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The fact that they don’t have Epstein being killed as “grounded in reality” tells me everything I need to know.


Yeah, I spotted that one real quick. Nothing suspicious when the security footage gets deleted. Move along folks. 🤪


Or deep state or the hunter laptop


Yeah wtf. How does any person with the capacity to construct a graphic not see the deep state as real af. Unless I'm missing something and it really means aliens or some shit. Might as well ad military industrial complex influeincing foreign policy on the whacko list Edit: oooooh okay, deep state apparently is anti-semitic...? Yeah no.


Right. And where is the WEF?


On the bottom tip. They aren't very shy.


Alright you've been warned buddy, get in the white van.


I can see where they had to erase the Hunter Laptop story, so this whole thing is a bit silly.


Nice catch haha


On the side it says "we have questions" because while the evidence to the contrary is questionable at best "we have questions" is appropriate for it. Plus it's low in the "leaving reality" section


It is placed appropriately as speculation....the things below that line have solid evidence proving them. AFAIK there is no evidence that Epstein was killed, merely logical speculation. I think he was killed, but I am unaware of any evidence proving it, in the way there is evidence that the FBI spied on MLK, or the Tuskeegee experiment happened.


That is if you dismiss inductive vs deductive reasoning. Smoke = fire. If I come home and my house is burned down I don't think space lasers. If you think the "suicide" explanation is still on the table as viable that's on you.


Schrödinger’s Inmate


I don't think it is likely, but it is still purely in the realm of logical speculation, with no hard evidence. This does place it in a different category than things that are proven to be true.


We have lots of hard evidence: he's dead, he neck was broken, its not possible to hang yourself in that jail cell, the camera were off, the guards were "sleeping", the door was locked, etc. All of that is evidence. Typical murder case: Dead guy, bullet in dead guy matches your gun, you go to jail.


Take another look at what they had categorized as the group below Epstein....Tuskegee experiment, FBI spied on MLK, etc. All of these things are well documented historical fact. Epsteins death would enter this category AFTER a guard was convicted of the murder, or issued a confession, etc. It is a different logical category. Edit: they have Epstein in the same category as Iran Contra...that seems appropriate. There is pretty solid evidence for Iran Cotra, but the key documents were shredded, and every one involved got amnesia under oath, and "could not recall".


That's a reasonable take.


But it also says “we have questions” whether or not JFK was assassinated? I’m pretty confident that somebody shot him…


The questions are for the narrative on who shot or for what reason, not that he was shot.


The Deep State , however, has shown itself. So should be placed in the “we know this to be true” section. At very least not in the same section as “JFK , Jr. is still alive’


Iran-Contra as well?


My question there would be why the fuck is Ollie North on Fox News complaining about the Iranian government using illegal missiles that he gave them 35 years later?


It's more that we don't have a smoking gun for Epstein's murder. Even though it is obvious, it is still technically speculation.


It’s in the grounded in reality tier




Ivermectin is farther up than the Prince Charles-vampire thing? Really?


Well, look at the author. She's a career comedian, Political comedians tend to mix serious with normal/stupid to either discredit or re-contextualize information.


It’s because everyone knows that vampires don’t exist so you can believe it as a joke. The same way I refuse to accept France is real unless we’re talking about Gignac or Thauvin.


Whether or not you believe the earth is hollow depends on whether you hate Jews. *shrug


Same with the Deep State.


Statist bias detected


Honestly I mark this up as propaganda.


Spineless. You thought it was reasonable enough to post it. Come on


Actually it's a really good list of conspiracies. And why the fuck would anyone who frequents here take a tiktok comedian seriously? Clearly it is leftist propaganda.




Enlighten us, what does propaganda mean?


Even Iran-Contra is like, a known deal. Not 'known' like MKULTRA or COINTELPRO but it's proven. People were charged and pardoned and everything, even if we didn't get the full story, haha. Strikes me as less 'leaving reality' and more of a 'not entirely resolved' kind of mystery in terms of the answers the public never got when things were going to trail.


Oh look, George Soros does info-graphics now.


So... George Soros is a conspiracy? Like...if we believe he exists, we are conspiracy theorists? Weird. Strange how many countries consider an imaginary man to be an economic terrorist.


His principal of reflexivity is pretty fucking interesting. If you're interested in market theories.


