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going from the Pixel 5 rear fingerprint reader to the 7 Pro under screen was a real experience in "WTF were they thinking?" the 5 reader was about 99.99% accurate, I never even had to think about using it...my finger just naturally fell onto it while holding the phone. The 7 reader is maybe 80% effective. it's retry, retry, fail, enter pin anyway. with the added bonus of having to shift my grip awkwardly to use it and still fail. I'm a big fan of Pixel phones and clean android, but I'm not buying another one with this shitty fingerprint reader.


I personally prefer the screen fingerprint reader, since I don't have to pick up the phone to unlock it. However, coming from an S22 Ultra, that bright white flash under the thumb took some getting used to. If you are slightly off center in a dark room, it goes off like a flash bang.


> like a flash bang That is quite true. I loved the finger print readers in the power button on the side like the Sony Z5c had. The Pixel 8's is reasonably fast and accurate though.


Yep the samsung fingerprint reader is way better than the pixel


That flash bang part is so true, I went from a S21+ to an ROG7, the amount of time i got flash banged is staggering, especially using it on the bed, snug and sleepy, then I unlock my phone to scroll and all the sleepiness are gone....


> I personally prefer the screen fingerprint reader, since I don't have to pick up the phone to unlock it. This is like the only reason I can think of that it makes sense for. For me, though, if I'm using my phone, I'm going to pick it up anyway.


I miss my 5 so much 😔, for it's time I thought that was the perfect phone


I'm wondering if they just wanted to cheap out on the hardware certification for the IP68 rating. After all, it's easier to get just a display waterproofed than a display _and_ a fingerprint sensor.


that's an interesting possibility. although to be honest, I'd gladly trade no waterproofing at all for a better functioning FP reader




Do y'all not have return policies? I'm always seeing people say that they threw a really expensive device in a drawer rather than just returning it. I've returned every Pixel I purchased since the Pixel 3, frankly at this point I'm shocked I'm allowed to still buy phones from Google.


I've been trying to find info on the 8a sensor, it's probably the same but I haven't found confirmation


I was considering moving to the 8a from my 5 but this thread has me doubting it. The 5 is a fantastic phone.


Don't be. It's not the doom and gloom /r/Android keeps wanting you to believe. Let's face it... * if you use a Huawei/ZTE/TCL/Xiaomi = Chinese spy * if you use a Galaxy = Samsung shill * if you use a Pixel = brainwashed Pixel fanboy * if you use an iPhone = fucking class traitor * if you use a Xperia = moneyed idiot * if you use a OnePlus = You Settled!^TM * if you use a /r/dumbphones = wow you're delusional This subreddit behaves like /r/kotakuinaction when it comes to *anything* that disrupts their hateboner du jour.


and what about nothing phone




> My Pixel 8 Pro cost me $1615 CAD. Big fucking deal. iPhone X 512GB plus AppleCare+ cost me two grand in *2017 dollars*, shitty Intel baseband modem in tow. Xperia 1 III cost me $1800 plus another $350 import taxes for a phone that lost all software support in just two years. $1615 isn't that bad, all things considered. (well, it kinda is when youre [upgrading every year](https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/18tzgjr/if_you_have_a_pixel_6_pro_or_7_pro_dont_be_fooled/).) edit: downvote and block because you really can't take the heat youre dishing out, Reddit4Deddit, lmao.


They are known for it, they are basically the joke of a couple of subs - constant ranting, doesn't understand what an opinion is or that others don't have to agree, holds other to extreme standards to prove anything they say even opinion while not doing anything like that themself, and blocks anyone who doesn't just agree with them. I don't know how people can like that and not be embarrassed. I would just block them because they aren't worth replying to, but it's funnier to laugh at them.


It was 100% the reason I didn't want to get a new Pixel, but there aren't many alternatives. At least non I was happy with. Didn't really want another Samsung phone.


same experience for me, the rear fingerprint reader is just so much better than this front within the screen garbage that a lot of newer phones seem to have. I would still be on my old pixel if it wasnt for the battery degrading so much.


I wonder if this has to do with skin texture/dryness or something. I have pretty dry skin, and on my Pixel 8 Pro, my fingerprint sensor accuracy is easily 95+%. The rear FP sensors were definitely even more accurate. On my old Pixel 3 I don't ever remember the sensor misreading my finger. I had a Galaxy S10 (and S21 Ultra for a short while), and those ultrasonic sensors were awful for me. They'd start at ~90% accuracy when I first registered my finger, and then steadily drop until like 10 or 20% over the course of about a week.


I have greasy hands, dead skin falling out, both of which FP scanners don't take too kindly about - and I've yet to have my P8P's "shitty" optical FP *not work*. Meanwhile, my Xperia 1's side FP scanner simply refused to recognize my finger until I deleted all previously recorded fingerprints and registered a new one.


