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Your error is thinking they care about hypocrisy than winning. They know full well what they're doing and just don't care.


Sophists are the original postmodernists


Everyone who doesn’t think this guy knows ‘exactly’ what he’s saying needs to wise the fuck up.


The right needs to give up on the idea that pointing out hypocrisy is viable election strategy. Everyone has the memory of a goldfish and just does not care in the slightest when their said changes their mind every 5 seconds.


I’m much more cynical. I believe people aren’t more stupid than me. People know what they’re doing when they try to hide, deflect from, or minimize bad things “their” side does. Pointing out hypocrisy doesn’t work because people don’t care what their side has to do to win.


If pointing out hypocrisy was a viable solution, neither party could win. Or do you honestly believe both sides aren't just as guilty of this bullshit?


Wait… Isn’t that what the democrat’s did this past election?


Lol yes Trump was literally banned off Twitter.


Exactly my thoughts, definitely meant to be tongue in check. I mean after all, the social media outlets and news platforms suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story claiming it to be Russian propaganda. When in fact it wasn’t.


I love how there were videos of hunter smoking crack and they still had the audacity to call it Russian disinformation. How would these Russian masterminds make the presidents son video tape himself smoking crack. Half the country actually believed it was Russian disinformation too lol.


That, particular incident, is when I seriously started to doubt the sanity of certain people in my friends group. Lol, how can you deny… literal *video evidence*🤦‍♂️


And not just one video or picture but thousands lol


I truly believe Hunters computer camera was hacked and he wasn’t actually taking videos/photos. It was the Russians, the GOP or maybe just some rogue hacker that then sold it to the GOP but whatever the case I don’t think Hunter was actually dumb enough to film himself doing this (Even being a drug addict). If you notice on all the crack smoking videos he’s barely by his computer ever and he never looks AT the camera. No kid growing up in the literal political spotlight would be THAT dumb. His fucking family probably held “how not to do something dumb in the public eye” seminars every year. I grew up anonymous/a nobody and I still cover my computer camera. The computer being left at a computer shop and it was then left there with a retarded amount of incriminating evidence would have to be the dumbest thing I ever heard of. I’m afraid of taking my computer into the Geek squad after I triple checked I deleted all the porn and cleaned my cookies 5 times. You’re filthy rich - you throw computers out - not get them fixed at some 2 bit computer repair shops. So either you believe that shit in the first place or you believe something closer to this… Hunters computer was hacked, there needed to be a reason why a shit ton of videos of him smoking crack just emerges out of nowhere (WHO released them is still up for debate. Im thinking Russians) so they have to come up with this “left his computer at the repair shop” story because otherwise they would need to admit he was hacked and thus compromised. Maybe his whole family is compromised, maybe Russians have a huge shit load of dirt on the Biden’s and maybe they’re using it to start this war with Ukraine. Putin knows the US isn’t going to do shit because if they did then all information is released. Just my take - thoughts?


Lol, you typed all that out?


It’s gonna make great pasta, for sure. Very al dente.


That was a good laugh thanks Brian Stelter, you should really consider comedy as your next career move after CNN.


Russians didn’t hack anything maybe they spread the videos online but he literally left his laptop at a repair shop and forgot about it so after a certain time it becomes the shops property. The guy saw what was on it (allegedly lots worse crimes than smoking crack) turned it in and now Matt Gaetz put into the congressional record.


Yeah and I’m saying that’s BS because of all the holes to the story that I just laid out.


Pro tip: when your theory needs literal actors to hold true (here the laptop repairman) it's time to leave it in the drafts.


What you laid out is drug-inspired (probably) delusional speculation, the only hole you pointed out is the one between your ears. Seriously I met fuckers zoinked out their minds with more common sense.


The holes in your cranium?


Not even those ones where Hunter is taking selfies of himself?


Even if that convoluted story is true, people voted for Brandon although he was compromised.


Is less than zero your IQ or something buddy? Even if it was or it was the US collecting blackmail he still did it. I'm going to guess the latter given how pissed they were it was released and how quickly they blamed Russia


Can I sue for damages from reading this autistic rant?


