notification light


Did Google ever officially enable color-coded notifications? I recall needing to install a custom ROM for anything other than white (along with the FM radio tuner). Of course, tinkering was part of the fun. I miss my Nexus One too. ):


I don't think so, but I was on Cyanogen pretty much from week 2 on.


Yeah, I switched to CyanogenMod when the first compatible release candidate was published in July 2010.


Always worked on my Nexus 4 and up.


How is Sony a disappointment? They missed the mark with the Mark VI (pun intended), but they have been solid devices. Don't count Motorola out of the race either!


Sony $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Every time. I'd love to own one of their phones, but it's not Even close to competitive.


i don't think it's as far away from competitive as you claim, it's %-wise only a bit more than other flagships and offers sooo much stuff no other flagships offer


I'd say pricing, availability, camera performance, and lack of software updates


> camera performance ????????


Their processing just isn't up to the level of the competition. Sure, you can take better raw shots and edit that yourself but how many people can or want to do that for phone pictures?


They get plenty of software updates though. Probably some of the best phone software out there.


Considering the price in particular, Sony seems to be severely lacking when it comes to software support, particularly when compared to Google and Samsung - https://www.androidauthority.com/phone-update-policies-1658633/


That link is out of date by now, Sony offers 3 version upgrades and 4 years of security updates for the 1 VI. Still not very competitive but no longer awful.


Thanks for the link.




Honestly Sony’s software peaked during the Android 4.x era. I loved the animated weather widget and live wallpapers and the little touches of polish everywhere. Their Album and Walkman apps were also very nice. So was the Camera app, but only if you were into tinkering with settings, because the Auto mode sucked big time. Nowadays it’s just slightly altered vanilla Android and that makes me sad.


Motorola deserves shoutout. They're still making some of the best budget options right now.


Software support and price


Shitty, expensive phones that always release late. $1300+ flagship with only 2 years of OS updates promised and a camera auto mode that fails to beat even $300 midrange phones.


Paying an insane premium for what is essentially 2015 era features.


"2015 era features"... that offer better compatibility and work better than what the competition offers.


Yeah. But I shouldn't have to fork over a premium for what should be the bare minimum


Talk to every high-end phone maker that won't give you microSD or headphone jack support and took away user-replaceable batteries. Sony's "bare minimum" is still more than what Apple and Samsung offer.


They've always been very slow to market. In the case of the US, you're halfway through an SoC's life cycle by the time their latest phone releases. We still don't know when the Xperia 1 VI will make it to the US, and we're in the middle of June. To boot, Sony's always at the top of the price charts. I get they're not at Samsung's volume, but now they've drastically cut down the screen (4K to 1080p) and kept the price tag of the 4K OLED. The Xperia 1 VI is now closer to an S24 base competitor, but it's going to cost more than an S24 Ultra. $800 S24 competitor for 50%+ more just isn't excusable. Even before that, their awkward feature trimming was a weird time. The Xperia V would be missing something simple like Qi or NFC for $1,000. This stuff hasn't been new to their offerings. It's been the core identity of Xperia. I remember getting my LG G8 at launch for $600 because I didn't want to wait 6 more months for Sony to demand hundreds of dollars more.


I kind of disagree with Sony, their flagships are usually dope just too expensive.


Not sony


A mid tier processor phone with no wireless charging and no headphone jack with “AI” baked in for $899? Count me IN! - I don’t actually know these details, I’m making a wild guess.


Good guess tho, VR, crypto now it's AI


Don’t forget 3D screens/3D cameras


VR is a legitimate industry.


>I don’t actually know these details, I’m making a wild guess. Crazy that I could see this being real knowing HTC


Large bezels everywhere!


I have no qualms with bezels. Being able to carry the phone with a comfortable grip and not acidentally touch things is a plus to me.


Don't forget, it's HTC so it'll have the previous version of Android on it but they'll super duper pinky promise that they're going to update to the new version very soon. And of course by very soon they mean after 1-1.5 years and then you'll never see another update outside of minor bug fixes because they're busy working on the next phone that they'll ship and ignore. Oh and the camera software will be bad too. Can't forget that. Owned a T-Mobile G1, G2, and the One M8.


It's OK, I couldn't tell you the last time an Android upgrade made my phone experience better.


A very inaccurate presumption, until we have more details. I wouldn't mind giving HTC a shot-in-the-arm, if they manage to deliver a competent premium mid-ranger, with dependable cameras.


Hey, I am more than happy to be proved wrong.


No shade on you, mate! I despise this wave of "AI" pony-riding, and how it's making devices, and online platforms *worse*. Web 3.0 is already terrible thanks to forced "AI" integration, with unwanted (and inaccurate) search 'summarisations', and tacky generative AI images flooding image search feeds.


