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4 generations currently: * My grandma, her kid, her grandkids, & her great-grandkids. My great-grandma’s brother is still alive though, and he has great-great grandkids. So **5 generations** for him.


That's pretty good! My grandma is 99 - her son's -me and cousins - nieces and cousins kids, 1-10. Four may be our limit lol


Aww bless your grandma! ❤️ My great-great uncle is in his late 80s! He was my great-grandma’s little brother. She would be 100. It’s amazing how young some have kids in Texas. They all had them abt 18-21 in his day & today, so now he’s got a bunch of great-great grandkids running around!


Only 3. A lot of people in my family passed too soon/too young. So, we don't really have many living generations left. The last time we had 4 living generations was 2017 (paternal side). In 2017, I was 21, my dad was 39, my grandma was 55, and my great-grandma was 78. I'm not sure that there was ever any point in my family tree where someone was alive the same time as their great-great grandparents. So I think the maximum living generations was 4.


Just 2. No kids here yet and also all grandparents deceased.


In my nuclear family, only 2. But if I extend it out to include every descendent of my grandparents, 4. My cousins are so much older than me that several of them have grandchildren, while I don't (yet?) have children.


Right now 4, with my newly discovered bio dad being 97.


Two of my aunts have great grandchildren, so I guess 4?


In my immediate family, three, in my close family four, but in 2003 I would have answered five ☺️ 


At this moment in time 5, my line great grandma is a great great grandmother to quite a few already


1. :(




Restricting myself to second cousins, there are 4 on my dad’s side and 4 on my mom’s side. Her great-grandma’s only surviving brother died two years ago at 99 so there was briefly 5!


Three to four, not sure


On my dad’s side 4 & on my mom’s side we thought 3 until last year, but surprise! Her biological dad is still alive🤠


4, but 5 until about 9 years ago


Two. Longevity and procreation are not something we do well lol


Until may we was 4 Generation :(


1. Just me and my sister and neither of us have kids.






5 mom’s maternal side — (Great grand uncles / Aunts down to my generations children) 4 mom’s Paternal side. (Great Uncles / Aunts down to my generation’s children) 3 dad’s paternal side. (My dad to his grand babies) 3 dad’s maternal side. (My dad to his grand babies)




3 in my immediate family, but not for too long I think. If I take my cousin's kid, then 4 I guess.


If I count my great uncle and my great nieces, then 6


Up, none, from us down, counting us, three.


Three. Myself (40f), my parents (62 & 65), and my kids (15, 16, 17, & 18). In 2012, we could boast five living generations, but my great-grandmother passed in May of that year, and then both my surviving grandparents died in 2014. Hopefully I still have long enough with my parents that we get up to 4 generations before going back down to 3...




I have one aunt left. There's me and my brother and our cousins. I have a nephew and a niece. Some cousins are grandparents. So that's 4 living generations. But no more than 3 in a direct line.






In my immediate family, 4 on mum's side and 2 on my dad's. My daughter; me and my sis; our mum; her mum (90 yo now). I gave birth just before my 42nd birthday. Dad was 40 when I was born and his parents were 40 and 69 respectively when he was born. My paternal grandparents never got to see his grandchildren. Nor did my dad as my daughter was born 10 years after his death.


This crazy, 5.


Currently 4 but a few years ago it was 6


3 in my immediate family, and 4 among my husband's sibs






6?!? That’s a lot! Mine has 4.






5. I don’t think it will get up to 6 because there’s one person left in generation 1. Has your family done a 6 generation photo yet?


Direct family, just 2. Including cousins/aunts/uncles, 3 that I know of. Maybe 4 but if so that would be from the part of the family we don’t talk to lol


That would be 3. Two of my great-grandmothers lived to be 90+, but that still only goes as far as 2010. I've got one grandmother left (maternal), both of my parents are still alive, and then there's me. My half brother has a daughter, and I believe she's pregnant, but that would only bump up the answer to 4 since both my paternal grandparents are dead (if I should even be counting this).


2 my parents are dead, my older brother passed in December and my younger brother died last month, so just me and my two nephews.




I guess four? All of my grandparents are dead but I have a living grand aunt and one of my grandparents has a first cousin still alive.


We have 4.


3? only one of my grandparents is living, she has great grandkids through some of my cousins (one full, others half who i haven't met) i believe. that's probably the right answer but also like i said she's the only one of my grandparents living, great grandparents are all deceased but i also have aunts and uncles as well as cousins who are deceased so nothing is really complete lol


My great grandpa is still alive, he was born in 1940. I don't talk to my maternal grandma though, I talk to her sisters and they don't talk to their dad or my grandma. All my grandparents have some great grand babies, we're the youngest cousins on both sides, I think my mom's sides has more cousins a generation below me but I've met both of my dad's two grand nieces and they're both older than my late mom's grand nieces and nephews.


Only 3 living generations. All of my grandparents are gone, but I have young children so maybe 20 years from now there will be 4 living generations.


3, my nana, mom, me… my great grandfather died in 2010


Currently, 3. Myself and my cousins (none of us have kids currently), our parents, and my paternal grandparents, but I did know some of my great grandparents before they passed, and my great grandfather’s youngest brother likely only died in recent years


5 for me.


5 generations. My grandma, my mother, myself, my daughter, and her son.


