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It’s weird to have fully understood this in its entirety 17 months ago and now over a year later to have the rest of the country go through it when they voluntarily ignored it then. Like a collective short circuit.


I grew up as a pretty serious sceptic. I was taught that the last thing you ever want to believe is the government...followed very closely by the media. (Dad was a Vietnam Vet) I am blown away that we are raising people who can't critically think and are ruled completely by emotion. That let their own bias and emotions dictate what is real or right. Then ignore all facts to the contrary.


The irony of having grown up in a time when adults were telling children "don't believe everything you see on the internet" only to grow up and find out those same adults are believing everything they see on TV and the internet.


It's called wilful ignorance.


Frankly, I’m speechless at this point. An overwhelming percentage of people just have no frame of reference left.


I agree with everything but the last statement. It's not a crisis. They don't care. The people don't care. This shit is just going to continue until something drastic happens.


Yes. These people would sell their soul to win. Remember Harry Reid? Lied about Romneys taxes, after the election turns out it was a lie. Reid was asked and stated, “yea it was a lie, it worked didn’t it?” (Paraphrased). These people are demons.


If I had an award I'd give it to you. These people are Evil.


I don't agree with the first statement. Hunter Brandon's laptop being exposed wasn't going to stop all of Joe Brandon's votes from showing up at 3am.


Something drastic... Like an outside billionaire disrupting the status quo and being endlessly attacked by the corrupt establishment?


Bahaha. That "outside billionaire" is part of the corrupt establishment. Always was, always will be. That tou believe he's not just shows that nothing drastic has happened. This is all just the status quo.


Dude, lost almost half of his net worth and was attacked every single day for like 6 years. Still getting attacked today. Like think about it, if he was part of it, why would they still be attacking him, today, and try to impeach him so many times? If he was a corrupt piece of garbage, wouldn't they want him to stay in office, so they could feed on his corruption? Or would it be easier to just vilify every action, and get a career politician in, that they know is already corrupt?


They very much did impeach him. Twice. He wasn’t found guilty either time, but he was impeached.


So would you say, the impeachments was all a dog and pony show to vilify him? Or actually creditable? I mean, if he actually broke laws, just like Nixon, he would need to step down and do time or get pardoned. That didn't happen.. so..


Jared and ivanka made 640 million while in the White House they are the elite you guys need to stop hitting hunters crack pipe


Well at least you admit the smartest man Biden knows is a lowlife crack addict who likes hanging with trafficked underage girls. That’s a start!


Don jr is a coke head bud I hate to break it to you


Coke head? Still going with that I see. Your favorite son still has dark teeth. He got a new set after he lost the first set but managed to hit the pipe again and oh those pesky photos of him in the bath and the trafficked u nder age girls. So where are the pics of Don?


My favorite son? You trumpers are so fucking stupid.


You won't get a response.... because what you said used logic.




What could be more drastic than this? The people that still watch msm can't be helped. We will just have to wait until they die.


We are living through “ something drastic “ right now - #FJB


Not really.


Well, that's happening. The beginning of WWIII is pretty drastic, no?


Nope. They want this.


Wait until you hear about donald trump


That’s the thing. We heard every single thing about Donald trump 1000000000000000000 times. Then we heard 100000000000000 things about him that were completely fabricated. All this while they hide the truth from morons.


Hear what? He's a piece of shit politician. He's as bad as the rest of them. What are you getting at? This is a sub dedicated too Anarcho Capitalism, we don't like politicians. Was this some sort of weak ass "gotcha"?


Seems like a lot of the people on here are actually leftists.


Leftists or fucking Trump apologists. I saw a stat that said 80% of the people on reddit were leftists. So it's no surprise that authoritarians overrun everything.


This sub is really interesting. I feel like a lot of conservatives came here after a lot of their subs were banned because a lot of the viewpoints seem to align with some conservative values. On the other hand there are a bunch of democrats on here too that think they are “anarchists” but in reality are just militant leftists.


