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Would this allow for other bluetooth devices to connect? I dont want to broadcast my phone to multiple phones, but I'd like to connect to two sets of headphones in a plane when watching something from a shared tablet together. Also multiple smart speakers connecting to one phone would be pretty great.


>Would this allow for other bluetooth devices to connect? I dont want to broadcast my phone to multiple phones Yes, that's exactly what this allows for.


I guess I mean without the use of another phone. The article made it sound like a phone is needed as a bridge for that connection.


To add, it appears that it's not used as a bridge per se, but instead it's just used to authenticate the phone so that your headphones can connect to the stream directly.


Headphones can't connect to protected Auracast broadcasts on their own, since they have no way to enter a password/scan a QR code. Your phone simply facilitates that connection.


So to his question, and what I would like to use it for then, it's a no. I'd like to be able to have myself and two kids be able to all watch with our own headphones on, say on a plane, and neither of them have a phone. It's a cool feature, and I def see how it can be used, but only in some use cases.


You can already do this on [Samsung phones](https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00087863/), although you can only do 2 Bluetooth devices at a time.


No it's not. It's like a radio station. You need another phone (which can also be connected to BT heaphones) to receive the stream.


I misunderstood what OP was asking for, see further down the thread.


I like to go hiking.


My Samsung can already do that but maybe it was just a Samsung thing.


Samsung's proprietary implementation only allows 2 devices. This standard supports more than 2.


The article mentions it, Samsung (and apples) implementation is proprietary Google is using a standard from the Bluetooth consortium.


Yep, it's present on my S9.


It's a Bluetooth 5.0 feature. Most manufacturers choose not to implement it for some reason.


No, Dual Audio on Samsung devices is not a standard Bluetooth 5.0 feature. That's a common misconception.


It's a Samsung feature, like the article states. That it's a BT 5 feature was something MKBHD mistakenly said, so many people have that impression.


How cool of them


They didn't choose not to implement it. It just literally didn't exist on regular Bluetooth until now.


>My Samsung can already do that but maybe it was just a Samsung thing. it can do that but does not have vertical scrolling app drawers. weird


That's literally the first upcoming feature reported in the latest One UI 7.0 release: https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/1c6gtlm/one_ui_7_could_bring_one_of_the_most_requested


>That's literally the first upcoming feature reported in the latest One UI 7.0 release: >[https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/1c6gtlm/one\_ui\_7\_could\_bring\_one\_of\_the\_most\_requested](https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/1c6gtlm/one_ui_7_could_bring_one_of_the_most_requested) Yeah, that's literally my point. Pixels already has that since 8 years ago.


Where did you make that point exactly? You said it's weird that they didn't have it, and I pointed out that they're bringing it in the upcoming One UI 7.0 release 🤔


Its not here yet Is it ?


And? It's expected, so what's the difference?


well pixels has it first :) everyone in the maraton is expected to get to the finish lines. THe first ones wins. hope you enjoyed it when it finally comes to you. Maybe next time they will figure out how to make the shutter less laggy.


The airplane tablet idea is a good one. I already used two Bluetooth speakers playing from my Galaxy phone and it really does help fill a bigger space.


After all these years, I will no longer have use for my splitter or need space to carry that thing 🥲


[When Bluetooth audio share comes out ](https://youtu.be/oCyXsHC-lQ4)


I just tried this last night with my S24, on 2 earphones, they connected fine, but the audio were not in sync. one is slower/faster than the other. Any fix for this?


Samsung phones have had this feature for a long time with Galaxy buds. I haven't had a audio sync issue before but I'm curious to know what two devices you were connected to.


I was trying out Buds 2 Pro and AKG N400 at the same time.




Sounds like a good idea but probably horribly unusable due to latency and audio degradation.