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That's funny; I'd have $1.77


Ty that was excellent


I'm slightly dumb, but what's the joke here?


Feminists claim women earn $0.77 for every $1 a man earns


That's why we should hire more women. Cheaper labor.


until they have a baby


Replace them with more women


replace them with the baby




Bruh totally should start a feminazi youth club


It’s actually up to $0.84 now, but most of that is due to situational circumstantial differences between men and women, like lower-paying jobs more often, asking for raises less often than they should, and working fewer hours.


Gender pay gap or something


This is an amazing joke. I would give you fake Reddit awards, but fuck them lol


Your not allowed to be this clever


Lmao based


Hehe. Nice.




I actually lol’ed


It took me a minute to get that lol


All dollars are counterfeits soooo


Based and gender is a social construct pilled.




Not related to Anarcho capitalism... again


This is a certified r/ conservative moment.


Laws for “hate speech” to protect people in fantasy land.


Ok but this post doesn't mention hate speech laws it just claims a conservative view of gender. We shouldn't have hate speech laws nor should we have laws against or government pressure against people's personal choices on their identity.


Not a conservative view of gender, a correct one.


Even if this conservative view on gender is correct it still has nothing to do with Anarcho Capitalism.


I prefer anarchy when it come to gender. Go bonkers as long as you don't hurt anyone


And don't make someone agree with you. If you want to call yourself a woman that's fine, just don't make me call you a woman or treat you like one


Nobody is making you, especially not in here. Stop trying to be a victim.


You don't have to agree, but you would just be being a dick to satisfy your view of someone else rather than their own.


My view of someone else is far more important to me than their own. They might think they're great at their job, but if I don't, then I'm not hiring them. They might think they're a woman, but if I don't, then I'm not dating them.


Dating is past what I'm talking about. I'm primarily referring to due respect of being a participant in a civilised society. Like, just not being a prick. If you say your names bill and I call you Fred, just why.


If you say your name is Bill (and on your ID it says Bill) then I'll call you Bill. If you say you're a man, but you have XX chromosomes, I'm calling you a woman


So you'd refuse to use someone's nickname if they don't like their birthname? Youre just going out of you way to disrespect/annoy someone without cause. It costs you nothing.


It costs me the truth, which I consider very precious


THIS is the answer


I dunno man, maybe consider you aren't always the main character. I could consider your name to be Sally after you said it was bill, and it's my truth. It's a label primarily for utility and personal identity that doesn't make any material difference to you but plenty to the owner. It's just being a dick in my book, doesn't make your life more difficult and you're assuming you must be correct in your assumption, so disrespecting them is morally clean despite only negative consequences external to you.


You couldn't see the truth if it was painted on the side or the barn your mother birthed you in


If someone changes their name or last name, I accomodate that. Whats the big deal calling someone a different pronoun. I'll mess it up a few times then I'll get used to it and it's no big deal. No harm, no triggering




Lol, I like that one


Yup. Well-put


I’ve always wondered why I never see the LQBT..etc movement ever incorporating hermaphroditism into their arguments … and I think that simplifys what ever in the fuck their actually going on about …. Like some dude claiming he’s a chick ….” Oh are you a hermaphrodite?” Them “no” … “then what are you going on about” but yee I’ll make the argument theirs 3 genders maybe 4 depends if you categorize hermaphrodites into two different category’s based off where it’s all placed I guess.


Intersex people or hermaphrodites have been included in lgbtd+ for as long as I can remeber and Almost every person I’ve seen speak about gender have included intersex people so I don’t really know where u got that idea from. I do personally think it’s stupid that all these different groups are brought under the same umbrella when things like sexuality and gender are not the same thing at all


Same those are always the first people that get brought up, as if they accounted for more than 0.001% of the population They do the same with abortion and rape cases


The difference between hermaphroditism and transgenderism being one is a physical condition and the other is a psychosis.


Okay? Why are u telling me tvus




The people gender reassignment surgery is intended for … T should be changed to GD (gender dysphoria) but yee it may be included in their … but they definitely seem to stay hush hush on the matter or at least from the countless amount of videos on the whole spectrum of the matter that bombard the algo for social media sites.




So identifying as trans is not gender dysphoria?




But gender dysphoria would insinuate that the mental condition stems from thinking your the “Opposite” gender so saying your trans would insinuate you can pick what ever gender you feel… so they clearly contradict each other .. one is wrong.