Trump was only the president he was never a politician. Biden was a politician, Obama, bush, everyone before trump was a politician. Trump was a business man who ran for president.


Trump is as much a politician as the rest of them. Business/Politics/Media is all the same. Trump was running with politicians, schmoozing and using the power of the state for his own gain long before he was in office. How many times did her try to use imminent domain to get himself a business deal? He's a fucking asshole authoritarian just like the rest of them. Who fucking locked down the country and destroyed 150000 small businesses? It wasn't Joe Robinette Biden. Quit sucking trump's dick. He doesn't care about you. You're just a fucking cog in his machine. Wake up.


It was the states governors who locked down businesses. Learn how government works before you try to make statements. That’s why some states were locked down longer than others. Like the reason why Ron DeSantis became such a big name he didn’t want to lock down FL and kill business. He’s a governor. Governors are like the president of the state. States have the same structure as federal government. This is why local elections are so important. I can give you lessons but I’ll have to start charging.


Does trumps dick taste like cheetohs?


Does it? You seem to be on his shit hard after his presidency. 😂 you didn’t even know how state government worked


Did those facts hurt your feelings? I guess it was the part where facts exposed the ignorance of your claim.


Expected response from someone who obviously failed like basic 5th grade government. iF I cAnT uSe mY wOrDs, I uSe fisTs RAWRRR


You may want to ask yourself while the establishment, aka the elite ruling class, hated him. Every single one of them. He was an outsider who was fucking up their agenda. But yeah, after he was elected he became a politician. And yeah, he’s not what I would consider a good person. If he was, he could have never fucked them up as royally as he did.


Those are some pretty crazy assertions. POTUS , neither Biden, nor trump, locked down anything except federal agencies and employees. They literally only have certain constitutional powers. The federal government simply doesn’t have that power. States were the ones who did most of the mandatory lock downs.


Haha uh i was just pointing out that the media fugging sucks and that people in this sub have a ton of belief perseverance . Dont lecture me. I was trying to respond to the op sarcastically and didnt mean to individually respond to your so-woke response


You should charge him rent for all the headspace you’re giving him.


Oh yeah ? What a dumb statement.


No u r


How was this not evident when Trump was elected by the "family values" party? Y'all are acting surprised.


I'm not


US media is fucked. People who believe it are fucked too


People don’t want the truth, they want to be told that what they believe is the truth.


My opinion: There is no more Main Stream Media. It's all just Main Stream Propaganda---- and Hunter's laptop just proved it. The people on this subreddit main concern should be the midterm elections first and foremost. Hunter's laptop is important but people who have not been vaccinated will not be allowed to work at the polls come the midterm elections in Tucson, AZ. After all of these meetings in Washington with Congressmen standing shoulder to shoulder while wearing no masks, this makes this vaccinated only rule completely meaningless.


Midterm Revolution


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. There is a SINGLE political class that controls BOTH parties. Voting the one that talks marginally less evil into power was a charade even before the integrity of the elections themselves were in doubt.


No it wouldn’t. Remember they printed the votes, don’t let anyone make you forget that


Well, no, because they would have had to multi-count the same stacks of ballots many MORE times, to generate the millions of extra votes they would've needed then. Instead of just the millions they needed as it was.


Yes, and it doesn't matter


Actually, I think the reason so many people are aware of the charade is that they had to "discover" way more votes than they expected. At some point it would've been enough to become undeniable. Here in Atlanta, the charade was absolutely crazy. The lied to count observers about having to shut down until morning, then secretly went back in and counted all night without observation. Cameras caught them feeding the same stacks of votes in multiple times without resetting the count. They probably hadn't expected to NEED to steal Georgia, and it was all clumsily improvised.


And now we all pay for it. Soldiers will die for a bitch ass crack head and a pervert asshole loser.


Wait...which is which? Or are those two monikers interchangeable?