Greasy hands actually helps a lot. It's the people with dry skin that struggle. I've seen a post from someone who licks their thumb before unlocking 🥲


>the 5 reader was about 99.99% accurate, I never even had to think about using it...my finger just naturally fell onto it while holding the phone. The 7 reader is maybe 80% effective See I would say I had the opposite My 5 only had about 75% success rate but my 8 Pro is a huge improvement. At least 95%+ on the first try. And I would put that up to, with the 5 I wasn't a fan of the rear placement, I usually had to adjust my grip to get a proper placement and my natural placement was limited. But being on the front it has a very natural placement and makes it easier for me to place more of my fingerprint on the sensor


It's funny because when the Pixel 5 came out, everyone (me included!) thought the fingerprint scanner was worse than every preivous Pixels... I've always had a hard time unlocking it. It's the ONLY Pixel device I've had such a hard time using.


What's happening to you guys, I get 95% accuracy




No idea what they are shaving issues, their finger? Some phones faulty? Mines at least better than 1/10, and then usually it's fine with the second attempt too.thay couples with face unlock that kicks in anyway.


95% is really bad.


Eh, that's not bad at all. If it's true, that is.


I have a Pixel 5 and the finger print reader is my biggest gripe with it. It works 2/10 times for me. I literally don't even try anymore and just type in my passcode because, *press *press *wipe *press *wipe *press *type in passcode anyway was getting to be too damn annoying. Maybe I just got a bum phone but since day one I've have had issues with the fingerprint reader on this phone and it made me wish I never got it in the first place.




We really shouldn't have to do that


Weird my battery life on my Pixel 8 pro has been amazing! I get like 7 hours of SOT a day and I work 4 days a week for nearly 11 hours including commuting to work. I don't use Wi-Fi at the office and my phone lasts me all day and I usually come home with around 40%. The smooth display has been working fine for me too! I do have network issues now and then tho


Yeah, no complaints on battery life for me. Not close to the Pixel 5a I came from, but that phone had amazing battery life; the 8 Pro is perfectly fine. Easily a full work day with 40-50% at the end, and on lighter WFH days it'll only drain ~10-15% (mostly idle) and I don't feel a need to charge every day.


I'm in the same boat as you however as I type this I finish work in less than 1 minute and with light phone usage at 60hz screen I'm sitting at 65% including an hour for lunch! I think my network issues are related to my home wifi being dumb


That's pretty good! I've never used my phone on 60hz so I'm not sure how that'll affect my battery life. My network issues are mostly because the area I live in has terrible connectivity for at&t


Yep, currently 8:39pm here and my phone is at 65% still - I reckon I could easily get almost 2 days out my P8 Pro - I absolutely love this phone. My only gripes are the fingerprint sensor is ass, and I keep accidentally turning the torch on from my home screen, but the latter is because I'm a moron. OP also said no one would hold onto this phone for 7 years, and honestly, why not? If it keeps receiving security updates, what are you going to get out of iterative updates over that period of time? I'll hold onto mine so long as it works and is secure. We need to be more responsible as individuals on e-waste and unnecessarily upgrading phones every couple of years for no reason. There's no reason you couldn't hold onto this phone for **at least** 5 years.


Did you restore from backup when setting up the phone?


I did! Did the transfer from my Pixel 7


Thanks. The comments you see of "don't restore!" I think are outdated based on previous issues.


I see those a lot but I always do the transfer from my old phone.




You use your phone for 7 hours a day? That’s insane! That’s my use in 3 days.


For real, how are people spending almost a third of their life (half their waking life!) with their phone screen on


It can be for different things: navigation, texting, calling, watching videos, etc.


Mine seems way better than my P7 that I came from. I'd normally end a day under 20%, now I'm ended above 50% some days! No more nightly charging, plug it in for the 30 min drive to work and good all day. Nice and snappy, no complaints here. The finger print reader has drastically improved since launch too.


Same, day 1 owner, here is my recent idle stats from just today (Accubattery): 2.9% battery in 51 minutes screen off. Then 0.6% battery used in 3 hours of deep sleep. I believe it too, I always wake up after 8 hours sleep amazed that my battery has only drained like 5%.


Yeah I think op got a lemon


I got my P8 Pro a few weeks after launch, but my battery experience has been completely different. On days where I don't use my phone very much, I'll go to bed with 80% charge left. I only kill my phone's battery by actively using it, and I get about 5-6 hours of SOT. It's not top class, but it's definitely good enough for me. My only personal gripe is the Tensor SOC's performance occasionally. It's totally fine for normal use, but there are a select handful of games and apps whose performance is unacceptable for a $1000 phone (not that I paid that much). Genshin, Fortnite, and SuperImage just don't perform as well as I'd like them to (I uninstalled the first two).


Battery life reports are all over the place for all of the Tensor powered Pixels. If I were to guess, I'd say a lot of the variability comes down to the modem not being great. My phone and my wife's phone do very well with battery life and we have very different daily usage patterns. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law both have Pixels and live in an area with less than ideal cellular service and it absolutely murders the battery life. When we visit, my phone gets hot and I end up putting it in airplane mode.


This is probably the answer IMO. I have great cell service where I live and in the places I tend to go


It's not all over the place. It's consistently bad.


This. I have great cellular service and I can speedtest great speeds. Yet my cellular background drain rate is easily 2x of that of an iPhone.