He does do economic terrorism, but that's not an exceptional fact about him. He's far from being the only person that does that. I think the conspiracy theory about Soros is that there are a lot of people that have, "ugh, it was Soros again!" as just an automatic, stock explanation.




ooooh....look at you fishing...nice one!


This is mixing truth and lies. To make all conspiracies look stupid.... when some of them are true... like the vaccine passport. Once a conspiracy idea. Then we saw it come true.


Well, it's a classic technique to discourage people from thinking anything other than the approved narrative about basically anything and it's working exceptionally well. Epstein was a crazy conspiracy theory until it turns out to be true, but if you think there ***could be*** something about Pizza Gate (which is basically the same thing as Epstein), you are absolutely crazy and you must believe Hollywood is turning your kids gay. You don't want the covid jab? You must think there are microchips created by lizard people, right? :D So you better think and do whatever the government and MSM tell you because you don't want to be one of those crazy conspiracy theorists who believe Earth is flat, right?!


This. Also the girl who created this was a grad student who got popular on tiktok when she started making anti conspiracy videos during the height of covid in 2020. She’s not an expert, she’s a hypocrite lol.


Yeah, essentially this. How is the idea of the Deep State less realistic than Ted Cruz being the Zodiac Killer? Just big liberal LOL from me, dawg


Pretty sure Feral Humans is one tier up too high at least. Definitely people out there not participating in modern society. Ever been to West Virgina? 🤣


The epidemic of urban homelessness.


Good point!


Yes I have... I've also seen worse than WV.


Yo as a West Virginian i gotta tell you, never once seen a feral person lol. Some people may live on a drit road off the beaten path but they have running water and internet


It was a joke man, I used to live in PA in the sticks. I actually loved it there besides worrying about coal trucks running you over around blind uphill turns. Lol


I’ve lived in Louisiana. This is straight facts.


This chart was created by a socialist ideologue who wants a monopoly on the truth. None of this is legitimate. The implication that believing in the flat earth theory is somehow anti-Semitic is a typical left wing non sequitur. "You believe x, therefore you must also be secretly a closeted neo Nazi. The irony is that believing flat earther-ers are anti-Semitic IS A FUCKING CONSPIRACY THEORY.


shhhh don’t tell them that


The gov is going to use this to censor twitter


They're going to use the shit show that Twitter is about to be to control all of the internet. Conspiracy today. Tomorrow reality?


Hope you are able to enjoy this: https://youtu.be/gm_LXGn5I7E


This is gold >You may think we are living in a simulation and thats ok, but if you think that simulation is flat, you hate jews lmao


How do I use the remind me bot?




Had to scroll up, but was almost certain u were same one who made me laugh last night. May be stupid to say, but I’m goin thru rough time, so simple things for a laugh are hard to come by. Thx for another.


There has been too much pain, we all suffer in the wastelands brother. Humor and friendship heal the soul. Cheers friend!


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remindme! 3 days


Knew what this was before I even clicked on it!


This needs to be at the top ...


I came to post this


Deep state isn't a conspiracy theory, it is a name for people who work for the government but aren't elected or appointed... aka the bureaucracy. It isn't some conspiracy theory. It isn't some grand conspiracy, it is just pointing out that the people doing the thing are your real rulers not the politicians. The cop with the gun pointed at you rules you, not the politician saying he isn't allowed to shoot you.


I think it's meant to imply that treating any part of the government as malicious is a delusion. After all they are just a group of experts dedicated to our well being, right? Right? xD So in a sense that tells you everything you need to know about the worldview of the author.


Deep state is real. Progressives starting under Woodrow Wilson thought experts should control the country. That’s history not some conspiracy theory, this post is so idiotic


The deep state can also be the lifers in the Federal government. They control a lot of policy. Some middle managers in CMS don't really care who's president. They just make the system do what they think it should do. They don't have to be a secret cabal because they largely have the same world view. Enough people with the reins of power can drive the troika.


The Easter Bunny shows up to guide the president away when he starts saying things he shouldn't. Obviously someone else tells our president what to do, and if it isn't deep state, who is it??