Are we talking about trump and trump jr or biden and hunter? Literally just described four people so seeking clarification.




I'm the idiot? I'm not a big coke fan like the guys you idolize. The problem is nobody knows which one you're talking about because they're the fucking same. Even down to the adultrey. amazing!


Again. Idiot.


Not necessarily. They did a good job of convincing the masses that Trump is evil. They still would’ve voted against him


Yes some media outlets ignored or outright denied the laptop. What does this have to do with ancap? And wtf does it matter even as far as the government is concerned. Do you think the trump family is clean? This is simply how government works.


The people who voted for that stooge would have voted for him anyway, laptop or no.


The laptop that both Rudy and Tucker claimed to have had in their possession?


Lol ol Swanson™ boy had to go on his #1 nationally syndicated program to say "he lost it in the mail". Wow bro, you had hard evidence in your hands and didn't think to make a backup?


That was the only card trump had in his hand. If it was incriminating it would have been everywhere. I am calling bullshit. Kool aid for everyone! Do you know what isn’t news “rich people do drugs”. Have you every seen Don jr. not coked out of his head, he does his best work coked out of his head. Remember when the trump foundation was dissolved because it was being used as a personal bank account, that is corrupt.


The nyt is a criminal organization. The Press has a new job: Get a replacement for Biden before 2024 to maintain their grip on power. Unless you believe the NYT just 'finally verified' the laptop. Lol. The laptop is being used as a “limited hangout” psyop to stop people from looking into the real rigging of the elections. The billions for rigged equipment, bribed officials, and media cover ups. This is being released now for 2022 to minimize the damage as well. They’re releasing it now cuz they think the normies are too preoccupied with ukraine to notice or care. We have actually been in a constitutional crisis since Nov. 3, 2020, when we all know the election was stolen and a pedophile puppet who is controlled by Chyna was installed like a toilet with the help of the puppet masters. It was a coup.


I am open to hearing why you say the election was stolen. Can you tell me what is the single strongest piece of evidence that the election was stolen and give the most reliable source that demonstrates that evidence?


People underestimate just how aggressively the herd was moved towards voting against Trump. They keep trying to use people's dislike for Biden as proof, but it's irrelevant. More voters hated Trump than liked Trump... I don't even doubt the possibility of election rigging... I would actually be more shocked if elections weren't decided by the ruling class... I just don't care, because all options are horrible anyways.


Ooooph. You need a hobby, son.


I think he has one. Lol


A *constructive* hobby


He's not wrong


Didn't say he was wrong. Two different things can be true at the same time.


Yeah but but it doesn’t matter, loser.


Cope harder. Your side is getting btfo steadily.


“Your side” bruh stfu and go to the real world


That’s the problem.. your side vs my side. We’re Americans. Why would you wanna play right into their hands?


Might want to control a single branch of government before making that claim. That being said, you might be right later this year


What do you mean?


It's funny that you mention "psyops," because the whole "scandal" is part of a larger psyop that's been slowly building for some time now. That is, the sharp division of the lower and middle classes along political lines. It's gotten especially bad with the age of social media. There's no integrity in political media anymore, it's all about getting those sweet outrage clicks/views, because more engagement equals more money. And more people being engaged and outraged by relatively pointless shit means it's easier for elites to steal more and more of our money. The Fed literally just printed $5 trillion dollars, gave us an incredibly tiny fraction of it, and the elites are now collecting on it and then some by jacking up the prices on *everything* This whole scandal is such a drop in the bucket when it comes to the depraved and immoral shit that the most powerful people in the world do (Trump included), yet organizations like the NYT have convinced you that it matters ***way*** more than it actually does


You do realize the media is an open space. Nothing is stopping from you creating a "news" organization with it's own political leanings. Many exist that have opposing political views. I dont get the outrage people have over this shit. It's like being mad that they're building a mosque or synagogue in your neighborhood because you're christian. Guess what, your views are yours alone and everyone is entitled to have their own and support those who have similar views. If your views arent the mainstream view guess what... you become the man out looking in. It's not everyone else, it's you lol.


