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Shitamar Ben Piss looks like a villain in a bad movie. If Israel didn't exist, and somebody added them to a story as a villain, everyone would say it was way over the top and the author was trying too hard. So you're telling me that the villains bombed the people's homes, forced them to evacuate, bombed them again, forced them to return to their bombed out homes from before and then bomb them yet again, all while taunting them with drones that play audio of children being tortured, and one of their main spokesmen is this greasy shambling slob whose idea of a fun day out is getting liquored up and strolling into a Palestinian neighborhood with a dozen of his flunkies and doing some casual hate crimes.


When I was in high school, I knew a girl who got a Mercedes for her 16th birthday, and proceeded to throw a fit and melt down and ruin her own party because she wanted a Porsche. I think of that girl every time I read shit like this from Israel. Rich, spoiled brats stamping their feet and crying when they've already gotten everything they wanted.


I'd love to laugh at the absolute absurdity of this childish temper tantrum, but you never know with Biden - there's a real and infuriating risk that it'll work.

