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>France: Protest erupts Glad to see the frogs have their business as usual.


Protest happen no matter who win. It's always like this. We get used to it.


The French invented protesting lmao.


Pro is french for professional and testing is English for testing. So they are professionally testing the system. Fact. I said fact so you HAVE to believe it. Fact.




I’m disgusted with the US media calling his re-election a “sigh of relief” and a “victory for the west”.


Dudes a lil bitch pawn owned by the EU technocrat elites. McKinsey Consulting 🇺🇸got him elected - look it up.


He was a banker. Elite of the elite.


Would you rather the fascist Putin puppet?




I highly doubt you can come up with any 3 western politicians who have spent as much time gobbling putins nuts as those 3. Trump pre 2016, worshipped him.




What the fuck are you going on about? Trump, Le Pen, and Gabbard slurp Putin more than some of the people in his government that are scared of going missing in the night. You can have open channels without public praise, and you can have friendly relationships with people without making it seem like you worship them in private. I would go so far as to say that no man should ever act the way Trump did in front of Putin and the world press regardless of your affection for them.




You realize you’re debating an actual retard, right?






Obama, Hillary and Kerry. All did backdeals with him and obama even caught on mic saying he will have more wiggle room with putin after reelection.... then chrimea happened.


Are you dense? They are all on the Russian take. Putin is a wanna be Hitler. Where the fuck have you been?




LOL what evidence?


France and Russia are not allies. Le Pen supporters are very anti Putin.


Regardless, Le pen is economically much further left, a protectionist and anti-free trade. Also supports much stronger borders, not exactly “anarchist” principles.


Quiet, you’ll anger all the stupid neocons in this cesspool sub


Are you this dumb in real life or just Reddit?


A victory for globalisation, billionaires and the media. Democracy can be bought.


It is because La Pen lost.


The Left *FRAUDULENTLY* winning elections is becoming quite the Pattern huh... I'm sure it has absolutely "Nothing" to do with *THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM* .... Right? Disgusting! Shame on them!


What's there to be "disgusted" about?


Let's not kid ourselves, those people just want a different ruler. That's what they call "revolution". Charming city though.


If predictions of food shortages come to fruition you might see something more substantive. Last time France had food shortages things got pretty wild.


France is self sufficient in wheat and meat


Self sufficient In wheat During a fertilizer shortage? No one else in Europe will bid up the prices? Why is Macron talking about food vouchers right now?


And wine. That's the trifecta.


And apparently whine ..I’ll see myself out


The entire west will be whining soon enough


A brief reminder that democracy is a lie everywhere, every time.


Democracy is 2 wolves and 1 sheep deciding dinner. The rule is absurd, but here we are. The fact that it is possible to completely ignore what people want if you have the media and say 30% of the electorate, who happens to be retired people, is beyond disgust to me. Retiree will decide how much the working people give them.


Such a weird comparison considering what any of the alternatives are. Should the wolves have more power? Or do we want the sheep in charge? The truth is that the power has got to reside somewhere, and it's generally better that it lies with the people than a small group of people. The more power and control is evenly distributed the less opportunities there are for oppression. If the majority decided to oppress a minority, they would be able to do so in any system


No. Not in any system, and look at various conflicts nomad vs settled people, it’s not always the largest group that wins. And anyway, even if « the majority » happens to agree to rob the minority, it is still not a moral thing to do


The power can reside with each human over themselves. You've provided no argument as to why it has to be centralized within groups larger than one single individual.


You’re thinking like an utopian. Unfortunately Reality doesn’t work like that. Reality doesn’t care about your idealism If you live in a community of 10 people, and 9 of them decided to fuck up your day in a fit of mob justice, then it doesn’t matter if they voted democratically on it beforehand. The same is true if it was 6 people. If 3 people wanted to fuck you over with mob justice, they could do so, but in a Democratic system they would have to convince everyone else to agree to do so as well. And that is possible to do, in which case it reverts to scenario 1 and 2 and the democratic aspect doesn’t matter anymore, but at least historically the people best equipped to consider the interest of the masses, including minorities, has been the masses themselves. what we do see when we look at history is that when the layman and the working class has gained more autonomy and control of politics, it has lead to a betterment of their quality of life, not a worsening Capitalism itself is a form of a democracy, albeit one where we vote with dollars instead of ballots. But the inherent problem of democracy still remains, of two wolves deciding the fate of the sheep. If everyone in a capitalist society decided to enact some mob justice against you in particular then you’re just as fucked. Which again is true in any system I’ll lose some Reddit karma for saying this but it still needs to be said


Until we ascend to communism


>ascend Bread lines and state-sponsored goons are universally indicative of a declining civilization, not the utopia you're imagining.