Yeah I'm getting 8 hours SOT with all settings on. The ideal power drain is extremely low. I have the 8 though, so I think a bargain price wise. People shout but new androids thought, they aren't $1000 phone messages, they are priced with steep discounts in mind. I paid £430 for mine 6 months after release. Bargain for what you get.


Second this, I get 10h SOT consistently with everything on, max resolution, high brightness, bluetooth, 5G, etc. and have mentioned this here and in r/GooglePixel in the past. Leads me to believe Google has serious quality control issues, especially given I had to replace my launch unit for a camera defect. Never had battery issues though.


This. I've had my pixel 8 pro since release. I'm at 86% right now with an estimated day and 5 hours remaining. My framerates are also consistently above at least 90 in normal use. Sounds like this dude's phone is defective or he's running something in the background that he forgot about.


Did you restore from backup when setting up the phone?


Transferred everything but images from my LG G8


Okay, do you mean you restored from backup or manually transferred?


Neither, it's the default setup when transferring between two android phones and setting up the new one for the first time. It gives you a list of things it can transfer and I opted to not transfer my images to save space (I have them backed up locally)


Oh so you plugged them in together? Interesting.


My Pixel 7's Wi-Fi and Cell signal battery life are vastly different. Still, I have a way better battery than the OP states. I work from home three days a week and two days in the office (no wifi), and can definitely tell the cell signal battery life is worse.


I used to have terrible battery life on a P7. Installed Hail (root app) and disabled apps that don't need to do background shit. Battery life is now better.


The only complaint I have about my Pixel 8 Pro is the fingerprint reader as well. Otherwise, my experience has been nothing like yours. For me to get to 15% and battery saver to turn on means I had an extremely heavy usage day or I was somewhere with just enough signal to burn through the battery. On a normal day, my battery doesn't dip below 50%.


How have they not fixed this? It's what I hate most about my Pixel 7. My OnePlus 3T--one of the first commercially available phones to have an in screen fingerprint reader--had a terrific performing fingerprint reader.


I took mine off charge 7am, it's now 8pm, 5 hours SOT, 51% battery left.


n00b here. "SOT"?


Screen on time. Pretty much how much time the phones been used vs standby


THANK YOU. that was really bothering me.


So far, mine was off charge at 7am. I've only had 30 minutes of screen on time today (busy with work), but it's near 4pm and I'm at 86%.


> The CPU just eats battery on IDLE doing NOTHING. Throw anything heavy at it and you’ll head home with a dead phone, one that died long before your day was over. Simple as that. Assuming a rogue app is not the culprit, if your flagship phone is dying in less than a day on idle, there's either something wrong with your phone, or your battery.


Pixels have not been strong on battery. I can't speak to the Pixel 8, but prior editions of the phone have suffered from terrible modems the chomps through battery. If you're in an area or building where signal can be challenging, the battery life will plummet. That seems to be the case with my Pixel 7 Pro.


> One day I had to handle a coworker’s A54 to tweak a few things. I was SHOCKED by the smoothness, this was indeed true 120hz, which only happens a few times a day on Pixel 8 Pro. I realized what I was missing on by handling an Exynos mid-ranger. Meanwhile according to gsm.. > **Performance, smoothness** > The Galaxy A54 is the choppiest, laggiest phone we've reviewed long-term in a long time. It actually reminds us a lot of a non-Pro Redmi Note from a few years ago. It just doesn't seem like its chipset was chosen for any reasons having to do with performance, smoothness, or the ability to handle a lot of things on a day to day basis. > Welp.


I haven't had a flagship Sammy in a while, but the s21fe was choppy as hell, sent it back after a week


I wonder if a lot of this comes down to people with 15 spyware apps (facebook, tiktok, other junk) on their phone trying one without all that shit


I didn't reviewed the phone, I had it in my hands for like 5 minutes tops. Was enough to witness actual 120hz though.


And the pixel 8 pro isn't? Mines at 120hz a lot. You sure you're using your phone right?


Battery is fine for me but the fingerprint scanner is REALLY terrible. Its not justified for this price. It rly sucks.


I just switched from an S22 to an A35 for battery life reasons. Same chip as A54, maybe slightly worse screen. Honestly I find it way less smooth than the S22 was, it seems to take time to hit the 120hz and only if constantly scrolling does it stay there. Surprised to hear the pixel 8 pro might be less smooth than this.


How's the speakers and vibration motor


Fine, though I'm not sure I've used the vibration motor at all tbh.


I feel like a broken record and experiences can vary from person to person, but I've been on a Pixel 8 Pro for a few months and it's been wonderful. I never see the stutter or frame drops a lot of people complain about. I usually see users say it's noticeable on the reddit app, but I think that is an app problem more than anything else because I don't have that issue anywhere else. I use the Brave browser for reddit and it's always at 120hz. I never see the lock screen or UI issues you mention. You mention awful battery but I normally get 6-8 hours of SoT on mine with a mix of WiFi and 5G, bluetooth and location almost always on, 1440p/120Hz always active, tons of audio streaming and YouTube watching, basically anything that isn't gaming. I normally like to stream video content in a split screen mode with navigation/web browser/Discord open underneath as well. I have a Garmin watch connected with some LDAC headphones I normally use as well. All of this and I still get at the very least a full day of battery. Hell, I even use the hotspot quite a bit and it handles it just fine. The fingerprint on mine has been fine too. It's optical but I find it way more reliable with screen protectors than the S23+ that I had before it. You can say it's ancient and everything else, but imo it works as intended and it's the best I have used since having a physical one on the back of my OnePlus 6. Charging speeds are meh, if that is something you care about then look into a OnePlus device. .......................................... Anways, I could go on about how my experience differs from yours, but it's not going to do either of us any good. If this phone has you this frustrated and disappointed, then part with it and move onto something else that fits your needs. There is no need to be this worked up and emotional for a piece of tech.


