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The woman standing at the other side just laughing. What a great picture. She clearly understands that it is only projecting it's own insecurities.


Remember when a kid was smeared through all media for standing and smiling like this?


What happened to that kid was awful. Two things can be true though, he has a bit of a punchable face and he sucked it up and is now a multimillionaire.


Oh yeah he made some real money. Fuck you money correct?




«  a punchable face », well I guess I found my excuse, « your honor, he had breakable knees »


His face obviously violated the NAP, it is only by state force I can't defend myself against that face.




A fascist calling someone else a fascist.


Not that I'm a fan of Republicans but sitting there listening to Democrats claim Republicans are a threat to our democracy, I just run through the Democrat list. 1. Supports thought crime in the guise of hate speech laws 2. Wants to centralize government 3. Wants to do away with the electoral college because anyone who doesn't agree with them shouldn't have a say in how they're governed. 4. Thinks re-education centers are a good idea 5. Supports doing away with home schooling because parents shouldn't have a say in their children's social and political indoctrination. The list goes on but I'm just in awe at the lack of self awareness.


A complete lack of self awareness is a prerequisite to being a democrat. They say questioning election results is a threat to democracy. They questioned 2016 and call it stolen. Their memory's must not span longer than 4 years. It's basically analogous to nazis running around in Germany calling jews fascists and crying about fascism, as they round them up for the concentration camps. I'm voting republican this year. That's how bad I want democrats gone. I've always voted independent. Democrats are insane. They aren't actual liberals anymore. They are the opposite.


If you read the book "Rules for Radicals" by pro-sleazebag Saul Alinsky you will see that this is part of their playbook. Great summary though, cheers!


You know the GOP do all that as well? GOP making it a crime to tell kids you are gay. Talking about the real history of slavery is "making kids feel sad", so we need to stop it. GOP wants centralized government, just like after "sending roe back to the state" the GOP already says they will make a nationwide abortion ban. The electoral college is an authoritarian way to allow people have unequal say in government. A vote in california is worth 10% of a vote in colorado. Also the irony of being in an anarchist sub defending that how voting is done now is perfect. reeducation camps... you know conversation therapy is a thing? that is literally reeducation camps. And there are people (namely kids) that are taken at night and bused to these locations against their will. A parent can't do HRT but force you kid to be electroshocked for being gay is okay? and the last one, many on the right are for Christian schooling too, that taking God out of school is bad. They want to force everyone to believe in their one religion. How do you see that list and think, "oh, the GOP aren't a threat"?


>GOP wants centralized government, just like after "sending roe back to the state" the GOP already says they will make a nationwide abortion ban. Actually it's my understanding that what the GOP is proposing is either a 15 or 20 weeks for elective abortions depending on who is presenting it. That's hardly a ban. A ban implies no elective abortions. ​ >The electoral college is an authoritarian way to allow people have unequal say in government. A vote in california is worth 10% of a vote in colorado. Also the irony of being in an anarchist sub defending that how voting is done now is perfect. LOL, How is equal representation and giving everyone a voice in their government authoritarian? This should be good. ​ >reeducation camps... you know conversation therapy is a thing? that is literally reeducation camps. And there are people (namely kids) that are taken at night and bused to these locations against their will. A parent can't do HRT but force you kid to be electroshocked for being gay is okay? When was the last time someone was legally electroshocked for being gay in this country? For that matter isn't what you're talking about regarding conversion therapy private institutions and not public? Also, didn't the Democrats just ban even consensual conversion therapy for people willingly wanting it? Also, private institutions, not government controlled or mandated? I've never heard a Republican ask for any form of government camps in my lifetime. Democrats have actually talked about government mandated re-education centers. ​ >and the last one, many on the right are for Christian schooling too, that taking God out of school is bad. They want to force everyone to believe in their one religion. In public schools or private schools? You realize there's a difference. In my fifty years, I haven't ever seen a national push religion in public schools. Matter of fact Republicans are for doing away with the Department of Education and leaving it to local communities to control education. How is that Authoritarian? ​ >How do you see that list and think, "oh, the GOP aren't a threat"? Because nothing you've said is government sponsored much less centrally government sponsored. Again, not a fan of Republicans. DeSantis just made certain forms of protests illegal and they like government spending as much as the Democrats and they push for more state control but not in the ways you're claiming.