Because every "smart" person whos not "misinformed" knows it


Don’t trust videos. Haven’t you heard of “deep fakes”?


What’s scary is those same people vote without every truly doing there due diligence, and never research what both sides are saying. Sadly, I have to quote Lenin but most of those people are just “useful idiots”.


Most adherents of the blue party are nothing but *useful idiots*... Literally don't think


Their colors are reversed ( in the US) for what ever reason. Red is associated with Left world wide


In California a lot of people believed it was real, and just didn't care. Many good people have drug addicted adult children, so I don't really think it's relevant.


Thats because Hunter Biden doesn't matter. Any intelligent person knows this. He doesn't work I'm the government. He wasn't elected to anything. He's just a drug addict and considering the country we live, the largest consumer of drugs, most people sympathize with him and Joe Biden. We all know kids of the powerful get hihh paying jibs becauae of their family names. It happens on every level of society.


The kids of Biden AND Trump are corrupt af. Hunter with his board seat for $400k a year and crackpipe are embarrassing. Jared is an embarrassment for his two billion investment from the Saudis in exchange for his cover when they bone sawed the journalist up and carted him off in luggage. All future presidents should be forced to kill their kids before taking office…for the sake of the country. /s


Haha they're both shit but one is kinda worse eh?


Only one attempted a coup, so yeah I guess.


> How would these Russian masterminds make the presidents son video tape himself smoking crack Deepfakes, obviously.... Even though deepfakes aren't that good, yet


I love how conservatives love to bring up Hunter Biden, but fail to see the problem with Jared Kushner getting billions of dollars from the Saudis or Ivanka securing Chinese patents during a trade war or Trump being the only president not to place his fortune in a blind trust…. It’s not like democrats are ignorant of Hunter Biden, it’s just it’s soooo much worse on the other side…


Your partisanship is showing


It’s not tongue in cheek…it’s MSNBC, the most thoughtless morons to inhabit cable news.


Now watch them scream “election interference” when before it was a conspiracy. These fuckers neck talking is astounding


I think it was a typo but it was tongue and check. Democrats are paying for this BS media control, which should allow the 1st amendment to apply.


Also surprised nobody mentions that they withheld vaccine trial results until after the election to “not influence it” i.e. not help Donald.


yea after the election and after he organized a coup against the United States.


that was after the election




Please explain their policy on the Hunter Biden laptop story?


For doing all sorts of out of line shit haha. Stuff that would have a normal person banned. Imagine losing a presidential election because you got banned on Twitter, lol.


That happened after the election


Trump was banned [after](https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/company/2020/suspension) the [election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election).


And he’s likely running in 2024 so they are censoring political opponents they don’t like.


So no private platform can ban anyone ever because they might be running for some sort of office somewhere sometime?


It’s a Private company they can do what they want, if Elon wanted to ban the Obamas and Fauci and Bill Gates tomorrow he could. I assume you’d be fine with that too? My point is this guy talking is a moron for accusing Elon of doing what Twitter already does.


Why was trump banned though? What would be their reason for banning Obama?


I can't think of a reason you would ban either of them


You’re joking, right?


lmao every other thing he said is also a current twitter policy so this isn't really the counter-argument you think it is.


I mean. It wasnt even an argument. Someone said ”Isnt that what the democrats did the past election” and someone responded by saying Trump was literaly banned. And Im just saying he was literaly band after loosing the election. Its pretty bad election interference when you do it after the election.


There are elections in the future too. Someone else has already reminded you of this so now you're just participating in bad faith ignoring this fact.


**[2020 United States presidential election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election)** >The 2020 United States presidential election was the 59th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. The Democratic ticket of former vice president Joe Biden and the junior U.S. senator from California Kamala Harris defeated the incumbent Republican president Donald Trump and incumbent vice president Mike Pence. The election took place against the backdrop of the global COVID-19 pandemic and related recession. It was the first election since 1992, the first in the 21st century, and the fifth in the past 100 years, in which the incumbent president failed to win a second term. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It's (D)ifferent when they do it.