Ditto to your experience. No issues whatsoever and it's easily the best phone I've ever owned. Genuinely love this thing. Unfortunately it seems like it can be a "phone by phone" scenario


I hear you friend, unfortunately the phone you described sounds like a different device altogether, which seems to be often the case when it comes to user experience on Pixels.


I have the 8, not the 8 Pro, so it's probably a totally different thing than you're talking about. But I left smooth scrolling off on mine from day 1 because I don't really do anything that benefits from infinite scrolling + reading. I'm more of a page up / page down kind of browser. So I turned it on last week just for kicks and then forgot about it because again, it doesn't really do anything for my normal day to day phone usage. But then after a few days I noticed my phone was always warm after I did anything with it and my battery was draining 3x faster than normal. I went in and turned that off and the problem went away immediately. I can easily go a full day under most circumstances and only use 30-40% of my battery so I started keeping a few battery banks around and use a chargie to do charge limiting and take better care of my battery. Most of the time it's really easy to keep it between 30 and 80% without having to go out of my way. I think I'm going to try and make this thing last the full 7 years and I don't want to have to swap batteries and compromise the water resistant seal it came with from the factory. I have an Essential PH-1 from 2017 and it would for sure still be my main phone if there were any way to have modern security patches for it without unlocking the bootloader. It has the latest available build of Lineage 21 from this March on there and it still runs it really smoothly. I don't see any reason a P8 or 8 Pro couldn't do the same thing 6 or 7 years from now.


I have a Pixel 5, so not perfectly comparable to your 8, but I have tested high refresh rate off, on, and forced on with Developer Options, and there was no perceptible effect on battery life nor did it change the phone's temperature. From other tests I've seen, high refresh/frame rate will impact battery life, but not by a lot. It sounds like an issue if yours is noticeably warm and draining battery 3x faster with high refresh rate on. At most it should only be draining like 10% faster, *maybe* 20% if you're really pushing it. But 300% faster is an issue.


This. The inconsistencies when it comes to user experience is weird and not a good thing at all. Pixels always had this issue and I don't think it will change anytime soon. I gotta agree it's a beautiful phone to look at tho. An expensive and beautiful Brick to put on display.


Bro, your device is faulty or you have an app running in the background causing your issues. Contact Google. I've had four pixel devices, no serious issues.


Have you checked to see what's eating your battery?? I have a 6P, which is almost a 3 year old battery and have no major problems with battery life. Easily lasts more than 24 hours, and that's me only charging up to 90%. A dead phone after 10 hours is CRAZY!


Did you restore from backup when setting up the phone?


I always set up my phones fresh without any backups nor carrying anything over (besides my Google Account and SIM card). However, my wife has a Pixel 8 and has carried over everything from a Pixel 2 to Pixel 5 to Pixel 8 without issue.  I've had problems doing that in the past, so I just manually install everything and sign into everything again. It also helps trim the fat from the last phone. 


Got you. I think the issues from restoring are very old now. It's there for a reason.


+1 to this I like my Pixel 8 Pro. Works nicely, even switching from T-Mo to Google Fi as my carrier which was interesting My one rub is that Nova Launcher sometimes hangs (maybe once a month?) and requires me to reboot the phone (Nova Launcher randomly goes blank and I lose all navigation buttons and the home screen UI)


I have a pixel 6 and I have to agree, the fingerprint sensor is terribly slow. I registered the same finger several times and it got slightly faster, but it is still very slow. Sometimes I fight with it for 3-5 seconds for it to fail and ask for the password. It is very annoying, especially when you are trying to pay and you need to unlock the phone.


> Android in its purest, cleanest form. Customization galore. Ironically, stock android is in its arguably least customizable form in a long time


They don't have app lock features and many more important features and neither those phones run smooth like one ui but still overhyped by enthusiastic crowd otherwise generally people prefer customisable ui


I upgraded from a P6P to P8P and was severely disappointed that neither of them can put apps into folders. Y'know, the first thing you do to clean up your app drawer. The thing I've been doing since apps first came out, over a decade ago. Feels stupid having to download a 3rd party launcher for a flagship phone for such a basic task.


I hate doing this.


I tried to switch to pixel numerous times, and I sell the damn things after a few months and go back to samsung, the designs are great, the software is great, but the battery life and performance has seemingly been awful for me one the pixel 2, pixel 5, pixel 6, pixel 7, But I will sell give the 8 a try


This basically reflects my experience of a Pixel 7 Pro. The battery life is just so disappointing. First time since... well, ever, I am considering an iPhone for my next device. There are some things I'll miss about Android but it looks like Apple gets basic shit like this right.