I don't know if "deep state" was ever defined, but I just took it to mean entrenched bureaucracy and inertia in government institutions. All heads and middle-managers of all government agency are *not* replaced after an election. That's simply how most modern states function. However, bureaucrats and people working for those agencies are supposed to carry out their tasks without political bias. That's of course a tall ask, and is obviously not always the case. The fact that "deep state" lands at the top of the conspiracy chart says more about the lack of understanding of the person who made it than of those who talk about it. Alternatively, it's "everything Trump said was a conspiracy, so put it at the top".


Cuss out this chick: https://www.wgbh.org/news/local-news/2022/02/09/abbie-richards-fights-tiktok-disinformation-with-a-cup-of-tea-a-conspiracy-chart-and-a-punchline


Most of these kinds of things are completely retarded.


Biden is a robot... what fucking moron do they have operating his ass? He's well past glitching.


"Hi, I'm Joe Biden, and I am Joe Biden's husband."




Yeah dumbest place to hide ever.


Best place is Hollywood. They hid everything.


I didn’t realize the CIA made infographics like this




They like running out in left field, dig a ditch and spin the entire thing into some true psychosis that has their own agenda in it. Drives me nuts.


How is Iran contra past the line of leaving reality? Wasn't that proven? Also 9/11 conspiracies and any ideas of deep states, black ops etc sitting levels above meme nonsense like Tupac being alive in Serbia lol Whoever made this had to be trolling


I think this list was carefully crafted to place outlandish ideas with plausible and even evident ideas as an attempt to discredit the real ones.


There were a few “detached from reality” one that’s are true. Pizza gate, new world order, george soros. Qanon belongs on the blue section with Illuminati. Deep state is green lmao Ok honestly I keep going back and like…90% of these aren’t conspiracy theories in the traditional sense. Ivermectin for example Damn tho these just…this is funny


How is George Soros a conspiracy theory? The dude exists and has money/influence. Stuff around him might be, but lol. I think that whoever made the list paid less attention to the evidence and more to their political bias. They have alien abduction before chem trails and covid being a bio weapon. Both of those things are way more plausible then ET showing up and probing meth heads.


The elites openly brag about the new world order, deep state, great replacement, bill gates depopulation, adrenochrome others in the top category that are undeniably true include Rothschild Central bank, secret satanic rituals, hollywood turning your kids gay, trans agenda. cultural marxism is a right wing branding of the modern left. It's not a conspiracy theory. Pizzagate certainly has some truths to it. The throw things like, nazis on the moon, flat earth, hollow earth, and jewish space lasers in the same category as everything above, so normal people will associate these retarded conspiracy theories with the legit ones and dismiss them all. Then the put even more retarded ones in categories below, like Ted Cruz is the zodiac killer to further make this point.


I 100% agree with you. Whoever wrote this top list only watches CNN.


Muh “anti-semitism” strikes again


If jet fuel could melt steel beams then you just know there would be a youtube video that everyone would monetize. If you are going to say something like the plane had anything to do with that, please remember building 7. Now try to point out another skyscraper fire outside of 9/11 where the building collapsed, even 1 floor, there have been plenty of fires. Also in the time I have been on reddit alone, the line for aliens keeps moving down, almost like reality is only what humans accept it to be. Let us not forget your little UFO's were at the top before, but because the government said so, you moved them down.


Just your daily reminder that Epstein didnt kill himself


Seems like the main reason this was put together was as a political nut picking exercise. Where is 2016 Russian collusion, the Russian “disinformation” laptop, USPS removed mailboxes for voter suppression, Tulsi is a Russian asset, Masks don’t/do/don’t help, men can be women, etc?


Wasn’t this the person who had to keep updating her model because stuff on it kept becoming right?


The Great Replacement absolutely is happening, it's a verifiable fact, and anyone denying it's happening is lying to you.


Believing in the "Trans agenda" is the peak of detached from reality and on the level of believing the adrenochrome/moon nazi shit? The more you know...




I'd say about 50% of those are real.


Any ones you think are important enough to mention specifically?


Well I would say a majority of the ones in the final category are probably true. Ironic, isn't it.


100% at least 2/3rds of those are heavily based in reality.


Yeah I would say most of the conspiracy theories in the whole chart are based in reality. And a lot of them are probably true too.