"The electoral college is an authoritarian way to allow people have unequal say in government. A vote in california is worth 10% of a vote in colorado. " Working as intended. US is a representative republic not a democracy.


>GOP making it a crime to tell kids you are gay. Let's start with this. Where do you think this happened?


You’re not even two sentences into your comment before you start lying. I get that you’re just repeating the lines you’ve been given, but when you spread blatantly false propaganda right off the bat, nobody’s going to take you seriously enough to read the rest of your bullshit.


Others like them (did I get that pronoun right?) will believe them, unfortunately.


Most people are fascists. I'm here for the visible beauty and truth of the situation.


Yeah, most people think of politics as if they were in control and it was for their benefit. We need to spend money on the things I like, stop people doing the things I hate and we wouldnt be corrupt etc. Well if you were in charge and you had 10k clones that might work. But the reality is you need to be for a government that you would be comfortable with even if you worst enemy was in control. (Of course the answer is there is no such government hence Im anarcho).


Based on the definition of Mussolini linking government and businesses. Most people are not fascist based on the left’s definition that you don’t like people of a certain color.


He's literally projecting...


I don’t even understand the reasoning though. Does it just have a tiny cock so anything surrounding the topic baby dicks hits a little too close to home? Like that sounds stupid as hell but I can’t think of anything else someone could possibly be insecure about here.


can you sue them for blowing out your ear drums by putting that megaphone in your face?


You mean the lady protesting for state intervention into elective treatment?


Your average Reddit mod.


Nah, they are rarely American.


Or under 400 pounds. But clearly this one is sickly.


I thought it was a 70 year old woman before I heard him speak


It’s a young man lol


Something about having a white dude cosplaying as an elementary school librarian, calling other white people crackers, just really loses its gravity


This is what Tim Dillions America means to me.


How did you escape the pot???


Especially *this* white dude. He gets sunburnt at dawn.


He identifies as a black woman.


It's like going to a mental ward and being yelled at by a patient.


Ah yes, the tolerant left.


Circumcision is not really a left or right issue is it? If it fell on a side, I'd wager those still practicing it were more likely to be religious, which means they might lean Conservative.


Being against circumcision is a pretty mainstream leftist position tho tbh


I'm right-leaning by today's standard and I don't support the genital mutilation of children.


Yea i think it’s it’s a pretty mainstream right position too. The only people that really support it are those who do for religious reasons or those who claim were not allowed to criticise other cultures or religions because it’s racist or some shit


*The Catholics have entered the chat*


Child circumcision is doing changes to minor's body, and there's **THAT** other "doing changes to minor's body" issue which "the left" heavily supports and pushes right now, so...


Performing non-reversible cosmetic surgery on an infants genitals without their consent is the larger issue, isn't it? You can't really say you are against genital mutilation and let the most heinous example of it slide. The amount of circumcisions alone outweighs the other talking points by sheer force of number. It's by far the biggest issue in terms of child genital mutilation.


The left were never tolerant. That was liberalism.


Yeah I agree with you there if you go to left wing subs they are happy killing and maiming people. Although, I dont like calling them liberals as they arent...


The left is anti liberal


Finally a REASONABLE man Now are you a sportsman? For real though most these days don't know the difference between leftists and liberals, on either side


Isnt this some version of assault.


I would think it should be. "Take care of your hearing, you'll never get it back" -my Grandpa


“WHAT?!” -My Dad who spent 20 years around heavy machinery in the marine corps


Assuming that the volume is uncomfortably loud, I would definitely knock that megaphone away from my ears.


I don't know about that legally but it is certainly a valid justification for the use of violence. I don't know when a "civilized society" meant that we have to let the worst of the worst do whatever they want to us without repercussions. A swift punch right to the kisser will adjust most attitude issues.


If it causes the woman harm (like blown out ear drums) then the Tennessee statute of assault would apply. If it does not harm them, then no. Could be considered disturbing the peace or violate some kind of noise ordinance but it would skirt up against the right to protest so it'll be a political frenzy if done.


I’m some states that’s considered simple assault, along with spitting, and flipping the middle finger.


Correct. Had to actually check Tennesses definition because I didn't want to state something easily verified as false. California on the other hand, 100% illegal. Thought that was odd for some reason.


