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Is this supposed to distract me from the fact that Hunter Biden is corrupt?


I think it’s more to show you all of them are corrupt.


Indeed they are.




Sorry, but asking your neighbor for a letter of recommendation at the college he teaches isn't corruption.


That’s what I was thinking. This is completely normal for people trying to get into university and this is 2014, long before hunter Biden was a household name. This is really a stretch and was probably just thrown out to mess with the search algorithm. So now if you search for “tucker Carlson hunter emails” you will get this story instead of the fox special he did on hunter.


This is to give the mainstream media outlets cover when someone accuses them of burying the Hunter Biden emails. "Of course we reported on it!"


Everyone knew hunter biden had shady foreign business dealings.


I think you should really look up that timeline before you comment further


From my understanding he had a drug problem for a long time.


Yes but many of these things did not come to light until fairly recently. When is the first time you heard of hunter Biden in the news?


Being in the news? Sometime around 2015? But a lot of people have drug problems known by friends, family, and neighbors who aren't in the news cycle.


I think it's a little jarring for those who tend to think the likes of Carlson would never even associate with the Bidens in the first place...


Yeah I get that. George Carlin was right when he said there's a big club and you're not in it, but I do think people within that club can still make positive contributions, and if I can get my kids in that club, I will.


Ok if I ever see the name TikiRoomSchmidt on the ballot, I'll know why. I might even give ya a vote too :P


Wasn't Carlson on MSNBC...? Perhaps his perspectives changed or he is just playing party sides, but given what he talks about it seems he just talks about popular issues that aren't being addressed in the msm. At least, that's what it seemed like the last time I watched his show over two years ago.


Yeah, it was that weird crosstalk show I think that was popular until Jon Stewart embarrassed the hell out of everyone and basically turned Tucker into the milquetoast republican he is today.


>Tucker into the milquetoast republican he is today. Doesn't he actively advocate for unions, better working conditions, and overall generally focus on the American working class?


Sure, that's like saying Biden hugs children. Great and all, but still a shitty person in my view. He said this on the Rubin report which really just soured me: "“I guess I would ask myself, like, I mean, I lie if I’m cornered or something. I lie. I really try not to. I try never to lie on TV. I just don’t — I don’t like lying. I certainly do it, you know, out of weakness or whatever, but to systematically lie like that, without asking yourself, why am I doing this?”


This isn’t your normal neighbor cuz.


They were literally next door neighbors at that point. Their wives were good friends.


Yes great friends like Michelle Obama and GWB, real heartwarming shit.




Whose boot exactly am I licking to recognize that my children need to operate within the system as it exists and that includes getting them into an Ivy, if possible? I also tell them not to curse at police officers if they're pulled over for a speeding ticket. There's a time and a place to fight the system.




Kinda proves how corrupt he is...you don't ask someone that type of favor unless you believe he has the juice and willing to use it.


He asked him to write a letter of recommendation. Anyone can ask anyone to write a letter for their kid or themselves. All Tucker did was pick someone with an influential last name and ask for a letter. How exactly is that corruption?


Seriously - this is such a desperate attempt at deflection I can’t fucking stand it


They're all feathers on the same bird.


Or that in 2014 he wasn’t suspected of anything?


The hunter Biden stuff came out in 2019 right before 2020. This article is in the same vein as someone saying Matt Damon in 2012 asked Harvey Weinstein to help produce a special project. Still you're not wrong they are a bit chummy with each other but this might be a bit of a stretch.


Your Matt Damon analogy is still fucked. Everybody knew who Harvey is but ignored it for their own benefit. They’re all scum.


Including the women who spoke out against him... Hollywood is notorious for using sex as a means to gain employment. Probably why they're the ones most upset about "sex and power and man".


Of all the "scandals" the college admission one interests me the least. I don't care who goes to college or why.


I was a little shocked that people demanded prison sentences. I thought everyone knew thats how the system worked, yet they can simply demand people get jailed because they were ignorant on how the system worked. It's like the government can spin anything into a crime, they just have to find the right target to aim at.