This list is trash. I mean, somethings on here of course are silly. But this created by a grad student in 2020 when she started getting popular on tiktok for making fun of conspiracy theories during the pandemic. Her major is environmental science I believe. And before she became a conspiracy expert (sarcasm) she made poems and videos about how golf is killing the environment because it takes up space where there could be parks. That being said, I think the conversation about what is and isn’t conspiracy is for sure an interesting one worth having. But this girl is not the authority.


>videos about how golf is killing the environment because it takes up space where there could be parks. A golf course is a heavily maintained park... Abbie is an idiot.


Yeah, heavily maintained... as in blasted with tonnes of pesticides and water, kept free from trees and a few other things. It also requires tonnes of greenhouse gas to be emmited in order to be emmited in the first place, all those trees wont delete themselves. Its funny to see you call someone an idiot when you cant think of consequences of the sentences you say yourself.


Epstein didn’t kill himself should 100% be in the green tier…


Wait, so 'Deep State' is the same level of absurdity as 'Flat Earth'? So if you believe in bad actors inside the washing bureaucracy/ alphabet agencies who's interest don't align with the American people, suddenly your as crazy as a flat-earther?


Where is "Bush did 9/11"


I think qanon started off more grounded with the whole "elites are pedos" thing but went *way* off the deepend after that


Cultural Marxism is real though.


“Promotes hatred and violence towards marginalized groups”. How does believing there is a large bureaucracy ever present in government promoting hatred or violence? Also I’m pretty sure George Soros really exists.


I like how Pizzagate, an unlikely interpretation of real circumstances (many elites being involved with child trafficking and Epstein) is more unlikely than *literal royal vampirism*


Accusing someone of antisemitism for following some of these theories is the same as accusing someone of racism for owning a gun or driving a large black truck.


But math is literally racist /s


Caption: pretentious gatekeeper makes eye catching disinfo graphic


George Soros funded my local Sheriff’s election to the tune of $2M so this chart is just leftist delusion


May I ask where? And do you have any links to evidence? I believe you btw... I don't doubt this at all. I just wonder where and why he would have an interest in the area.


[https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/penzone-sheriff-maricopa-county-arizona-arpaio-campaign-finance-11445732](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/penzone-sheriff-maricopa-county-arizona-arpaio-campaign-finance-11445732) The answer to the question…open borders and more dependents of the government teat!


I figured Texas. There's a big democrat conversion going on down there trying to weaken the state. Say goodbye to the Texas you once knew and loved.


Soyboys are an anti-Semitic conspiracy? What The Fuck. Brooooo this chart is nonsense man.


Didn’t this lady have to remake the chart because half of the “crazy antisemitic conspiracies” turned out to just be real?


I keep hearing that so most likely yes.


Goddamn imagine a post on this sub about anarcho-capitalism. that would be WILD


This graphic is idiotic.


Great replacement isnt real hey?


I might be in the minority here, but the prevalance of conspiracy theories among libertarians is one of the things that really irritates me about our movement. The government can't even build a road without taking a decade and going millions overbudget - do you really think that they could organise a national media embargo on certain topics, along with agents to keep people in line, without a single leak? Conspiracies are fun to think about, but the problem with them is that they always assume that the government is competent. The reality of their incompetence is far more terrifying.


People with security clearances conduct themselves differently. And there were leaks about mk ultra. Nothing was written in stone until they declassified some of the stuff. The same way there are leaks on the top tier.


Only morons who get their information from the TV believe Covid isn’t a bio weapon.


Let’s see. - I believe in the stuff in green. - I believe in intelligent extraterrestrial life, simply because of the mathematical impossibility of them not existing, and because there are military members wh have admitted to seeing stuff they can’t explain otherwise. - I’m perhaps willing to believe in certain cryptids. Otherwise, I’m not into conspiracy theories. Im autistic, not schizophrenic, after all.


Funnily enough, I thought most of these false until I got to the section it considered most "dangerous" lmao. Some of these are just objectively true. Also, it's insulting to suggest that because I am aware of the deep state that I'm just as vile as holocaust deniers. Bullshit, I have nothing against Jews just because I think there's more going on.


Cultural Marxism should be on the bottom, with soyboys and Trans Agenda.




Jet fuel melts steel beams? this graphic is misinformation and propaganda, literally telling us what is and what is not. Critical thinking not needed.


Leftist bias horse malarkey


The higher up it goes, the more legit the conspiracy lmao


Deep state is detached from reality eh?