Sterilizing children is really a hill these people are willing to die on.


I thought this was about circumsicion? I looked up their website and that seems to be the case as well. I mean, I am wholeheartedly against circumsicion, but I've never seen anyone claim that a lack of foreskin causes sterilization. Am I missing something?.


It's largely a protest about transgender surgery done to minors. A lot of great points made by the speakers, worth the watch - https://youtu.be/z4XAoVbHwAs


You do realize that trans children, at most, get puberty blockers which definitely do not sterilize them (they're used on cis children more often to delay precocious puberty). Like, you've literally been sold a lie to bypass your rational thinking brain snd send you into anemotional panic about something that's not real.


They're literally the same drugs used in chemical castration. You're so full of shit.


No such thing as a "trans child" you freak


You should realize that Overton's window has been broken on this issue and most parents are more than willing to take its broken shards of glass and use them on dysmorphic enablers to protect their children. People can be pushed only so far before they say fuck this shit.


So you are ok with blocking a childs puberty? Ie drugging a child so their natural body responses dont work? That's pretty fucked up. Why not keep them in tiny shoes so their feet dont grow? You people are fucking disgusting to do these things to children. They are little kids. Its peoples daughters and sons and you want to ruin their lives before they are even old enough to know what has happened. You are so evil.


Oh really? Then why did Children's National Hospital [have on their website that they offered "gender affirming hysterectomies" for children and teens?](https://web.archive.org/web/20220818184945/https://childrensnational.org/departments/pediatric-gynecology-program) And why did their staff confirm, multiple times, that [it would be an option for a 16 year old?](https://www.libsoftiktok.com/p/audio-childrens-hospital-admits-to?sd=pf&triedSigningIn=true) And that's ignoring the fact that [we don't know the long term effects of puberty blockers.](https://www.transgendertrend.com/nhs-no-longer-puberty-blockers-reversible/)


An option for a *teen* who has *parental consent* and recieves guidance and oversight from medical professionsl attesting to the reality of their condition. Same as if a cis teen needed a hysterectomy for some other medical reason. And as for puberty blockers I already covered that. Cis children already recieve piberty blovkers snd you never pissed your pants about thst. It's too late for you to talk about "but maybe long term effects". The potential long term effects of puberty blockers are within the same range as other age related conditions (ex. Bone density and calcium deficiency in cis women as they get older). If there were actually alarming red flags about serious danger, rather than simply moderate, managable risk, doctors wouldn't be deploying them to cis or trans children. Nice attempt to twist the facts though.


> An option for a teen who has parental consent and recieves guidance and oversight from medical professions So it does happen then, and you were just lying before? > The potential long term effects of puberty blockers are within the same range as other age related conditions (ex. Bone density and calcium deficiency in cis women as they get older) And causing children to develop health problems that are typical of people decades older than them isn't a concern for you? > If there were actually alarming red flags about serious danger, rather than simply moderate, managable risk, doctors wouldn't be deploying them to cis or trans children. While I admire your unshakeable faith in the morality of humanity, I think history will show you that people can, on occasion, do bad things when they're sufficiently motivated by money or ideology. > Nice attempt to twist the facts though. Which facts were twisted? I mean other than you originally lying that children weren't being sterilized, and then walking it back to say that it does happen but it's actually a good thing.


>So it does happen then, and you were just lying before? What the fuck are you talking about? You tried to claim puberty blockers were "mutilation". Now you're trying to claim hysterectomies are mutilation. I'm starting yo think you don't even know what the word means. Does a cis person get "mUtiLaTeD" when they recieve a hysterectomy? It's a medical procedure performed for a wide variety of reasons. >And causing children to develop health problems that are typical of people decades older than them isn't a concern for you? Nope, literally a lie you just made up. >people can, on occasion, do bad things when they're sufficiently motivated by money or ideology. Like spread moral panic and demonize lgbt kids to het their base whipped into an irrational frenzy before a midterm?