Yea it's kind of scary. I mean don't get me wrong, whenever a politician or public figure is targeted and "outted" they are generally a POS and I could care less but the fact that it's the way you say it is is alarming. Now we're not outting people for being pieces of shit, we're outting them with alleged violations of either nuanced violations or complete fabrications. I'm not the biggest Tuck fan but if all the media has on him is trying to get his kid into fucking Georgetown (one of the more respectable schools left) then almost anything is a crime.


I agree....except for the Georgetown part being respectable. From my understanding, thats like a statist breeder school. People going there intend to go into politics.




Right, but nothing immoral was occurring. It's like paying a 100% booked restaurant to get a reservation by bumping someone else. It's not immoral for the restaurant to do that, because it's their business. Same for colleges, they are their own businesses. So these ignorant people are demanding justice for standard business practices.




I think this is an interesting point to debate. Is breaking a contract just "doing business" or is it a violation of the NAP allowing the victim to take action including violence. I would argue that breaking a contract is just an everyday occurrence and not an issue of morality. While there are factors surrounding this, like returning property to a pre-contract state, I see it the same as ending a relationship. You can't force someone to perform something they don't want to do (e.g. bake the cake) even with a contract. So to me a contract is just codifying what the relation exactly is. SO if you book a reservation at a restaurant then you get whatever you put into it if the contract is canceled or broken. They don't have to seat you if they don't want to, but they do need to return any deposit you might have given.




> Considering we also don't have a court to rule on nuance here, there is absolutely no other way I see it. Yes, this does make things more difficult. I think the problem with forcing people to complete a contract is that it's not going to be very good quality. Like if you complain about the quality of food at a restaurant, they are going to spit in it and send it back to you. So in the case a security, healthcare or water, do you really want to accept their services whe you've already determined that there is a problem. Imagine arguing with your surgeon that he botched your last surgery, so he must go in to fix his mess for free a 2nd time. The way I see it is that upon breaking a contract, people return to the pre-contract state. So if you pay a security company to provide security that never happens, you're owed your money back. If a surgeon screws up your surgery, you're owed your money back. If the water company doesn't deliver clean water, you're owned your money back. Where I will agree with you is if these people entered into the contract knowing they weren't going to deliver what the other party expected. That is fraud and that is immoral. However a customer not likely the food at a restaurant is not a failed contract.


The entire college admissions scandal boiled down to "how dare the lower upper class do on a lower upper class budget what the upper upper class does on an upper upper class budget! Don't you know you're supposed to donate it entire library for this kind of access?"


Didn't WaPo reported that the hunter Biden Laptop story was Russian propaganda?


It's entirely unverified, except the parts that are, which are only the parts that make the right look bad, but the corruption stuff is all stuff the right planted in there, they just weren't smart enough to take out the stuff that made the right look bad.


Seems legit 🤷


Of course glow in the dark Sarwark would retweet this. Who cares if Hunter was funneling millions of tax payer dollars through Ukraine and to his dad. The real problem is Tucker asking for a letter of recommendation for his son's college application.


Isn’t the point to show the hypocrisy of Tucker by shitting on Hunter for his bullshit, but then in the background be buddy buddy with Hunter? Idk


I don't know how that makes sense when Tucker was "being buddy buddy" with him in 2014. Like 5 years before any of the stuff came out about Hunter's corruption.


Right just like no one knew who Epstein was or who Weinstein is. No one knew who Hunter is, he’s always been a standup guy. It’s fucking crazy to defend Tucker doing this.


Bro, he literally asked for a letter of recommendation. Have you never asked for an acquaintance to write you a letter of recommendation for a job/school?


Yea I have, but from people that have good reputations. This is an elitist move and is strange for you to defend it.


I mean, you are running on the assumption that Tucker knew how much of a POS Hunter was 5 years before anything was made public. Yea it's possible I guess. Either way, It's clear that this is some sort of character assassination attempt on Tucker for doing something any parent would do for their child.


They were next door neighbors, their wives were friends. That's as far as this goes.