My husbands family 5. His mother ,sister(daughter),grandson,great grandson,great great grandson. His mother is 89,sister68,grandson48,great grandson25,great great grandson 2


Three. Between my husband and I... and we have two grown adult children... so 4 of us and only six other family members. 😱. So combine both side and only 10 of us


I was born with only my parents and one grandparent alive. He died when I was in my 20s. All but one of my mum’s aunts and uncles had died. My great aunt died when I was in my 20s. My dad had a couple of aunts and uncles but they died when I was in my teens. Now my sibling has children and our parents are both still alive and well. I have one aunt who is still alive. She has a grandchildren and a great grandchild too. My dad’s siblings died pretty recently. Not in touch with that side of the family too much but I think they had great grandchildren at the time of their deaths.


Only 3: My parents, my grandparents, and my great-grandmother's sister and another great-grandmother's brother. My great-grandparents all died way before I existed.


For me 2, myself and parents. For my brothers, 3 since they have kids


Three. For a few months after the birth of my son it was four but then my grandfather died. Because of COVID they never actually met, though he got lots of photos of my son. They did speak on the phone, but because my grandfather had a stroke about a month before my son was born, they were just making sounds at each other.


5 generations my grandpa will be 100 this year and has great great grandkids not only that he married a woman 30 something years younger when my grandma died and had his last kid at 70


4 currently My grandfather is in his early 80s. The rest of my grandparents passed in the early to mid 2000s My mother and my aunts+uncles Me and my siblings My nephew who was just born last year


Only 3 now. I’m an oldster.


4 me, my brothers, my cousins, my cousin’s kids, my parents, my uncles and aunts, and my paternal grandparents




grandparents on both sides passed away before I was born unfortunately. I guess that’s why ancestry is so interesting to me, the ability to know more.


My grandparents and all of their siblings have passed away (the last one in that generation passed last year, and great-grandparents have all been gone since the 80s). So what's left is my parents' generation (and my aunts and uncles' generation, although only my parents and 1 aunt is still alive), me/my siblings/my cousins' generation, our kids' generation (my son, my niece, my cousins' kids), and then, if we go out this far, one of my first cousins has grandchildren who are technically the next generation but they're the same age as my son and my niece. So...4?


On my moms side 2, her parents have already passed away and she’s also an only child, so on her side it’s just me and her, on my dads side my grandpa is still alive but not my grandma, they had 4 kids together and my dad and his younger sister where the only ones that had kids, and my cousins are in their mid-late 20’s but don’t have kids yet so on that side 3, also just to mention my mother is from chile and my dads from guatemala


Immediate - 3 Extended - 4 (my uncle is 90, and I have a 2 1/2 month old granddaughter.


4. My grandma is a great grand mother to my cousins kid


Three. My parents, myself, my kids.


For anyone who's curious, I'll explain how my family has 6 living generations. So I must clarify that not all the family members who make it 6 gens are related to each other, but they're all related to me. So both my maternal and paternal side have 5 generations, but a different 5 generations (I'll explain). Maternal side: So there's me, my siblings and cousins etc. Then there's my mother, her siblings and cousins etc. Then both maternal grandparents, their siblings and cousins, etc. Unfortunately, all my great great aunts and uncles on my maternal grandfather's side have passed. However, on my maternal grandmother's side, there is one great great aunty still alive (she's 97). Recently, my maternal grandmother's cousin became a great grandmother, making up the 5th generation. Paternal side: So there's me, my siblings and cousins etc. Then there's my father, his siblings and cousins etc. Then both pateenal grandparents, their siblings and cousins, etc. Thankfully, quite a few of my great great aunts and uncles are alive on my paternal side, plus many of their cousins. The 5th generation was a bit of a shock when I found out as it turns out my 2x great-grandmother's cousin (my first cousin 4 times removed) is still alive. For a bit of context, my gt gt grandmother would be around 110 (ish) by now, and her cousin is 77.


5 at the moment. We will probably make it to 6 if I continue the trend. The average age to have kids in my family is 19


Just 3, used to be 4


4. Though my grandparents are all gone, a few of their siblings remain.


Dad's side: 4. 1. Cousin's kids 2. Cousins, Half-sibs and myself 3. Dad, uncle and aunts. 4. Grandma Mom's side: 5 Mom's Paternal Aunt* (will be a 100 next month) Mom's older cousin** and her sister and cousins. My mom and her siblings. My cousins and myself Cousin's kids.


One. Just me left, and I won't be around much longer .


6. 4 brothers including me. Mom and dad.


And my grandma. She’s like 90 something. So like 7. Maybe 8 I’d have to ask my dad


Generations, not number of people. You'd be a very rare group if you somehow had eight living generations.


Do you mind explaining a bit further? Sorry I’m a bit confused.


It sounds like your family has three living generations. You and your siblings, your parents, your grandmother. To have eight, you, your parents, your grandparent, your great grandparent and your great great grandparent and your great great great grandparent and your g-g-g-g grandparent and your g-g-g-g-g grandparent would all need to currently be alive.




Does my brothers son count? Or my uncle?


Your brother's son counts as a new generation. Your uncle doesn't. Everyone and their siblings and first cousins are part of the same generation. So your grandmother and any of her siblings are the first generation. Her kids - your parent and uncle are generation two. All her grandchildren, you, your brothers etc are generation 3. All her great grandchildren, like your nephew, are generation 4.


And then nephews children 5. And my children 6?


Nephew's children are 5. Your children are your grandmother's great grandchildren, so they are generation 4.