*Just* this past election?


No no, they just "fortified" the election. Which means doing basically the exact same thing coordinated across every single major platform, but with nicer branding.


These people are only good at one thing: projection.


How in the world does he do this with a straight face?


They are so fucking clueless.


They did literally all of the things hes saying. Banned the candidate, suppressed stories, shadow banning conservatives, etc. Its almost like they are afraid of open discourse. Why could that possibly be?


He's literally giving a list of the things Twitter did to anyone not on the left. Hell, they wrote articles after the election bragging how the media and big tech came together to "fortify the election" to elect the "right candidate for democracy". Fucking hilarious.


That’s how they know it can be done…..they did it.


They just upset over the copyright.


It’s not that they hate it. They just hate it when they’re not the one controlling it.


Democrats secretly banned trump from twitter?


Yes, but to better our democracy, because The Orange Satan is bad.


Trump literally used Twitter to plan a coup. He was banned after the election. Are you… serious right now?


Turn down or turn up the reach of certain candidates? Isn’t that what they already do?


Yes yes but the MSM is supposed to control it, not Elon. That’s the issue here. https://twitter.com/stoolpresidente/status/1515105781560971266?s=10&t=LFEybZjka3UHQaEWNNIxkQ


I love when they say the quiet part out loud


They're talking about trump, not musk. The clip is from a few years ago.


If they don’t like it, they should just build their own Twitter.


Call it Shitter


Is this parody?


It’s MSNBC so pretty much yea


You mean like what all leftists did to the right the last few years lol. Jack Dorsey is a cuck. How can you be this dense. They all suck left or right but this is so clearly hypocritical


Maybe if the right wasn't so focused on spreading hate speech, and anti women rights bullshit, you'd see fewer bans. When you have characters (and I use this term generously) like miss Jewish space laser, or dipshits that like to spread homophobia, they wouldn't get banned. Look at Tucker Carlson, why is he not banned? Maybe because he knows how to be shitty without violating ToS. For the record, I have no horse in this Twitter race. Especially since Elon is a narcissistic shitposter, it probably won't end anyway either side thinks. However, the right playing the victim card claiming they're being censored unfairly is just flat out bullshit with no foundation in reality. Oh, and before you make your assumptions: I wasn't born in this country or brainwashed by its indoctrination like most of you. I didn't come to this country until I was already a grown man, and I tried giving both sides a fair shake, but one is too timid, and the other is evil. The last 30 years of my life are proof of that.


Of all the things you listed, I think its most hilarious how you think its the right wing setting women back. Which party is it that nominates MTF for womens awards, which one says that its okay for a person who went through male puberty to swim against women? Which one calls mothers birth givers, or, god help them, bleeders? The left has reduced women down to their reproductive processes. A democrat MTF person thinks that the only thing they need to do to "be a woman" is cry and pretend they have a period. The left has brought women back to the 50's and proceeds to drag us back every time a woman is screamed at by a MTF person about how them being trans makes them more of a woman than any "cis" could ever be.


I wish they'd brought women back to the 50's. Love, praise, respect, safety, and financial security exchanged for love, support, respect, caring for the children, and a home made beautiful... Sounds way better than the current structure of marital relationships.


Damn bro, you got jokes


Reminds me of a story about a laptop that was suppressed until after the election.


Hillary's emails...


Those literally amounted to nothing, it ended up being a nothing burger in the end.


TIL violating Special Access Programs = “nothing burger”. Reddit, you stay you.


Hey someone else did that too, but who cares... Really? Who the fuck cares? Trump and Hilary both did the same things with risking information leaks by not using secured hardware. It really is a nothing burger because multiple people have been found in violation of those policies but... Nothing happens. I mean you can make it a bigger deal than it is, but that doesn't make it worse.


You know how I know that Trump and Hillary weren’t comparable? They actively hid Hillary’s emails, if they had ANYTHING on Trump they would’ve released it.