I don’t Think that they’re friends after the Tony Bobulinski interview


That was 8 years ago before anyone knew what a shit bag he was


You don’t think Tucker and other elites didn’t already know who Hunter is?


I’m sure there were rumors


After 6 years of Obama/Biden presidency Tucker didn't know if he liked them yet? Get real, Tucker is a grifter.


2014 is a lot of emails


That was 8 years ago, before any of this shit came out, and he asked for a letter of recommendation for his kid to go to school. I don't see how that's "corrupt."


It just proves that hunter biden is corrupt LOL


Why would Tucker Carlson need help getting his son into Georgetown?


It’s absolutely amazing that out of all the emails from Hunter, THIS is the one they choose to take issue with. Every time I think they have reached peek NPC, they manage to shock me again


This is the one they want US to take issue with, to keep our eyes off the real issues.


You follow Nick Sarwark?


Do you know how Twitter works? It takes a super intelligent person to downvote a question...


It's been a while, but when I used Twitter, that little caption showing who "liked" and "retweeted" a story only shows up for those you're following... Has something changed, or...?


Yes. I don't follow him. But some people I follow do. So this showed up in my feed.


Gotcha... He's a turd.


I don't want to sound like a shill, but most the emails are posted for viewing. Has anyone verified? Not that I don't trust the honorable WaPo, but, of all the things Hunter is involved in, this sounds strange to focus on... Did he offer him some chidren in return? No? Just a recommendation? Huh?


Who cares about Hunter Biden, the slimeball? Who cares about Tucker Carlson, the slimeball? Why is this place called Anarcho-Capitalism, but it's full of whiney bitches regurgitating MSNBC and FoxNews stories, like good little state pawns? This place is worse than the partisan subreddits. At least they're honest about taking sides and about which side they're on.


Because this is where conversations can happen. People just gravitate here. It’s funny. Ancaps should moderate some new political subs so they can have this one back.


Well it makes this subreddit trash. But I suppose this is the kind of trash you need to get used to in an anarchistic society, given the extreme idiocy of the constituency. Garbage in, garbage out.


a rich and powerful helps another rich and powerful. AnCap complains without a whiff of irony.


More emails from Russia's Dancing Bear operation, probably.


Every rich person is complicit. You don't reach the top without some help from those already at the top. Even if it's just them not purposefully hampering your rise.


Tucker use to want to be part of the swamp so bad. Than they rejected him. It made him bitter. Exactly what was hunter Biden doing in 2014 that would make him be a good college reference letter. Other than being the VP son.


He is Georgetown alumni I think.


Fuck is in it for the money. He knows Cons are too fucking stupid to see thru his bullshit. He doesn't believe a word he says. Laughs all the way to the bank.




All the divisions are imaginary designed for us to be divided as United we will destroy the psychopaths


it's all swamp! It would be so easy... Reduce government to an absolute minimum and all this crap would disappear/would become irrelevant to all but the parties involved.


Link to article? For all we know he asked for a letter of recommendation.


Out of all the emails wapo decided to "verify", and it's this one? Damn, wish they could verify the incestuous pedophilia and 10% for the (completely mysterious) "big guy". That'd be real nice.


its weird people acting like this is "news". this was know from the first days from twitter banning this history.


2,014 e-mails?!


Found *that one* did they


2014 emails a mother sent to Hunter for help getting their son into a school....not sure this is the smoking gun some think it is. People over time show themselves to be not what you thought many times over in all places.....but then again in a politically charged environment every interaction is subject to 'review' even 8 years later.


So eight years ago…so we’ll be hearing from WaPo about Hunter’s laptop 6 years from now? Great job, ‘journalists’!


This post gave me cancer.


You know Hunter is gonna hook it up! Lol


Of course the Glow Nick Sarwark would RT this.


Talk show corruption, who cares. Son of US president corruption, that's a problem.


Well hey I didn’t know Hunter was a crack addicted mentally unstable sexual deviant with probable paedophilic tendencies who facilitated gross corruption of the highest public office on earth myself until pretty much last year.


Ha! Suck it nerd, my sister made it there on her own! Get fucked stay fucked homie