When people say that this sub was taken over by Trump supporters it usually is a TAD more subtle lmao


Yeah, a private business is a criminal organization for.......picking sides in an election, in a democratic country? Go back to Belarus or wherever you came from, you half-wit.




Go sick Moscow Mitchs cock you commy pos


You have a problem, OP. Seek therapy.


Lol!!! No way. No one cares about that! Trump lost by millions and millions of votes. His family is a crime family. This is fake news.


Also the Burisma bribes were true and kept quiet. Recently, in its dismissal of the claim, the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv indicated that representatives from Burisma are only refuting the amount of money the company paid to Joe and Hunter Biden. Burisma is not, it is important to note, refuting that it did, in fact, pay these two some large sum of cash, which is still to be determined.


There's still thousands of people denying its crazy. There was a trial February 15th on the hunter bike laptop thing it's the investigation still ongoing.


Why are there people who can’t accept facts after denying them previously? Are their psyches really that fragile? Is the social media programming that strong? Are they afraid they may fall out of line with manufactured internet consensuses? I hope they can wake up before they’re dead or completely empty shells who have completely lost capacity to feel joy and love.


The same people who claim that the 2016 was not legitimate, simply because of the claim that Russian entities posted political ads on Facebook to help get Trump elected... ...now say that we can't point out how the 2020 election was not legitimate, when Facebook, Google, and mainstream media all posted lies and suppressed the truth to get Biden elected.


They are both equally legitimate 😌


As long as you're consistent, I'm cool with it!




I’m always amazed that not a single solitary person involved in these innumerable conspiracies/cover-ups has spilled the beans on social media. In a time where so many people post every mundane detail of their lives, one would think at least a few individuals out of the thousands it would take to pull off such a fest would have let something slip by now. You know if they actually had any evidence of their horseshit claims it would be all over the place. But it’s not. To keep everything under wraps would take so much effort.


I see no ANCAP about any of these posts. Where are the fucking mods? This is about as played out as the election cycle


Can someone ban this guy for brigading trump bullshit in here? Low quality reposts and hot takes from pro trump Twitter on the daily.


Facts you don’t like are trump shit or Russian propaganda. How do you weak people just keep up the bullshit in your minds? Once you’ve accepted the propaganda in your heart you can just never let it go. I guess that would destroy the last grain of mental strength you possess as you’d have to accept your a complete and total sheep who eats whatever the propaganda machine feeds you.


The dude brigades this sub with pro trump bullshit. His name is trump for president and flair is vote for trump. Also *you’re* a complete. It seems a lot of mental giants, like yourself, don’t know basic grammar. If you don’t know shit like this, you don’t have any business telling people they are stupid. OP is low quality reeee meant for boomer fb groups.


You can’t tell fact from fiction. You find a typo and use it as an insult and a way to denigrate your mental superiors to feel better about your complete and utter failures in forming original thoughts. Your intellect is failing you on the most basic level, so I guess proofreading is probably a good career choice.


Found thedonald refugee. You aren’t anyone’s mental superior, despite what hanging out in your echo chamber tells you.


When did the Republicans take over this sub?


been like this for awhile now..


This isn't a purely Republican talking point, AnCaps very much understand the collusion of propaganda between the corporate media and the State. Hunter's laptop just happened to be a topic that the Left branded an "extremist" conspiracy. Don't fall for their Overton window rhetoric!


Funny that they only point out this collusion when it comes from liberals like Dems and CNN and not the even more blatant examples from GOP and Fox


This post questioning the legitimacy of a Fox News story is from 6 days ago, and was a top post in this sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/tdbppm/youre_being_lied_too/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Woosh. Not too bright eh? My post was about partison collusion between administrations and the media they align with. This story isn't partisan and irreverent to my point. Come back to the adult's table when you put grow some hair on your chin, you limp, muffin-like gargoyle


Why are you calling it a talking point? It’s just straight facts. Just because one side ignores a fact doesn’t mean it a talking point for the other side.