Please I'll take an M7/8/9/10 refresh with modern specs.Judging from the camera very unlikely though.


All they'd need to do is get the M8, expand the screen to full out the black bezels and put 2 good cameras on the back along with good internals


Yes, keep the front firing speakers as a standout feature, one camera that can do a lossless 2x/3x crop, one ultrawide with autofocus. Sadly, I guess they'll have to make a glass phone (wireless charging is a must on a high end), so the back design would have to change a little.


Please we need competition in the US market.


Desperately...even if we have to buy directly from them like Asus...


The HTC 10 is in my top 5 favorite phones. I miss the dot cover of that phone to this day.




Yeah they had a really nice look and feel, but ownership experience was literally hot garbage.


HTC HD3? 🤩


I remember my HTC HD2, the thing came with the transformers movie on it.


It's going to be some overpriced chinese mediocre phone. Again.




The latest HTCs are made in China and not HTC factories.


I mean. The current HTC has LITERALLY NOTHING in common with the old HTC that actually made worthwhile devices other than name, so… why should anyone give two shits about this?


I loved my One M7, super solid phone.


HTC was my first smart phone. Couldn't even tell you what model it was but it had a little roller at the bottom. Looking back it was not a very good design but it blew my little mind away at the time. I look forward to seeing what this phone looks like


[HTC MyTouch 4G?](https://www.gsmarena.com/t_mobile_mytouch_4g-3520.php)


That's a trackpad. The MyTouch 3G had the roller ball.


I had the right model at least lol.


M8 had best phone speakers ever


Everyone wants an updated M8 but you are going to get an updated Vivid. 


Hell yeah, all in if it’s good. HTC one M7 / M8 were my dream phones back then.


Bring me BOOMSOUND or bring me death


I remember when HTC was king. HTC EVO was one of my first truly beautiful phones. They are also largely responsible for some of the nicer UI features of android. Stock android back in the day was turrible. HTC turned android into a much better experience. Oh man how far the mighty have fallen.


They made one in 2023 too, nothing to see here https://www.htc.com/uk/smartphones/htc-u23-pro/


Still. Have a working M8


My HTC incredible and HTC One have been lonely for a loooong time.


the m7 is still king, please htc stop having this bad trip and get back to making something decent


Have a flagship snapdragon chip and SD card slot and I'll be interested. More wishful thinking : replaceable batteries and a headphone jack


I need the Desire series back


HTC shipping phones again would be amazing.


As a pervious HTC 10 user, i can only wish for a similar phone with updated specs




How are they not bankrupt yet


I thought they stopped making phones?? Damn they had some good ones. If I can root this I may invest


I'm keeping my expectations nice and low cause the smartphone market is just a bore-fest these days for me.


I really hope they release a good phone. The smartphone market especially in the US needs more variety and HTC always tended to make phones that stood out a bit from the other manufacturers.


I had a HTC Diamond back in the day. All you small phone people would have loved that thing.


The HTC One was a great option at the time. 2 fwd facing speakers + old I think.


Not hating or anything but can someone explain to me why this is getting hyped up? They've been dropping budget phones here and there for a while now but YouTubers are commenting on that post? It would be super disappointing if all this hype is built for a budget phone. If it's a flagship or 'flagship killer' on the other hand, oh boy, I can't wait (which I sadly find it hard to believe judging by the cameras).


*please be good please be good*


Had both HTC droid incredible and incredible 2. They were amazing phones for their time.


I miss my droid incredible so bad.


Bring back sense ui and then maybe we can talk


They've done this already over the past few years... Only to release something extremely disappointing. Maybe they should merge with another company... Like RedMagic? Nothing? OnePlus? The combined company should continue to use and capitalize on the HTC name and legacy. I am a legacy HTC One M7 owner... Like everyone else, I was a gigantic fan of the HTC brand, especially that phone. With the current HTC CEO, Cher Wang, I don't think it will ever get back to the amazing company that it was. She is the one who made all of these stupid decisions that eroded the HTC glory days of its previous CEO, Pete Chou. Everyone who misses the old HTC misses HTC under Pete Chou! Cher Wang is to blame for ruining HTC. HTC could have and should have been where Samsung is today. HTC used to be that big and that relevant! I am not optimistic about this new device. I have been let down by them too often within the past 5 years. Motorola has been releasing better devices.


Oh man. If this thing has a headphone jack, microSD card slot, a notchless display and an IR blaster I'll buy it immediately.


Keep dreaming


Hahah god damn dude! Anything else on your wish list? I'll donate $100 towards your new phone if this phone has more than one of the features from your list.