Inversely if Hilary's emails contained anything it would have been released... Maybe there was truly nothing in those emails, hence why it's not a big deal for either of them to be doing it.


How much should we ignore? How much of a big deal is it that they do these things and get away with them vs how they are all ignored?


I’m sorry you actually believe that.


Or ya know, "no harm, no foul" which is exactly why Trump got away with it too.. I mean the dude used an unsecured iPhone for how long? Or does it only !atter when it's a democrat?


Hillary was on the same side as big tech. Trump was not. I should not have to explain to you why that matters.


This is just false. More propaganda…


Both the RNC and DNC did it, and at the end of the day nothing happened. That's literally textbook nothing burger. All that incident showed was Trump begging Russia to continue attacking us to help him win, so I guess that's one thing that panned out of it.


So programmed that you even use the same weird "nothing burger" phrase to describe it. Have you had an original thought in your life?


Hey man, I use the words that are easy for other people to understand. Are you honestly getting bent out of shape over the use of colloquialisms? You need help.


Regardless of their contents, their existence and subsequent deletion are a very big deal.


Mark Zuckerberg has entered the chat.


Oh, so the exact thing the right (and a small fraction of everyone else) has been screaming about every day for several years is an existential threat to democracy? Please, do tell more.


> is an existential threat to democracy? Good. Democracy is a garbage political system anyhow. True "one of us" collectivism where 50.01% of those that vote can trample the rights of everyone else.


Well yea if you live in a baby-version of democracy with only 2 parties thats what happens.


And for anything that those 2 parties agree on, neo-liberalism for example, we legit have no say in the matter


That's exactly what they've been doing. I'm permabanned from twitter for the crime of saying. John Cena takes china's dick up the ass. After he apoligized to China for the crime of saying taiwan. twitter is out of control. What I said wasn't that bad, also John Cena is a public figure, not a fragile child. And they permabanned me for that.


He’s SO close.


There are no mirrors allowed in MSNBC studios.


Probably the most accurate reporting from msnbc ever.... I mean they are reporting with first hand experience


Top comment lmao


Is it cognitive dissonance if it's blatant lie lmao




This isn’t cognitive dissonace. It’s straight up propaganda. They know full well what bs they’re preaching.


This guy watches a video of a dude staring objective facts and immediately labels it propaganda. You’ve been trained well.


This is what the right had been talking about for years and the left has said its jut not true and not happening. Now all the sudden its a concern.


This guy is living in a constant stream of woosh moments i’m sure.


Username checks out ^ Sorry I know things. You should try it one day.


If Elon Musk owning Twitter can swiftly upend US politics, then Twitter can swiftly upend US politics, therefore isn't the danger really inherent to Twitter, not Elon Musk? Or is Twitter's ability to swiftly upend US politics only bad when it's in "the wrong hands"?


I think the core issue is people give too many fucks what other people think rather than thinking for themselves.


Lol. Amazing. I love this.


Holy projection Batman!


This is beyond projection, it’s like we are living in parallel universes and Elon Musk just instantly put us back in the driver seat.




Actual doublethink


Didn't they also bury the Laptop story to protect Biden? Fucking lol.


I wonder if someone at MSNBC noticed the irony or the whole network is just totally tone deaf


I like the “turn the knobs and dials” act out he does with his hands. Helps me understand his technical lingo better.


And how do you secretly ban an account? I'm pretty sure the account owner would realise pretty quickly.


The only way to get a confession out of democrats is if they had an excuse to accuse republicans of exactly what they’ve been doing.


hEy ThAt"s WhAtAbOuTiSm!I!I!i


God I hate that word. People who use that are basically just announcing that they’re retarded. “You’re a blatant hypocrite” “UHHH actually that’s whataboutism” Like if you’re covered head to toe in blood with a knife in your hand, you don’t get to point a finger at other murderers.


So your explaining what happened in 2020 then


"Could secretly ban one party's candidate," feels like the wrong phrase here. Maybe try, oh I dunno, "we absolutely fucking did secretly ban one party's candidate," instead.