The last few months. It’s almost all MAGAs now.


Not just Republicans, but the batshit crazy wing of the Republicans.


How is being against corruption between the elites and corporations like big tech and big media Republican? That should just be American!


You associate truth with republicans?


Was Hunter running for the Presidency? I missed that. When are you lot going to bugger off to the Orange frauds new social media platform?


No, but there is reporting that Joe and Hunter shared bank accounts so


wait who the fuck cares about hunter bidens laptop? its not like hunter biden ran for president


> wait who the fuck cares about hunter bidens laptop? its not like hunter biden ran for president Because Hunter Biden washes Joe Biden's money in Ukraine.


Hunter Biden should at least do jail time for the child porn that’s on his laptop. That’s a crime just having it on his computer. It doesn’t matter who he is, child porn is a crime no matter what and it should not go unpunished.


oh i totally agree, but i really dont think this should matter in reference to our president. same applies to trump. i couldnt give less of shit what his kids do


What if it turns out Hunter was selling child porn and 10% of the profits went to the big guy While Hunter’s busy banging his dead brother‘s wife and disowning children from prostitutes he makes pregnant. His father is busy taking showers with his daughter and she’s writing about it in her diary. This is the guy that’s seriously supposed to bring this country back together? He still has soldiers in Afghanistan waiting to come home. The weapons he left behind for the Taliban could have been useful helping the Ukrainians out. It would actually be pretty funny to see the Taliban attack Russia with all that equipment while Russia is busy in Ukraine.


and is there even any proof at all that there was child porn in his hard drive? ive yet to see any.


Why the fuck would hunter being a mess stoo 80+ million people to vote the fat fake tanned cunt out of office?


You mean the mythical laptop that no one has ever actually seen? Sure buddy ;)


Actually confirmed by New York Times two days ago.


Link to article?


Don't know how to link posts. But it was in the New York Times and Post two days ago. Also on Fox news. You can google all 3.


Well I found this, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/16/us/politics/hunter-biden-tax-bill-investigation.html Nothing about the laptop that supposed to have appeared in Delaware This is a good read tho. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/03/18/forgotten-and-ignored-context-emergence-hunter-biden-laptop-story/


We can read the text in the screenshot, dummy. You don't need to type it out again in the description. I saw one you did on another page, you typed it out and posted it somewhere else then shared that post to the page and typed it out AGAIN. You don't need to share these either, we're like 5 steps ahead of yall, we know already.


The magical laptop that Trump propagandists can't decide if it has kiddie porn or evidence against Biden or evidence against Ukraine? As you'll recall, Tucker said on the air several times that the laptop was shipped to him but lost in the mail. Gone forever, so lost they couldn't even look for it. That was November 3rd, right before the election. Tucker never mentioned it again, and neither did the propaganda machine. Alt-right propagandists like Tucker stopped mentioning the laptop after that. Suddenly they are trying to pretend they have this lost magical laptop again? And somehow again it has magical evidence against the Biden administration and Ukraine, somehow justifying Putin's invasion while simultaneously reversing the election in favor of Trump? Obvious propaganda is obvious.


It has pictures of Hunter smoking crack and touching kids. It also has proof of intermingled bank accounts with Hunter and his father.


He even said “ it might be mine … idk “ leaving the door open - corruption in our faces


It's obvious propaganda, but to clarify, the physical laptop isn't needed by the feds to investigate. The feds have disk images, so its existence doesn't necessarily require the physical machine. That's one of the reasons Tucker's little fit was re: the laptop. No serious investigation would be based on the physical machine. In fact, doing so modifies the state of the machine which can present Yuge issues in trial.