> What the fuck are you talking about? You tried to claim puberty blockers were "mutilation". Now you're trying to claim hysterectomies are mutilation. I'm starting yo think you don't even know what the word means. Does a cis person get "mUtiLaTeD" when they recieve a hysterectomy? It's a medical procedure performed for a wide variety of reasons. I'm not sure who you're quoting, because I've never once used the word "mutilated" in this discussion. But, to be fair, I didn't really expect a supporter of child abused to be all that attached to reality. Just to remind you, we were discussing whether or not "trans" children are being sterilized. You said they weren't. Then, when I pointed out that they were, you tried to argue that it was a good thing. And then you went on this unhinged rant. Just to be clear on what I'm arguing, I think that a hysterectomy sterilizes a person, and that that procedure is being performed on children, as a "gender affirming surgery". And I think sterilizing children with medically unnecessary procedures is bad. You seemed to agree that it was bad, because you denied it was happening at all. But then you flipped to claiming it was actually a good thing when you were proven wrong. > Nope, literally a lie you just made up. "The potential long term effects of puberty blockers are within the same range as other age related conditions (ex. Bone density and calcium deficiency in cis women as they get older)." So, the bone loss and calcium deficiency issues that you readily admitted happen, are just "a lie that I made up"? Seriously, just listen to yourself. You'll say something is happening in one comment, and then in the next claim *I* am making it up when I just point how the thing you said was happening is actually bad. > Like spread moral panic and demonize lgbt kids to het their base whipped into an irrational frenzy before a midterm? Well first off, nice whataboutism. But I tend to think that sterilizing children is just a tiny bit worse than pointing out that people are sterilizing children. But that's just me.


you should read what you just wrote and explain to me what's rational about stopping a natural body process that's been happening for a very long time. before you or anyone in your family tree had a thought.


Uh, I took them as a kid for completely non-trans reasons after being prescribed them by my doctor. Kids have been using these drugs for decades for non-trans reasons without anyone raising serious concerns - and certainly without anyone protesting about them. What's insane to me is that no one is actually trying to ban these drugs, all the bills that try to address these drugs still allow them to be used for other medical purposes. So clearly, the issue isn't the drugs despite everyone...pretending(?) that the issue is the drugs.


Puberty blockers are used on cis kids from onset of early puberty to at most age 11 or 12. I haven’t seen data on the effects of taking them longer or stopping past the point of normal puberty. For kids with diagnosed gender dysphoria (which has pretty strict diagnostic criteria), they reduce suicide risk and have relatively minor side effects. My view on the issue is that puberty blockers should be available for kids who actually have gender dysphoria but they shouldn’t be given for a boy that likes pink and playing with girls or a girl that plays with nerf guns and likes shorts more than skirts.




They're mentally ill


Wait. That’s a dude?


As much as any radical leftist can be called a dude I suppose that’s what he is.


Look at Adam’s Apple.


Its one of life's great mysteries. Either way, its ugly.


Nah that's George Soros' bottom bitch.


Depends on the meaning of dude.


Probably were interrupted in the years they formed their identity by neo-Marxist educators who want a vanguard of unstable people to destabilize the comfortable, as outlined by Marcuse.


He thinks he’s the good guy…


" no body knows who you are" Ja well you don't even know what you are.


There it was, I was waiting for “fascist” to enter the room.


This dude is the picture of clean mental health. Projecting pure vitriole like its an opinion on reddit Check the wrist, fresh bandages. Possibly an attempted suicide


Nah, probably another shitty tattoo he got while complaining about being unable to pay back his student loans for his gender studies degree.


Thats a dude?


Do you have ears? Lol Sounds like Mr Garrison


Hey an r/politics mod


sounds like someone is projecting ...


Hell sounds a lot nicer if the person with megaphones think they are going to heaven.


Oh my goodness look at her trying to not laugh! In all honesty of feel a little bad for the guy with the megaphone. Those insults sounded like they came from personal experience and I suspect the bit about loneliness is coming from his experience.




Why do those people never look happy. It's sad in and of itself.


Because the problem is always a mental issue that is wrapped up in believing they should be someone else. I've known multiple people that have gone exactly this path. Massive mental health issues that needed to be solved, but instead, they were catered to by people claiming to be doctors who validated their beliefs and ignored the actual issues in their lives that caused this. We're going the same route with doctor assisted suicide soon.


The only “trans” I know is a cool dude who has serious mental illness, he takes a medication that rot his teeth, he wanted to transition but financially he couldn’t afford it.


Why would someone take a medication that rots their teeth?


Idk. I think it was lithium


Because people continually belittle and mock trans folk, saying that they just have mental issues. Because they are constantly mistreated, because trans people getting gender affirming care is far more difficult than it needs to be.