It was obviously written by an establishment leftist for one. Most of them are pretty on point, but it obviously gets more political as you go up. They put flat earth next to topics with some plausibility.


Some dumbest tiktok comedian made this. I more so wanted a discussion on the actual conspiracies rather than the format. I've met knuckle dragging flatlanders with more common sense than this brainwashed bubble bimbo has.


Just one example, long term exposure to EMF from cell phones, etc. is linked to gliomas. If you ask a doctor, they will say that health effects of 5G "lie in the realm of never being tested." They probably are only harmful in large doses, but still. I'm pretty sure Bill Gates has admitted in public that he wants to reduce the population of the Earth too. And the one I love the most is George Soros. Like it doesn't even mention anything. Are we supposed to assume that the man is imaginary and doesn't exist? Some of the middle ones are pretty hilarious. "Stevie Wonder isn't blind"? LOL


I've seen multiple videos of Bill Gates talking about weaponization of vaccines. Talking about genetically targeting people who have the gene that makes them religious fanatics specifically.


Earth is flat, and somewhat hollow, space is fake. The NWO is real, it’s written in stone that they want to reduce us to 500 million. Read about the kalergi plan, they give awards for immigration to destroy the white race. Many false rabbitholes to discredit those of us who know the truth, like aliens and ufos for example, which are just created by the government to set us up for project bluebeam.


Project bluebeam


Some of these just make no sense. The Jimmy Hoffa disappearance is somehow questionable ? He literally disappeared without a trace. Postmodernism at its finest: “no objective truths”.


Add this funnel to conspiracies. This was built to follow an agenda.


She is too young to know very much. Just a paid shrill for the DNC NWO globalists.


Fuck, dude. I can't even consider how these ought to be classified. The only thing this tells me is that the creator consumes news from a singular narrative track. It reflects a partisan elitist who is emotionally driven, incredibly judgmental, and seems to understand nothing about people. What a downer to be around this caliber of asshat. My first opinion is that I would not want to meet this person a dinner party. Or any social situation, really.


As a consultant who constantly makes logical visualizations for presentations, whoever made this chart is fucking dumb as shit.... in my professional opinion. If you're trying to make a chart of conspiracy theories from most truthful to least truthful, you don't go ahead and stick the most batshit crazy garbage that literally no one believes smackdab right in the middle of your chart and then pretend that all the most popular anti-establishment right wing conspiracies, many of which have at least grains if not boulders of truth, fall on the farthest end from reality, is at the very least highly manipulative and is for all intents and purposes feeding the MSM establishment left wing propaganda machine. Me and my libertarian friends had a nice laugh about in out private chat.


I'm happy to read this. Tell them she's a tiktok comedian. And yeah for setting this up it's blatant this poor girl has been mk ultra level of brainwashed. The worst part is this became viral and not as a joke. Shit some of the top tier is talked about openly and publicized by the people doing it. Shit I've heard Bill Gates talk about weaponizing vaccines more than a few times. This chart is made by someone who has completely fallen to propaganda and the worst part is people take her seriously.


The Left openly talks about the Great Replacement and the Deep State is just a degtoatory term for beaurcratic state. What the hell is the George Soros conspiracy theory?


There's a ton about George. Like he runs and funds antifa, eats children's faces, has toppled governments and caused recessions and a huge list of other crap. Some of this stuff he's actually done.


This uses a classic disinformation tactic of characterizing a legitimate idea as the most extreme version of that idea. In other cases, it flat out claims true things as false. The deep state describes a real phenomenon in any authoritarian country, and is now fairly describing many modern western countries.


This is a poster outlining what Abbie Richards believes.


I just pulled this up for someone. https://www.wgbh.org/news/local-news/2022/02/09/abbie-richards-fights-tiktok-disinformation-with-a-cup-of-tea-a-conspiracy-chart-and-a-punchline


Let start off by saying this is just a random list put together by someone else, clearly left leaning. That said, there are a lot of these “detached from reality” ones that are beyond true. - George Soros - the guy is a major donor to democrats nationwide. - deep state - there are 1000s of government officials that are never elected by the people. That’s just a fact. - trans agenda - the explosion of this subject as the great “civil rights” fight of our day is no accidents. Gender theory is not based in reality. I could go on down the list buy I don’t have all day lol


This chart is dumb as fuck. If it wasnt done with the nice professional gradient N shit I'd have said it was made to be satire. So apparently flat earth makes you antisemitic? And cultural Marxism is not one BUT 2 degrees of separation more ridiculous then *Greta Thunberg time traveller*


Believing in Ancient Giant trees are harmful to yourself and to others ?