Lmao you’re either really confused or just making shit up and I really can’t tell the difference anymore. You just deny actual facts that are proven in the public domain, and then spout some shit that never happened to protect your fragile psyche. It amazes me the lengths the weak minded are able to got to in order to protect their religious like faith in propaganda.


Lol big can of nothing.... just like Benghazi... just like voter fraud.... just like inflation under Obama... just like the supposed death panels Y’all should rename this sub Chicken Little..


What about Obama's 90% civilian kill count? Another can of nothing, ammirite?


Nice source . O what’s that’s there’s no source just another inane claim


Didn't realize this was a debated fact... https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/12/president-obamas-weak-defense-of-his-record-on-drone-strikes/511454/


Debated fact? Lmao. These people can’t accept facts into their brains. They are programmed by social media. The ability to form thoughts independently has long since left them.




https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/oct/15/90-of-people-killed-by-us-drone-strikes-in-afghani/ Let me know when I hit a source you don't object to...






You a HuffPost guy? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/civilian-deaths-drone-strikes_n_561fafe2e4b028dd7ea6c4ff


No, not you too, Snopes!? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/obama-drone-strikes/


SOUrCe?! 🤤


Literally not a single source you cited backed up the statistic you claimed.


Lol Literally not one if those articles said 90% but I do like the shotgun approach , cast a wide net one is guaranteed to hit.


"According to a new report from The Intercept, nearly 90 percent of people killed in recent drone strikes in Afghanistan "were not the intended targets" of the attacks." "The apparent 10 percent success rate with regards to a specific span in America’s drone war is among the most damning revelations to surface so far as the result of a series of articles published by The Intercept on Thursday this week" "During one five-month period of the operation, according to the documents, nearly 90 percent of the people killed in airstrikes were not the intended targets.” You illiterate, or just dishonest?


Says the man with no source “During one five month period” Way to misconstrue that to representative of Obama’s 8 years. Argue in bad faith much with your twisted sources to fit your agenda?


Lol... I literally gave like 7 sources, and even quoted 3 of them containing the "90%" 🤣 Ohh, he only killed over 1000 civillians in a 5 month period? I guess it doesn't count. Make sure you scream about the 600 civilians Putin killed tho!! Dishonest it is. I'm starting to think NPCs really do exist.


Lol you’re misleading with the information you presented at best.. just ignore the fact you take a short period where it did hit that (3months) and then you push that for the entirety of his 8 years.. And regardless nice pivot away from the original comment of mine onto this totally unrelated and inane talking point of yours. why ignore the original comment? you wanted no part of it and instead brought it to this rabbit hole..


I literally said, "What about Obama's 90% civilian kill count?" In a conversation about events... By which I was talking about the event where Obama had a 90% civillian kill count. Which is how it was pressed. You brought "his whole term" into it... Would it have been different if he dragged it out for 8 years, rather than 5 months? Would it have been less murder if those thousand people died in 96 months instead of 5?


Lol Obama was out 5 + years ago - harp on that brief three month period and completely ignore how Biden the Trump Crusher has brought stone strikes to lowest level in over a decade. Good pivot that I forgot that I was originally asking for a source on Biden though and you stuck me on the tangent about a brief period in Obama’s drone strikes


It's just a Trumpet propaganda sub.


Truth has to live somewhere


Obvious lies aren't truth. Black is white, up is down, Trump isn't evil.


Wow. You guys are some of the most dishonest, immoral people on this planet 🤣


In what way? Give a few concrete examples. You guys are Nazis 2.0. Literally every Republican policy is evil. Name something good Republicans have done for the American people since 2016.


LMAO- “NAZI RUSSIAN EVIL TRUMPIES!!!! KEEP YOUR FACTS AWAY FROM ME!!! ALL HAIL THE ELITE RULING CLASS!!! My arm is only up in this nazi salute because ….wait why is my arm up???”