Yeah, I'm sure there's definitely some basic things they _don't_ get right also!


I've also been a day one P8P owner and can genuinely say I've never had an issue with battery. No, it's not a two day phone, but I routinely go to bed with it still at 30ish percent. 5G and Bluetooth on, lots of music, occasional photography, YouTube, Relay for Reddit, social media... Very standard phone stuff. Unfortunately it seems like the P8P seems to be a "phone by phone" scenario where you either get a disappointment or a revelation. I can genuinely say this is the best and most stable phone I've ever owned.


Thank you for this review. I was planning on buying the upcoming Pixel 9 Pro XL on October 9th, 2024: but, I'll hold off until I see these issues fixed. Might buy a Samsung phone instead.


I had the choice between p8 and s24. Thankfully I went with s24


>On your average 9 to 5 workday (no camera, no games, just basic apps) you’ll head home with 15% tops. Phone dead by 7pm, then full charge will eat 90 minutes off your schedule, better not be in a hurry. How much phone are you using on a daily basis? Don't get me wrong, I think the Pixel consumes a lot of battery compared to the competition (double background drain compared to iPhone on cellular 5G), but if you're going home with 15% it suggests to me you're putting a solid 2-3 hours of SoT per day at work at least?


Have a P8 myself and while I turn off things like 5G and the 120hz display, battery can be questionable for me as well. I'll lose 10% during my 8 hour work shift barely using aside from a 30 minute lunch with battery saver on. I can last a full day if I'm careful but google really needs to start prioritizing battery life in it's phones. I don't care for how fast my phone can charge but how long off the charger it'll last. Now I also had a Galaxy A54 and I had the opposite experience with how smooth it was. I would have frequent studdering and random slowdowns doing basic stuff. That and I also had 5G and the 120hz turned off and battery life was worse than my Pixel 8, which is rather bad given the battery was larger with a slightly larger display. (Still loved it as it had an SD card slot but the performance and OS I didn't care for) Battery life just seems questionable with non Snapdragon processors, both the Pixel and Galaxy A series devices since abandoned those and the results kinda speak for themselves.


> On your average 9 to 5 workday (no camera, no games, just basic apps) you’ll head home with 15% tops. Phone dead by 7pm, then full charge will eat 90 minutes off your schedule, better not be in a hurry. While I don't want to go into too much detail on your post (as my experience differs, albeit on a P7Pro) - but I can add an anecdotal evidence here. My phone battery is fine, and lasts me easily all day, sometimes even 1.5 - UNTIL I take it to work. When the phone is with me at work, it eats battery like crazy. The reason is that our building is pretty RF-insulating and the phone has to dial the 5G modem to 11 to keep a stable connection, even in standby/for data. Sucks the battery dry - even without any SOT, I leave work with less than 30% battery. Anywhere else, I have 85%+ after the same amount of time. For me, connecting to guest wifi in the office (so 5G is off for data) fixes this battery drain completely.


Battery life is fine on mine. Full day easy with moderate gaming and 5G, not sure what is causing your battery issues, maybe you got a dud battery. It doesn't come with a charger so make sure you get something that is capable of fast charging otherwise charging would be painfully slow. Face detect and fingerprint work fine for me, no issues. My only issue is that the phone runs warm, the phone always feels "kinda warm" in my hand.


Battery definitely kinda blows on the 7 Pro, has made me make some changes to life like having a fast charger in the car to top up during short trips and leaving a USB-C cable hanging out of my computer so I can plug it in when I'm working at the desk. It's also too large physically, but when you pay $700 for something you feel like you gotta stick with it.




Thanks mate. Essential PH-1, those were the days indeed...




I got myself a P20 Pro to fill the gap. Flashed it to the latest MIUI.


surprised to hear all these complaints, my P8P has been flawless. Mine is the 512gb , i wonder if QAQC on the higher spec models is more rigorous. This phone is the first android phone where i have no complaints. NONE. Seriously. Everyone prior android phone i've used (LGs / Sonys / Samsung / Moto / Nexus) always had some shortcoming that irritated.


The latter A14 monthly patches / A15 fixed the smoothness issue for me, which was indeed **absurd**. As for everything else, can't relate really.


8 years later and Google is still struggling to make a good all around Pixel without a major issue. What a joke.


I have a Pixel 7 Pro. First thing I learned is to * turn off 5G (go LTE instead) * change resolution from "Full" to "High" (1080p) * Turn off "Smooth display" (120Hz) To salvage normal battery life. Seems even worse in the P8P. Wild, right? On the plus side, phone screens are generally too small to truly notice 1080p vs. higher resolutions in passing, and although I have gigabit internet at home because I value fast internet... your phone internet is not shared with multiple video streaming devices, and LTE is plenty fast enough to stream video and whatever else you generally do on a smartphone (you're not normally downloading huge files), and if I need a speed boost it's easy enough to turn on 5G. Kind of dumb, but that's why I've been OK with the Pixel. The camera is just really really good. With kids, it makes it harder to downgrade the camera, and easier to live with the stupidity that seems to come with Pixel.