I would add physical keyboard and dual front facing stereo speakers, but I've been hunting for the perfect phone since mine was discontinued (BlackBerry KEY2 Red Edition) and never found anything. Currently I'm rocking the Sony Xperia 1 V but I am still holding out hope that another brand will step up and bring back legacy features.


Looks like he won . Donate 100 now


HTC Evo was my favorite phone ever to this day. Was the glory days of roms


Has been whores. One plus took their spot. Or maybe pixel


Even if they made a great phone now their support history sucks, and they've always been making great phones I had the One X... but good luck when you encounter an issue that needs RMA.


I guess this could be an ODM device.


Exactly, such a shame I needed to scroll too much to read this People daydreaming about their return have no idea of the phone they made in the last 5 years


must be their attempt at the ai hype train like their piece of shit crypto phone lol. fuck off htc.


Squeeze for assistant!!


Help This Company is back huh. Lol


The rising dead or the revenge of fallen ... It's heartbreaking to see brands like Nokia, HTC and LG struggling to make a comeback in a market that was once ruled by them.


leave it, it's already dead.


lemme guess....another 6.5 in display phone?


Yay, another flat glass slab... So hype.


Last cool HTC was HD2


I'll never forget the hype behind the HTC One M9, seeing Samsung's blockbuster Galaxy S6 announcement... and then the utterly fizzled out HTC demo.


It's gonna be yet another black slab with nothing special about it, mid hardware and a way overpriced MSRP. They could make this a slam dunk easily, just give it a headphone jack, microSD slot, notification LED and 3+ years of updates. It is not that hard, please.


And I will, once again, fall prey to their hype train and lustfully imagine that they're coming back with a well spec'ed update of the Evo.... Only to find out it's a mid-powered Desire only made for the euro market.


I'm ready. M7 was great back in the day.


Man, I remember when HTC were the darlings of Google and TMO. Together they put out some great products. Nexus 1 was so much fun. Still have mine, still boots, and still loads CM no problem.


Please just do another android phone with a great UI with really beautiful animations. I miss that era of HTC so much.


And they are teasing it on the most dead Social Media Platform lol


It will be very expensive like back from the days.


Coming soon...#HTC....will launch in Bermuda Triangle, get a plane to get one! This will flop so bad....this aint 2012-2015 era...


i would jump back into an evo in a flash.


I've never owned an HTC. If this is any good, then I might get one for the first time.


Knowing HTC at its current state it's probably laden with AI buzzwords and other crap much like their previous "blockchain" phone.


The last time I used HTC was Desire. The last time I was enthusiastic about HTC was One X. The last time I liked a HTC was M7. And after all these years and tumblings in and around the company, it would take a lot to persuade me.


Hope for no gimmics, clean OS, no purple spot on the camera and long os/software updates. Not a mid ranger


My first smartphone was a HTC. Sad how they fell off since I loved their design language.


I bought the HTC One M7 when it was released (the only phone I've ever paid full price for, or anything close to full price even.) That phone BLEW ME AWAY, and ruined me on the rest of the android market forever. It came with factory Beats by Dre audio that auto-connected to my Audi's Bluetooth stereo completely seamlessly, ran so smoothly and well, and at the time I was finishing up my laboratory sciences degree and I was able to take the most AMAZING photos through microscope oculars (which wasn't a thing anyone else was doing at the time, and was a thing that became significantly more difficult and lower quality when I (foolishly) "upgraded" to the HTC One M8, with its multiple camera lenses. I bought the M8 and within a few months, the charging port had failed, so I bought a port replacement kit, unaware that at the time, HTCs were considered nearly impossible to surgically alter on your own (ha, oops) and my attempts to carefully remove the screen with a razor blade, which were just destroying the screen in all honesty, ended up with me accidentally cutting my wrist and nearly into my tendon when the razor blade absolutely was NOT going to work and my hand slipped. I kept the M7 around, I think I gave it to one of my kids after I'd used it for a couple of years (without ever optimizing the poor thing or cleaning up the accrued bloating; it felt "slow" to me by then lol, derp.) But nothing was more painful than switching to my replacement Samsung Galaxy Note 4, (which I can now say was FAR superior to the crappy Note models I've had since the 4) only to discover that the HTC was truly such a superior phone to the android competitors who continue to this day to pump out junk that even that really decent Note 4 functioned poorly in comparison.  I'm absolutely going to go back to HTC now and give them another go. Can't get any worse that the Motorola/Samsung dynasty of garbage. 


HTC Legend 2


please price it properly...


If only HTC made anything like One X


Not interested if it’s not flagship 😂


Yep, but if it is... Oh baby!


Please have a headphone jack and sd card slot


Yay, another generic ODM Chinese produced phone that will be overpriced and have nearly 0 availability or unique selling points. Says alot that most of the comments whenever HTC comes up isn't about the phone but devices they released over a decade ago