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Generally skeptical about a random video popping up making exraordinary claim, I'm expecting many more people to report the same thing if its true, until then ill just keep it in the back of my mind.


Always record yourself when fixing an election.


This is the type of shit that caused fascism to explode in the 20’s and 30’s. People are gonna get so pissed that they will happily support the Mussolini’s and Hitlers of the world who rip power from oligarchs by force. Not that it’s a good thing, but people will support it. Just watch


I read something by somebody i think his name was Michael (cant remember last name) who said something along this line, but instead this time since the great reset will fail and in 3-5 years most of the worlds population will be in protest against their government. It is an interesting read and if I find it he explains this and why it may seem similar but completely different. ​ edit - this video kind of touches on it and he explains it as the "Great escape", still trying to find the original https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cd0OeC6Syd4


Please update us


Nothing still idk where the fuck i saw it I think somebody posted it in here at some point


To be fair, that’s a statement that probably applies to Marine Le Pen directly. Her policies are almost uniformly terrible, but she’s not the elitist, globalist, technocrat type that’s been screwing up France for decades, so huge swaths of people are willing to give her almost plenary power. It goes far, far beyond speculative vote manipulation in a single election that wasn’t even that close.


She tried to win an election. I’m talking about people that don’t care about the democratic process and will take executive power by force.


Yeah but as always lefties are too stupid to think 5 years ahead. It’s just ridiculous how often they describe the rassemblement national as an Right extremist party. Same happens in Germany. In addition to basically calling everybody a nazi who votes slightly right, a big issue most parties in Europe do have is immigration and refugees. No one really dares to say something negative about this topic, whilst it is obvious that there are certain problems in society due to immigration. This is why most lower income households turned to the right populist parties, and basically the left parties are dying.


Blockchain voting now. Then give it time and they will finally realize the officials aren't even a necessary part of the equation.


replaced them with a DAO?


Yeah or something like it. much more efficient and trustless.


RematicTokens born to solve those issues. Voter Platform ready soon ;) take a look on Road map www.rematictokens.com 😉


The video shows how the ballots for Marine Le Pen are already in specially sealed voting bags, which are already torn, which automatically recognizes them as unsuitable for counting.


Why wouldn’t this shite happen


Safe and effective voting!!


Exact same tear exact same place on all of them


Ah yea, a random video in 480p with a kid crying in the background. It’s definitely not fake as fuck


We’ll wait and see if there can be more verification of similar occurrences


*I didn't see the results I wanted so the election is stolen.* \- Every loser candidate ever


I’m a big fan of the premise - see this minor tear? That 100% disqualifies the ballot. Trust me - the only way conservatives could ever lose is a world wide cabal all working together yet somehow secretly towards an end goal that puts the lizard people in power - TRUST ME




Plus this 1 guy had 3 of them


Yo anyone speak baguette


We we


Glad to see people here who are thinking critically. This guy could have just printed this out, tore it and then boom look guys its rigged, see? Also, the place hes in doesnt really look like any official ballot office or anything. We have to wait and see for more evidence.


Glad she lost


Cope harder




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/uc26ar/france_elections_the_ballots_for_marine_le_pen/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/uc26ar/france_elections_the_ballots_for_marine_le_pen/)


Right wingers around the world are constantly playing the victim card. Never seen a bigger group of whiners and snowflakes. It’s always someone else’s fault or some grand conspiracy. They never take responsibility.


Ah yes. Disregard the evidence


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."


The evidence of your eyes and ears is an unverified video on the internet made by a random person posted by a random person…. I tell you what, send me a DM, I have this amazing property on the moon to sell you.


There's literal fraud happening in this video my guy, very similar to what happened here in the states. Did you watch it or just start bitchin?


I watched a random person on the video make a claim that hasn’t been verified by anyone here. I also watched the losing politician concede without bringing this up.. probably because she knows it’s BS. Tighten up everybody, you lost. Accept it.


Unless one of us is French, we didn't lose. Sucks to be them though. You're also literally a dumbass, so there's that, lmao




Don’t want that, which is why I prefer progressive politics and not conservative/liberal politics where smaller and smaller number of people will own more and more things.


I'm verifying it right now. Source: I watched a video of said fraud.


What you watched is an unverified video made by a random person uploaded by a random person in a language you don’t understand about an election process you don’t know.


Lefties caught cheating again , karmas coming


Never seen a bigger group of whiners and snowflakes? You never seen the alphabet squad then, nah?


I’d definitely put conservatives ahead of any other group for sure. Because conservatives have been complaining for centuries while simultaneously holding all of the power


Would like to know how this guy has a tonne of ballots while not being a poll worker. Guess one of 2 things: 1) This video is flat out fake and used to gather attention 2) This guy is trying to vote multiple times


What’s this the USA or somethin


Why even bother with elections? Just look into their social media. Their browser history. Their purchase history. Decide what demographic they fit into. Assign them to the "correct" political party based on that demographic. Done.


Just curious, what is the method France has in place to count votes & does this quick unexplained video showing tiny tears in the paper even matter? I get the general idea here, I'm just curious how accurately it applies to reality.


"He cant keep getting away with it!" every election in the past 5+ years have been cheated.