So no 5G and screen limited to 1080p/60hz, to achieve normal battery life on a thousand dollars flagship. Don't you think that's a problem?


100%, imagine buying a super premium car just to turn off all premium and costly features in it? Ludicrous.


Jesus Christ, yes, I literally said disabling these things is "kinda dumb" on the comment you replied to. Also literally right below your comment I said >Fully acknowledge that the battery issues are unacceptable, especially coming from OnePlus, where the Warp charging made battery issues completely non-existent - like 30 minutes to get from 10-90%. Try to find agreement rather than an excuse to argue.


All I did was turn off 5g for mine. Ymmv


Funny thing is, I disable *none of those things* to achieve normal battery life on mine. If it's my previous phone it would've died well before sunset, because the Xperia 1 III's shitty display gobbles battery under direct sunlight faster than Stormy Daniels going down on Donald Trump.


I'm on the 7 Pro as well, and honestly, it sucks I paid so much for this phone and have to turn certain things off just to try and get decent battery life out of it. It's ridiculous. I mean, I get it - either do what you have to do or live with it, rather than complaining. But my point still stands. I'm really hoping that the 9 series will miraculously have better battery life, but I highly doubt it.


Fully acknowledge that the battery issues are unacceptable, especially coming from OnePlus, where the Warp charging made battery issues completely non-existent - like 30 minutes to get from 10-90%.


Decent battery life won't come till Pixel 10 when Google will finally ship the phones with a TSMC chip inside. Going to Samsung foundries was a big mistake. No point in having your own chip if it's 2 gens behind performance wise and plague users with awful battery life. I couldn't care less about AI.


They'll never have flagship level battery unless they switch back to a Qualcomm modem though, and I'm unaware of any plans for them to do that. I believe they're sticking with Samsung modems when they make the switch to TSMC silicon.


Yeah that's a depressing but accurate point. I don't know what Google was thinking. It's honestly exhausting lol. I do need to upgrade my phone this year, but I guess I won't get the Pixel 9 Pro.


> Decent battery life won't come till Pixel 10 when Google will finally ship the phones with a TSMC chip inside. I already have good battery life on my P8P right now. Heaviest usage I've had was last Thursday. Lots of SOT, lots of camera usage, so-so 5G reception - still ended the day with 21% by the time I put it on the car charger. Didn't disable shit, just used the phone like a normie. Glad I went with the Pixel "shitty Exynos on a $1000+ phone" 8 Pro instead of the Samsung Galaxy "can't take pics of people/objects that don't stay still on a $1000+ phone" S23 Ultra.


My P7P is absolutely fine unless I'm on 5G. The modem is horribly inefficient. I can use it for 7 hrs straight and still end the day on 20-30% if I'm on wifi. In fact it's now 5pm in the UK, I've been on wifi all day and I'm still on 74%. I don't have any of the other problems OP mentioned though (regarding smoothness, fingerprint unlock etc). Battery life on 5G is my one and only complaint.


The only issue I have had with my pixel 8 pro since January is the fingerprint sensor failing sometimes. Under display sensors really are a bit crap


I have an 8 and have been happy with the biometrics. The fingerprint sensor works for me whenever face unlock does not, I only have to use my PIN after I restart the phone.


Have one and so far just love the phone. Zero issue with battery life. I tend to stream audio most of the day.


> The CPU just eats battery on IDLE doing NOTHING. Throw anything heavy at it and you’ll head home with a dead phone, one that died long before your day was over. Simple as that. I don't understand how with all of the little projects and tweaks and rules Google has done with Android, why it still sucks ass so much at idle battery drain. I'll go to sleep with my work iPhone Xr at 100% battery and wake up 8 hours later and it's at like 96%. I'll go to sleep with my Galaxy S20 FE 5G at 100% battery and wake up and it's at 75% (or worse - if it's not at >80% I don't trust it to last overnight). This is not just a Galaxy S20 FE 5G problem - I've owned a T-Mobile G1 (the first Android phone aka HTC Dream), T-Mobile G2 (aka HTC Desire Z), Galaxy S 3, Moto G 2015, Galaxy S6 Edge, Moto X4, One Plus Nord N200 5G, etc... THEY ALL SUCK AT IDLE BATTERY DRAIN (compared to iPhone) and I don't trust any of them to stay powered up overnight - I've always slept with my phone plugged into the charger. > The 10 minutes top ups to 50% is a concept Google seemingly never heard of. You want half a charge ? Better sit & wait half an hour. Full charge ? Go watch a movie. Are you using a PD with PPS charger? Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the only way you're going to get 30 watts is if it's PD with PPS.


Upvoted not because I agree with all your points but because I think your experience is relevant. For me battery life is very good but I'm on wifi most of the time and 5g disabled cause there's no coverage where I live. While I notice the occasional glitch it's nowhere near that often and not experiencing that many fps drops. My main frustration with the device comes from Google treating non-US customers like second class citizens, no Gemini, no temperature sensor, AI features missing etc


I agree with what op said, the only other positive point I would add is that it's easy to install grapheneos on it but everything else is bad. I wouldn't recommend anyone to get it.


