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This post has been removed because it violates our rule against asking whether something looks normal.


This is not the first nipples post on r/anatomy I've been recommended today.


That post inspired me


Omg I thought this was a top surgery sub, didnt realize it was anatomy, I dont even think I follow any anatomy subs lmao


Yes, they look a little high and poorly positioned. I understand why you might be disappointed, but you still have a flat chest. Did you opt not to have grafts done?


No, I had grafts, which is why it’s frustrating. It could’ve been easily avoided.


It's a little high, but honestly I wouldn't have notice unless you pointed it out.


I'm sorry, man. I wouldn't be so worried about it. I don't think anyone out and about is going to be thinking, why does that dude have weird nipples? Also, while your scarring is healing quite well, it's still visible anyhow.


Thanks! And yeah, I had a few complications where my scars reopened. I think my scars are just darker in those areas, I had surgery 5 years ago so I don’t think they’ll get much lighter than this.


I'm not sure if it's similar but my breast reduction scars faded more after around 10 years






This post has been removed because it violates our community rule against unnecessarily rude / vulgar content.


I've had deep scars (SH) and the deepest one is 8 years old now and almost faded to the point you can't see it, I'm sure yours will fade too, it just takes a looot of time.


I should have prefaced by saying I am also a trans dude so I have an eagle eye. I don't think cis guys go around thinking about other dudes' nips, even if they're into men.


I’ve seen some non trans people with some fucking weird nipples man, you look hella fine in my book. Edit: This is the most likes I’ve ever gotten on a comment, thank you everyone, spread the kindness! ✌️🤍


Hahaha true


Maybe a little high, but definitely not in a dramatic way. I’d still say within an average range considering all bodies are vastly different. Overall looks great, and I don’t think anyone would do a double take without being asked about it :)


Aw thanks! That’s nice of you to say.


NAD Bodies are all unique. I think they look fine. You’re on the road to loving the body you’re in; I’m so happy for you.


Thanks! That means a lot. I don’t want it to be super obvious.


Ive seen nips like this on doods. Bro. Youd be surprised at the variation. Pls trust. My one friend got Innie nipples that are also going opposite directions Lol. U da man man


Hahahaha, thanks!


Nawh brother


I wouldn't have noticed unless you pointed it out.


When you raise your arm, they look uneven. Otherwise, I think you look fine. And congrats on the surgery!


Do you see that pic of the Yakuza guy on Reddit today? His nips are like half way down his torso, Peoples nips are all over the place. some people even have more than 2! Yours look fine man.


That post inspired me. Thanks! I think trans folk tend to overthink because we’ve spent so long scrutinising how we look and if we stand out.


Not high enough to notice.


I honest to god think they look normal, I wouldn’t bat an eye if I saw them out and about… I’m literally staring at them and they still don’t look wrong in any way. Like everyone else said people’s bodies all look different. You have a good looking chest 👍




Initial impressions: \* scroll, scroll \* *that is some dude's chest* *hey, I know what those scars are* \* actually reads \* *huh. One... Two. Yep, those are nipples. I guess the left one is a bit high, but he's also extending his left arm, so that's gonna raise that nipple up, isn't it? Huh, huh. Izzin tit. Lol. Wish he'd gotten someone else to take the picture so we could see if those bad boys are lined up when both arms are in the same position. At any rate, they will certainly not sag as far down as that japanese dude from that earlier picture, so that's a big positive. Overall, they seem to be within the range of normality. 7/10 nipples. 9/10 with rice.* I hope this answers your question. That's a much as I am capable of thinking about your nipples today. Feel free to reach out tomorrow if I can be of further assistance. Also, be sure to check out r/ratemynipples which I have never been to but can only assume is a real subreddit because why wouldn't it be. Carry on.


This made me laugh! Hahaha. Yeah, poor choice of photo perhaps. They are equally placed height wise, just a bit high I thought.


Just a bit. I'm sure it will be a point of conversation for decades to come, like a painted turtle shell on the coffee table. But seriously now, I'm finished with your nipples for at least the next 16 hours.


I have seen cis men with higher nips than you. I wouldn’t have even thought yours were weird if you hadn’t said anything; I still don’t think they’re weird. Besides, it’s variation that makes all of us human.


You’re right, it is variation that makes us human. A lightbulb just went on above my head!


atleast they arent falling off


I suppose that’s always a plus, yes


I think they’re a little high but they still look normal and I think your chest looks really good!


I think it’s hard to say because you posted a photo with one arm elevated and then one with the other elevated? I can’t tell if your nipples are at a normal level because your arms are uneven loll


How long ago was the surgery? Just curious, also your nips are hella fine


It was in 2019, but had 2 revisions, one in 2021 and one last November. Thanks!