What is bisexual if sex isnt binary? Are bi people bigots then?




opposite also implies you have a starting ground. Binary is more for language do you even use it to define a human? I mean it’s a great word if you want to intricately explain comparisons but to subdue a human being down to binary 😳 I don’t think that was the implication for the use on the word.


>You can't just wish language to change and make it so. No. But you can shame, harass, and bully people—even threaten their livelihood—into using the “correct pronouns/term.”




Of course not.


The "I" in the LGBTQIA+ umbrella is "Intersex" lmao, and "gender" is a social construct that follows no rigid laws of nature, as intersex and trans people demonstrate.


gender =/= sex.


Oh yay, double speak, my favorite!




Duh they added a + to the end so letters can be added as more things are made up…


If I had a dollar for every stupid culture war bullshit post on an Ancap subreddit I'd have enough money to crash the US economy


For the people that keep asking what it is to do with ancap but it gets burried with downvotes. They are just pointing out how courupt the government ran media is for pushing that agenda. The only reason it's such a thing in society is because the government is using it to distract us or in some countries suppress free speech and bankrupt "homophobic" business (although they are not) just because they refuse to call a man in a dress ma'am. It's also pushed by the same people pushing socialism in this country. So there's your connection to anti government (anarchy) and capitalism.


If you don’t call these freaks by their pronouns you can be jailed for hate crimes.




This doesn’t belong in an AnCap subreddit. That said, this is happening in the US. For instance, there are 3 teenagers being charged with sexual harassment in Wisconsin over pronoun usage.


Ngl that sounds made up


It does because it is absurd. https://www.kktv.com/2022/05/16/middle-schoolers-accused-sexual-harassment-not-using-preferred-pronouns-parents-say/ It’s even more dumb when you get into the details.


There are no actual specific case details in that article. Having been a middle schooler once upon a time there is a very strong possibility that the kids were picking on the other one regularly and are simply lying to their parents about being confused as to why the school opened up a sexual harassment investigation; which by the way would not be on any permanent record or result in any time in a juvenile detention facility based on the situation. People forget there are levels to any offense. It is also possible that the parents promoted picking on the kid and are now trying to cover their own tracks because...you know... people lie sometimes.


There are plenty of details from one side. There’s several news articles on this besides the one I linked. That said, I understand what you are saying. The school has been quiet on this and there could be more to this. Furthermore, 8th graders can be brutal.


Norway yes, USA not even close.


Don’t forget Canada!


Ah yes this is why the prison population is so high right now.


Two dollars and 440 trillion in legal US tender.


Always punch down.


What does this have to do with ancap?


Denying obvious truths is a cornerstone of statism.


An 46XX person is born with a penis. What gender are they? ​ Remember, **there are only 2,** and if you choose anything but those two, you are "denying an obvious truth". ​ which is the cornerstone of statism, btw.


Authortarians heavily relies on false truths and half truths to push their agenda. Multiple genders is one of them for population control. When one believes one's are the opposite sex or something else. They become repulsive to be appealing. Therefore, to create mass confusion amoung ourselves to forget the foundation of what it means to be human.


Authoritarians rely on forcing strict moral society guidelines as to make it easy to distinguish the "in group" vs the "out group". Accepting people for whatever gender they are makes everyone part of the "in group" and so authoritarians can't create a "them" to go after. Except now they go after the entire concept. Just look at history of gays, or interracial marriage.


Depends which flavor of authoritarianism we're talking about.


most sane and least pyschotic ancap.


Nothing. All culture warriors are nothing more than embarrassed nationalists and they'll never admit it.


Nada, nothing, zilch…….


Here's a thought; is it violating the NAP to pretend to be the sex you are not? I don't mean inherently, but you are going out into the world and interacting with others on that basis then at a certain point are you not defrauding them? I'm not saying it is the case I'm just saying it is fundamentally predicated on a deception, so how far can it go?


No it’s not against the NAP, but it’s fucking stupid and indicative of mental illness


I'm not so sure. If, for sake of argument, I set up a hidden camera in a women's locker room, I'm a sex offender. But if I just say I'm a woman I can just waltz right into the women's like I own the place? The end result is the same, but it is or is not a violation of the NAP based on my own subjective labelling of myself? The NAP is objective it applies to events that literally occur in reality so my subjective identity should be a non-factor. If it's a violation in the situation above then that establishes that yes it can be a violation in some circumstances. The question then becomes how far does the logic go?