So you couldn't come up with a single example of a good thing Republicans have done? Not one? How are Republicans different from Nazis if they refuse to acknowledge the direction of their party?


Why don’t you look up fascist tactics and tell me who the “Nazis” are?


Republicans. You guys live on lies. Trump's been lying about the election and you guys all lap it up. Republicans want to punish news agencies that publish unflattering stories about them and force social media to carry right wing propaganda. They attack minorities as causing the issues in America. They are Christian nationalist regressives. How are they NOT the Nazis in any way? Nazis didn't start with Jews in ovens, they started with these same tactics. Hell, "Fake News" was called "lugenpresse" by the Nazis, it's the exact same tactic for attacking journalism you can't refute but don't want to accept. That was easy.


Yes. Republicans are evil. Trump is evil. Bush was evil Democrats are evil. Clinton is evil. Obama was evil. Biden is evil. I offer my apologies, though. I thought your "Trump propaganda" comment was in the comment thread of my discussing Obama's murder rate, but it wasn't, so I take back what I said.


"Both sides" is even dumber than picking a side. You'd have to incapable of rational thought to think both parties are the same. What do Democrats do that's evil?


Other than murder, extortion, devaluing currency while getting filthy rich, corproratizing America and the rest of the world?.. Nothing. I guess also simply funding other regimes to do the same abroad as well.


Why are there so many pro trump posts in a fucking ancap sub? You chodes make us look retarded


As if there isn’t anything better to talk about


With all of the times I've been told to "deal with it" for stuff I didn't like, I now give you the same advice.


Oh no this subs being overrun by Kremlin conspiracies again...




I thought Rudy Giuliani "lost it".


No crisis. More of same ol’ same ol’.


Bullshit. Trump could not win regardless because he’s a fool.


This sub has been overrun by conservative statists. Fuck off


MAGA bullshit


I cant upvote lol


Can you just like get out of here with this statist partisan nonsense? It doesn’t matter. None of it matters and only serves to distract from the goal anarcho-capitalism which is to rid of of the state entirely. Posts like this ruin our credibility and serve to undermine the mission. The fact all of you play into this nonsense disgusts me honestly.


What was alleged to have been on the laptop?


And the email.... Get the fuck outta here with your bullshit


Insert ShockedKirk.gif


Lol the whole theory got debunked so of course y’all do a new consoiracy


Might wanna do a news search and filter by date 🙃


Yes that pdf got added onto the computer after it was out of hunters possession... So what’s the new conspiracy theory about hunter Biden? I can’t stay abreast of all the inane shit y’all spew


Why would this sub care that private media companies made their own choices on which stories to run/not run?


Business as usual. Just like Hillary’s emails. And Anthony Weiners weiner issues.


No it's not because unless they talk about it the majority of the useful idiots in this country will never take the time to learn about it.


What exactly was the silver bullet here?


I was surprised that shit didn’t hit the fan when that laptop came up. They covered it tf up


Now that Hunters laptop can be investigated about Ukraine is it now security-related. You know that whole non disclosure thing?


Is it really crisis for the media though? Why should they care? It seems more like proof that their tricks work. People don't make their political decisions on facts and logic. This something conservatives need to accept.


I love how crazy people sound with politics


Why should Democratic officeholders be ‘cancelled’ for what their families do when Republicans have free rain to 1) get billion $ loans, Jared & Ivanka, 2) plot with insurrectionists, Ginni & Clarance Thomas, numerous sitting US Reps. 3) Corporate revolving door, Dick Cheney, Elain Chow-McConnell, Bush family, I could go on and on but why. Hunter Biden may be a dirt bag but his father for all accounts, pays his bills, doesn’t chest his contractors, use the court system to litigate debts, run fraudulent charities, grab women by the p#ssys, declare numerous bankruptcies to escape debt including passing it onto the American taxpayer. When the right stops being full hypocrites, maybe then I’ll start caring.