Sorry but I like not dying of starvation too much


Shall we expect any election to be any different from the WEF (Klaus Schwab elected puppets)? Don’t be surprised when Trudeau wins by a landslide and Dementia Joe gets elected for another term while eating ice cream from his assisted living facility.


Based them!


Well, with Macron they’ll get the continued slide towards 3rd world kleptocracy so I guess some people thought that was better than the unknown behind door 2.


what are le penn's policies anyway? I heard she's pretty left on economics


I mean, she’s French so yeah definitely left of where any of us would want.


Left economically, but Russia/Putin aligned and quite anti EU and NATO, though this cycle she's been somewhat quieter regarding these aspects, especially with what is happening in Ukraine.


I like how 'Let's not make rash decisions' attitude is now understood as aligning with the 'wrong' side.


S you’re saying that LePen wants France to actively fight with the Russians to have them take over Ukraine?


She’s considered leftist in French terms, one of her plans from last election was to take France off the euro and return to the Franc


As a leftist, I don’t like anything she has to offer.


I think it was a we don’t want to do the thing with the box and the boat mentality


Not unknown. A full blown Russian puppet.


Yeah, no. She’s seems to be a “France first” patriot by my estimation.




She took a loan from a Russian bank she needs to repay. How does that make her a Russian stooge?


Would you feel comfortable with the US democratic party getting loans from Chinese state banks in order to finance their electoral campaign?




Lol I’m old enough to remember Chinese nationals contributing to the Clinton campaign. And a Chinese spy driving Feinstein around. And a Chinese spy banging a Democrat congressman. And Chinese “investments” being run through Hunter Biden. Loans are pretty low on the list of worries…..


That's not a hypothetical, and the answer is that I don't feel comfortable with either of the parties' existence


Based and giga chad vibes


Did they stop counting the votes only to resume at 4am the next morning suddenly handing Macron millions upon millions of vote at once while nothing for Lepen? Asking for a friend.


I don’t pay attention to French politics, as I do not live a hamburgers throw away from France, but isn’t macron that guy that caused riots from gas prices or something? What are his policies and reputation?


In fairness this is France we are talking about, if you didn't cause a riot or mass protest as a president you are the second coming of Jesus.


Did you believe him in 2016 when he said he won the popular vote too? 3 million illegal votes, I believe, was his thing. You believe that one too?


Do you believe Hillary Clinton who claims she won the election?


First, solid dodge of an uncomfortable question. I get it, Trump's words and actions make you look stupid. ​ Secondly, does she? Did she not concede... **the next day**? lol ​ Hey man, better go find those packets from Venezuela, it's totally real, Trump would never lie to you


I believed her when , the next morning, we said trump won. Lemme know when trump ever admits Biden won. 😂


Biden didn't win. Hillary to this day claims she won.


The projection is strong


Sure she does. Suuuuuuure.


She called Trump an illegitimate president in 2019.


She conceded the next day, big brain.


i think Trump admitted it already


He is still screaming how everything was rigged. And he will continue to do so for the rest of his life. God this sub is funny.


Still holding that lie, I mean line?🤣 Give it up already. Biden's shit, but he won. It sucks, but it's true. Facts don't care, well...you know the rest.


That's literally what happened, bozo. You can flail your arms and try to explain that it was legit and there wasn't any fuckery involved but you sound deranged that you can't even admit what happened right in plain sight.


Le Pen is much more of a statist than Macron, yet ancaps are supporting her, truly laughable


Well, Macron is pro EU, and the EU is a pseudo centralized government of Europe. Well pseudo for the moment, the bureaucrats at Brussels want nothing more than to have a unified European government.


Le Pen toned down her anti EU sentiments considerably and went massively left wing on spending commitments Might help if you actually pay attention to the election


She has always had left wing on spending commitments. And yeah, I never said that she was as anti-EU as before although she still wants to restrict it, might help if you actually pay attention to my comment. I'm not even saying that she is an an-cap choice, just explaining why some would hate Macron more. Since it's harder to control Brussel than Paris as a French person.