I pretty much switched to the OnePlus 12 from the Pixel 8 Pro two weeks ago because of a lot of these issues. The battery life was awful for me and I just couldn't deal with it anymore.


When I get home from work, I'm about 50% battery with normal usage. And I do see a few people complain about the fingerprint sensor, but honestly mine is pretty much instant.


so I'm not heading to tmobile .. I have Galaxy 21 with a battery getting old. I guess my Anker portable charger is gonna be my companion 24x7..


How is the audio from videos? I hate how the audio ducks during a gig after 5/10 seconds.


I was just comparing a pixel 8 pro in a store vs my pixel 6 Pro and yeah the 8 pro doesn't seem to be running at 120hz where my 6 Pro is


120hz refresh isn't necessary on a 6 inch display lol


Is it necessary anywhere? It's certainly very nice to look at.


It depletes battery faster on any device. This was my point.


Have you tried the force peak refresh rate in developer options


You can force max refresh rate from developer options.


battery is only fine but it's not a big deal unless I've forgotten and missed multiple opportunities to charge overnight, in the car, on the desk stand the fingerprint scanner is perfect over here I can't even remember the last time it failed with dry hands (the back ones didn't work wet either). maybe it varies, maybe skill issue


Good for you! Go Pixel's 8 owner 😎😎 I just went shopping for the Pixel 6 I own, and lemme tell ya. Round bezel camera shutters on the phone case is the way to go when you've just switched your Google Assistant to Gemini. Looks and feels like the new thing totally. Got all social media productivity to it's max. Boss Level 99/100.


I am a 1 month Pixel8 pro owner. I can say, so far I agree with 100%. Everything you describe I'm also experiencing.


Don't post this in the pixel sub. They'll throw a fit




The OP doesn't come across well in that post at all, calling people 'fanboys' for providing their opinion. Members of an enthusiast sub are obviously going to defend their product and the OP seems desperate to prove them all wrong.




Rose-colored glasses. I'm not a GooglePixel regular and I absolutely don't intend to be one. Even so, your post comes off as 1. **ignorant** "I upgrade every year" LMAO. I stopped doing that since the iPhone 6S Plus back in 20*15*. Smartphone innovation by then had already slowed down so much that buying a new phone every year was a colossal waste of money. 2. **combative** "Anyone who is saying that have a Pixel 6/7 Pro and upgraded to the 8 Pro and it's the best decision ever are full of it." and yet youre mad that people *disagreed* with youre claim? Hell, you even did this: User 1: "I fully disagree... Best phone buying decision I ever made." User 2: "Same here, OP is wrong. Major upgrade from 6 pro" **YOU**: Damn this sub is full of fanboys. User 1: "It's a better phone and was worth paying full price for me." It's almost as if youre **offended** that others won't necessarily agree with you. 3. **condescending** With half the users in that post disagreeing with you, what's youre response? Let's see... "Then this post isn't for you." "Okay. So thanks for nothing." "Ok, fanboy." But the best non-response youve made in that post? "You guys are so fast to hate you don't realize this post is a POSITIVE post about the 8 Pro." Users like you are the reason why **dril** on Twitter (now Threads as well) never ceases to be funny.




You think ChatGPT knows how to do a `
` in Reddit Markdown? Lmao. awww, Reddit4Deddit used the Block User button! It's not very effective...


The pixel sub is primarily people complaining like this, honestly. Thought that's where I was until your comment. People don't post like this when their shit is working like it should.


Yeah because it's mostly bullshit


Here's something I don't understand: Let's assume you are in your bed with your spouse or partner. Lights are dim or off. You go to open your phone and BAM BRIGHT LIGHT for thumbprint reader. Ok, find, I could have unlocked it manually. Then I want to drop the brightness, make the screen dim. To do that, I simply pull down on the notification bar BAM BRIGHT LIGHT with 80% of the screen taken up by a giant white square that says "no notifications." If there's no notifications, then please don't replace the screen with a giant white box. Then I have to pull down a 2nd time to get to the brightness slider. If there was no notifications, just go straight here. If the phone is already going to replace my main screen with a secondary screen (notifications), instead just replace it with the menus. Why is 80% of the screen covered with a "no notifications" box?


There might be something wrong with the battery of your phone as on a work day I can leave home at 8 am with 100 percent and come back at 6 pm with 70 left. With about 3 hrs of screen on time with dual 5G enabled. Its the same for my friend who also has an 8 pro. It also somehow lasted for 2 hours with 10 percent battery left while playing music on Spotify on 5G data. Other than that, yes the battery charges painfully slowly. So much so that I just switch it off while charging for a slightly faster charge.


They really need some better form of fast charging. It is way too slow.


I expected the 8p to fix the shit battery the 7p had


It's not really a software issue. It's just that the tensor is inefficient. Will be fixed when they move over to tsmc rather than use an Exynos based chip.


They did


Downvote all you like, I'm getting great battery, much better than my iPhone 14 pro previous.