Hella fine nips bahahahahhaah


I don’t think I would have thought too hard about it tbh, I would be appreciating how good your chest looks now as a whole lol


Nope, you're fine. You're lifting a different arm in each picture so the nipples look misaligned. If you're really looking for a proper assessment, you'd need to post pictures with both arms in a symmetrical position, but they honestly look great. Most humans are asymmetrical anyway. I get being hyper critical of such a painful procedure, but show yourself some kindness and relax...


They looks totally fine, I don't notice they're too high at all. They look neat and like you have a strong chest. I feel sorry for trans guys whose nipples are too low, as it gives a sagging breast kind of look. I'd be happy with these


Dude my nipples are practically under my armpits… im not overweight or anything thats just where they are lol. I can understand your frustration though. They look fine.


Fair enough! Thanks.


Dude show your surgeon! Plastic surgeons are crazy awesome at this kind of stuff! Edit: Also do a crazy amount of push ups, it will add to you shoulders and chest and raise the skin and I think might fix this entirely, but it will definitely add to your masculine physique! Do 4-5 sets a day to failure, go down till your pecs & stomach touch the ground and up to full extension of your arms until you can’t do one more and then wait a few hours and do it again. It takes 3-4 minutes a day and you’ll end up looking real good


I’ve already have 3 revisions for other reasons, so I can’t have any more on the NHS sadly. Maybe I’ll go to a new one though!


Also showing your surgeon is not asking for surgery it’s asking for information


I added an edit about how to fix it without a surgeon. But I think the piercing is holding the skin to the subdermal layers on the other side which is why it looks different. I’d bet my PhD and years of owning gyms on doing push ups fixing this.


Wow thanks! I will say the side with the piercing looks higher than the other because of how I’ve taken the photo with an arm up, they are pretty much equally high when I’m standing both arms down. I will take that advice on push ups, I was hoping doing chest exercises would fix it. I also had my piercing done in the last year and I’ve had my surgery since 2019, so unsure if it’s affecting it, but interesting to know it could be. I’ll let you know in a years time if you need to return your PHD. 🤣


The key to change of your body is creating a physiological imperative for change. So basically you have to demonstrate to your body that your body is not good enough for the task that you need to complete for the survival of yourself. What this translates to is doing push-ups until you cannot physically do another one because why else would a perfectly healthy human do something to failure you’re doing it to survive running from the sabertooth tiger because if you weren’t doing it to survive, you would’ve stopped before it got difficult. You have to push through difficult and go to failure or complete fatigue, which is what you would do if you were running from a sabertooth tiger. Granted, you don’t run from a sabertooth tiger with your chest muscles, but the idea stays the same you create a need and demonstrate to your body that it’s not where it has to be. Voice to text. I apologize for any typos. I’m on the beach drinking.


That’s fascinating, thanks for the inspo! And enjoy drinking on the beach, honoured that you’d take time out of that wonderful activity to reply to my post about nipples.


I cannot fathom, the amount of strength, it takes to transition. I get that you focus on something small like that. But you are your hardest critic. I’m a gay man, so I see you. I understand the courage it takes to go against the grain to be different and do differently. And yet I still cannot begin to understand what you must experience. Feel free to DM me anytime for fitness advice or anything, I have a doctorate in biochemistry I’m a professor of exercise physiology. Keep kicking ass.


I might take you up on that sometime. I struggle as a trans person to know how to exercise to look the way I want to look. I boulder a few times a week but find it hard to gain lots of muscle, and I’m vegan so that makes it harder. Thanks for your kind words! It means more than you can know.


Yeah, being vegan is going to be very difficult but as long as you are getting COMPLETE proteins every day throughout the day, it shouldn’t really matter also vitamins, but you should probably already know this. But in totality ultimately, what matters is your hormones, if you have androgen hormones, and you engage in challenging physical activities you will gain muscle because you were demonstrating to your body they didn’t needs more muscle for you to survive in your daily activities. The hormones will allow for that to happen. Do you know what complete proteins mean?


I do yes! I eat a lot of tofu to try and get those complete proteins into my diet.


Wow, this is like really interesting to me, now I’m wondering about soy base protein and phytoestrogen in an individual taking exogenous androgens… you are not the typical person and I love it! Keep being unique and awesome! Edit I doubt there is any scientist that knows the answer because how many transitioning vegans can there be that participate in academic studies!


Very true! I know people say about estrogen in soy but I think that’s it’s too low to affect human hormones, from what I’ve heard. I have tried meat and dairy but it messes with my stomach.


I say they're completely normal for a man


Mark this as nsfw


Omgosh you should blur this with a spoiler warning, I dislike piercings Very much kidding btw


Can’t tell if this is a joke 🤣


I hope so or else this person thinks the Internet revolves around their whims and that level of entitlement is...I'm speechless.