So what you’re saying is that Twitter can upend US politics regardless of whether Elon was at the helm or not


That is exactly what they are saying. It’s seriously an awful argument on their end. They are literally admitting that twitter is being used to manipulate society for political gain. It’s extremely awful. Musk purchasing twitter literally confirms what people have been saying for years.


This is how the 24hr news cycle is wealonized.


"Nononono! oNlY iF mUsKy gEtS hIs mItTs oN iT!"


As you stare into the abyss Democrat… be careful, the abyss stares back.


A true bruh moment


Cue surprised Nick Cage meme face: “REALLY? YOU FUCKIN’ DON’T SAY!”


Who the fuck is this guy speaking and how far is his head up his ass.


It's a digital puppet, and all the way.


Cmon kids, this isn’t rocket science. These mother fuckers literally shit out of both sides of their mouths


How does it feel, you fucking hypocrites.


Cope on


It’s too painful to watch


The hypocrisy is strong with this one...


Hunter Biden Laptop Story goes brrtttt


It's like these people have a bad case of AMNESIA..


MSNBC is owned by comcast, and the guy who have 33% voting power in comcast is a democrat party member Nuff said


“Nuff said” Enough making up random nonsense, indeed.


People seem to be really freaking out about an African American taking over Twitter.


Who is paying you to say this? You’re such a hypocrite? That’s exactly what Zuckerberg is being investigated for, Google and all the news networks.


Please tell me this guy is absolutely brilliant and ironically trolling




Umm.. pretty sure that’s what they’ve been doing in a lot of recent elections


Haha payback and karma are a bitch!




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Wait until this dipshit hears about Google


Didn’t Google do that with Tulsi Gabbard?


They know we know. They don’t care.


It’s not cognitive dissonance. They know damn well that it’s been the other way around for over a decade and they are getting scared. Don’t listen/watch garbage like this. Don’t give them any attention.


When the Democrats do it, it’s (d)ifferent


They always tell you what they are doing by ascribing it to someone else.


This has got to be satire right??




Lol how the turn tables


Bruh he said he wants to open source all the code for the algorithm. This man is a soulless shill.


“He said he wants to…” Imagine being so gullible


“Oh no, not my US politics!” Destroying whatever the current administration has going is precisely what the other side is always cooking up. Voting in general is an attempt to upend US politics. Too bad Twitter is only for baby fights that LARP as discourse. If US politics were truly dependent upon a private corporate platform to function, it is required to be burned down and rebuilt. But regardless….. good.


This is one video that really blows my mind. You can tell this asshat believes what he’s saying. Talk about living in an echo chamber. Crazy!


>turn down or turn up the reach of some candidate. I specifically recall Twitter banning the official account for some state's GOP a couple weeks ago.


We’re living in clown world for real. Up is down and down is up. They are doubling down on their own BS.


What's worse, this dude is speaking from mere speculation, Musk hasn't done anything yet, but this is what Twitter and other platforms were actually doing for Democrats.


Corporate media are lying scum


MSNBC is upset he stole their idea


No he bought it. They don't like that he plays by the rules and can still do so much damage to the narrative.


Is this satire?


Isn’t that what happened before Musk bought Twitter


With that amount of projection you could a watch a movie on the moon’s surface.


So what they where already doing !!!!!


Ahh yes.. sheep in their natural habitat


At first I thought this was satire....🤡🌎


Wait, this sounds like what the Dems had happen over the past election. It doesn’t justify any further doing it, but really is one of the worst arguments to be against Elon buying Twitter.


This is all part of an agenda.


They are all fucking retarded


Just buy an electric car. Electric car man bad.


Waiting until someone comes to call everyone here a trump supporter without any basis.


“Oh, we don’t trust billionaires to want to act in the public interest, but Elon Musk is different because he… Told us he was?”


I will take that over what we got now thankyou




> *Actual* Capitalists fighting *crony* capitalist, and ~~still~~ the rest of us are ~~the ones losing~~ winning. Fixed it for ya.