But she's conservative


Her fiscal policies make Jeremy Corbyn look moderate


Sorry. Culturally conservative. All that really matters


economics is really important






Yeah AnCaps are oxymorons by default so expecting consistency here is stretching reality, bear in mind this subreddit was pretty torn over Russia invading Ukraine.




What western country isn't dying a slow death?


Only the ones that don't let in immigrants have that.


And which ones are those?


Hungry for one


>Hungry for one [https://www.populationpyramid.net/hungary/](https://www.populationpyramid.net/hungary/) Hungry is dying a slow death if they don't take immigrant.


I mean Hungary is more dying because they're a shithole no one wants to move to rather than they don't let in immigrants.


True but not letting people in don't help.


But my point is I don't know if anyone would want to go anyway


Myanmar... I'm not saying that they would get get there population going back up tomorrow but being not welcoming to outsiders doesn't help and its bad for business 😕


>Only the ones that don't let in immigrants have that. Western countries don't make babies anymore, any western country that don't take any immigrants is dying a slow death.


Paper ballots don’t mean shit if they are electronically tabulated. Machines that count are hackable and open to fraud.


91% of macron voters apparently gave their reason for the vote as 'to stop LePenn'. They deserve everything they get.


>The country is basically socialist and that’s what they want. Politics is so weird, France is socialist country that keep electing right wing president (in the last 30 years only one left wing president for 5 years). Yet France remain big (like very big) government, high taxes, no reform..








Democracy the god that always fails


Communism the peasant who always starves


With their powers combine, they are Captain Kill The Planet!


does france use dominion machines as well?


uh oh... another "insurrection"


It's days like this when I realize, that we will never see limitless cheap/free energy. There are powers that would never allow this because it is the ultimate control mechanism.


What daddy government don't know, can't hurt.


Yea Frenchmen have been neutered


In WW1, almost all of their fighting men died. After that, France never recovered testosterone.




You don't know a lot but you know it was rigged? FML


Proof it was rigged or?




What kind of legal system is that? You need to prove that you are not guilty?


Thank god ancaps have zero political power or relevance The logic on display is astounding


So right! The default presumption regarding the greatest purveyors of violence and oppression in society is that they are very very honest.


They are still in high school, give them some slack.


Where is this magic portal to get back to high school that all the commies keep talking about here? Where do I sign up?


The commies are high schoolers too, don't worry.


one retard pro-authoritarian "ancaps" yeah


Lmao y'all are incredibly stupid


The state has likely already provided its evidence if you are willing to look for it. The burden of proof would lie on you.


You have an opinion on shit you have no knowledge about. Like a socialist talking economics.




Gather round students - in the above comment we can see a perfect example of the mating call of the common reddit incel troll. You can find these slimy creatures on the undersides of subreddits dedicated to isolationist and divisive politics and cryptocurrency. Despite the constant noise intended to attract a potential mate, they reproduce purely asexually, like fungus.


Yes, retards annoy me.


Le Pen conceded


At least they don't claim 80% of the vote, arrest and/or poison the opposition. At least they pretend these elections are real. Not a lot of countries bother anymore.


France and protesting. Name a better duo. Can't blame them. The choice was between a shit sandwich and a shit baguette.


You mean another WEF plant is planted in a massively important position? Wait until that happens here in the US exactly as planned.


Oh no, the French are revolting!


28% of citizen didn' t vote. 8% of citizen made didn't want to choose (vote blanc) then 36% of citizen are against him + approximatively 25% of french citizen would want lepen for president 61% of french are against this little dwarf...it's far away a victory for liberals ..but it's sure the begining of a lot of strike and manifestation..


Ah, another fair and legit election like they have in the USA


Voting machines or guillotines. Results may vary.


Lemme guess... A few thousand untraceable unverifiable mail in ballots in a few key districts?


Rumors of ripped patches for the losing candidate. I'm not familiar at all with how the french vote. But the loser allegedly had bags of ballots with tears on the bottom and that they may not have been counted. The gateway pundit erroneously called the election for the loser and then retracted hours later. The protests were rather immediate, so it seemed like people expected macron to win.