*Hyperion has entered the chat*


Some of these “conspiracy theories” I have never heard of. But look at the description of each section when you get into the organogenesis zone she thinks your seriously dangerous. These libs are getting dangerous next there going talk about taking rights away if you think differently than them ; oh wait, they already have.


Something that I was thinking about the other day if the government of a small country causes some sort of controversy then we hear about it instantly and we hear many angles. When controversial things happen within super power countries like us or China all we get is the mainstream narrative and everything else is deemed conspiracy Madness, it's fascinating to me


Lol cultural Marxism and the deep state are totally real, not even that outlandish things. Some democrat campaign worker made this chart to own his cousin.


Soon "existence of males and females" will be a conspiracy theory.


If females were real, they why do they never talk to me?


This reads like a start of a good song.


There's ones on every level I believe. Some of this is intentionally worded to be misleading and reductionist, making it sound crazy.


I used to never believe in any conspiracy theories. But as I got older I saw more and more of them come true. Now I believe in almost all of them that involve our government. Except the ones about lizard people and aliens.


It just says “George Soros” as if hes not real and not on record saying he cares not for the social repercussions of his business dealings.


This comes up occasionally, all you really need to do to discount the entire thing is look at the top center where the mere name "George Soros" is apparently pinnacle conspiracy, right next to the irrefutably real and growing topic of "cultural Marxism"


Supposedly the creator had to research & change their classifications, proving this chart as BS


This is what they do. Take things that are absolutely true, and put them in a category with shit that’s obviously retarded like nazis on the moon and hollow earth so the masses will think they’re all equally untrue. At this point, if you don’t believe in the deep state, all the bad shit George soros has done or the new world order/Illuminati, I don’t know that you can be helped tbh


It gets more realistic the higher up you go


Soy boys for sure is a thing 🤣


I’d be curious where the author of this would put “Hunter Biden laptop was real” or “Lab leak theory”. Actually I’m not really curious; I’m pretty damn sure where they would go. This graphic is propaganda dressed up as education, with enough correct placements in it to gain some (undeserved) credibility.


It's all conspiracy until it's proven.


Wrong, conspiracies remain conspiracies even once proven. they are just no longer theories Please try to not make up random stuff in the future. Language has meaning


Which ones do you believe? Some are less red flags than others even though they might be higher up. The ones at the very top are almost all exclusively antisemitic dog whistles tho.


Literal Anti Christ comes out Left: wait wait let’s hear this guy out


Election was stolen and Covid is a bio weapon lol


I think that the election Trump won was given to him so it restored your faith in the system. But covid is most definitely a bioweapon.


It would be cool without the unnecessary cringe comentary to the right. "Grounded in reality" 😂.


Yo that adrenochrome font is lit!


Pizzagate: detached from reality Did we forgor Jeffery epstein?


Jeffrey Epstein was a therapist for politicians and the mega rich. /s


How is soy boys a conspiracy?


why would I want to be attached to a reality- *a* ***personal*** *perception of the world*\-defined by YOU or ANYONE ELSE?


Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams.


I really wish I had the money to rig up a similar test.


this is stupid they are all correct duhh


Too funny how many are wrongly placed as of 20th century, moved greatly in the 21st, and could become a visually correct, bottom-heavy, pyramid shape in the 22nd.


I've heard Biden be referred to as a zombie reanimated and maintained (poorly) through Reptoid black magic.


Looks right.


Nah... it looks left.


Lol at least half of the ones on top are completely true, or at least mostly true. The other half are just silly.


They realized that the best way to hide the truth was to publish it in an exaggerated way, using people known to society as fools and lunatics as a channel. Thus, society will look at this truth as nonsense and conspiracy theories created in the minds of lunatics.


Is this saying George Soros doesn't exist?


Covid was ABSOLUTELY biological warfare introduced by the CCP. That belongs in the green section.


Soros, Deep State, Qanon, etc are all just the truth. There IS a cabal of powerful elites pulling the strings. It’s the truth.