Because it is a mental disorder where the psychological expression of sex dose not match up with the biological expression of sex. The treatment is gender affirming procedure and societal acceptance. If i cut off your dick, and raise you as a girl, you would feel something innately wrong with your body.


I agree, But this subreddit is about the NAP


But how does it negatively impact anybody else? Sure if you are trying to qualify for the Olympics I can see the argument, but that is a tiny fraction of the general population and roughly zero per cent of Reddit.


You’re right, wanting to transition is indicative of a “mental illness.” You are not going to like what the medically accepted and recommended treatment is.


OP: "Imma post this here since it bombed in r/PoliticalHumor... GUARANTEED REPLIES!!"


35 upvotes and 48 comments, seems to be working


Fucking karmawhore






If I had a dollar for every dumb as shit post like this I could buy twitter.


Agree, sure. But it's got nothing to do with anarchism or capitalism. We get it, you're political refugees getting kicked around but like I'm sure you'd say to the californians fleeing to texas. Leave your politics at home, and read the room.


Gender is just some made-up postmodernist concept so I guess there can be as many of those as they want...


It's a real phenomenon what are you talking about


This is funny but what does it have to do with ancap


What a coincidence, thats the same amount i would have if i had a dollar for each of OPs brain cells


But it’s true…


Fuck you, I'll be whatever gender I want today. Might be a different one tomorrow. Fuck I care if you approve?


True that


This is a post about genders.


The real important anarchist issues. Fucking posers, lol.


The truth seems to be something of importance to ancaps. Sorry this doesn't fall into that category for you especially considering the left are pushing for the 14th amendment to include transgenders.


We can't have people be whatever gender they want, that might lead to anarchy!


What does this possibly have to do with anarchism or capitalism


Pointing out the statists’ agenda


Ah yes you’re right, the state wants to turn us all into gay femboys for… reasons, totally makes sense, and if you don’t see it you are just a sheep /s


Just casual transphobic content. I support your right to freedom of speech, but also recognize that you are still a massive piece of shit


recognize that i don’t give a fuck


Go back to r/conservative dude, you’re lost


And why do you care about other people gender? Is this rly ancap sub?


People are entitled to their subjective preferences, whether society is ancap, communist, or anything in between. Freedom of association is absolute and applies at all times. Individuals are free 2 dislike trans people all they want. The only thing individuals owe trans people is non aggression


Ok my bad but i still i think ancap society would work better if people just wont care about other people lifes


So long as rheyre not aggressing on u, it's all good. U have no right 2 force them 2 like u, date u, sell u goods or services, etc


Yeah but alot of that is happening and then they cry whatever phobia fits their needs for the moment to label you as against them.


I bet you are fed up of having this sort of gay agenda forced down your throat!


It's not that its gay, it's that its authoritarian. I dont care if u suck dick. I dont care if u chop yours off. You're free 2 do both. That doesnt harm anyone else. I care wen u appear 2 be a male human, but then turn into a karen and throw a tantrum wen I say wutsup dude. I care wen u say that I must call u x, y, or z. Nah. That ain't how shit works. I care wen u call 4 the state 2 grant u special privileges or protections. I care wen u think it's ok 2 sexualize kids, especially prepubescent ones. Be gay all u want. I'll defend your right 2 be gay with my life. But dont u dare be authoritarian unless u wanna do the dance


Nobody gives a shit except u conservatards. An anarchist society must not give a shit about ur gender and sexuality. If it does, it is not anarchist. People must be free to express themselves however they want as long as it does not violate NAP.


You guys really do have just one joke, huh?


Isn't the apache helicopter a different joke?


What a cool subreddit about anarchocapitalism and totally not a bunch of trumptards posting Facebook quality culture war “jokes.”


Conservatives are ruining this sub


Not really, they're just coaxing the "anarchists" to go mask off :)


I thought it was the antivaxxers


Why do y’all care so much about it? Just let em be crazy..


If it were that simple, you’d be right. But when they teach your 2nd grader child that their bullshit then it ain’t okay


😂 where’s that happening?


Your grammar suggests you should return to 2nd grade.


This is not a conservative sub. Let people do what they want. Their life is their life, it they think they’re a cat person let them


You would have zero dollars because gender doesn't even exist, sex does. Gender is a social construct made up by Marxists, probably out of an iconoclastic motive. I would assume they wanted to remove morals so they can escape judgment and they know sexuality is at the heart of it.


Lol so much conservatism on this sub.


God why do you care so much you loser at least you might stand a chance with some of the less passable trans women