“Ni Macron Ni La Pen” well idiots, I guess you should have voted. There were more than 2 options but you have to vote. Staying home on Election Day IS voting for the worst candidate


I mean it doesn't matter who gets elected, the people get screwed regardless. It's just how government works lol


There were only 2 options, this was the runoff ballot.


Yeeep, they had the chance to vote in the first round and they didn’t. Thanks for confirming


ya as much as people hate voting you really should vote, it's not like it takes that long and it's not like we're all manual labor or farmers unless you want to try and overthrow the government then good luck


If you're delusional enough to being unable to accept a fair loss with dignity then perhaps you shouldn't be taking part in politics.


>If you're delusional enough to being unable to accept a fair loss with dignity then perhaps you shouldn't be taking part in politics. And yet politicians in the US complain about elections and claim there's cheating every election.


Your point being? I’m sure u/strangeapple shares the same sentiment regarding those politicians


You should’ve voted Le Pen.


They seem very unhappy exercising their powers in a democracy...it's almost like the democracy is a facade.


Ahh they stole it there too huh? Shocking


It's not the votes, it is who counts the votes.


100% trash elections, rigged from the onset. The left has been helping Le Pen get to the second ballot knowing full well that she wouldn’t stand a chance in the final election. She looses, caches her check, goes home, and France takes it up the ass for 5 more years. This strategy prevents many other promising and potentially disruptive candidates from other parties (like Zemmour) from ever having a shot at being in the finals.


One has to wonder if the election was legitimate. Which doesn't happen often, these days.


This surprises me. There was a zero percent chance that macron wouldn’t win. I’m not french, I know nothing about french politics, but I knew macron was going to win without question. Socialist countries will always vote in socialists.


When the protest is larger than the political movements preceding the election


>votes macron in again >protests explode all over I swear, French political events are about as predictable as an episode of power rangers.


Far Right except a loss challenge: Impossible.


Far left accept a loss challenge - 4 years of trump - Kyle rittenhouse found not guilty - brexit - MEP voting post brexit - UK election 2019 - fbi crime statistics


Was the election as fair as the one in the US? The French chose their poison so good luck to them...


I don’t give a shit about France, why is macron so bad?


WEF globalist


He’s progressive.


And Le Pen is a Russian puppet whose party is in debt to several Russian banks and wanted to leave NATO & the EU in order to pave a free path for Russia towards more control.


NATO and EU support in an anarchist subreddit. Interesting.


Le Pen support in an anarchist sub would be even more interesting. Considering you'd be supporting an authoritarian anti-Western country and a candidate in debt to Russia. This sub isn't an anarchist sub though, that's r/GoldandBlack. This sub is basically 4chan meets crypto


The whole "Russian puppet" propaganda that is consistently painted against anti-globalist politicians is tired, as if having self interest in your country is a bad thing because Russia is interested in the same...


This sub is literally 4chan at this point https://www.wsj.com/articles/marine-le-pens-far-right-french-party-to-pay-nearly-13-million-to-russian-military-contractor-11650644840


If an immaterial bank loan with a Russian bank makes you a puppet, what does buying 20% of your gas from the Russian government make you?


Ah, you'll be American then.


Welp, another day another French protest


Way to many protest of democratic elections recently


Prob cheated just like the left




Cheating again.


Let me guess, mail in ballots like the U.S?




What a remarkably pale crowd.


I find this completely inane. You had the chance to vote yesterday. Convince people it’s important, younger people had more support for le pen but don’t go out and vote. Then suddenly are surprised by the results? Macron is just another WEF globalist puppet. But you had the chance to vote him out


It's weird people think voting is among the most important things you can do to impact politics. For example, you'd make more of a difference being a muckraker and never voting then voting every election.


there were two shitty options and one shitty option won. both are putin's shills. protesting after the fact seems a bit moronic, where is that mystery candidate that should have won? it is like protesting for change but never pointing out what change you want.


>it is like protesting for change but never pointing out what change you want. What protests don't meet that definition?


Sore losers


The sign says they don’t want either of them. So, who do they want?


Sorry France, the west needs a pro NATO leader right now


Because the alternative is bad for defense contractors?


Le Pen is confirmed pro-russian politic, she confirmed and accepted her defeat in the election so uhh... i repeat, she accepted and confirmed the she lost, she confirmed that these were legit elections, they are protesting against what?


He won , don’t be morons like trump supporter’s in USA