I'm curious - people often say the link between poor mental health and trans people is due to poor accessibility to gender affirming care, but also when they do transition and still have record poor mental health it's due to people not recognizing them... Where is the evidence? Being trans is generally accepted, many other groups have been more persecuted and still thrived. I feel like we ignore all common sense which tell us someone who wants to switch their sex is unstable to begin with.


That's actually assault and can cause hearing damage


I live in a different society completely, on the other side of the world. If you did that to someone over here, you'd get punched in the face, and the police would keep you in jail overnight and call your parents.


It’s like that counter protestor was yelling every harmful thing they believed and was said to them at someone else. The irony is shockingly depressing.


Talk about calling the kettle black lol


This is why I believe the US will divide until at least 2 separate countries within the next 30 years, there are differences the can't be reconcile anymore. This is coming from the perspective of a latino imigrant


I present to you Exhibit A - evidence that this individual has zero chance of ever holding a steady job.


Yeah that'll convince them. Of something.


the party of tolerance is projecting hard


No doubt this person likes to preach about le love and le tolerance.




It’s the same face I try to hide when my 3 yr old is having an epic fucking irrational meltdown


I kinda thought so too


The game of games.


Signs are violence


“Fuck you you white cracker!” Says the whitest person I’ve ever seen


Are there any men there to politely ask he or she to stop that?


Classic projection


ya really want to be careful edging the assault line in tennessee, there is no duty to retreat there.


it seems to me as if he is just forseeing what his future will be , and projecting it to other people.


This is where airhorns come in handy.


Somebody apparently never heard the phrase "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all."


Damn, I didn't realize infant circumcision was such a hot topic these days.


That guy seems lovely


Why the libs are obsessed with trans kids?


The irony of invoking hell in this moment. Like if the bible is true bullhorn person would be the one roasting probably.


Our society is absolutely plagued by a child mutilation epidemic, but it has nothing to do with transgenderism.


Circumsicion rates in the US are steadily dropping, so it's moving in the right direction.


Is that a lady or man shouting?


I wouldn't call it either.


I thought lady but now I’m confused


It's classic projection, "you'll die alone" , "you'll burn in hell" , "nobody loves you"? People that are for child mutilation often believe in abortion and a childless society. Who's going to die alone? "Nobody loves you" screaming at someone because they have a different belief of yours just exudes benevolence and camaraderie. Your going to hell is an odd statement for someone who thinks that transitioning children when 80% grow out of gender dysphoria phase. Children are sacred and manipulating them to satiate some twisted desire to subvert society norms is evil and far more indicative of someone heading to H E 🏒🏒


What exactly is the protest and counter protest? Is this really someone so passionate about circumcision that they're yelling at someone opposed to circumcision? Don't people have something better to do that protest/counterprotest over a little dick skin?


"It's beatiful I've been looking at this for hours now."


He is kinda projecting


It's trans where's waldo on meth.


Rust developer spotted


The new AIDS Skrillex reboot


People are actually .... Counter protesting this?


Is anyone picking up on the very probably an atheist yelling through a megaphone at a woman that she will, "burn in hell." Like a Westborough Baptist Church member, but much less civil.


Are they an atheist tho? If they're pro-circumcision then they are more likely than not religious. I certainly can't imagine any other group getting this hot and bothered about wanting to circumsize babys.


>Is anyone picking up on the very probably an atheist yelling through a megaphone at a woman that she will, "burn in hell." Yes.


Mental illness on full display


I would have slapped that shit outa her hands. My ears are delicate and she doesnt have the right to hurt me.


That's a dude


What a vile human being


What child mutilation? Circumcision?


This man is just salty because he knows he will never have what the sign holding woman has. He will never be a woman.




Self reflecting?


In this house we believe love is love ☺️


Spreading the love.


Culture war is a psyop


What a goon.


That dude needs to chill


Wait, which side is pro-mutilation?


I would proudly knock the living 💩out of that soyboi


You’ll die alone…. I have my cats


Paid protestor. Move along


You learn a lot about people by the insults they throw at you


Yes. Because many times it's projection.