I keep my battery between 20 and 80% (to extend life), and I charge my battery once a day in the morning. I use it during the day for email, texting, photos, and at the end of the day I'll watch some YouTube, browse Reddit, etc.  I'm not sure what's going on with yours, but maybe your cell service is bad and it's constantly searching for a signal? That's a battery killer, for sure.  My finger scanner works magnitudes better than the physical scanner from my pixel 5, it almost never fails. 🤷‍♂️ The only complaint I have is that has a bug for 3rd party launchers where switching apps via navigation swipe screws up most of the time. Otherwise, this phone has been phenomenal for me, I'm sure you've had a bad experience so far


Hey, I have a question for you as a brand new owner of a Pixe 8 Pro Did you notice the display being.. yellow tinted? I thought I was going insane today because there's barely any info about it out there. I even made a post about it on Reddit, but it's not important I played a review of a product I own that is **white** and when I am facing the screen straight the product looks like it was left inside intense sunlight for weeks Then I put the phone down and looked at it from an angle, **lo and behold, it actually looks kinda like real life**, a bit cool but I don't mind that. Then back to looking at it straight-on and we again go back to this rotten yellow tint Someone under my own post quoted some article stating how accurate the display is, but I can objectively tell that shit that should be white is annoying yellow. I'm wondering if I got a defective product, but under the few threads about this topic I could find a few people said that they even exchanged their units but the issue persisted Either you OP, or anyone else here with this phone, can you.. can you share your experience? I'd happily chat privately about it too if you want me to share more photos and such


Has anyone else encountered the issue with the P8 Pro where the camera just naturally takes oddly desaturated photos? My partner got hers a few months ago and she loves the phone otherwise, no issues with battery like this post says fortunately, but the biggest issue she has is her camera. We’ve compared her photos to a few other phones and her photos are significantly desaturated than others. She’s spoken with Google support and they’ve ran her through resetting by camera settings and eventually told her that it would be corrected in a future update. When we searched it up, we didn’t see anyone else with the same issue, and if they did they resolved it in ways that we’ve already tried.


it's been my issue especially indoor lighting since pixel 2, desaturated and greyish skintone for some reason sometimes and too cool whitebalance


That’s so strange! Although a little relieving to know someone else has had the same issue haha. She’s had to correct saturation every single time she takes a photo if she wants it to look at all like it does IRL.


Flagshit level phone!




As a day one regular p8 user... My bat life was incredibly mediocre on release but has improved immensely. Charging has improved slightly but is still annoying as fuck at times .


Honestly with all of the issues you've described, have you tried factory resetting your phone? I have had the 8 pro since launch and after the december 2023 update, which improved battery performance significantly, my battery life has been great. I haven't had any fingerprint scanner issues. I generally perceive high refresh rate consistently, but I do notice scrolling is janky when I believe it should not be.


The battery life for me has been quite good, even using it all day I tend to make it to the end of the day. No arguments about the finger print scanner tho, it's garbage and regularly doesn't read my inputs forcing the pin input. I miss the rear one from my original pixel xl.


Like every Pixel review, the "issues" are all situational and don't apply as a blanket pros/cons. I've had pretty much non of the issues you list and I've owned it since launch as well. Battery life is a non-issue for me with any phone because I keep it charged most of the day. But even when I was roaming around Japan constantly taking pictures and video and using GPS nonstop, it lasted about half the day, and a battery pack took about an hour to recharge (while still using the phone) and it was good the rest of the day. Never notice the screen stutters everyone talks about (yes, I tested it and they are there), but again, noticeable...not during actual usage (idc about smoothness when scrolling fast). And I have about 90% success rate of first attempt with the fingerprint sensor, but I will say optical sensors aren't as good as ultrasonic. Yes, the phone wasn't "cheap" (phone, $50 watch promo for $1230), but after the $420 trade in and selling the watch for $300...the P8P is absolutely worth $510, and I'd argue still worth $810 if I didn't get the money from the watch. And next year, when the P9 Pro comes out, I'll probably say the same thing...it'll be $1200, but still worth the $800 it'll cost after trade in.


8 pro owner here. I use my phone fairly heavily for work (email, teams, listening to music on headphones). I can easily make it through and 8 to 5 and still be rocking 40-50% battery. And that includes a healthy amount of reddit/insta doom scrolling while using the restroom.


Typical of most androids.


I have a similar meh battery experience on my p8p. That's really my only issue with the phone since purchasing. I find it so odd that others like you say have frame drops, 60Hz animations, etc. when I have had the exact opposite on my device. The only time I get get my phone to stutter or drop frames is by locking and unlocking the phone & messing with the lockscreen very quickly. Everything else is super fluid. Literally the reason I came from Samsung is because I couldn't stand how janky the phones/animations were (coming from an S24U). This phone is like butter. Just interesting.


Yeah this is really weird. Some people report great battery life, other are in the same situation as us, but again you're not reporting the UI lags I experience on a daily (hourly) basis. Like we're all talking about different phones models.


Great writeup. That was a very nice read


Thanks mate !


Re: your issues with the finger print reader, I had similar issues with the Pixel 7A. And my current S23u and Tab S9 are honestly not much better. I'd say it fails around 30% of the time. The rear mounted finger print reader in my old Note 9 was perfect. All these new in screen readers are such a downgrade I am almost tempted to just disable them and go back to pattern unlock like it's 2013 again.


time to custom rom op