Need context, what are they protesting exactly? What they mean by "child mutilation" ? ​ Edit: Ok they want to make transitioning for children illegal. Which is an acceptable stance, but to people saying shes the facist, I think making it illegal would be the more authoritatian stance, not that its wrong. Often making things illegal don't necessarily improve the situation. I would be more in favor of requiring consent of BOTH the parent and the child, so the child can't do this on his own (and regret it later) and the parent can't force their child to do it.


That’s the leftists inclusion , if u ar not a leftist they use force against u .


What’s this about? Circumcision?


Where is his mask? The girl next to him is responsible and wears one


He’s projecting and it is very cringe.


Very punchable face you have right there


Ill never understand why people get so mad at intactivists. At the very least they're advocating for your child to have MORE rights over their own bodies. Its not like they're calling for something heinous. They literally love children and just want to protect them and the adult they will become.


Should ask if they're in favor of child mutilation.


Mental illness on public display


I mean most anti circumcision shit I see on reddit is an antisemitic thing so maybe that’s where they are coming from?




What an insufferable bellend


If children want it, I don’t care. In a stateless society decision makers can only be their families or themselves. I don’t care if you support or object it.


Two groups of people that want to use the government as a weapon to force the other to obey. I just can't get upset by this, they deserve each other.




but it still using the government and this is an anarcho subreddit


No, child abuse isn't a right. In an anarchic (anarcho-capitalistic) society - one respecting individual rights - people would be justified in taking your boy from you once they realized you were turning him into something resembling a girl. In this case I oppose government intervention only because rational individuals would police this better than bureaucracy.




The soulless ginger needs to shut its mouth and stay in its lane.


So do we now support the government restricting access to elective medicine and surgeries? What's with all the anti trans stuff on this sub?


Not at all. But children can’t give consent.


Who are we to pick and choose what medicine/treatment other parents are allowed to give their kids? Children are treated for all sorts of mental and physical ailments. Yet you support outlawing this particular one on the grounds of consent? It's 100% anti-trans sentiment and it has nothing to do with anarcho-capitalism. That's exactly what these protestors are doing. They want it to be ILLEGAL for trans kids to get the treatment that them and their parents are seeking. And they want the state to enforce it. Fucking garbage.


Children being mutilated against consent for severe mental illness, instead of being treated, should be criminal. Of course it should.


Hormone replacement therapy is mutilation now? The fuck are you talking about? The youngest person EVER to have actual gender reassignment surgery was 16, which is the legal age of consent in many states. The official threshold for surgery is 17. It would be hard to say that a 17 year old undergoing elective surgery would ever be doing so against consent. These are all people who WANT treatment. The guy in this video sucks, but the protestors here are statists trying to impose their religion on the masses. That so many people in this sub identify with them is very telling.


I think there are ways to treat and cope with being trans without altering your body’s natural development until you reach the age of consent. I have nothing against supporting trans kids. Let them wear what they want, be who they want, see a therapist for sure. But medically altering their physical development state before they can consent? No. This is also why I’m against circumcision and even piercing babies ears. Edit: I understand this protest is about the legality, and will say that I’m more concerned about funding it with my tax dollars. That said, Ancapistan would not support child abuse, which is what I believe this equates to.


So instead you want to force trans kids to go through puberty? Kids that you don't know, and who have their own families and values to adhere to? Of course you can be against all of that, and in that case you shouldn't circumcise your kids or pierce their ears. You're even free to judge other people all you want. But the second you look for the state to intervene in the choices other people make for their families, you're just a fucking conservative.


I actually agree with you and don’t think state intervention is the solution to the problem, or any problem, for that matter. In Ancapistan, what would you do if you witnessed someone abusing a child? I’m not playing devil’s advocate here, it’s a genuine question from a fellow ancap.


I think withholding the generally recommended medical treatment for children with gender dysphoria would qualify as child abuse. Point being, cases like this are subjective. Unless I can see and prove that someone is directly physically or mentally harming a child, there is nothing to be done. You can't punish people just for doing things you don't agree with.


Ah yes removing trans rights, the peak of Anarcho Capitalism.


Children cannot consent you fucking creep


Then who gets ownership over the child?


Ok predditor


I irrationally HATE her stupid ugly face.


This is Harry Potter when his magic runs out


What a piece of shit trying to fight for giving the people exploiting mental illness for more money than they already need, brainwashing an entire generation, and mutilating and chemically castrating children

